Mastering the tools we have at hand Options
#1 Posted : 2/16/2021 8:19:21 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi all,

The first few times I vaporised DMT, it was with an ‘’oil’’ pipe, it opened my mind to new horizons but didn't allow me much freedom in the way I experimented.

I then got a GVG, it was much easier to use but again didn't allow me much room to take different approaches, I had to wait for the glass to cool down, calculate and load a new dose to go back.

I had only ever kept my eyes open a few times by then, it had intrigued me but not specifically.

When I recently decided to upgrade to a vape pen, my life changed. I still enjoy breakthroughs a lot but I have found other ways of using this tool I enjoy, I am certain others must have found out about it before me but I couldn't find any documentation on the matter.

It all started when I took a few puffs from my vape with a friend while casually discussing and listening to music in my living room. We had very interesting conversations and good laughs as intriguing supernatural phenomena were happening around us. We both greatly appreciated the experience and did it a few more times since then. I decided to also try sub-breakthrough by myself and I knew just the place where I was going to do it. My family has a holiday house where nobody ever spends time except me, it is in the middle of the nature just outside of town, there is a beautiful garden and I made a habit of going there to meditate, watch the clouds, the stars and enjoy the nature.

I laid on a sun-bed and meditated for a good 15mn with some jazz in my headphones. I took a puff and let the effects settle while continuing my meditation, I then vaporised just enough to be an inch from the breakthrough and put my vape down. I saw a myriad of beautiful things happen before my eyes, not all of which were hallucinations. I took a few puffs to get back up when I felt the peak coming to an end, I did it a few times for an hour or so as the sun was setting, admiring the beauty of the clouds, the golden sunlight, the trees and grass, the sky turning to a dark blue and the moon and the stars slowly showing up, I was amazed by the performance the universe put up just for me. Before it got dark, I put my vape in my pocket and lit a joint I had rolled beforehand. I then stood up and walked around the garden admiring the beauty of our world while smoking my joint as it was wearing off. This was one of the most enlightening experiences I ever had, the pace was much more easy to handle, I could take time to form memories, the wisdom was revealed to me through our own world rather than by transporting me into another one, so I feel like I managed to integrate much more from it, I could stay in the experience as long as needed without feeling pulled out right before the revelation. I believe this must be closer to ayahuasca, unfortunately I hadn’t had the opportunity to try it to compare.

My next logical step would be to add Harmala to the equation. I have always been a bit reluctant on MAOIs due to they interactions, I do not take any medication but I am not looking to monitor everything I eat. I mostly go into hyperspace spontaneously, when relevant, this makes it difficult for me to prepare days ahead. I first considered getting a new vape in which I would put DMT and full spectrum harmala freebase but because Harmala has a much slower cycle and my ‘’re-dropped sub-breakthrough’’ experiences lasted anywhere between 20minutes and 2 hours, I thought it wouldn’t be very safe to be re-dosing harmala by standard at the same time as DMT, I am familiar enough with DMT to know how to dose it properly, but not with Harmala. I also thought the first DMT cycle would have ended before the Harmala would have kicked in so I am now contemplating other options, Sub-lingual Harmala makes sense to me, I haven’t read much on the exact methods of administration but I was thinking if I can dilute it into a liquid and have it in a small bottle with a dropper like some people do with acid, it would be nice.

What do you think? I would like to hear your takes on MAOI interactions with normal foods, methods of administration, is my ‘’re-dropped sub-breakthrough’’ method already a thing? If so what is it called? If I am the first one to come up with it, I promise to come up with a better name for it. I will happily listen to any thoughts, comments, and suggestions.

Safe travels and great wisdom to you all,

The Quantum Mechanician

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 2/16/2021 8:48:35 PM

Vaporist of Borg

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Salutations QuantumMechanician,

The world didn't stop spinning after the Y2K VaporGenie concept, much less its glass implementations which actually BLOCK its evolution path (ref.: the Fig. #11/#12 item) even many years after i contacted the manufacturer to inform its inventor about a major conceptual extension i made to the initial patent, e.g. by Dan Steinberg.

Relentless calls to "DUPLICATE & PEER REVIEW" have been ignored, naurally, yet this changes nothing to a reality i've observed on a regular basis. Never having the privilege to get contacted by lurkers who paid attention enough to ingore reputation importers and take the challenge, while installed trolls sabotaged all of my contribution attempts just to deny a person's humanity via the destruction of an anonymous identity now 10 years old... In other words i could have done like others do and return with fresh new identities, perpetually, even make it a paying occupation though in the old days "influencer$" were unheard of and quite frankly innimaginable, at least to me considering the life-style anyway. But it's there: What You See Is NOT what You Get... There's media, those who own it and then only at the end of a vertical pyramid one may find the communications of members simply hoping to share whatever they got to share. NOSTRINGS ATTACHED, READ "FOR FREE", FOR REAL. Which is the point where consumerists kick in demanding for finished products yesterday as if i were a company, NASA, go figure! Briefly put i come to conclude Hollywood has dangerously damaged the minds of young generations who already understood they're doomed to disapear by the year '50, much the same as Dinosaurus Rex once all problems of humanity shall compound into a monster puzzle to finish nailing our collective coffin on a planetary scale.

All of this by fault of an e-Cig!

So please use with caution in your travels...

Good day, have fun!! Cool
#3 Posted : 2/16/2021 9:33:33 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I suggest working with Harmalas, you do not need to avoid any foods, Harmalas are reversible and selective MAO-A inhibitors and as such, like Moclobemide, do not require dietary/tyramine restrictions like the pharmaceutical irreversible and non-selective MAOI's do. With that said, you can smoke Harmalas or use them sublingually, and they shouldn't interact with the gut that way. But oral Harmalas are by far better imo/ime. I've consumed Harmalas/Rue probably more than most people on this forum and elsewhere, i've taken them on their own daily for up to 8 months, and daily/near daily for 4 years straight, never once avoided any foods and have eaten right before, right after, during, and like 6 hours or more after the Rue/Harmalas (especially of heavy, heavy dosages), and never have i noticed anything dietary-related.

Trust me, you're good to go.
#4 Posted : 2/17/2021 12:12:57 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Egzoset, I am not certain I understood your point.

ShamensStamen wrote:
Trust me, you're good to go.

I need to make a lot more research but what you are telling me seems promising. I have found a supplier for pure extracts that offers different options that seem to come in powder form, for sublingual, am I supposed to just take the powder or can I make it into a liquid I could take in drops? Also what do you think of having it in the vape directly mixed with the DMT?
#5 Posted : 2/17/2021 2:47:23 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I'm not sure about mixing it in the vape with the DMT, i mean maybe you can try, i'm not sure how soluble it'd be though. When i've used Harmala extracts smoked/vaped i would just put it on top of my Changa bowl, it'd be awesome if it could be used in a vape as well with the DMT.

For sublingual i just used the straight powder but a tincture should work just fine, idk the concentration you'd use though.
#6 Posted : 2/17/2021 1:38:38 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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ShamensStamen wrote:
I'm not sure about mixing it in the vape with the DMT, i mean maybe you can try, i'm not sure how soluble it'd be though.

I am pretty sure I have read something about it being achieved with success somewhere here, although I am not certain what form was used.

As I said, I must make a lot of research, but I want to get a few perspectives as it seems there are diverging opinions on the matter.

ShamensStament wrote:
tincture should work just fine, idk the concentration you'd use though.

It sounds more practical as I like to blast off outdoors and a small vial with a dropper I could just carry in my pocket would probably be my best option after having it directly in the vape with the spice.
#7 Posted : 2/18/2021 5:55:31 AM

Vaporist of Borg

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Hi again QuantumMechanician,

QuantumMechanician wrote:
...not certain I understood your point.

That's fine, the short version is that i'm opposed to conduction heat in vaporism, consequently e-Cigs are out of option until converted to Pulse-mode CONVECTION. Because in my system both the "Pre-Heating" and "Release/Transport" phase are kept SEPARATED, at least ideally.

Anyway DMT at my age could as well be synonymous of suicide, but THC is no problem and i happen to have imagined this 2-substances Hybrid Core delivery method long ago:

[ https:// ]
Egzoset's LAVA Bi-Energy Capsule (2017-May-26)

It's illustrating a solid-state zero moving parts "magnetic gear" concept where susceptors gets heated selectively... So there are 3 Curie temperatures, one for distilled water or perhaps e-Liquids, then 2 in order to provide a pair of temperature "references" to implement a completely ANALOG mixing scheme to cover the temperature range inbetween, for example:

[ https:// ]
Egzoset's LAVA Bi-Energy Capsule (2016-Oct-14)

Alloy #0 would reach its ceiling point at ~135 °C, while i figure the 2 others may need to go as high as 250 ~ 350 °C, which is just an opinion as i never mesured it directly. H2O & CO2 as extra-hot exhaust gases from clean-burning butane combustion carry heat instead of cooling everything in the core, then passed the bowl there's no objection over condensation, quite on the contrary.

There are 2 states, iddle with zero airflow and delivery which all resides in a transition; e.g. nothing like slow/steady ovenizers.

Yet i don't really know if DMT endures thermal denaturation any better.

Good day, have fun!! Cool
#8 Posted : 2/18/2021 6:03:27 AM

Long live the Kings of Righteousness

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My practice was always with harmalas and the deepness of my travels had made it so that I would prefer this method over straight DMT. Harmalas are profound, they induce sleepiness and have a voice and power of their own. Weither extracted harmalas in changa or a cup of Aya before smoking enhanced leaf, it was integral to my producing heavenly visions and insights
Behold, a sower went out to sow
#9 Posted : 2/19/2021 3:55:19 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Hi Egzoset,

This is a very technical approach, this thread is more to discuss different approaches using the tools the we have easy access to.

I personally do not see any inconvenient with e-cig style hardware as it is the easiest and most efficient method I have found so far, although I am always interested in trying new approaches and am certain not to be the only one.

I do not have the technical knowledge to understand your system but you should make your own thread in the most appropriate sub section to maximise your chances of having your idea heard by the right people. Maybe even produce a few pieces and send them around to a few volunteers to be tried out, if your system is good, I have no doubt it will get through. My only concern is it is a bit too technical to advertise to the common of mortals as something they can do themselves, as most of us simply do not have the technical skills and knowledge.

If you want my user feedback on what would be the ideal hardware to use spice, I would say something that never burns the product, allows to breakthrough in one relatively small puff, can be used a number of times in a row without needing to be refilled, recharged or in any other way manipulated and does not require complex or careful manipulations or replacement of parts.

I hope that helps and wish you all the best in your work!

Ramma wrote:
My practice was always with harmalas and the deepness of my travels had made it so that I would prefer this method over straight DMT. Harmalas are profound, they induce sleepiness and have a voice and power of their own. Weither extracted harmalas in changa or a cup of Aya before smoking enhanced leaf, it was integral to my producing heavenly visions and insights

This would seem to be the consensus, I really cannot wait to give it a try.
#10 Posted : 2/20/2021 6:23:51 AM

Vaporist of Borg

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Egzocet? Must be some breed with a fish...

It's only complicated in your mind, there's basically 2 components of contrasting properties, not to mention i don't actually claim intellectual rights of something already patented anyway!

>> should make your own thread in the most appropriate sub section to maximise your chances of having your idea heard by the right people. Maybe even produce a few pieces and send them around to a few volunteers to be tried out, if your system is good, I have no doubt it will get through.

It didn't work, what's obtained for free gets trashed with even more detachment.

>> ...most of us simply do not have the technical skills and knowledge.

That's quite grotesque but i suppose you ain't seen my stuff before. From day 1, in 2010 (...), all experimentation was reported and offered with the basic criteria that this must be reasonably accessible since DUPLICATION & PEER REVIEW was expected. But if you're blind to it there's no point insisting, the idea kept growing and i have confidence such concept may even prevail without my push. To be honest the alias takes all the place most of the time, all sorts of, euh... Well, people looking for free things to toy with, euh... Really, i can't say i seen the best of humanity these last 10 years.

>> If you want...

YouYouMe again. Yet it's NOT about *ME*, precisely. Nor whatever virtual construction gossips carry around. You don't like it? Accept maybe it's not for you, but i was thinking that's the internet so we're supposed to be more than 2 handful members. Right? So, how does that rank me at the scale of our whole universe??


>> I hope that helps and wish you all the best in your work!

Have a look 1st, it's normally accessible from my signature and profile page.

Good day, have fun!! Pleased
#11 Posted : 2/20/2021 11:15:01 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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My apologies for spelling your pseudo name wrong,

This is not about intellectual rights, truth is most people wouldn't even consider picking up tools and don't have the skills and knowledge to execute those manual tasks, the good news is you seem to have them, so you could make money from it as well as help the community if your system is good.

There is in my opinion no rational reason someone would trash a perfectly functional tool even if obtained for free.

I am sorry but I am trying to nicely tell you my opinion on your comments on my thread, no need to become aggressive. I have much more manual skills than most without any professional backing so I believe I am in the right place to comment on the do-ability of your system for the average bloke. I have spent time on your diagrams and didn't understand enough to be able build it myself, maybe if you used pictures or video it would become more obvious. You are right, I haven't been around since 2010 analysing your system, I based my comments on yours but I will have a look at your links when I have the time to see if I understand with all the data, if I do, I might even build one myself. Although have you ever considered your system might not work for the audiences you are marketing it to? This might be the case, as you have said, you have never vaporised spice with it. Also when you know a lot about a subject, you tend to forget how little the average bloke knows about it, just like a rich man wouldn't know the price of milk. Be patient and respectful if you want people to listen to you for long enough to hear what you have to tell them.

Egzoset wrote:
...humanity shall compound into a monster puzzle to finish nailing our collective coffin on a planetary scale.

You don't seem to have a lot of faith, and I am not talking about religious faith but faith in us humans. If you are a human and don't have faith in humans you indirectly but inevitably don't have faith in yourself. We all come from different paths but we all are basically the same, every single human is You born in a different body at a different time, in a different place and with different experiences, but if you were born at their time and place, in their bodies and had lived the same experiences, you would most certainly be them today. So if you are capable of coming to a conclusion, so am I, but I may need to take a much longer path than you(i.e learning technical skills and knowledge, or simply taking the time to read through all your work). Just as you would have to travel much longer than me if for example you were in New York and I in Prague and we decided to meet in Berlin. None of us have to suffer from the stupidity of others, people envy and imitate so if you want people to do good, do good and show them how much you benefit from it and they will follow. I am myself not proud of my fellow humans recently and can clearly see where you are coming from but the fact that some of us realise it, is the first step of a journey towards changing the world and the reason to keep faith in ourselves. The wisest thing we can all do is accept each other for what we are and fight together instead of fighting each other.

Even if you already have, allow me to strongly recommend you to read the Tao Te Ching by Laozi, this book really helped me take a different perspective and stop tormenting myself over the actions of others, be water, my dear friend.

A great day to you
#12 Posted : 2/20/2021 11:43:25 PM

Vaporist of Borg

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QuantumMechanician wrote:
This is not about intellectual rights...

Well, i'm being honest enough not to take credit for something started in the Y2K, 10 years before i created Egzoset... Byt he way, the juxtaposition of SiC Foam + Induction heat wasn't actually covered by the patent anyway.

QuantumMechanician wrote: could make money...

Oh, spare me! Not again. I've spent money on it more than you seem aware, did give away prototypes while destroying my fair share of units only for experimentation still NOT shared in real form today on any of the boards i've ever cared to register on. Lets talk about what makes those tick, to begin with, if you even care.


QuantumMechanician wrote:
...trying to nicely tell you my opinion...

Only Duplication & Peer Review shall do that, i have no use for "social" noise. Just in case you didn't notice Egzoset ain't exactly desperate enough to seek virtual anonymous "friendship" through "love" points and badges/credentials... Imagine life coaches.

QuantumMechanician wrote:
...when I have the time to see if I understand with all the data, if I do, I might even build one myself.

M'well i happen to have finished some long post earlier this afternoon, be my guest anytime:

[ https:// ]
Electro-magnetic (IH) power injectors and a need to get rid of ghosts in the machine! (2020-Jul-25)

[ https:// ]
Weapon Of Mass Seduction (2018-Mar-15)

Sorry for it's not from here but the interface is too frustrating anyway.

Egzoset wrote:

Ah, the part. Well there are days like that and i've exausted my resource already!

Good day, have fun!! Cool
Egzoset attached the following image(s):
Egzoset's 1P-8P Royer-OK WorkCoil(s) Concept for safe AC-DC Analog & Digital Probes plus Protection .PNG (449kb) downloaded 133 time(s).
#13 Posted : 2/22/2021 2:06:11 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Well, after 10 or more years of trying every possible approach except for being polite and professional, it might be time to be honest enough to admit that your horrible attitude caused every single person to lose interest in anything interesting you could have said before you even did.

If you want to sell a product, you must sell the product.
This means showing it, explaining what it is capable of doing, why it is better than another one. Nobody on earth except your therapist will ever want to listen to you just because you are complaining that nobody is listening to you, you must genuinely capture people’s attention with your product. As you stated yourself, I am not your friend, so I do not care about your problems. Your whole first message is about your problems, the little data actually about your product is drowned in a mumble composed of complains, rants and judgements, and this goes for everything you have posted on internet. Your comments were completely useless and unrelated to my original thread, even completely useless and unrelated to your own objective, but I politely took the time to listen to you and offer my help where I could, and you responded rudely every time. I may lack engineering skills but you seriously lack social skills. You could have read this single thread and seen I already have all the hardware I need and yours is not up to the task anyways, before insisting I read your decade of ranting.

If you have no use for social noise, why have you been on social media for over 10 years desperately trying to make noise? Why are you all over the internet exposing your problems if you are not seeking opinions and advice on them? I did notice indeed, you are not desperate enough to be polite with the people you have been desperate to obtain feedback from, for over a decade. If this is not about you, as you so humbly say, then who/what is this about? Why have you joined forums? Forums are for people to discuss subjects they are interested in, share their opinions and ideas, and listen to other people's. You are rude from the first contact and try to coerce everyone into doing and saying what you want them to. You do not want to sell your system, you do not want to give it away, you do not want to explain it, what exactly is your end goal? Do you even have one?

This is not virtual, I am a real human sitting behind a computer just like yourself, I am not here to make friends, I am here to Learn, Share and Expand, as you can read on the graphic banner at the top of any page on this website. This is a place where people exchange in respect, allow me to refer you to the Attitude page, even though I am certain you have already been referred to it more than once. Not being face to face with people does not null social norms of respect. If you want people to respect you enough to pay attention to your work, respect them enough for them not to immediately lose any willingness to do so. You want opinions? Listen to the opinions, it took me 2 minutes to see it is the consensus that nobody understood any of your instructions, from this data, does it seem more logical that every single person who ever read anything you wrote is a complete imbecile or that your instructions are too technical, if not complete gibberish? You have had plenty feedback from plenty people, maybe not the kind you hoped for, but certainly one you would have benefited from if you had listened to. With your current attitude, you could even hold the cure to cancer and nobody would be interested.

Another reading suggestion for you, Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes, I believe you will relate a lot to the protagonist.

As a direct result of your attitude, I no longer am interested in your system or anything you may have to say. I am asking you to refrain yourself from further polluting my post with your lack of manners.

I sincerely wish you to find a more peaceful and happy state of mind.
Mitakuye Oyasin
#14 Posted : 2/22/2021 2:24:17 AM

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QuantumMechanician I second your thoughts and feelings. Thanks.
Let us declare nature to be legitimate. All plants should be declared legal, and all animals for that matter. The notion of illegal plants and animals is obnoxious and ridiculous.
— Terence McKenna

All my posts are hypothetical and for educational/entertainment purposes, and are not an endorsement of said activities. SWIM (a fictional character based on other people) either obtained a license for said activity, did said activity where it is legal to do so, or as in most cases the activity is completely fictional.
#15 Posted : 2/22/2021 5:18:26 PM

Vaporist of Borg

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Euh... *MY* "horrible" attitude, mister Sniff 'n Liche YouYouMe!

Pouha! Ah! Ah!

Hypocrite, and the other guy who's not happy to have the last word in "Health and Lifestyle" - "How safe is vaping weed in GVG?" with it. Dishonesty warrants that i put you on an IGNORE list like all others but i don't seem to find that function around here, of course...

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