#1 Posted : 1/20/2010 8:49:25 PM

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consciousness is all-consuming. it is more than what i, singularly, feel. it is a great, infinite pool of infinite creativity to which i have a tiny hose connected. like an old-world deep-sea diver, the hose leading up to the surface where life-sustaining oxygen is pumped down.....only i am beginning to believe that this "hose" is connected to my right-brain and up "above" it is connected to the infinite.

the implications of this funny little theory are interesting. through DMT, i feel as if i can increase dramatically the apperature of the hose to allow a flood of creativity one thousand times what i normally get to rush in....

...and sometimes i feel like with enough DMT, i can actually use the hose like a rope and climb up to the surface, take off my helmet and completely "be" in that infinite place.

just a theory i've had....always nice to try to conceptualize shit....the left-brain sure does like THAT! Laughing

i've got another intersting one that i formed the other night whilst holding the hand of my love. one that states that the profoundly massive amount of experiences of one being and another being can be linked and amplified through connection. like two synapses in a brain..or two conductors completing a circuit of not the individuals, but of THEM as an entity.

much too much to even try to comprehend, yet the is poignant to such as myself. not only are we an individual light, but every connection to every OTHER light we make produces yet ANOTHER light....all of these lights...interconnectiing and compiling to create an impossibly complete infinity...

impossiblemachine and myself had two back-to-back DEEEEEEEEEP breakthroughs yesterday. we both saw the same things at certain points. this work is getting a we Shocked

i have had so many journeys now where i am shown another world. sometimes flying over...sometimes inside....but here are the commonalitites:

1. the architecture is ALWAYS mayan. as if the mayan ruins we know are a very crude model of the original. THESE buildings i am shown are made of absolutely perfect substance. the angles, dimensions...everything....even the colors are all so much more advanced. yet, i am FROM here. they are nestled in forest. deep jungle. there is a symboitic relationship with the planet itself (avatar?) yet..i've been taken to this place long before i saw that movie...

2. i am a "soldier" but not in the sense that we know the word. i am not "fighting" anything. i am simply powerful and beyond fear. i am nearly limitless in my ability to experience BECAUSE of this fearlessness.

3. i am being "looked after" in that world not only when i go there....but also concurrent to any timeline i "know" in this world. as if i am in two places at once... Confused

on our second deep breakthrough, IM wakes up somewhat on a ship i was at earlier. beings i hang out with regularly on my way "back" from deep journeys are stepping over him, sitting next to him and considering him mildly whilest chewing on food. he is growing tremendously in his ability to fully surrender and, being 13 years my junior, i am inspired by how much less "unlearning" he is needing to do. ah...the new generation... Pleased

i, meanwhile, am taken as deep as i've ever gone. into a fully tangible world of unstructured creativity. i call this place the "silent space". there is no sound, no carrier wave....even i myself float in and out of is so cataclysmically powerful i am completely untethered from anything. i am so peaceful though.....SO at peace!!

i am getting "stronger", ie: more able to surrender ever deeper. this is the kind of "warrior" i am talking about. both hemispheres aligned.

both of these breakthroughs are so much more than i will ever put into words but i will say that both IM and i felt a palpable amplification to our respective connections by virtue of our S.H.E.

we will be exploring this could represent a next step forward in our work.

IM- get off your butt and write a report on this one! i can't even scratch the surface.... Laughing

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/21/2010 12:11:13 AM

The Root

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hehe - u said soldier - i was going to make a reply asking if u meant it mostly in the same way as a warrior is described in the works of casteneda, thinking you were avoiding that archetype for a reason - then noticed on the 5th to last line you used the word warrior.

you really do inspire me man - alot.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#3 Posted : 1/21/2010 7:50:24 AM

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thank you little brother! you inspire the hell out of me as well! Very happy i simply can NOT wait to hear about your aya journey(s)!!

so, IM was able to put together an experience report threading together a few recent journeys including the one i talk about above. it is beyond beautiful and SO very much worth reading!! look for "our work" in the experiences room...

we are all doing such important work here my family....i bow with humble awe to anyone courageous enough to walk this path. you are all AMAZING WARRIORS!!

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#4 Posted : 1/21/2010 9:22:42 AM


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big smile, went right into my chest!
They don't think it be like it is, but it do.
#5 Posted : 1/21/2010 2:10:31 PM

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I totally understand what you mean about that connection with your love. I too get that unity feeling with my partner and it gets even stronger after our journeys. You are such an inspiration, Antrocles. You speak so much sense and i am in awe by your power to fully surrender, as i find it difficult sometimes. You are defintiely one of a kind.
#6 Posted : 1/21/2010 3:56:03 PM

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Parents are very kind,
But I am too young to appreciate it.
The highland mountains and valleys are beautiful,
But having never seen the lowlands, I am stupid.

Having striven for mind's nourishment,
Sharpening the spearhead of intellect,
I discovered permanent parents
Whom I can never forget.

Having no one to influence my outlook,
I display my primordial nature
And adopt the style of a youthful prince.
This is due to the only father guru.

I am busy working for others.
Prajna, penetrating all obstacles,
Has made the prince old and wise,
Fearing no one.

Dancing in space,
Clad in clouds,
Eating the sun and holding the moon,
The stars are my retinue.

The naked child is beautiful and dignified.
The red flower blooms in the sky.
It is ironic to see the formless dancer,
Dancing to the trumpet without a trumpeter.

At the palace of red ruby,
Listening to the utterance of the seed syllable,
It is joyful to watch the dance of illusion,
The seductive maidens of phenomena.

The warrior without a sword,
Riding on a rainbow,
Hears the limitless laughter of transcendent joy,
The poisonous snake becomes amrita.

Drinking fire, wearing water,
Holding the mace of the wind,
Breathing earth,
I am the lord of the three worlds.


by Chögyam Trungpa,
from 'The Myth of Freedom and the Way of Meditation'
January 22, 1973
#7 Posted : 1/21/2010 5:39:24 PM

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cellux....i made it to the 7th stanza before the pounding, heavy chest and jaw agape gave way to tears streaming down my cheeks. i can honestly say that nothing i have read has ever rang so sound through water....clear....and....amplified....

this is such a gift brother. thank you SO SO SO very muc for posting this.... i am in shock right have given me something so a piece of a puzzle that was so specific and so elusive i had convinced myself to stop looking for it all together.

seriously- this simple posting just changed my life by affirming feelings i thought were simply...well....thoughts....


seiously consider this...

there is a wonderful saying...i'm not sure from whom....but i've tried very hard to apply it to my life. it goes like this:

1. small minds talk about people.

2. average minds talk about events.

3. great minds talk about ideas.

not that people and events don't have their time and place, but HERE on the NEXUS it is ALWAYS within the context of ideas. we speak of ideas constantly.....and people and events as they relate to ideas.....

i am so honored to share so much of my life with such great minds. you guys fill me to the top with...

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#8 Posted : 1/21/2010 8:36:19 PM

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I thoroughly enjoy reading about your journeys, antrocles. I don't understand how people can say that vaporizing spice is a waste. It certainly is not to you or me...quite the opposite of waste I'd say! Well said about ideas.
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Reality is in the eye of the beholder.
#9 Posted : 1/21/2010 8:43:03 PM

The Root

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"1. small minds talk about people.

2. average minds talk about events.

3. great minds talk about ideas."

Antrocles - iv read this before, long ago, and always tried to apply it too.
I love quotes.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#10 Posted : 1/21/2010 9:54:34 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I've been hearing/seeing this quote a lot recently...It's very true and it's been bouncing around in the back of my head with increasing frequency as of late. I dunno, I find that many of my friends have chosen to walk paths that are less than conscious and my own personal growth calls for people who are aware, awake, and questioning at the very least. It's sad to move on, but I feel that to do otherwise would be to stunt my own personal/spiritual growth. That quote gets reiterated every time I listen to party/bar conversation, people seem to have such a desire to shrink their minds and their worlds, I just don't understand.

antrocles wrote:
consciousness is all-consuming. it is more than what i, singularly, feel. it is a great, infinite pool of infinite creativity to which i have a tiny hose connected. like an old-world deep-sea diver, the hose leading up to the surface where life-sustaining oxygen is pumped down.....only i am beginning to believe that this "hose" is connected to my right-brain and up "above" it is connected to the infinite.

This is really similar to a Hindu concept that I can't recall the actual name for, where the Avatars of the gods (the bronze or marble statuettes) are, during times of prayer, used to channel in that aspect of the divine. It's crazy how Hinduism was always presented to me as a polytheistic religion. If you take the time to unpack it however, it is readily apparent that it's a monotheistic religion where different aspects of the singular Divinity are channeled through mediums that help accentuate the particular aspect. I took an Indian Art History class shortly after beginning my spice explorations and I was continuously floored by the similarities between their spirituality and the spice.

Antrocles wrote:
i am a "soldier" but not in the sense that we know the word. i am not "fighting" anything. i am simply powerful and beyond fear. i am nearly limitless in my ability to experience BECAUSE of this fearlessness...I am getting "stronger", ie: more able to surrender ever deeper. this is the kind of "warrior" i am talking about. both hemispheres aligned.

This is true strength. The absence of fear, the knowledge that there is nothing to fear (but fear itself of course :winkSmile is the most powerful knowledge there is, for at the point where fear is vanquished, everything is possible. THIS is one of the major reasons psychedelics scare the establishment.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
גם זה יעבור
#11 Posted : 1/24/2010 7:27:24 AM

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Hi Ant,

Your posts are always SO inspiring and give me goosebumps when I read them!!

Must release into Deeper!!! (maybe if we used an iconic alphabet that statement would make more sense?)
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#12 Posted : 1/24/2010 7:42:07 AM

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Yeah I just wanna take this moment to thank you Antrocles...... Thank You
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#13 Posted : 1/25/2010 2:06:52 AM

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antrocles wrote:
consciousness is all-consuming. it is more than what i, singularly, feel. it is a great, infinite pool of infinite creativity to which i have a tiny hose connected. like an old-world deep-sea diver, the hose leading up to the surface where life-sustaining oxygen is pumped down.....only i am beginning to believe that this "hose" is connected to my right-brain and up "above" it is connected to the infinite.

the implications of this funny little theory are interesting. through DMT, i feel as if i can increase dramatically the apperature of the hose to allow a flood of creativity one thousand times what i normally get to rush in....

...and sometimes i feel like with enough DMT, i can actually use the hose like a rope and climb up to the surface, take off my helmet and completely "be" in that infinite place.

This concept has been gnawing away at me for some time now too. It's almost like the biological limits of our brain are somehow enlarged and lengthened and broadened under the experience and we are able to tap into otherness. But these foreign ideas are always there just hiding behind the veil of our reality, shaking that curtain, begging for us to notice and it is not until we are in the molecule's grip that it truly reveals itself. Then we can play with it for a while and if we are lucky or self trained (like you) then we can bring some of it back to this world and use the knowledge in sober land.

Sometimes it hitches a ride back with us on its own too. I notice this expansion of mind before sleep takes me and sometimes during the week while fully awake. The two worlds sometimes flirt with each other even without the molecule present.
#14 Posted : 1/25/2010 5:47:25 AM


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joebono wrote:
Sometimes it hitches a ride back with us on its own too. I notice this expansion of mind before sleep takes me and sometimes during the week while fully awake. The two worlds sometimes flirt with each other even without the molecule present.

Without the molecule present, you say? That's funny, because you are walking DMT my friend ;D
#15 Posted : 1/25/2010 1:28:45 PM
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the architecture is ALWAYS mayan. as if the mayan ruins we know are a very crude model of the original. THESE buildings i am shown are made of absolutely perfect substance. the angles, dimensions...everything....even the colors are all so much more advanced. yet, i am FROM here. they are nestled in forest. deep jungle. there is a symboitic relationship with the planet itself (avatar?) yet..i've been taken to this place long before i saw that movie...

i have had many reoccurring trips like this and have put some thought into it.
ive come up with two theories.
the first is mostly wishful thinking while the second actually makes a lot more sense.

1. mayans used dmt extensively. it would explain their architecture, their religion, their superstitions, their art, their entire culture. it would explain any extra-terrestrial contact they documented. it would explain their heightened knowledge and ability to build a vast empire. the mayans were great and dmt may have guided them there. especially since they used it orally..!

2. we see mayan (or generic native south american) scenes because most everyone knows what ayahuasca is and where it originated. to me, it represents the foundation of human dmt consumpton. therefore, its highly likely that there is a psychosomatic element which makes us see these things. i know that the first few times i saw the temples and pyramids, i immediately started thinking about shamen and aya.

i dunno man..
what more can you say..?
#16 Posted : 1/26/2010 7:12:04 AM
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It is wonderful to read of your sacred journeys. You are very talented in your ability to express yourself.

I have reignited my meditation practice and tonight something quite interesting happened to me. As I was meditating I noticed a subtle sensation of the DMT experience in my body including the taste, aroma, slight body feeling and some memories coming back into my field of awareness. It seems as though the spirit of the plant is calling me back and wishes to be with me once again as if it never left me and has, on some level, become a part of me in some way. I want to thank you, my brother, for your guidance within this realm of experience and tell you that I do not take it for granted in any way. I am very sorry we didn't connect on my last stop to town and that I didn't call you sooner to let you know. I truly lost track of time in my concern for a project that wasn't moving well and I am very sorry. I am very happy to know you and to learn this brave new world from you as my teacher and guide. I am wishing you all the blessings your heart can hold, always.

Your friend,

#17 Posted : 1/26/2010 7:37:44 AM

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i will always be here to explore this new (and yet so very old) frontier with you brother. next time you are in town, we will be sure to throw you a ticket-tape parade through the streets of downtown hyperspace!!

,,,,trust me on this one....the elves know how to throw one helluva "welcome back" party Pleased

L&G!! your brother!
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
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