feeling confused? friends espousing different crazy conspiracy theories? government policy seeming dissonant and illogical? everyone having vastly differing modus operandi?
answer simple: the powers that be are spreading many different news stories and fake news stories that conflict each other. if everyone has different ideas and feelings about reality there can be no harmony in opposition and counter-movements. this has been known for eons as DIVIDE and CONQUER.
how do we challenge, conquer or even just rail it in?
answers/theories/plans below
peace, keep it real and keep believing your highest truth.
truth/love/joy, a holy trinity, if a thought doesn't give one or more of these it is not correct or useful.
ps: if your thinking about this post: "man's a hippie, he's paranoid ain't he, what a load of bull or anything negative" the beast has you......
but it's not too late to escape
#fuckracism #plur #respect #higherconsiousness #fuckprejudiceinallforms #conservativesarelegalcountryrapersmanypeopleallowtohavepowerbecauseofmediamanufacturedfear #peace #onelove #humanrights
"Anonymous around the mouse, hyperspace black ops in my house,
A technical itch you can't ignore, viral like that magic spore,
Laced in life like a blockchain, special characters around my name,
They got game like Nintendo flow, it's always the same you will know,
I can't be pinned down like a Q-Bit, my architecture all neuromorphic,
On the roof if the internet had one, fire escape's fibre optic dragon." Onepacman