Bisy wrote:...superiority.
Stop youyoume please, e.g. just spare us all the nuisance of such "social" noise, for starters. PLEASE! Now if you don't want me to respond to rudeness in disguise with more not-so-clever rudeness then i'd respectfully offer some fair chance to try rational reasoning, especially in place of what seems to announce emotional/cognitive
CHAOS so far!
In other words i didn't plan playing "
the great, boldly Magnificent and utterly Omnipotent Egzoset with a capital "E" (
plus gogo-style shadow-dancers on each side...)" flamboyant character today. Nope, cut the crap and leave it to installed gurus in exchange for major topics that were about to slip into oblivion, once again - which by the way feels typical at this point of the bend, euh...
So how about judging a whole patiently-matured concept by its obvious/real features for a change?...
Bisy wrote:...I have found my preferred vaping apparatus.
Of course, being born ealier this month (Joined: 09-janv.-2021) it appears anything's possible... Sure.
Anyway never mind what you were once told about Egzoset's imported/forged drama-queen reputation(s) - direct from NASA boys at FuckCombustion (incl. similar forum boards that got closed many years ago...) E.G. where criminal-minded fanboys play to denying a single honest, well-defined and time-proven
VIRTUAL identity that was actually based on real topics, always put forward ever since, for example:

Sorry if that hurts your emotions and/or that makes
YOU want to ridicule yourself by actively denying an
VIRTUAL BOARD to obscur/block a most relevant/essential reply (only to serve social ties with trolls, as i can presume from the feedback!) but the dull fact is that this simply has got
ZERO "arms" around any of those #53 holes which even remotely compares to the thin ones of stainless steel mesh. No wonder nobody here wants to retain such argumentation, but don't insult me with flatery again. The point is that the e-Mesh route exposes to an increased amount of metal contact-surface for trivial considerations having very little to do with vaporization of any substance IMHO!...
Nonetheless lets remain respectful and civilized. Which is why i cared to invest my fair share of time and effort on some over-simplified
LAVAGen2 (co-axial) version that was initially meant to please the DynaVap VapCap people, in absolute vain not to mention it, euh... But it's coming with serious trade-offs anyway!
Dimensions correspond to the VaporGenie Classic "top" and it weights less than a gram. Porosity is such that it provides a suitable ratio of convective/radiative and conduction heat transformation... M'well, judging by years of routine 1st-person evaluation.
For reminders here's my conceptual contribution to the patented Fig. #11/12 item of Dan Steinberg:

And this is my LAVACapsule extension, in case the reader might happen to wonder what that is (including yourself...):

You! You! You!
Bisy wrote:...must try for the diy, low budget experience.
Take a number, wait for your turn!!
Years ago i solved eventual clogged screen issues by creating my REVERSIBLE "Plan-B" compatible (e.g. Bi-Energy) Near-Symetrical LAVACapsule, directly inspired by the Fig. #11/12
Egzoset contribution to VaporGenie's intellectual property - which so far never legally covered "Plan-A" situations based on
Induction Heat alone i think...
Bisy wrote:I've made some adjustments...
Good for YOU. Bewarned though that you may discover long-term problems along the path, for example i was recently worried that "Micro-Bursting" could leave residual eneregy in the mouth which could contribute as a co-factor to tooth decay, with chronic years-long use as another factor. Briefly put ou may want to check the heat-removal layer and/or add one, so there again i must advise that SiC Foam got ideal dynamic thermal characteristics for such challenging function!
Brennendes Wasser wrote:...awesome, because these conduction methods really get things on a new level...
This is so demotivating to get more youyoume feedback and never have the essentials even considered. So be it, bad Egzoset shall be blamed again. Truth is my LAVA concept MINIMIZES conduction to reserve it for a separate "Pre-Heating" phase, but i must be over-reacting i guess. Just get me BANNED so we can be done with it, exactly as expected!!
Brennendes Wasser wrote:...controlled heat instead of over-torching...
Ah, finally some emotional relief. A real topic at last!...
Too bad i going to fuel more hate for Egzoset one more.
Brennendes Wasser wrote:...these porous foam things are also just on a new level.
Now i can wait for death in complete resignation: someone has his eyes open, not one year too soon though!!
Yes, top-notch indeed:

Wrap your e-Mesh around it to obtain an independant Pre-Heat phase. Once fully "charged" with an effectively quanticized amount of energy (by virtue of fixed specific heat capacity/mass vs power output/time/temperature...) exploit this designer structure to re-convert temporarily stored energy into mainly convective/radiative heat vectors, ideally after pre-heating has prepared the noble molecules to spontaneously vaporize and leave the bowl just as fast, using burning-hot air both as the "Release" & "Transport" agent. Cold fresh air will follow the stretched energy bubble into a bowl, hence quickly stopping secondary/tertiary (thermal denaturating) reactions. Etc., etc.
In any case don't youyoume again unless you seek a war, hoping that was rude but never confusing...
Brennendes Wasser wrote:Is that the regular healthstone or sth different?
The "tetrakaidecahedron" detail tells me we should trust VaporGenie's specific material selection based on a 2-decades legacy, while i'm not too confident about what's inside "HealthStones", imagine their internal structure and thermal characteristics. Though i'm under the impression that if glass were equivalent then it would be popular for the top-notch electronic chips industry as well, where SiC and Saphire are chosen instead. IMO significant trade-offs are to expect but i certainly wouldn't deter the urge to try and compare! What i know is that naturally-occuring stones suck...
Now if you want to be nice then consider DUPLICATION or ignore me like anyone else. It's OKay to only post for yet-to-come readers who don't exist just yet, all that counts is planting a seed.
Good day, have fun!!