Please help about extraction with Cyb tek Options
#1 Posted : 3/31/2021 12:24:19 AM

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Hello guys
i want to extract dmt this week and i wanna use "Cybs Hybrid ATB Salt' Tek"
I have one question and please an Experienced user answer me Smile thanks in advanced.

I have heptane and hexane and naphta (zippo). which one is better to use ? in this tek cyb uses naphta...if i use heptane this tek would be fail ? please let me know because i wanna choose best solvent for this tek.

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#2 Posted : 3/31/2021 5:15:06 AM

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girche wrote:
Hello guys
i want to extract dmt this week and i wanna use "Cybs Hybrid ATB Salt' Tek"
I have one question and please an Experienced user answer me Smile thanks in advanced.

I have heptane and hexane and naphta (zippo). which one is better to use ? in this tek cyb uses naphta...if i use heptane this tek would be fail ? please let me know because i wanna choose best solvent for this tek.

I'm not an experienced user, but you can find plenty of posts where people use naphtha to pull the DMT, freeze precipitate, then re-x with heptane. Heptane is more selective than naphtha, so the heptane step helps to clean up your DMT. Naphtha is also cheaper than heptane so it's used for the initial pull and then a relatively small quantity of heptane is used as the refinement.
#3 Posted : 3/31/2021 2:51:23 PM

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thanks brotha Smile
what is the best recrystalization method ?
you know i dont need big Xtals.i just want to have PURE dmt to vape easy with less harsh taste.

BTW i see in the Cyb'tek there is no evaporating stage !! why ? is it really needed to evaporated some of NPS ?

and last question Drool
is it really need to warm the nps up for pulling step ? in cyb's tel he dosn't warm it up .
#4 Posted : 3/31/2021 4:33:33 PM

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girche wrote:
thanks brotha Smile
what is the best recrystalization method ?
you know i dont need big Xtals.i just want to have PURE dmt to vape easy with less harsh taste.

BTW i see in the Cyb'tek there is no evaporating stage !! why ? is it really needed to evaporated some of NPS ?

and last question Drool
is it really need to warm the nps up for pulling step ? in cyb's tel he dosn't warm it up .

The Max Ion tek (by Cyb) will tell 6you to evaporate down to about 40%. It's only necessary if an amount of solvent was used that prevents it from being saturated by the DMT. As grow more experienced you'll find the right amount so as to not have to worry about evaporation.

Many like to re-x with heptane, but in my experience, nathpta works as well.

The Max Ion tek also specifies HOT nathpta for pulls.

Hope this helps and good luck.

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#5 Posted : 3/31/2021 5:07:32 PM

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thanks for your kindness brotha...
yes you helped.
when he says warm or hot Nps , what degree he means ? puting NPS container in a warm bath would be ok ?
#6 Posted : 3/31/2021 5:57:52 PM

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girche wrote:
thanks for your kindness brotha...
yes you helped.
when he says warm or hot Nps , what degree he means ? puting NPS container in a warm bath would be ok ?

Not sure about a specific temperature, but putting a vessel with the nathpta (covered) in a pot of lightly boiled water for about 45-60 seconds should be hot enough.

Please be very very careful. Heat the water, keeping the solvent covered and as far away from the heat source as possible. Make sure the heat source is off before adding the solvent vessel to the water bath.

I also never let the solvent vessel touch the bottom of the pot. I wear gloves and submerge it enough to cover the area to where the solvent reaches in the solvent vessel.

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#7 Posted : 3/31/2021 8:07:49 PM

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thankee ....
bless up Thumbs up
#8 Posted : 4/1/2021 1:53:56 AM

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girche wrote:
thanks brotha Smile
what is the best recrystalization method ?
you know i dont need big Xtals.i just want to have PURE dmt to vape easy with less harsh taste.

There are a lot of methods and no "best" method. I suggest spending a couple hours reading so you have a better picture of the different processes. Here is one process:

1) Dissolve DMT in 1-2 tablespoons of warm heptane (be very careful - heat in a water bath as Voidmatrix described). Heptane may pick up a light yellow tint;
2) Decant heptane into a glass baking dish;
3) Place in freezer at a slight angle, after a few hours you'll see xtals (I leave it overnight);
4) Pre-dry the xtals in the freezer by tilting the dish to another angle so the heptane runs away from the xtals, leave for a few hours;
5) Remove from freezer, pour off heptane, let xtals dry with dish tilted in front of a fan;
6) Evaporating the heptane probably won't yield much, if anything, as the heptane is fairly selective to the DMT;
7) Any leftover residue from step #1 can be dried and is probably active. You can also mix this into future xtalization runs;

You will of course lose some yield because you are removing impurities.

is it really need to warm the nps up for pulling step ? in cyb's tel he dosn't warm it up.

Warming a solvent usually (not for everything) makes things more soluble in the solvent and also speeds the process.

When warming heptane for freeze precipitation, the DMT freebase is not very soluble in heptane. Warming it allows the DMT to dissolve and saturate the solvent. Freezing then lowers the solubility so the DMT precipitates out of the heptane.
#9 Posted : 4/3/2021 10:52:42 PM

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Hey guys. I had a real stupid problem with my extraction. I poured 50mg hot naphta in the jar and after 3x shaking/settling i decided to pull it out and after pulling about 25m, i found my pippet dysfunctional. So i poured 100mg more naphta in the jar and waited for seperation.
After awhile it seperate but there was a little nps layer. I expect 125mg but there was only 40 or less there. I pulled it and after few minutes i realized that the rest nps seperated in the jar!
What happend?
And this problem was continous and i never found a big layer (full nps) at once pull.
My soloution was so black(i used exactly in cyb tek). Maybe i need more water huh?
Btw i have 2question:
1-is it ok to save nps after pulling in a shotglass in room and freez it next day?
2-when we pour nps in jar and shake it and seperates, for example if it has 50mg dmt in it, is it possible it lose pulled product in next (bad) shakes/seperate? You know what i mean(sorry for my bad english)
#10 Posted : 4/3/2021 11:18:43 PM

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girche wrote:
Hey guys. I had a real stupid problem with my extraction. I poured 50mg hot naphta in the jar and after 3x shaking/settling i decided to pull it out and after pulling about 25m, i found my pippet dysfunctional. So i poured 100mg more naphta in the jar and waited for seperation.
After awhile it seperate but there was a little nps layer. I expect 125mg but there was only 40 or less there. I pulled it and after few minutes i realized that the rest nps seperated in the jar!
What happend?
And this problem was continous and i never found a big layer (full nps) at once pull.
My soloution was so black(i used exactly in cyb tek). Maybe i need more water huh?
Btw i have 2question:
1-is it ok to save nps after pulling in a shotglass in room and freez it next day?
2-when we pour nps in jar and shake it and seperates, for example if it has 50mg dmt in it, is it possible it lose pulled product in next (bad) shakes/seperate? You know what i mean(sorry for my bad english)

First, be patient, think things through, it's always worth it in the endLove

Let's see if we can remedy this, first because it's easy to answer, it's supposed to be black (or dark dark dark purpleRazz ).

Second, when you add your solvent, don't literally shake the jar, probably why you're having an issue. Instead roll it over under to get it to move through the mix.

I'm pretty sure that's why you had a weird separation phase. Rolling the jar as previously described makes it separate quicker.

Your solvent layer will only be thick relative to the type of vessel you're using. The jar I commonly use, 50ml is less than a half inch separated.

Allowing nathpta to sit out will just make it evaporate. If it's in a shot glass, the glass will probably be empty the next day.

Decant the rest of the solvent, allow it to evaporate until cloudy (meaning it's saturated with spice), stick it in the freezer overnight, pour off resulting solvent (into a jar, save it in freezer (covered) for later), scrape your mind treasure. You may need to perform additional pulls. And having more solvent in at once isn't necessarily better...

Not really understanding your final question, but the spice is either in the jar, floating around the material it used to entwined with, or in solvent you've used to pull it.

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#11 Posted : 4/4/2021 2:25:29 AM

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Thanks for helping me voidmatrix.
Is it ok to boil root and filter it then use stb tek on a clean solution? If yes, does it lead to better results? How about yield?
You know swim really need to clean crystals for breaking through exp.
#12 Posted : 4/4/2021 3:43:55 AM

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girche wrote:
Thanks for helping me voidmatrix.
Is it ok to boil root and filter it then use stb tek on a clean solution? If yes, does it lead to better results? How about yield?
You know swim really need to clean crystals for breaking through exp.

Why boil and filter?

You've already gone through the process of breaking the spice out of the plant matter, and it's just floating around, some probably in the solvent that last separated.

Follow from the paragraph that starts with decant, which means get the solvent in simple terms and just follow the instructionsSmile

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#13 Posted : 4/4/2021 10:17:58 AM

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I freezed my first pull but it, s not as clean as i want.
I mean for next extraction do you recommend boil the root and filter?(make a clean solution)
#14 Posted : 4/4/2021 5:38:11 PM

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girche wrote:
I freezed my first pull but it, s not as clean as i want.
I mean for next extraction do you recommend boil the root and filter?(make a clean solution)

If I may, what do you mean, "not as clean?" If concerned about any contaminants, just recrystalize. It's pretty easy.

Ah! Gotcha. No, that will not make your pulls any "cleaner" necessarily and you may well end up filtering matter that has spice inside, ultimately lowering yields.

One love.
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

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#15 Posted : 4/4/2021 5:55:37 PM

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girche wrote:
I freezed my first pull but it, s not as clean as i want.
I mean for next extraction do you recommend boil the root and filter?(make a clean solution)

I would not recommend boiling and straining. It is not worth the effort and in the end if you are trying to take the the nps level too low to the soup layer you will always pull in unwanted material.
Use the sacrificial jar method. have each pull on the pipette run through a coffee filter into a jar . From the jar fill to your freezing vessel.
If you have a dirty batch come out of the freezer do a quick re ex on it. I re ex and wash all my spice prior to smoking it. All the lye is removed from it this way. If you smoke washed spice you will never go back to unwashed. It is so much easier to inhale and ingest.

If you are serious about smoking clean spice this is the guide
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#16 Posted : 4/4/2021 11:58:17 PM

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girche wrote:
I freezed my first pull but it, s not as clean as i want.
I mean for next extraction do you recommend boil the root and filter?(make a clean solution)
Suggested reading:

..Enough GOO questions! read this..
IMPORTANT: spice color purity fallacy AKA is your dmt ok to smoke ?

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― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
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