DMT storage solutions sounds like a poor company name, but say often I'm not keen on an unintended larger amount of DMT laying around that I don't want and won't be used.
There are a few storage methods around the nexus, but there's one I don't quite understand.
1. Airtight container, eg, Jar (pref with rubber seal) thru to C-4011-51 snap top lid on boro glass phial.
2. Convert FB to salt*
3. Alcohol ** (seems best for volumetric measure)
4. My favourite vessel is a microcentrifuge tube, ranging from 0.5ml to 3ml.
5. A tincture with vinegar..?*** (might be best for v.m?)
Everything dark and cold/frozered.
* FB --> salt:
Completely dissolve 1000 mg of freebase DMT in 50 ml of acetone.
Completely dissolve 309 mg of fumaric acid in another batch of 50 ml of acetone.
Mix for 1 minute and evaporate at room temperature to give DMT fumarate.
** Alcohol:
400mg vanished into 1ml, and perhaps half the alcohol may have been used.
This seems great for storing away a large amount.
It also seems great to dropper and evap and know the dose is around eg, 25mg
*** Tincture with vinegar..?
I'm guessing that this would require the freebase to be converted back to a salt.
(or is the vinegar strong enough to lower the pH enough?)
Then placed into vinegar? Or the freebase is in the vinegar?
Either way, there's some questions about the tincture.
The above method using fumaric acid converts to dmt fumarate, and vinegar/acetic acid I thought would produce dmt acetate.
It would be good to find out if, eg, 1g dmt freebase converted to xg dmt fumarate/acetate - and is this same conversion ratio for dmt fumarate/acetate to freebase?
It seems as if it would have a higher dried weight, but by how much do you think?
DMT will break down whatever happens, the same with everything (such is life...) but I have not noticed things too bad (or at all) if it is in a microcentrifuge tube and kept in the freezer. Even in a cupboard like that - it's gone before it's off.
But there have been times where a surprising amount of DMT is pulled and the initial euphoria at "wow, check out how much!" changes to, "this is serious gaol time", so - it's put in the solvent back in the base jar and put away and never spoken of or it's flushed (which seems a waste).
If the salt/fb into tincture thing (idk about tincturing a salt, much work after) can not only provide a good storage medium, but also a way to drop measure with some accuracy - that'd be awesome.
Is there something missing with the alcohol?
I was thinking there's always contention between isoprop. and everclear/ethanol.
Any light shedding would be appreciated!