Acacia floribunda Options
#21 Posted : 3/13/2012 4:35:02 AM

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nen888 wrote: you have a photo of flowers & pods, just to be sure?..botanic gardens and councils have been wrong before..most reports i've heard of floribunda have been +ve...

i was at the botanic gardens yesterday and the floribunda looked much more like acacia maidenii i thought .. but there was a sign next to it saying A. floribunda

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#22 Posted : 3/14/2012 7:51:05 AM

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the narrow leafed variety. Found it in the garden of a business down in Melbz. I asked them if they'd mind if i pruned their overhanging bits. Got about 3 kgs of phylodes and small stem bits.

The best way to get sodium carbonate is to buy bicarbonate of soda from the supermarket and put it in a baking tray smash all the lumps out and bake for a few hours at 220 degrees centigrade. This will free one of the carbon dioxide atoms from the molecule and give sodium carbonate. Bi carb will give you pH of about 8.3 max but sodium carb will max out at a touch over pH 11 which is just enough to freebase DMT. hardest thing to come by is the fumaric acid for the salting. If you have any sugestions besides ordering online for that i'd be super happy to hear it.

Which gardens did you check out the flori at?
"You don‘t have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." —C.W. Lewis
#23 Posted : 3/14/2012 8:13:44 AM
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..example acacia extraction..cultivated plant simply pruned..
thanks for this report Vitalstatistix..
#24 Posted : 3/14/2012 8:24:26 AM

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No problem Nen.

I have also located 40+ trees that are on a site that is going to be cleared for redevelopment so chopping one down and stripping it of bark and phylodes won't cause harm. I'll redo my TEK using pH meter this time and take notes and post it if it all works out again. It is pretty much a bastardised double A/B type deal. Hopefully it all works out again and i can put it up for all to use. I'm sure with fine tuning and more precision the yeilds could go up more.
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#25 Posted : 11/5/2013 4:44:12 AM

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Just seen the floribunda at the botanical gardens it has sickle shaped phyllodes is it just another strain? Have never seen anything describe them as having that shape phyllodes, but the pods are coiled..
Also a lovely a.alpina there.
#26 Posted : 1/3/2014 6:14:01 AM

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Vitalstatistix wrote:
Hi All,

Been super busy with work and stuff but finally had another crack at the floribunda. PH meter batteries were stuffed so i did an A/B with vinegar, based with excess sodium carbonate and pulled 3 times with shelly. Salted the shelly and crashed 2.59 grams of nice pure white xtals out of it! Reckon i'd get more if i did a few more pulls.
Dunno what was going on with the earlier experiments as the phylodes came from one of the same specimins as last time.

Thanks for all your earlier posts guys.


This excites and encourages me!

I bought 6 2year old A. floribunda's from a nursery in the south island of NZ, potted them up and they are growing nicely; I was looking at them today and thinking that i could give them another haircut (i dried and powdered the phylodes and small stems from off cuts when i trimmed them at potting time).

I'm going to wait till i have at least 200gms of dried material then either try and AB eco-tec or else a dry tec with mag-sulf dried, super-chilled ethanol
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#27 Posted : 2/8/2015 11:17:37 PM
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obsidianjaguar: Did you get any results???

Anyone on here had success with New Zealand floribunda trees?

Big grin
#28 Posted : 2/11/2020 9:43:51 PM

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acacian wrote:
was the variety of floribunda you used narrow or broader phyllodes

Are there even narrow and broad phyllode varieties of A. floribunda? I thought they all had narrow phyllodes and the main distinction within the species was between the upright and prostrate varieties, the former being understood to be the more desirable and the latter having been hinted somewhere on the forum to be devoid of DMT (?).

I have two specimens of A. floribunda, grown from the same batch of seed. I thought they were the prostrate variety, although I pruned off the bottom branches and they've recently been growing rather upright, with no low growth.
#29 Posted : 12/1/2020 3:50:03 AM

The Headless Way

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Hi There,

SWIM just finished their first attempted extraction from Acacia Floribunda using the invocacia tek.

163gm Powdered dried phyllodes and small twigs in blender then coffee grinder.
Frozen and thawed 3 times over 2 days:

They have ended up with a very small amount of yellow goo after evaporating the naptha.


I would welcome any thoughts as to what they may have ended up with here?

Apparently it Smells like over ripe fruit.


----UPDATE 1/12/2020----

After looking at the goo for a while, and realising it is not going to be easy to use, and considering there were numerous little problems with the extraction....first time fun....I needed a plan.

Thanks to GulliverTravels post above, I have added back new naptha and mixed. This gave a yellow slightly cloudy mix.

Then i stuffed up.

I forgot to concentrate the naptha using the fan, and instead went to the freezer for 10 mins. I opened the freezer door, took off the tub lid and put the fan in front to evap off the 1/3 naptha, then went away for 10 mins.

When i returned i could have cried, the condensation from the warm air hitting the glass tub meant basically a rainstorm in my freezer. I closed it up and in 10 mins, the water had frozen into an iceblock, but with heaps of yellow gunk in it.

Excited to see what was going on, i figured i should just do some naptha pulls and see what happens. Taking out of the freezer, i spilled 25% on the floor.......Seriouly need to slow down.

3 pulls with more naptha and i was left with a beautiful crystal clear yellow liquid which has been freezing for 1 hour and my heart is singing............

Look what i found at the bottom of the Jar......

So while i may only end up with tiny yeild, with all the disasters i caused, at least i will be able confirm it works, and that the species is worthy of further investigation.

I have documented the process i used, if anyone is interested, i am very new here, so please let me know how to share it with you.



UPDATE 2/12/2020

Mad Thumbs down WAS ICE in the bottom not what i wanted.

Going to start again.
The Headless Way -

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#30 Posted : 12/4/2020 3:26:39 AM

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Nice work!

I have found A.Floribunda to be a reliable source but not a huge yielder. I always seem to end up with goo which is messy to work with but it does the trick Thumbs up
#31 Posted : 12/4/2020 3:39:40 AM
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Got a few in my starter pots! I'm excited to see how these do their first season.
#32 Posted : 12/4/2020 5:54:56 AM

The Headless Way

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Sigtyr wrote:
Nice work!

I have found A.Floribunda to be a reliable source but not a huge yielder. I always seem to end up with goo which is messy to work with but it does the trick Thumbs up

SWIM also ended up with a very small amount of goo, but there were mistakes in the extraction process that have been learning experiences. (Like make sure the jar is sealed before you shake it you idiot!!!!)

The idea here is to learn as much as possible, confirm there is something there to find (pretty sure it is A.Floribunda), practice and learn from any mistakes.

A second extraction is currently underway, will be posted here shortly, and has also had "learning experiences".

SWIM is having a Big problem with freeze precipitation, humidity and condensation. Mostly self inflicted from being too impatient and checking the freezer to "see how its going". (Idiot)

SWIM's reading is also hinting that humidity during evaporation may be a contributor to the "Goo" state that most people seem to be getting from Acacia.
This has meant a high number of re-extractions with naptha being performed that has allowed separation of all the water and in the process, all the yellow/orange "goo".

SWIM is currently freezing the resulting final extraction and being very disciplined not to open it, but in the morning this was found in the syringe used to pull the naptha:

Very excited to see this, but such tiny amount. Reading in the Nexus has said that adding xstls to the solution while freeze precipitating can "seed" the growth of xstls. Results should be available later today.

SWIM was first introduced to the molecule 2 years ago, and despite a few attempts, has never been past the wonderful visual experience that is the waiting room.

SWIM decided to find out more and reading here at the Nexus has been such an amazing experience. The greatest thanks and appreciation goes to all who are part of this place.

SWIM has been on this journey for 2 years now and is very excited to see what happens next.....
The Headless Way -

The experiments shown in the link above changed my life in a very profound way. One simple thing is brought to attention and it has changed my relationship with reality.
Douglas Harding’s “The science of the first person” is an easy, scientific, and playful way to find who you really are. I highly recommend everyone give this a go. It gives a shared language to discuss reality.
If anyone here is headless, I would love to talk deeply about how DMT fits with who we really are. I am trying to be more Humble, Grateful and Productive in everything I do.
#33 Posted : 12/4/2020 6:17:06 AM

The Headless Way

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Yowassuphomie wrote:
Got a few in my starter pots! I'm excited to see how these do their first season.

SWIM's research should be fine tuned by the time they are ready, so lets keep in touch.

Such a beautiful thing to see when in full flower.

The current extraction being done is using this beauty, but the phyllodes were collected long after flowering. Some reading hints that the yeild is much smaller or non existent while flowering, but the research will be done and reported.
The Headless Way -

The experiments shown in the link above changed my life in a very profound way. One simple thing is brought to attention and it has changed my relationship with reality.
Douglas Harding’s “The science of the first person” is an easy, scientific, and playful way to find who you really are. I highly recommend everyone give this a go. It gives a shared language to discuss reality.
If anyone here is headless, I would love to talk deeply about how DMT fits with who we really are. I am trying to be more Humble, Grateful and Productive in everything I do.
#34 Posted : 12/5/2020 4:25:03 AM

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Please drop the SWIM routine you're not fooling anyone Wink

But yeah they are a nice looking tree for sure. I've got a few growing in my yard along with some A.Acuminata, A.Obtusifolia and A.Courtii, but unfortunately insects seem to really like the A.Courtii and it's been under constant attack.

Anyway, I'll be interested to see your next lot of A.Floribunda results.
#35 Posted : 12/10/2020 4:19:42 AM

The Headless Way

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It seems that the team’s research through the wonderful generosity of the Nexus has brought it gratefully to a point of being ready to have a real good go at solving the NMT/DMT/weird oil separation specifically focussed on A.floribunda phyllodes and twigs.

With 2 test runs completed, and mistakes learned from, a plan is evolving.

The plan is to follow the Phyllode Tek Experiment 3 from nen888 here-post#2 and do some A/B comparisons on how effective different steps are in solving the problem.

It seems the “goo” “problem”, experienced by many here with the Acacia family, is at risk of becoming an us/them issue that IMHO would be disrespectful to the nature of the Nexus. As conflict increases, cooperation decreases.

Being able to control the DMT/NMT balance regardless of the variable nature of these plants by improving the extraction knowledge, would help make this “problem” and possible conflict vanish.

The question for the people is where best to document the extraction experiment. It will be a detailed record of the process to try to add as much back to the Nexus as it has given so far.

Should I continue with posts here? Or start a new topic?

The Headless Way -

The experiments shown in the link above changed my life in a very profound way. One simple thing is brought to attention and it has changed my relationship with reality.
Douglas Harding’s “The science of the first person” is an easy, scientific, and playful way to find who you really are. I highly recommend everyone give this a go. It gives a shared language to discuss reality.
If anyone here is headless, I would love to talk deeply about how DMT fits with who we really are. I am trying to be more Humble, Grateful and Productive in everything I do.
#36 Posted : 2/12/2021 7:39:13 AM

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[quote=Sheikhabe] first attempted extraction from Acacia Floribunda using the invocacia tek.

Hi Sheikhabe,

Depending which version of The Invocacia Method that you downloaded, the level of NaOH may be a bit too low (I had made amendments in the thread where the pdf first appears). Through extensive experimenting with Acuminata in particular, I have found that higher amounts of NaOh can lead to less gooey results. So while a normal pH of 12.5 still yields a honey like result, adding more NaOH; (which may make little detectable difference on a pH meter) does seem to help the results solidify noticeably better.

Also there appears to be 2 distinct types of Floribunda (and variations in between): The more common domestic type with shorter (5-8cm) narrower (1-3mm) phyllodes and thin deep lemon yellow/orange tubular flowers with very curly seed pods. Then a less common, wild type with longer (10-15cm) broader (5-15mm) phyllodes with bushier creamy white/yellow tubular flowers and less curled seed pods. The latter appears to be anecdotally more active but obviously not as common in occurrence.

The Nexus here lists Floribunda as having 0.3-0.8% DMT, NMT though seemingly has much higher yields in most reports. Some I've seen, look like clear oil on the plate- so at some times of year may be much higher in NMT. Recent reading has suggested that temperature has a lot to do with the formation of NMT to DMT during extraction (less heat = less oil).

Also there's no need for freezer precipitation, as The Invocacia Method suggests a simple evaporation on a plate with or without a fan works fine.

all the best Smile

#37 Posted : 7/19/2021 8:54:46 PM

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I've recently extracted my Acacia floribunda with naphtha. 530 g fresh, which according to the results of another experiment should be equivalent to 212 g dried, as fresh weighs 2.5x more than dried.

Unfortunately, the bioassays (one of which involved 300 g fresh of the batch) didn't yield results. I felt nothing.

In case it helps, this strain has yellow flowers.
#38 Posted : 7/24/2021 3:28:50 AM

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Jagube wrote:
I've recently extracted my Acacia floribunda with naphtha. 530 g fresh, which according to the results of another experiment should be equivalent to 212 g dried, as fresh weighs 2.5x more than dried.

Unfortunately, the bioassays (one of which involved 300 g fresh of the batch) didn't yield results. I felt nothing.

In case it helps, this strain has yellow flowers.

Some trees seem void of DMT.. in some areas they reliably produce nothing.. others they reliably produce an oily extract with reasonable amounts of DMT. I have also obtained white circular crystal from Floribunda in NNSW that had no effects .. still don't know the variables that are contributing to Floribunda's alkaloid activity (and lack of) in specimens area to area.. would be an interesting one to crack..

Floribunda is common and widely cultivated ..and the phyllodes work well.. if you aren't obsessed with getting white fluffy crystals then you really needn't look any further .. its also a damn beautiful tree when in flower

I will say this though.. using Naptha (Shellite) for Floribunda really doesn't work well at all so if you aren't ending up with anything first port of call I think should be a change of solvent. With shellite you will usually end up with strange droplets of "water" in your dish .. they are often DMT but take this strange form when using Shellite as the solvent.. works MUCH better with this tree using Toluene, Xylene or DCM.. extract will be more like honey
#39 Posted : 7/25/2021 11:44:38 PM

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acacian wrote:

Floribunda is common and widely cultivated ..and the phyllodes work well.. if you aren't obsessed with getting white fluffy crystals then you really needn't look any further .. its also a damn beautiful tree when in flower

Thanks. In my case the stems with phyllodes didn't work, so maybe I have an inactive strain.

acacian wrote:
I will say this though.. using Naptha (Shellite) for Floribunda really doesn't work well at all so if you aren't ending up with anything first port of call I think should be a change of solvent. With shellite you will usually end up with strange droplets of "water" in your dish .. they are often DMT but take this strange form when using Shellite as the solvent.. works MUCH better with this tree using Toluene, Xylene or DCM.. extract will be more like honey

I backsalted the pulls with vinegar, so your comment on the droplets in the dish doesn't apply in this case.

If there was DMT in it, the naphtha should have pulled it and the vinegar should have pulled it out of the naphtha.

If it doesn't freeze precipitate well from naphtha, it must be a precipitation issue rather than a pulling issue.
#40 Posted : 7/26/2021 11:46:52 AM

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Jagube wrote:
acacian wrote:

Floribunda is common and widely cultivated ..and the phyllodes work well.. if you aren't obsessed with getting white fluffy crystals then you really needn't look any further .. its also a damn beautiful tree when in flower

Thanks. In my case the stems with phyllodes didn't work, so maybe I have an inactive strain.

acacian wrote:
I will say this though.. using Naptha (Shellite) for Floribunda really doesn't work well at all so if you aren't ending up with anything first port of call I think should be a change of solvent. With shellite you will usually end up with strange droplets of "water" in your dish .. they are often DMT but take this strange form when using Shellite as the solvent.. works MUCH better with this tree using Toluene, Xylene or DCM.. extract will be more like honey

I backsalted the pulls with vinegar, so your comment on the droplets in the dish doesn't apply in this case.

If there was DMT in it, the naphtha should have pulled it and the vinegar should have pulled it out of the naphtha.

If it doesn't freeze precipitate well from naphtha, it must be a precipitation issue rather than a pulling issue.

Yeah.. probably just didn't have anything.. is common for floribunda to yield nothing.. especially ones growing in urban areas for whatever reason (at least IMO) .. and yes Shellite/Naptha will still pull DMT and also precipitate it when working with floribunda .. but the end product is impossible to handle and I threw out a lot of extracts early on thinking it was nothing.. just thoguht I'd mention it

If your not in Australia and your extracting from random ones growing in your neihbourhood I'd not be surprised it it didn't yield.. in good bushland though with nice soil it seems fairly consistent.. good luck with it anyways.. the extracts from Floribunda are really nice. Slow and sensual.. maybe not quite as in your face with its message as other trees.. but I really like it. Floribunda extracts have pointed out the curious good in things and people that I had not been as perceptive of as I could have been.. its a soft and subtle teacher .. one of my favourites and one I hear few people talk about experientially so would love to hear other's experiences

I'm really not sure if its a strain thing or an environment thing.. my intuition and experience suggests the latter. She don't like the concrete jungle Pleased
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