Awesome points people. Thank you.
endlessness wrote:...but at the same time that Consciousness somehow permeates everything, including lifeless objects...
bismillah wrote:...little ripples in the ocean of the universe. Waves, crashing into eachother and moving around eachother and interacting in ways we struggle to understand. Much like how human consciousness seems to arise from the interaction of a hundred-billion neurons...
Justsomedude wrote:I'd argue that our definitions of "consciousness" and "emotion" are too limiting...Everything follows its own mechanisms...
We are made of elements that we call lifeless, yet, we have consciousness. I feel like our brains behave like a glass prism that diffracts the human-aspect of the general/superpositioned consciousness. The same might also be valid for emotions.
So, if the structure of a being/prism does not diffract the superpositioned source and reveal an aspect, then this aspect is hidden. I would conclude that lifeless object have no idea about emotions just like moles having no idea about colors.
But a mole can be given DMT and start to know/remember about colors (correct me if I am wrong). I wonder if lifeless objects are in a DMT-trip like state. If yes, there might be a mechanism to introduce emotions to lifeless objects too. This part is vague to me.
Poemander wrote:I don't feel any emotion as this rock. I don't feel "I" anymore. I sit and wait now. I sing for someone to touch me.
You don't feel any emotion as this rock, but you have an idea about emotions. You don't feel "I" anymore, but "I" is the one that sits and waits now. Is it that you can travel between "I"s and transfer their knowledge from one to the other?