downwardsfromzero wrote:Quote:plague here in Portugal
From this you can be fairly sure it is, as Sigtyr says,
A. longifolia as I read some time ago that this had become naturalised in PT.
Seems you would be lucky to get a good result with this one, but if you had a job clearing invasive plants you might get enough material for it to be worthwhile making an extraction anyhow.
Ok thank you for the input, didn't knew it was naturalised.
On that wiki link i read that:
"Alkaloid content
0.2% tryptamine in bark, leaves, some in flowers, phenylethylamine in flowers"
so can i just take leaves and go for it ? do you belive i should do the hard work and use root bark ?
these things are in the wild some roots probably are very hard to reach.
Is it a safe kind of DMT or do i need to take any precautions? What part of the plant do you recommend using?
If it is like leaves and a few branches etc i can go basically nearly anywhere and get like 5kg without any problem.
I'm kinda sorry for throwing so many questions but really i only extracted from bought online mimosa root bark before and i have a ton of questions regarding safety of this plant. If it is safe like mimosa root bark me and a friend can try to make a big batch to see how this goes.
just an update, was 22 degrees (c) today so went to get a bag of it. got roots, bark, leaves polen etc, i think i have like at least 3 to 4kg