ability to talk during breakthrough Options
#21 Posted : 1/17/2010 1:26:10 AM
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MagikVenom wrote:

The term Breakthrough is modern pop. The indigenous users would ask you Breakthrough WTF. Just like Hyperspace its all pop made up stuff that really means nothing. Me I drink my brew definitional aspects are prejudiced. No one gives me descriptions or defines MY hallucinations.

I think is is very sad attempting to define the unknowable lets write up the new Bible or Koran. DMT users know nothing in terms of organized thought patterns except fantasy.

People need to use dmt to expand there mind not limit it to a new BS beleif system. It is about improvement of life's proublems not constructing a new fantasy world.

Forget about ancient customs next time your tripping what can you do to improve the life of yourself and others around you TODAY.

People are really missing the point. IT is a SHAME

The Heroin addicts at Blue Light have a better Philosophy Section than here. It has become a real Joke here.

I am torn between my love of psychedelic inspiration and my love of knowledge. This place is really becoming WACKED of course you can provide descriptions and show people how to TAKE psychedelics. And of course they will fall right into the mind warp. I almost feel like I am part of a brain washing campaign.

Maybe its time?

To go its no longer mind expansion but indoctrination and fantsyCrying or very sad

No charity giving or world consicness just the latest extraction info and trips to LA LA land

I know people are disappointed by my words and all I can say is dito.


I couldn't agree with you more.

Too many threads in these forums where someone posts a report of a bad trip, and others tell him the only way to be "protected in the DMT world" is through finding God, and praying to surround yourself in a protective "veil".

By all means sit down before you take off. Think about life. Try to relax, and clear your mind. Take everything that occurs with a grain of salt and remember that you are ingesting a chemical to achieve this state of mind. Having fun and exploring your subconsciousness is always enlightening, but taking the "voices" you hear in your head seriously and following their advice will never yield a good result. Healthy beliefs make a healthy mind.

For every strange experience that people here have, there is an even stranger whacked-out explanation about spirits punishing you for this and that. Whatever happened to just having a "bad trip". I've had nightmares many times, but rarely are they about anything remotely meaningful, just something fun to remember.

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#22 Posted : 1/17/2010 10:29:14 PM

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Yes, I can talk during a breakthrough. Sometimes when I do though I get this feeling from the E.T.'s and from myself that I should be silent. I usually talk into an audio recorder so that later on I can listen to myself and in doing so relive the experience. This way I put a few more missing puzzle pieces into the big picture, and meditate on the light that trickles in.

What could better describe what a breakthrough refers to? I like to think of sub-breakthrough as me in my room feeling the light through a half-inch-cracked door, but I'm too busy peeking through two blinded windows. A breakthrough is when I stop looking through tainted glass and simply walk out that cracked door, and wonder outside immersed in warm heavenly light. The term still has plenty of meaning to me.

Negativity is the whore lover of the rational mind. IMHO here at the Nexus people don't like thinking with their rational frame of mind, if they did they wouldn't be vaping DMT or doing other entheogens. So when someone lords their opinion over everyone else, sides will be taken. Those who feel that is thinking with your heart will be busy making art, and we will defend it from those squares who would burn it. Burnt got frustrated with me, and everyone else because his rational thoughts could not burn our feelings that defy every man-made lie labelled absolute law.

I don't go to the square section anymore because it ain't no church, and the sacrament is a thin flour wafer. I got the real sacrament here in my hand in a drawer, and my church is only a toke away. Yes, God is only one toke away. I say negativity is a whore that everyone roots every night, and you think of her two often to say, maybe things are looking up, maybe today. If that whore will leave me alone I could get something done, but she calls on the phone every minute of the day. Oh the times they are a changin', and the Nexus is where people keep praying.
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Reality is in the eye of the beholder.
#23 Posted : 1/17/2010 10:49:36 PM

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DiscipleofSpice, for you and anyone else who considers DMT or other psychedelics an irreplaceable part of your personal religion or belief system, there may actually be legal defense for your use of your sacraments. Read this:
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#24 Posted : 1/17/2010 11:15:18 PM

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Kartikay wrote:
DiscipleofSpice, for you and anyone else who considers DMT or other psychedelics an irreplaceable part of your personal religion or belief system, there may actually be legal defense for your use of your sacraments.

Read this:

THANK YOU!!! I was just thinking about this stuff.

Regarding the other stuff:
Words like "breakthrough" are just sloppy approximations of experienced "reality" used for convenience of conversation. Indeed no one knows what they're talking about, but what of it?
Philosophically, there is not much proof for an external world anyway. David Hume talks of a "felt necessity," wherein the truly rational mind must always arrive at an inevitable "huh?" position, and proceed with emotional assumptions as his guide.

I think perhaps MagikVenom's main frustration may lay with a lack of diveristy in the threads? This is a fair concern, and we must always be encouraging with our thoughts and actions, and alienate as few folks as possible! welcome all and listen well.

truly the best,

#25 Posted : 1/18/2010 3:26:23 PM

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I guess the true enigmatic nature of the substance will naturally create many varied opinions on the true nature of the experience.
Anything is possible because at this time no one really knows what is actually happening . They can understand the chemistry to a point and understand the basic science of cause and effect but the true mystical nature of the experience seems to remain conundrum. On a personal level I needed to find out for myself. There is alot of noise surrounding this and alot of nonsense as well. I take things as I see them. There is a part of me that knows there is something important happening for me. Just when I feel like i'm close to some kind of basic understanding more questions arise.
I beginning to think as humans all have the capacity for higher levels of consciousness and the ability to tap into the mystical realms.The parellels in all great religions seem uncanny and intrinsically connected to this. It seems that this drug is but one way to get to the same place. This suggests our minds have a space reserved for this and that for most is only tapped into at moments of trauma and death.
This journey as it unfolds has had profound impact on my life and continues to. At this point in my life I have found my muse so to speak and I don't think I'll ever know for sure what the answers are. It doesn't matter I'm good with that and enjoying the amazing process where ever it will take me.
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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#26 Posted : 1/18/2010 7:31:27 PM
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Depends on how deeply affected you are. I have had moments that i wasn't able to speak very comprehensively, or at least think very comprehensively.

It can be hard sometimes to decide wich of the 10.000 thoughts and impressions happening at the same time has utmost priority. Making a first shift is even pretty difficult then.

But once you've gained the ability to focus on one thing at the time it is not impossible or even difficult at all.

I find the word breakthrough a very adequate term in many ways, but it has to be sayd that there is no flatline or saturation point once the mind and senses have become completely soaked with the psychedelic observations and state.

It can get deeper and deeper and even so that just a tiny little bit more spice can make a big difference between being able to speak and comprehend or no longer being able so.
#27 Posted : 1/20/2010 11:11:07 PM
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Felnik, i would be really interested in hearing the audio of one of your trips as you're going through it. I haven't had the money to be able to extract dmt but i'm extremely interested in it. Can you talk clearly? Are there any lengthy pauses? And do you end up talking out loud to entities in your trip? It would be sweet if you could get back to me by pm Very happy i have a few questions
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#28 Posted : 1/21/2010 1:46:24 AM
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Dreamer can talk slowly during breakthrough, his meaning for breakthrough being when the tripper loses their confidence in consensual reality, and believes they may well be in an alternate reality or even 'true' reality. He has given laconic and slowly made commentaries to friends once out of 'launch' and into the 'place' and making contact.
If experiencing ego death, he's told he doesn't emit much more than a groan or monosyllabic word, but he has said things like 'turn the music off' surprisingly quickly either just before or during these arched-back out-of-body experiences. If he can't speak after, maybe it's just because he's clenching his jaw too tight! Who knows.
I can believe that there might be a personal dose beyond which a person can no longer speak, but for dreamer at least this is way past breakthrough.

Dreamer has also walked around during breakthrough once too, a few others on here have said they have too.
Everything I write is fictional roleplay. Obviously! End tribal genocide: Quick petitions for meaningful change:
End prohibition: And "Feeling Good" by David D.Burns MD is a very useful book.
#29 Posted : 1/21/2010 4:04:07 AM

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The only reason I thought it was worth mentioning in a post was that the trip was very strong and I had passed into a total out of body space with feelings of entities and such. Thats where I found myself able to speak about it while it was happening. Now wether thats possible all the time i don't know. Sometimes speaking or doing anything to ruin the space is the last thing on my mind so i guess it will depend on the situation. Is there a threshold where communication is not possible ? most definetly . Planning further investigation.

I follow the basic premise that with regular practice we can learn how to function better during the experience. I've found breathing ( obviously) is very important and also letting go and not fighting it, letting the experience wash over you and unfold without judgement, expectation or panic. I believe it takes a little while to build a trust with the molecule .It took me awhile to figure out that the stuff was not going to hurt me but that is something we all have to figure out on our own individual terms. I work on being strong in my body and my mind. The stronger I am the further I seem to go and the better it gets.
Be strong my friends.

The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke
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