downwardsfromzero wrote:Hello and welcome!
Have you tried looking in
the Wiki yet?
Brennendes Wasser has some threads collating some of the information which you seek. It is still a work in progress, so if you are able to contribute any practical data of your own it would be very helpful.
By "FB" do you mean you would like the values for the freebase form of the substances listed, or that you intend to post it on facebook? Anything to make your search more specific would also assist us in helping you. If you're not sure how to phrase it (it seems to me that your first language is perhaps Italian?) I'll be happy to help optimise your search terms as well.
Hi. thank you for answering. and yes ... I'm Italian

I apologize for my English, but I hope it's enough to make me understand

thanks for the links, I took a look at wasser's post. beautiful and very useful! sin is incomplete. if I can I will help to complete the missing information

as I said I am interested in the graph of the solubility curve. I say graphic because I believe that the temperature is an essential point in the extraction, especially in the final yield.
example in the extraction of dmt using the tek STB:
when "washing" with the solvent, I noticed that the yield is greater if the water temperature is around 35-40 ° C, rather than if the water was cold.
thanks to the graphs of the solubility curve I can know the optimal temperature for each extraction I have to do.
so it would have been nice to have the graphic (or info) on
solubility in water and solvents of the various substances in the form of salt and FB (FreeBase

Dmt freebase:
- soluble in: naphta, hesano, toluene .... etc
- solubility in hesane at 25C ° = x g / 100 ml hesano
-relative graph of the solubility curve in hesano = (here should be the graph

etc ....
I hope I was a little more precise