Or, maybe it was the Sexy Changa that did this... but I doubt it.

I was taken to a place where a huge mass of naked bodies was stuck together, floating in space. All kinds of people, male, female, young, old, overweight, thin... suspended... frozen in motion... twisted and contorted into all kinds of poses of desire. Jammed together, passing through each other, adhering to no real laws of physics (the Philadelphia boat conspiracy and Neon Genesis Evangelion come to mind?).
I wasn't frightened or revolted: for some reason, my first thought was, "I have to forgive them."
I began to Ho'oponopono: "I love you, I'm sorry, please forgive me, thank you," over and over. As I did this, the mass began to shrink and break apart. It was a huge block of energy in the collective consciousness. These people, trapped in and contorted by desire, were being set free.
When I was eventually spit back into my body, at my crown, I felt a golden, radiant, vibrating, buzzing sensation, clean orgasmic joy but without the carnal/wet/throbbing/burning element... Sexual, but a procreative erotic newborn elastic timelessness. Just clarity, a sense of being birthed, warm, protected and wrapped in LOVE and BLISS.
Forgiveness: 1
Cosmic Space Orgy: 0
INTERESTING aside: earlier in the post, I wanted to compare the mass of bodies to Granfalloon (if anyone here has played Castlevania: Symphony of the Night~). Wikipedia accurately describes: "In the 1997 video game Castlevania: Symphony of the Night, a boss was named after the term Granfalloon. It took the form of a huge ball of naked, human corpses held together from within by a monstrous parasite."
I have never Wiki'd Granfalloon--but, apparently, the word was invented by Vonnegut (one of my admired authors), and was used to describe a group of people bound together on a meaningless, superficial premesis, with no serious core values to unite them. In light of the vision, that's extremely interesting.
(And, no, I haven't played Castlevania in years.

Some things will come easy, some will be a test