Seeingisbelieving wrote:I followed you up until here, "What if psychedelics alter ability of our "observer" consciousness to collapse the wavefunction of the system in different state, thus bringing it into determined "observable" state, on a different from "normal" universes?"
Are you trying to explain the multiverse? Are you saying we are able to experience the universe unfolding before it has unfolded? Tons of people including myself would be able to explain a LOT of crazy experiences if this was the case. Can you spend some time explaining this idea in a separate post?
Not sure if it's worth a separate post, here we go with more clarity (or even more confusion ahaha):
Imagine Schroedinger's Cat (SC for short), you must be familiar with the concept already.
SC is a simple concept illustrating wave function of probability, of cat being alive or dead. Until you open box and observe cat directly or put some probe inside, you don't know for sure the state of the metaphorical cat.
Now imagine that each particle in the universe around you (and inside you), is a tiny cat-in-a-box, but their qualities aren't just "alive" or "dead", but many vibrational states (electromagnetic, gravitational, etc). So all particles around us vibrate in many dimensions.
When you awake from sleep and open your eyes, you start observing, thus seing combined state of "Schroedinger-Cat-Particles" around you and determining how they look to you.
We humans and higher animals all do this and thus "condense" reality into its present state.
But what if your "observer", the thing that perceives the tiny cats around us, can tune it's invisible "dial of perception" and start collapsing cat-particles in a different state?
Because for mathematical and scientific reasons, all states of the system described by wave function are valid and "real", they just have different probability of being real upon observation.
So what if they are all real, just less probable? Isn't it so, when we alter our perception through entheogens or meditation or induce other visionary-states, we start to perceive the crazy things?Crazy things maybe are exactly that: less probable states of universe around us? But they are happening as long as there are observers collapsing those states into "real ones".
So from all this almost infinite count of states there should be some (very big) quantity of "Valid" or "Stable" states - which are more or less persistent, because they are not too crazy to be self-destructing or self-contradicting. In order to have material universe, particles have to dance in certain mutually-non-exclusive arrangement, so our observable universe is just one of such configurations.
To conclude by answering your last question: Yes, I am trying to explain multiverse. I think the universe is unfolding and we are perceiving the tiny part of its unfolding every given moment.
P.s. If you need to familiarize yourself with wave function concept, this video (Even first 2-3 mintues of it) is a good explanation of what it is:
It's basically a mathematical way of describing a system in a quantum state - sate of not-yet-being-determined-everything-is-possible-before-observed