Can you really remember..? Options
#1 Posted : 1/25/2010 1:35:48 PM
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Sometimes I read trip reports here or on erowid and think "either these people werent really off on dmt, or theyre making it up."
People write such vivid reports,its like they have a video camera in their brain or something.
In my experience, if you have your brain switched "on" and youre trying to comprehend or remember whats going on, you kill the trip.
It takes a total surrendering of the mind to really experience dmt.
Ill remember bits and pieces here and there.
Usually i can recall the setting, and sometimes what happened, but after 15 minutes ive forgotten i ever even went off.
This is reoccurring amongst everyone ive smoked with.
People remember big details, but not specifics.

Does my memory just suck, or what..?
How well do you guys remember your trips..?
Enough to write a play by play..?
Or nothing at all..?

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/25/2010 3:23:03 PM

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In my experience, if you have your brain switched "on" and youre trying to comprehend or remember whats going on, you kill the trip.

You can try to remember without trying to comprehend. You can "look deep"...this actually helps shaping the experience. It's also a good idea to write down everything shortly after the experience, as it aids in recovering information.

#3 Posted : 1/25/2010 3:48:07 PM

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After my experiences I try to recapture the moment.
RIGHT when I come back from Hyperspace!
Just thinking and putting the puzzle back together.
Its hard to remember because you always go back there even when your not inhaling DMT vapors.
(Like in a previous life)
Its not meant for us to remember it detail by detail. But for those who are trained to explore the supernatural and come back...then they would be considered shamans.
#4 Posted : 1/25/2010 4:56:59 PM

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tape recorder at my side, recording my journey and anything i download during/ $100 i ever spent... Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 1/25/2010 5:05:03 PM

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I never remember the whole thing like a video camera, but the most relevant bits seem to sink in pretty hard.

Sometimes the next time I smoke I'll remember something from the last trip which is happening a lot more as time goes by. I have some pretty good recollections of events that transpired on very large doses though, then likewise smaller doses that didn't even register.

I find the more prepared I am before I go in, the more I remember. I like to sit with my pipe loaded up in my hands for about 20-30 minutes before, to get into the headspace which is my appropriate for where I'm going. That really helps.
#6 Posted : 1/25/2010 5:11:19 PM

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soulfood wrote:
I never remember the whole thing like a video camera, but the most relevant bits seem to sink in pretty hard.

Sometimes the next time I smoke I'll remember something from the last trip which is happening a lot more as time goes by. I have some pretty good recollections of events that transpired on very large doses though, then likewise smaller doses that didn't even register.

I find the more prepared I am before I go in, the more I remember. I like to sit with my pipe loaded up in my hands for about 20-30 minutes before, to get into the headspace which is my appropriate for where I'm going. That really helps.

(Haha me too).I have the stuff loaded in front of my self while I meditate. This usually continues for about 20 minutes till my heart and mind are controlled. I dont do it by random as well, but very ceremonial. Youd be surprise how much more grateful it is in that order.
#7 Posted : 1/25/2010 5:35:32 PM

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Yes, I remember my DMT experiences in great detail. I don't understand why people have such a hard time remembering...Maybe it's easy for me because I'm a left handed artist which makes for good chemistry with the spirit molecule? Maybe because from an early age I was disillusioned with the vanity of materialism, and have always sought spiritual enlightenment. Who knows? I don't do DMT as a recreational thing, it's a sacred experience to me. I don't know why I remember so well I'm just thinking out loud here.
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#8 Posted : 1/25/2010 6:19:16 PM


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Lets remember that we are all using words to express the things we are experiencing. They are sometimes no clearer than Egyptian Heiroglyphs, but we must start somewhere.

The reason we are here at the Nexus is to share and find common ground with which to express the inexpressable. No doubt that every once in a while an 'embellishment' is added to a report even if only for the sake of clarity, but words are all we have here aside from the visionary artists like Alex Grey and Luke Brown and even they can only portray an 'instant' of an experience and an 'approximation' at that.

My brain may not even process the color red, for instance, the same way yours does. We can, however, both point to something that is red and agree on it.

It is a lot like trying to describe a dream. The more you talk it out, the more you are able to remember. My memory in regular life stinks, but I am able to remember certain flashes/images/feelings from spicing and they definitely carry over into reality. Like waking up from a good dream, that 'good' feeling sticks with me.

Perhaps if you lower your dosage by 5-10 mg, you may find yourself in a place conducive to bringing a fraction of it back with you. Try adding THH to the mix, it really clarifies the experience and many here can attest to its ability to do so. Antrocles voice recorder trick is a really good idea, too. I videotaped my fiance once and the amount she was able to recall from watching it was so much more than without.

Good luck,


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#9 Posted : 1/25/2010 7:30:32 PM

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I sometimes remember the experience in great detail & when I do, I remember it seems.
Because as I write this, I'm thinking about all the big, meaningful experiences I can remember well & it's like they just happened 5 minutes ago!!
Although some actually happened over a year & 1/2 ago in reality!!

Then other times, as I come out of it, I'm already blank.Confused
It's like I know something big just happened, but I can't seem to put a place or a face on it.
But I know I was not "blacked out" while it was going on...I just can't fully focus the memory of it's like the whole experience is "whited-out" in my memory.
If that makes any sense.

Also try to keep in mind that the experience reports you read are usually about 90% metaphoric!!!

What happens over there is just not able to be explained within our limited, three dimensional vocabulary in most cases.
So the best one can do, is try to explain himself with comparisons & metaphors for these extreme experiences.

All posts are fictional short stories depicting the adventures of WSaged!! None of these events have actually happened and any resemblance to any real persons or incidents is totally coincidence!!!!!!!!!!!!
#10 Posted : 1/25/2010 8:07:02 PM

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Swim usually has a hard time remembering what just happened too, Like WS said, swim knows something major just happened, but cant recall the details.

Swims friend could remember smoked trips quite clearly, while swim looks around and says what just happened lol. This put swim off for a bit about smoking it.

So he tried pharma, and it totally was a different experience. Very fulfilling and meaningful, and lots of downloads took place. It was exactly what swim was looking for.
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.
#11 Posted : 1/25/2010 8:26:08 PM
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In the defense of people who write very vivid reports, some of us just have better writing skills than others. I can write as a functional member of society but I lack the ability to properly describe certain things. Some people are just naturally better at saying something clear with as few words as possible. It may take someone 5 sentences to write something that I could write in 7 or 8 sentences. This may tend to give the illusion of more detail or vivid descriptions but in reality there's overlapping ideas.

Furthermore, I remember EVERYTHING I see. I can remember things to the point where I used to think something was wrong with me. For example, while I was in training for my new summer job I was listening to my boss talk about certain things. I can picture the room where the conversation took place, her position in the room and mine...I can remember small details like the picture on the calendar on the wall beside her as she leans on the counter. I'll remember things she told me too, which tends to piss people off actually. If she tells me to do something a certain way, I remember it exactly providing it's not too complex. Then when she does it differently I would notice this and question whether it's a shortcut...Whatever....You get the point.

Ironically, I'm terrible at memory games.

I remember my trips very vividly, there's no funny business going on. It's the same with my dreams, lucid or not.

We're the new hippies, we get high on life, not drugs.
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Fashion is a religion and vocabulary defines you.

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#12 Posted : 1/25/2010 8:31:26 PM


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SWIM also tends to remember the entirety of most of his trips. SWIM's roomie on the other hand remembers tiny bits of tiny bits of pieces, then again he is a big stoner and forgets a lot of things sober too.
Q21Q21's Tek: A comprehensive guide to extracting DMT
The 2 teks use non-toxic lime and vinegar and Tek 1: d-Limonene or Xylene or Tek 2: Naptha to produce very quick high yields with the greatest of ease.

I am almost never on this site anymore so I will likely not answer PMs

#13 Posted : 1/25/2010 8:58:53 PM

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Dr. Rick Strassman's volunteers were asked to verbally describe their experiences immediately after they were able to speak coherently. Later, at home, they would write out a complete description. Many of their stories were profoundly vivid and some were less so. This tells me that some people are able to better remember such experiences than others, and/or that some people do not wish to explain their experiences in detail to other people.

Don't discredit people who have vivid memories. There is reproducible evidence published in scientific journals, much of which can be found in DMT: The Spirit Molecule, to show that it is absolutely possible, and not even uncommon.
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#14 Posted : 1/25/2010 9:14:08 PM
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If you've got a problem with remembering DMT experiences, try ayahuasca.

Ayahuasca is essentially easyer to proces and remember.

This may have to do with the fact that caapi alkaloïds seem to have a meditative effect. Meditation increases slow brainwaves and decreases fast brainwaves. Slow brainwaves, especially theta-waves are essential for remembering.

Stressfull events cause a decrease in theta-waves. It may be that smoked DMT causes a reduction of theta-waves in some people because of the stress it puts the brain into.
#15 Posted : 1/26/2010 12:21:54 AM

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Through many a DMT journey ive had difficulty remebering what happened, I knew something awesome just went down, but always has a difficulty remembering exactly what happened.

Two home brew aya sessions and still no luck, two pharma attempts, third one, then all was revealed, I can almost remember every second of the journey. Third time lucky eh?

Im hoping that stopping the weed has had something to do with it, but either way, just carry on trying brother, it will come.

You need to have faith in what you are doing, without faith there is nothing.

Try different tequiniques and all will come into place, vaped DMT is an intence experience, maybe try a new route, it sure as hell worked for meSmile
#16 Posted : 1/26/2010 2:27:29 AM

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i remember most uv it
very vividShocked
better than most movies i watch
colur texture the smell (yup) temp vibrations conversations

i dont know why

i have found if you trip with another person
are alone with a tape recorder get it out fast
before your back all the way
just talk out what is happening as soon as you can speak
(you should have good to strong cev's visuals but your back in body )
if you get a hold of this a bit you cant help but remember

and also
you might try lower doses and start there
talk your self through those twilight trips
and work your way back up

after a bit you wont need to talk any more and thay will stick a bit better
and you can gain a diffrent typ o focus

You'd better be prepared for the jump into hyperspace. It's unpleasantly like being drunk."

"What's so unpleasant about being drunk?"

"You ask a glass of water."

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#17 Posted : 1/26/2010 3:10:07 AM

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The tape recorder or writing immediately upon returning is a cool idea, but only works if you can remember right away and then it fades. I have had maybe 3 or 4 out of 30-40 experiences that I could remember more than a few fleeting images. I have never seen entities (that I can remember!), or machines, or clowns, or dragons, or any of the other neat stuff that I read about.

I was given several suggestions from other Nexians when I started a thread very much like this one (I didn't doubt any one elses memories; just wondered why I didn't have any!). I'm still trying to find the right combination to facilitate better memory skills. Several people recommended changa or an MAOI in combination with vaporizing.

I'll keep at it until I can remember, 'cause I know that something amazing is happening while I'm gone!Very happy Dunno if I'll ever be able to write like some of you (thank you for the inspiration, I may have given up without those amazing reports to read and aspire to), but I'll try.

Pokey the Persistent
#18 Posted : 1/26/2010 3:14:01 AM
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I have strong faith in the related experiences of psychonauts because I know the clarity of my dream memories, and the compromise that must be made to translate them into thought (language). Sometimes the dream is just a picture that no words could ever describe, therefore it requires a poetic sensibility to capture them satisfactorily.

Anyone can relate their DMT experiences, but it takes a poet to do it with justice. Pandora, OpticusWrangler and Saidin are three such people at this forum.
Bill Cipher
#19 Posted : 1/26/2010 8:40:03 AM

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My experience is limited to freebasing only, so I can't speak at all to the differences, but for me, it's like entering a space where I'm able to suddenly speak a new language (or rather every language simultaneously), to internalize concepts that are not only beyond my ability to comprehend, but to see them from every possible vantage point, exposing all contradictions. The moment it's over, I have clear recollections of fluent and lucid conversations (in a strictly metaphorical sense), but the ability to comprehend the logos is gone as fast as it came, and with it all but the tiniest fragments of the overall transmission.

I've been enough times to assemble a composit of how I believe the space presents, but I'm ALWAYS shocked - EVERYTIME - to discover how wrong I've been. And it's not what I see - I have a fairly solid sense (I think) of the visual nature of the experience - it's WHAT I BECOME that just doesn't compute. In that space, there is no distinction between myself and my surroundings. I am my environment, and like the environment, I change perpetually FOREVER. I can't see it now - while in this space - and to those who can, god bless - but I just don't get the linear narratives, the endless pastiche of machine elves. This isn't a judgement - I'm just not able to frame it at all in that way. Even all this is just some silly metaphorical bullshit meant to wrap my tiny mind around something way too big to contain it. I'm in way the fuck over my head with this stuff, so I leave the trip reports to others.

This plane and that one just don't intersect, and for me, this is part of the beauty. It's like the most staggering work of living art I could ever possibly fathom, and I can never, ever, ever take it home; it just isn't meant to come with me. For me this will always be here and now medicine, both a gift and a maddening curse, and I'll chase it without ever knowing its meaning, except in those moments I'm there.

#20 Posted : 1/26/2010 5:52:41 PM
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Pokey wrote:
The tape recorder or writing immediately upon returning is a cool idea, but only works if you can remember right away and then it fades. I have had maybe 3 or 4 out of 30-40 experiences that I could remember more than a few fleeting images. I have never seen entities (that I can remember!), or machines, or clowns, or dragons, or any of the other neat stuff that I read about.

I was given several suggestions from other Nexians when I started a thread very much like this one (I didn't doubt any one elses memories; just wondered why I didn't have any!). I'm still trying to find the right combination to facilitate better memory skills. Several people recommended changa or an MAOI in combination with vaporizing.

I'll keep at it until I can remember, 'cause I know that something amazing is happening while I'm gone!Very happy Dunno if I'll ever be able to write like some of you (thank you for the inspiration, I may have given up without those amazing reports to read and aspire to), but I'll try.

Pokey the Persistent

Realy, try ayahuasca. I bet you'll remember everything in great detail then.
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