Hello, fellow travelers. I am new here and am very excited to get my feet wet. I have been experiencing psychedelics for most of this year and have had some very profound and life-changing experiences. I have been able to better understand myself and my motivation for many things.
My whole like I have never accepted anything at face value and a lot of what I have experienced and have been taught by these substances is what I truly believe in.
I have done LSD and Mushrooms countless times and overall prefer mushrooms to LSD (or any other drug/substance). I don't drink or do any other type of drugs, aside from occasional cannabis.
That being said, I have never actually used a pipe to smoke anything a and I also have a few newbie questions about the extraction process. I would just like to say thanks to anyone who offers any advice beforehand and I would also like to say that I have done a good amount of reading/studying before joining and posting these questions, so I am sorry if they are answered somewhere else and I couldn't find them.
I am planning on using:
https://www.dmt-nexus.me...aspx?g=posts&t=36239This tek seems simple and clear enough. Thank you to Cyb for creating this with pictures

I have just a few questions:
1: Do I need to do all the pulls in a certain amount of time? If not, what would be the best way to store it?
2: Am I able to put all the pulls into the same glass dish or is it better to use separate dishes?
As mentioned earlier, I have no exuberance smoking with a pipe. I am planning on obtaining a GVG but I have a few questions about that also:
1: I have read that some addons are nice to have for this pipe but I was unable to find anything that seemed to be "standard." I understand that everyone has their own preferences but for me as a beginner, this is all very confusing to me.
Is anyone able/willing to recommend to me the best accessories/addons, that would be best for a beginner like me?
Lastly, I just would like to say that I look forward to interacting with many of you on this wonderful forum. My intentions are simply to learn more about myself and my existence. I expect nothing but I try to consider everything. I am also in no rush and understand that this needs to be treated with respect and care.
Also, I just think it's worth mentioning that I am not a scientist/researcher. I am more or less your average joe who has abstract ideas and beliefs about various things. Anything that I ever share here will be just a reflection of my opinions and shouldn't be taken as more than such.
Thank you again if you are reading this and have any insights. You are respected, appreciated, and valid. Thank you.
"I am the manifestation of consciousness, within the light and love of God"