Ah Phlux , Amazing work!!!! Bravo on the effort and above all for the experimentation!
Thats...crystals i see in the solvent,needlelike!
Hmmm...where to start i have many questions for the procedures so i will fire them away.I wonder if you consider a full tek guide for it ,given of course the presumption that you find the above method worthwhile to pursue.The yield question i had more or less is answered , but others remain :
1)Upon dissolving in HCl solution and filtering ,what was left in the filter and what was the difference in resin (compared to normal resin) when the HCl fraction was evaporated?
2)Same as 1 but with the acetone step instead of HCl solution : i wonder what consistency was what stayed at the filter and also what was the liquid like. Do we have any weights before/after the acetone step?
3)If you can tell a bit about the drytek.
4)Judging from what you have seen, is the "after acetone precipitate" good "as is"? Could even this solitary step be an improvement to the resin tek?
It seems indeed that turning the salts to HCl form is an important step and also of course using anhydrous acetone. In a thread over at Thenook called "
Instant Achuma" (very interesting thread by the way), acetone wash of "straight resin" did not seem to precipitate alkaloids but mostly "gunk of some sort" and/or proteins.The major differences though was water in acetone and having the resin in "native" state.
On the "workability" of resin on solvents : I saw both in the "Instant Achuma" thread and in another thread in here (reffering to Dorge's
post ) that people have difficulty dissolving the resin to other things than water. Well...i dont know how you "work it" people: The "I tried dissolving the resin to X solvent" may range from dropping the resin in the solvent and expecting it to dissolve to...sonicating it while hot! Personally on my projects i tend to be really stubborn and meticulous.My approach towards dissolving resin to acetone would be as following:
Use a waterbath to bring acetone to boil (heh, use basic solubility rules). Add the resin in a pestle and mortar and start adding the pipping hot acetone in small volumes while working it with the pestle,grinding it in and mixing it, adding a bit more acetone if needed. Here , i mean REALLY work it, work it as if its Jenna Jameson or something
! I have noticed from other experiments that even in hot solvents some resings (and i have tried a variety of plants, from aromatic to medicinals) will...just sit there slightly colorizing the solution and even heavy shaking will not make them go in solution. So , while trying to figure what was happening i tried rubbing it between my fingers in the solution, trying first of all to see if it went "hard" ,"rubbery" or whatever in there. While doing so, they started dissolving, Presto! So i "formalized" it a bit more using pestles and mortars for even better workability and less contact with fingers/skin/gloves/whatever.
Once more, beautiful work Phlux! I think this thread is worth attention!