Well I soaked 50g of bark in 100ml of 5% ascetic acid with a dash of citric acid. I then added another 100ml of Water followed by lime which I didn't exactly measure but I think it was most likely between 30-40g. I mixed until the it turned dark and evaporated some of the water to get a soft dough type consistency. I then did my 3 Washbenzin pulls which went without a problem. Then I did my first Orangenterpene pull which also went relatively ok. I used 100ml of Orangenterpene, some of it was soaked up by the bark mix but the layer which separated was still thick enough to be decanted. Afterwards however, the consistency had become more liquid. I then waited another day and put the bowl on the radiator to evap some of the fluid. The consistency was more liquid than the initial dough like consistency when I made the second pull. This time the limonene straight up vanished into the mixture and the consistency became more fluid, like a very thin soup. There still was a very very thin layer of limonene on top which couldn't be decanted so I removed it with a small pipette and then filtered it to remove the gunk. Afterwards I evaporated all fluid until the mix became a dry powder. Next I will try to add as little water as possible, keep the consistency dry/porridge like and add the limonene again. If it separates better, it would be because of the consistency, if not, then the Orangenterpene is more likely the problem.
Also, the 50ml limonene I pulled with the pipette the last time was really saturated... a whole lot of spice crashed out of it on adding FASI. So I assume the bark is exhausted or nearly exhausted by now.
Also, I had some yellow limonene left from the first limonene pull, I had already added FASI to it and collected the crystals. Just out of curiosity I added it to the limonene from the second pull. I think the left over FASI in it reacted with the limonene from second pull, the solvent became cloudy, but two layers were formed, a transparent one on top, and a cloudy one at the bottom (the bottom one is from the second pull). Initially some crystals crashed out and formed a layer between the two. I then added some more FASI which sunk into the bottom layer and resulted in more crystals crashing out which settled at the bottom. I am not sure what exactly is going on here... but it sure looks a bit funny. Do you have any idea what could've caused the separation of two layers? they are both the same solvent, it's just that one is spice saturated and the other has some left over FASI in it...
Dasein attached the following image(s):

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