A YEAR... Options
#1 Posted : 1/20/2010 8:16:32 PM

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On the 20th of January, 2009 a dear friend sent me a succession of fervent text messages to the effect of, “I need SOMEONE to talk to about this THING…..and the only person I can think of is you…”

How can one resist such a cryptic opportunity to learn some sort of “apparent quality” affixed to their character? In the name of self-discovery I called him back.

“Ever heard of DMT?”, was the opening line….his voice sounded desperate for affirmation.

“Yes. Yes I have.”

He dove right in…

“Have you ever DONE it???” Foam was audibly starting to collect in the corners of his mouth .

If intrigue and apprehension could hump and make a baby, it would have been me in that moment. I genuinely didn’t want to bust his fringe-of-orgasm bubble on the matter but I chose to answer him honestly.

“Me and a buddy did it a couple years ago. Bought it from some wacky hippie. Shit was expensive….i remember it was kinda orange colored, crumbly crystally nonsense….smelled really perfumey…smoked it and tripped out pretty good.”
...And on reflection I guess it was kinda awesome, but apparently not enough for me to do it again since or, sadly, share in my friend’s enthusiasm at the moment. I felt a bit guilty.

This caused "Mr. Green" to lose no momentum. Over the course of the next hour I was given the kind of enrolling, information-packed symposium that you would expect from someone who just had a tete-a-tete with the Buddah himself. Out poured tales of alien contact, other worlds, loss of ego, oneness with everything…
30 minutes spent listening to these incredulous tales of impossible mindscapes and I had somehow agreed to co-pilot a way-over-my-head chemistry experiment to extract this mysterious molecule from the root-bark of a South American tree…

1 year later.....

what i had experienced all those years ago was, as i soon discovered, very weak jungle crumblings. i may as well have been a complete spice virgin for all i knew from that expereince....

to say that i have "grown" from the past year's work would be a monumental understatement that genuinely induces giggles from me as i read the words. layers upon layers of ego and "knowing" have been stripped, peeled and in some cases, chiseled off to reveal a much more genuine, stream-lined and clear me than i ever dreamed i would know. no words can express my gratitude for what DMT has given me...and i would like to take this moment....on this thank Mr. Van D'Lay from the depths of my soul for bringing the teacher to the searching student.

considering that the most "impactful" thing ol' Art had given me before that moment was a stiff left-hook on my front lawn during one of our many boxing training sessions, i would say this next-generation gift has been quite a step up...

...although both seem to make my ears ring... Pleased

from deep doses to combining with everything under the sun to week-long retreats into nature equipped with an arsenal of entheogens to dying and being reborn from the ocean's of a far away (yet impossibly close) plane of consciousness....DMT has taken me on the journey of many lifetimes. i am clear that my life-path is lined with caapi vines and mimosa is an awakening of my truest self and my highest visions.

i found a community of beautiful, honest souls on the same path that have become true family. i read with wide eyes and quivering tear-ducts those reports of my brothers and sisters struggling with the same "conversations with god" that i do. i have found my tribe. i am fiercely loyal and supportive of my people. our growth changes the landscape of a world that has been lost for too long.

one year. one tiny year. my priorities have emerged from their cocoon and have taken to the sky with the impossible colors of a new world that i have SEEN with my own four eyes Smile i believe that this work, this molecule, this awakening...this is ALL a part of something wonderful. i believe that we are shaking off a long sleep to find that our garden has overgrown and needs tending. i also believe that we now CAN begin to tend to it. you are all....WE are all spiritual warriors. to the life that lies ahead...the life i have been blessed to be reawakening to....i say YES. to all that is and all that will be....i say YES.

for my life and all that is has come to in this perfect moment.

i say yes.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 1/20/2010 8:40:04 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Great story man.

I like how you said we're all "spiritual warriors" because I feel as much as we should be full of love and gratitude at all times, it takes a WARRIOR SPIRIT to actually allow yourself to go through these experiences.

Only been a few months since I've known this compound, and I feel I'm going to keep working with it no matter what.

Happy trails
#3 Posted : 1/20/2010 8:51:25 PM

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Amen to that.

Swim says, that even just a couple of experiences can open up to a world of wonder. It affects him at a basic level of his humanity. The experience ages like old wine and it just gets better every day. There are whole new worlds of understanding comming from deep underground. Understanding - rooted in this world and at the same time so far away.

Swim can only guess the conectedness someone like you feels, who's got the chance to work with the molecule on a regular basis. Put it to good work.

I guess they told you about this "sharing is caring" thing too.
#4 Posted : 1/20/2010 9:16:10 PM

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Antrocles, your posts above all inspire me. I look forward to reading more of your journeys, findings and messages.

Peace and love.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
Bill Cipher
#5 Posted : 1/20/2010 10:40:31 PM

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In the words of one who spiced before me, "What a long, strange trip it's been".

In typical Antrocles fashion, the love and gratitude is ever present, but the details are all a bit fuzzy. So, at the risk of appearing nitpicky, I believe the whole thing went down a little something like this...

I actually made the call sometime in December '08, and I'd yet to have the experience. I'd just finished reading The Spirit Molecule (and everything else I could find on the subject), and had been lurking here as a non-member for several months at the time. He was quite literally the only friend I had who I thought might not be weirded out by my proposal. To my delight, he was enthusiastic (if not a little bit sceptical), so together we hit the kitchen a-goggled and whipped up the proverbial magic.

So... it was one year ago today that we actually took the maiden voyage - and I know this with a certitude because it was also inauguration day (which felt very meaningful and synchronistic to me at the time). He made me go first, and I tanked my (burned) hit from one of the machines we constructed. Still, enough was absorbed to tell that what we had was plenty active. He went next with a bong and oil burner and came back five minutes later, staring at his tattoos and babbling "I am from warriors" and other sillyness. We went repeatedly over the next few days (into gradually deepening waters), and I think it's probably fair to say we were both of us pretty well impacted.

It's one year later, and I'm still as awed and humbled by the experience as ever. Like the space itself, it perpetually changes and never ceases to amaze me. I write about it less and less, not because I'm any less captivated, but because I truly have no words to even begin to describe it. There is no linearity to my hypersace, no dialoguing with faeries. What I experience is simply inexpressible - except in the broadest metaphorical terms - so, these days, more often that not, I usually choose not to try.

My legacy around here may very well be in delivering your new McKenna. There is no doubt that for better or worse, I've created a monster in Antrocles. He's more at facility in this world than I will ever be (for reasons I've vomited up ad nauseum in a handful of other threads), and he's certainly captured the pulse of the Nexus and inspired a bunch of others. I'd be lying if I said that I don't have the occasional concerns for my mustachioed friend (as well as for the role I've played in cultivating his ascendance to weirdo Buddhahood), but he's come at me from a similar place on more than one occasion (Mr. Kettle...? Mr. Kettle...? Paging Mr. Kettle... You have an urgent message from Mr. Pot...), so I suppose it comes with the territory.

One thing is certain - I haven't seen shit; not even the tip of the iceberg. Where I go from here, I don't know for sure. My relationship with DMT will never be quite like Ant's. But I'm no less awed by the mystery that we discovered together, mein brotha.

#6 Posted : 1/21/2010 2:43:35 PM

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Damn I love this place!! I don't think it would be the same if it weren't for you guys... i say thank you for being such amazing people.
#7 Posted : 1/23/2010 2:14:32 AM


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"More Questions than Answers Day!!"

My rebirth day is soon, too, February 11th!!!Very happy

You guys are a couple of Louis's and Clarke's's, hyperspatial cartographers

Keep on typing!!!


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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