the last dozen or so breakthrough journeys i have had since my birthday have been an entirely new medium of connection. the carrier wave that once seemed amorphous and omnipresent has now taken on a truly tactile quality. my lungs full of a breakthrough dose, i lie back and hear it begin like a low hum of cicadas on a midwest summer's eve... it grows in intensity and then, at a point of complete surrender, the sound bifurcates like a bolt of lightening spliting in two just before touching down. one snaking, electric bolt makes a definitive connection with the left hemisphere of my brain, the other-the right.
like two jumper-cables, my brain is the positive/negative polarity now. the yin/yang. the black/white. the duality from which all "matter" in this reality is derived. it has taken a year of extremely diligent, consistent work to get to this place.. this connection is so clear now...i become distinctly aware that enough "switches" have been turned on throughout my work with the molecule that now a solid link-up can be made.
and this is where i am shown what has been happening all this time...
i am thinking of the movie AVATAR- when the lead human first connects to his avatar body- there is a process by which synaptic congruencies are slowly made, then they multiply, then there reaches a point where the two minds are matched with enough symbiotic connections that the "link-up" can be made and the transfer into another body is completed.
i feel almost as if something very similar is taking place with my continued work with DMT. each journey has created another congruency, another syncing of my mind's processing....i could go on forever about the left/right hemisphere/pineal gland function but i would not be able to do the subject a fraction of the justice that Tony Wright does in his INCREDIBLE book "Left in the Dark". trust me on this one....get it, read it, be astounded. MMM- i cannot thank you enough for turning me on to that book...
so- in essence- i believe that i have made enough "congruencies" at this point that the connection i make with DMT is now clear and as a result, the entire scope of my journeys has changed tremendously. the following is a prime example...
last night i watched something that brought tears to my eyes: my girl finally experienced DMT. though not a full-on breakthrough, ms. munki had a powerfully cathartic and visual experience that had her wanting to go back immediately. i obliged.
one thing to know about my love- she had scoliosis that was pretty severe when she was a child. 5 years ago she had major surgery to fix her back (her x-rays look like wolverine's now!). she's 1 1/2" taller as a result! however, due to growing up with such a question-mark of a backbone, one of her lungs is not well developed. as a result she is unable to really take any kind of deep hit on a VG.
enter me.

i took a giant hit and filled the chamber with vapor. she slowly did her best to get it all in her. i repeated the process and, because it takes almost nothing for me to break through, i started to GO.
it was enough to give her another beautiful peek at the spirit of jurema, and not quite enough to break me through so within about 7 minutes we lay side by side talking about her experience. it was rapturous to hear her speak of the ineffible beauty i have wanted to share with her for so long now...i was SO happy!!
and now they were calling to me sooooo strong. actaully, i've never been called so powerfully to smoke spice as i was at that moment. there was something they HAD to tell me PRONTO!
i asked ms. munki if she would be okay if i went. she said yes. i laid beside her and took a HUGE lungful. i was instantly home. nothing gradual about it. one second here. one second there.
the two clear cables of connection affixed to each hemisphere now. the clarity of transmission was like water. i was in a room and the excitement and joy was immeasureable. they were SOOOOOO HAPPY!!! they wanted to first start by letting me know that i had officially flipped enough switches over the past year and that they had me 100% "dialed-in". they wanted to show me how well they knew me and this is where i am at a loss for words...
i have a moustache that i have braided. i have kind of a distinct looking face as well....very easy to "characature". and here comes the funny 2-d cartoon face of me. it is sooo funny and so touchingly accurate. the carrier wave transmits all that i have ever known about myself and much that i didn't know consciously.
these guys got my number.

according to ms. munki- about a minute and a half into my journey i grabbed her hand. hard.
another connection was made. they now had an intro to her and they were getting a connected reading of us together. THEY WERE BEYOND EXCITED. FAR BEYOND. i was shown a giant gala procession of all the entities i've ever met all dressed in white with unbelieveably beautiful silver, red and blue "toys" and adornment. this was a wedding! the carrier wave continued to make the message clear... "this is your perfect mate. you are MEANT to be with this person. we WANT this union to take place."
i was stunned. i also have never felt so much love directed AT me before. usually it's just love EVERYWHERE and i'm in it. this was so personal....it was just beyond anything...
and that was only the beginning...
seemlessly i was in a mayan world....mayan, yet with the perfect precision of alien guidance. my girl was a young queen... (she is filippina but has VERY mayan features). she was adorned with all of the decorations a young queen would have. the head-dress, the piercings, the tattoos.....she was resplendant. i was the captain of the guard. a warrior. i was to marry her. she was so young though....i was to love her and protect her as she grew into the powerful, wise queen she was destined to be.
part lover, part protector, part teacher.....i knew that our paths have been the same through the ages. i am 39 years old and ms. munki is 26. the feelings i have for her parallel what i was being shown to an eerily accurate degree. i was seeing something that was so clear and wonderous... words escape me...
the shakes...oh those shakes! kind of like a soul putting on this suit and is jiggling itself back into place....it's a tight-fitting suit!

i lay dreamy for another 5 minutes or so before coming back. my love is at my side and i have so much to tell her....
i'll stop for now, but there is another part of this tale that i will try to get out as soon as i can. i am so deeply grateful for this wonderful molecule.

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."