Thought some of you might find this interesting....
With rising interest in the idea psychedelics played an important role in our species evolution specifically in regards to consciousness, new information and interpretations of existing data are suggesting we have been looking at this connection from the wrong angle.
Evidence supports likelihood that ancestral use of psychedelic plants, spiritual traditions/practices/mythology from wide ranging cultures world wide were originally part of an extremely ancient "treatment" for a species wide neurological condition (in modern langauge), all part of an advanced science of mind that has fragmented and become distorted as the very condition itself progresses, you just have to ask the right questions and beware of current conclusions, look at the objective data asking if there is any evidence of species wise brain damage or developmental failure.
Is it remotely possible that the catastrophic atrophication of our new brain is in any way connected to our obvious insanity? Is there any evidence that we are behaving like a species with serious brain damage because we have serious brain damage?
If our neo-cortex was an emergent structure or by product via our 50 million year pharmacologically juvenilising symbiotic relationship with an extremely unusual host, the reproductive system of the flowering plants (fruit) in the equatorial non seasonal African rainforest. When the relationship began to break down our neo-cortex would have been exposed to our ancient mammalian hormones and sex steroid activity without the modulating and pineal stimulating chemical environments the plants hosted, and would inevitably begin to prematurely age, and atrophy as the juvenile environment it required for development and function was lost.
"Is there any evidence of species wise brain damage"?
Selective Atrophy of Left Hemisphere and Frontal Lobe of the Brain in Old Men
- Humans Alone in Brain Shrinkage With Age
- Primate aging in the mammalian scheme: the puzzle of extreme variation in brain aging
- Cerebral Lateralization. Biological Mechanisms, Associations, and Pathology: I. A Hypothesis and a Program for Research
- If ancestral use of psychedelics were 'treatments' for a failing perceptual system, then this early study into the neurological correlates of typical perceptual effects during an LSD induced experience appears to confirm the same asymmetric pattern in hemispheric response, suggesting hemispheric assymetry of 5-HT receptors.
https://www.researchgate...after_temporal_lobectom Thoughts on ancient use of psychedelics as a sort of symbiotic neurochemical supplementation? One of many interconnected bodies of treatments..interesting to say the least.
Childeren of the forest research hub
The self that talks doesn't know, the self that knows doesn't talk.