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No, I never tested them. They were pretty strong, and defiantly amazing, but no more than any clear needle structured xtal. Is that possible? Them being salts? Keep in mind, I only get these from the first two pulls, and its the only structure to show up. It seems they only come when its really saturated.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1893 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 26-Sep-2023
DMT and unknown alkaloid fumarates from a.longifolia branches. DreaMTripper attached the following image(s):  P1020396.JPG (6,359kb) downloaded 696 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 102 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 07-Sep-2023 Location: earth
When purity of the materila is very highthese diamond, solid shapes form thats what I found. And they seem to be stronger in experience, but I don't wanna start this discussion again  I am recently much more into TOAD magic / 5 MeO DMT btw. which is surely not really visual but showing us much more how we can change the world. With Love. We're using the Toad magic on our weekends very very successfull. (www.psilohuasca.com) But I would never try to extract the magic from the Toad secretion though. Its magic in itself. I have found that adding 20mgs of DMT to the Toad secretion makes the experience more smooth and gentle at the beginning which helps to calm down and give better into the 5 MeO experience. Be Love everyone <3 LOVE is all there is.
 Nullius in verba.
Posts: 100 Joined: 01-Jun-2014 Last visit: 11-Jan-2023
Alright I'm going to contribute to the research of my friend CF. I've done a recrystallization on 1g of my MHRB Q21 Fluffly product split in 2x 500mg groups. Each step was exactly the same and I've used 40° Wundbenzin for the one group and 40° Hexane for the other. What I noticed was that the Hexane dissolved the 500mg of DMT extremely quick after about 8ml. It dissolved quickly but it also recrystallized extremely fast at the bottom while I was still working with the product. I did not notice any layers of oil that I'm going to talk about later with the Wundbenzin. After finishing the process I let the "leftovers" evaporate while leaving the Hexane cooling to roomtemperature for 12 hours before putting it for 12 hours inside the fridge and then transferring it to the freezer for 4 days. "Leftovers" from the recrystallization  Hexane crystals  I've done the same process with the Wundbenzin but noticed a seperation of oils after adding the warm Wundbenzin to the product and letting it rest. I needed almost 25ml of Wundbenzin to dissolve 500mg of DMT. It also took a lot longer and looked like I was dissolving a fizzy/carbon tablet. I've only picked up the upper part of the solution and these are the results. "Leftovers"  Wundbenzin crystals  So does anybody have an idea what the oil could be that refuses to evaporate and that's left in my Wundbenzin recrystallization? I think it's pretty interesting how the same process with two different chemicals can produce such different results. The crystals are significantly different and I'll try to take a better picture of them soon. I'm left with little diamonds, shark tooths, honeycombs and icebergs. Chime in and let me know what I can change, experiment with.  
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 102 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 07-Sep-2023 Location: earth
Dear, your pics are not there, please upload them again... LOVE is all there is.
 I rather root my values in my own hallucinations than in society´s neurotic illusions..
Posts: 681 Joined: 08-Jul-2017 Last visit: 08-Jul-2020 Location: Barcelona
biopsylo wrote:i want to shrink myself to 1/2 the size of one of those 'diamonds' and chop it up with a light saber Hahahahaha and more hahahaahh moooore hahahahaahah "Too cute to live, too cozy to die" - Eaglepath
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3968 Joined: 21-Jul-2012 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024
Eaglepath wrote:biopsylo wrote:i want to shrink myself to 1/2 the size of one of those 'diamonds' and chop it up with a light saber Hahahahaha and more hahahaahh moooore hahahahaahah Came here this morning to see the active discussions entirely populated with one line lol style posts from you eaglepath. Padding your post number is not necessary nor will it help you gain anything. I feel you just polluted the nexus with a whole bunch of unnecessary posts that only serve you in your mind  . Not cool. Leaving until some good stuff from others appears. Have a swell day. Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 280 Joined: 09-Jan-2021 Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
CaptainFuture wrote:burnt wrote:The only way crystal structure is going to alter the potency is if it somehow alters the vaporization rate or decomposition rate of dmt during smoking. Well, I did melt them inside the machine bubbler wire, same as with all of the other crystals I used, so same vape rate, I'd say.
All this talk about energy being locked up in diamond crystals doesn't make sense. Well, thats your opinion. There definitely is energy in crystals. F.e. piezo in quartz crystals. Guess why you're CPU works for you?
Also its quite normal that different kinds of crystals come from different solvents and different purity extracts. Like I said, SAME solvent in any re-x used. And I had clear crystals growing with the 'common' crystals type, too. But like I said I will test if the diamond shape is built out of more pure DMT molecules.
This is well known with almost any substance one purifies. This is why when people describe molecules in scientific literature the physical description (ie 'long white needles' or whatever) is always written with the solvent used for crystallization. In my case the same solvent from the same canister brought up different crystals shapes.
Either way awesome specimens. Thanks!  Dr. Masaru emoto studies water crystal formation under different emotional influences, and from different water sources and he claims to have proven scientifically that they store conscious energy, and said energy effects crystal structure and formation. Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 576 Joined: 30-Oct-2020 Last visit: 23-Jan-2022
Bisy, stop spreading false information. Dr. Emoto's claims have been proven false multiple times.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 280 Joined: 09-Jan-2021 Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
Seeingisbelieving wrote:Bisy, stop spreading false information. Dr. Emoto's claims have been proven false multiple times. I had no intention of presenting that as a fact. I said he claims to have proven. I've seen a little of his work and found interesting in a kinda silly way, but never tried to make any conclusions. By proven false, what exactly do you mean? He falsified results? His experiments weren't conducted under proper conditions? Did someone else grow pretty crystals while under a rage? Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 576 Joined: 30-Oct-2020 Last visit: 23-Jan-2022
Bisy wrote:Seeingisbelieving wrote:Bisy, stop spreading false information. Dr. Emoto's claims have been proven false multiple times. I had no intention of presenting that as a fact. I said he claims to have proven. I've seen a little of his work and found interesting in a kinda silly way, but never tried to make any conclusions. By proven false, what exactly do you mean? He falsified results? His experiments weren't conducted under proper conditions? Did someone else grow pretty crystals while under a rage? They only thing this guy has done is shown how pseudoscience can teach us the correct way to use science. Dr. Emoto ideas show no credible hypothesis as too causation, no development of the idea, no fruitfulness in the concept, and, above all, no clear scientific demonstration. He was even offered 1,000,000 dollars to replicate this experiment and has declined. ( I'm assuming because more than a million uneducated people actually bought his book) His experiments are the same as a large group of people picking which field of flowers they like best. Both fields of flowers could be considered beautiful. Do you see where this is going Bisy? You could do this experiment regarding EVERYTHING! I suggest looking into chaos theory if you're wanting to develop an understanding of the geometry behind crystal formation.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 280 Joined: 09-Jan-2021 Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
What you might not realize quite yet about me, and my opinions, is that they are nearly always open. Regarding mr. Emoto, (he wasnt a doctor either) i tend mostly to agree with you so far on everything EXCEPT your certainty regarding his expirements.. Let me back up a minute and point out the quote to which I was responding..it was much like the conversation we are having in which it appears to be between a scientific thinking person and a person who wants to believe consciousness exists in everything and can be influenced by individuals or collectively. Now, moving on, is there not a theory that says something about particles only existing somewhere if there is someone there to observe them or something like that? I know there is, but I might not have it quite right. Anyway, what Mr emoto is suggesting would also suggest that someone intending to debunk his experiment would in fact do so if his claims are true. Intention is what he claims to be the force driving his theory. Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
 analytical chemist
Posts: 7463 Joined: 21-May-2008 Last visit: 14-Jan-2025 Location: the lab
After alot of extensive reading and experiments, it's most plausible that various crystal formations, wide variety in m.p. ranges, and color differences, may be attributed to various orientations because of partial rotatability about the alpha carbon...aka polymorphism. There is already a paper discussing this, with x-ray diffraction data. Some orientations shield pyrrole from oxidation better than others, which is likely why some xtals stay white longer than others, which turn yellow and orange. Some claim the color difference is due to "fats", but lack any explanation for why they believe so. I've seen the same color differences with tryptamine. "Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah "Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 576 Joined: 30-Oct-2020 Last visit: 23-Jan-2022
Bisy wrote:What you might not realize quite yet about me, and my opinions, is that they are nearly always open. Regarding mr. Emoto, (he wasnt a doctor either) i tend mostly to agree with you so far on everything EXCEPT your certainty regarding his expirements.. Let me back up a minute and point out the quote to which I was responding..it was much like the conversation we are having in which it appears to be between a scientific thinking person and a person who wants to believe consciousness exists in everything and can be influenced by individuals or collectively. Now, moving on, is there not a theory that says something about particles only existing somewhere if there is someone there to observe them or something like that? I know there is, but I might not have it quite right. Anyway, what Mr emoto is suggesting would also suggest that someone intending to debunk his experiment would in fact do so if his claims are true. Intention is what he claims to be the force driving his theory. Lol okay Bisy. He definitely is a Doctor of alternative medicine, though he does not have a Phd. Which in my eyes, is a red flag. Have you even read this quack's book? It's literally filled with this fool spewing his "beliefs" and presenting them, without using the scientific method properly I might add, and passing them off as facts. This is how the new age movement has been making money for years. Ever heard the quote “Keep an open mind, but not so open that your brains fall out”. I would say this is a prime example why teachers of science use this quote so often. I'd like to read what you have to say about the "spirit science" series found on youtube. I'm in need of a laugh this morning.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 280 Joined: 09-Jan-2021 Last visit: 24-Mar-2023
I think maybe you're thinking im trying to argue in favor of this stuff, im certainly not, but there is absolutely a place in this world for everyone, even Mr. Emoto. I guess I should refer you back, again to the conversation I quoted when I offered mr. Emotos ideas for consideration.. there are some, who like/want/need to see the world scientifically, others mystically.. neither is wrong for that person. What is obvious to one person seems ridiculous to another, and vice versa. Like science and religion. Eventually they come together and both make sense. Mr. Emotos work gives many people just what they are looking for. I simply found his work interesting. When someone wants to believe something bad enough, it may as well be so. Nobody invents something that nobody wants... if you believe in what you're doing, and others buy your enthusiasm, thats fair play. If you capitalize on something you don't believe because others do. Thats foul...in which category would you place mr. Emoto? Everything i say is fictional, I just wanna be cool and fit in.
 Called to this...
Posts: 13 Joined: 20-Jun-2020 Last visit: 02-Jan-2023 Location: USA
Captain Future, I have gotten some different shapes as well. I will try to post some of my photos. I have a few hundred photos but here is a couple. Madam attached the following image(s):  jar circle pics 10.jpg (2,406kb) downloaded 129 time(s). jar circle pics 11.jpg (2,906kb) downloaded 126 time(s). Snapshot@2021_1215_170321 1.jpg (100kb) downloaded 127 time(s). Tue Feb 09 15-08-41.jpg (42kb) downloaded 125 time(s). fb pic 5.jpg (39kb) downloaded 126 time(s). Fri Jul 17 12-52-57 1.jpg (49kb) downloaded 123 time(s). pic 7.jpg (46kb) downloaded 124 time(s). Sat Oct 10 07-40-40 .jpg (32kb) downloaded 123 time(s).
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 102 Joined: 10-Dec-2010 Last visit: 07-Sep-2023 Location: earth
Hey everyone I quickly jumped in to share my xtls thread and see that this thing is still alive  AMAZING stuff there @Madam That shape on pic three is diamond like isn't it  I really should go back into extraction, just such a wonderful and amazing process. So much to do, so little time, though. Growing shrooms never left me, but extracting DMT and Mescaline is somehow been a while now. When the winter comes I will give it a go again, too. Def. Thank you so much for sharing your pictures. Have a lovely day everyone. May everyone be blessed with eyes to see in these thrilling times. Much Love, olli LOVE is all there is.