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I've been at this for many years now. One of my common themes is an Alien force that intervenes into my trip. I had it happen again a few days back. I've had enough experience with this molecule to remember and know the many different flavors of specific experiences. I've seen quite a lot over the years, Not to say there aren't any surprises with it because there is definitely that, although more rare for me. This specific flavor of experience is unique and hard for me to wrap my head around even though its happened too many times for comfort. The trouble is I simply love the visual aesthetic of DMT especially out in nature. Its fractalized visual organization of nature is one of the things that keeps me coming back time and again. I still think its one of the most amazing things I've ever seen with my own eyes and that there is nothing that compares to it. Most of my experiences are around the edge of total immersion into hyperspace land. Most of the time I simply don't have the nerve to go further and simply bath in the sea of wonderous visual distortions. There are very distinct differences between an experience with a presence of an "other" and ones without. Over the course of many trips I've been able to tune into this phenomenon. This brings me to this alien presence issue. This is the distinct feeling of a presence, a life form of sorts almost like a creature from another dimension crossing over and using my brain and body as a host to experience our time and reality. Its a primal feeling of being invaded by something, something that does not care about me and is only using me in some way. Typically my vision usually morphs into a very sharp and crystalized way of seeing as if I'm seeing through the eyes of this thing. I feel a force spreading through my nervous system and muscles its absolutely amazing but also terrifying while its happening. I'm usually stricken with fear in this moment and try to hold steady and wait for it to dissipate. It usually begins to recede as the DMT dose diminishes in my body. Most of the time I'm back to normal in a few minutes although many times there is a very slow diminishing of effects. At this point I usually get up and move to try to shake off the feelings and pretend it didn't happen. It could be described as an intervention or interruption of the normal DMT effects. It usually comes out of nowhere, now I recognize it as a subtle stopping of normal visuals. I'm still at a loss to understand this. There is no rational precedent for anything like this. The most likely explanation is that my own mind is building an inaccurate narrative of what I'm experiencing and objectifying the experience. I actually hope for this explanation because the true implications of something like this is pretty damn terrifying on many levels. As much as I'd like to fully dismiss this, I always instinctively feel the same exact thing every single time this happens. Keep in mind that this type of experience has been going on and off for years now. I've made no progress at working past this. It's should be scary enough to prevent me from doing it all together but I love the visuals too much to stop altogether so I guess its a risk I'm willing to take. The good news and consolation is I never feel like there's an alien attached to me during my regular life  ha ha ha.... I brought this up to a Colombian Ayahuasca shaman once and he had no explanation for it. I really wonder if 20 plus years of playing with this stuff all roads eventually lead to the Alien. Anyway, I thought it was important to document this for myself and others Thank you for reading. The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible. Arthur C. Clarke http://vimeo.com/32001208
 DMT-Nexus member
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Thank you so much for sharing  I find DMT to transcend what we call rationality. I also consider "how much of our explanations of an experience are rationalizations and how accurate are they?" Does it scare you because it's so foreign, because it's not what you look for in the experience, or because the entities feel nefarious? A trip earlier in the week has me relating to yours. In it [Immaculate Oddness], I didn't share the feeling of "possession" because whatever was interacting with me did so in a symbiotic way, and I was never out of control, but acquiescing to some of what the being may have wanted. It was still my experience. I understand your desire for that particular explanation. Makes things seem safer and more understandable. Thank you for sharing. I enjoyed reading and connecting with you through it. One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
 Long live the Kings of Righteousness
Posts: 194 Joined: 20-Sep-2020 Last visit: 15-Apr-2022
Hi! Just wanted to leave a comment in support. Thanks for the report. Now, how is this different from "normal" (hehe) DMT visuals, when DMT is always described as alien, famously so by Mckenna? I get a feeling of what youre saying and it brings back memories. Behold, a sower went out to sow
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 847 Joined: 15-Aug-2020 Last visit: 17-Feb-2024
I think DMT opens a real portal to a world with seemingly sentient entities. I believe these are reflections of your own psyche, but they can't have their voice heard in your everyday reality. It's like getting to know some new people. You have to build trust and respect and you have to demand respect from them. If you don't feel comfortable with them, I think it's good idea to change your practice. Take some time off, try psilocybin or pharmahuasca and build the confidence that calms your anxiety. When you have more confidence, you are not intimidated by these encounters and you retain your autonomy.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 576 Joined: 30-Oct-2020 Last visit: 23-Jan-2022
I have similar experiences to you. I've even felt the entities press up against my own skin. I'm assuming this is what everyone else is referring to when describing ego-death.. A lot of people fail with words but you sure did a fantastic job at describing something that you can only know through direct experience. I wonder what is happening inside our brains when depersonalization such as this is occurring. I had to explain to my good friend the other day that I had reached a state of consciousness that did not resemble being human. He thought I was crazy haha but then again, he isn't vaping dmt.
 Little sheep lost in woods
Posts: 221 Joined: 22-May-2013 Last visit: 19-Jul-2024 Location: Vulcan
Try to find another shaman and see if they have a solution for you. I've had experiences of entities plugging-in devices in me, which are activated when I'm reaching closer to their realm.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 788 Joined: 24-Dec-2017 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
That's why I won't travel anymore. Unless set and setting absolutely perfect. Whether these alien presenses are reflection of psyche or archetypes, or real alien entities - I still don't feel ready enough to meet them again. Definitely had interruption experiences, as if trip is overtaken by another kind of trip. Maybe it is these realms that you have to pass on the way to heaven? I call them realms of pure imagination, where anything can alive that is ever imagined. I think our collective subconsciousness draws from this realm.
I compulsively post from time to time
Posts: 1123 Joined: 27-Apr-2011 Last visit: 16-Jan-2024
I don't understand the concern. Company is the most consistint and reassuring part of the DMT.
When I don't feel anything on the other line is when panic starts to set in xD
I compulsively post from time to time
Posts: 1123 Joined: 27-Apr-2011 Last visit: 16-Jan-2024
At some point I was shown this 15+ beast eyed geometry and expressed they want to channel it through me and I was like nono. Noo thank you.
I've had a channeling with some insect alien. that was cool. it was very considerate of me too. It's feeling told me it was holding his instincts back so as not to scare me. I was 18
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 173 Joined: 27-Feb-2021 Last visit: 14-Feb-2024
I can feel it to, even on lower doses. This precense of something, this feeling of not being alone. Its like when you feel somebody is watching you from behind but more intense. If you smoke it right, you can't hold a pipe.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 152 Joined: 24-Feb-2023 Last visit: 07-Apr-2024
Hi Felnik, I see you were still around in 2023, so hoping you log back in and see this at some point. Also curious if Exitwound is still on hiatus from the molecule? Quote:Typically my vision usually morphs into a very sharp and crystalized way of seeing as if I'm seeing through the eyes of this thing. I feel a force spreading through my nervous system and muscles its absolutely amazing but also terrifying while its happening. I was hoping you could describe the visual change you receive when noticing this alien-like presence returning? I kind of got this vibe before, too, but not enough experience to solidify a description. My first/only "breakthrough" was unintentional and as soon as this happened, my vision went black and I was yanked backwards and held down on my bed. Previously, the room was very well-lit from my lamp. On my back and in darkness, I was struggling to turn my lamp on, assuming in the moment that it'd been turned off. My immediate thoughts I wrote down regarding my vision going black were, "it seemed as if my vision was replaced with theirs. While fumbling with the remote to this lamp, still in darkness, suddenly everything was illuminated in my room again, but certain objects were distorted versions of themselves. I had the overwhelming feeling that I was being watched still. When I stood up, I could feel something running through my body, like performing a diagnostic it seemed. On subsequent hits on the vape, I started to get that different vision again. Like everything in the room had an HD-like quality to it. On a subsequent mushroom trip, I started getting that + the feeling of that same presence again. It makes me think DMT (or whatever the DMT had connected me to) was now "in control" of how I process everything, so to speak. Perhaps this is why so many refuse to do open-eye trips, ha. I also believe studies have shown psychedelics to actually increase your visual acuity for a bit, though, so who knows? It's all very interesting.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 788 Joined: 24-Dec-2017 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
Yep, still abstaining from spice and its cousins  Too much homework still remaining. I take these "alien feeling" experiences as way of showing, that it is futile to struggle for control when you maybe don't even have to. They are very strange, but that's DMT for me, it give you full spectrum of experiences and by full I mean really full, all kinds of.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 152 Joined: 24-Feb-2023 Last visit: 07-Apr-2024
Damn, I hear you. It seems like a lot of people have an experience that turns them off entirely. I threw my cart out after the last time I tried. Nothing happened, I just got the memory of how terrifying it was previously. I don't like the fact I completely forget and can only remember when I do it again. Seemed reasonable to chuck it out.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 575 Joined: 03-May-2020 Last visit: 16-Feb-2024
I like DMT exactly because it often scares me. I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 152 Joined: 24-Feb-2023 Last visit: 07-Apr-2024
Have you (or exitwound) ever felt something physical like OP is describing?