This community is so special.
By way of simply being a member of this webforum you characterize yourself as that rare combination of brave and foolhardy that marks the truly intrepid explorer. No matter our differences, we are here united in our shared experiences. Make of them what you will, these psychedelic experiences teach us, and challenge us, and change us. They demand a level of courage, understanding, and ruthless honesty that few other things in this life will ever require of us. It takes a special breed of human to face the mystery head on and be willing to come back for moar.
This is why my heart weighs so heavy with the infighting and devisiveness that have managed to seep their way into our hallowed sanctuary of reason and civility. I wanted to believe that we were immune to the propaganda, agendas, and narratives that have taken over literally every social sphere, but I suppose that was naive.
I just want to remind everyone that we are all intelligent, rational, human beings here. No one here has ill intentions or wants to promote violence or suffering upon others. Amongst all the seeds of discord being sewn in the collective consciousness, it remains more important now than it ever has been to maintain an attitude of compassion, kindness, and good humor in all our interactions.
This year has been a truly challenging experience for everyone, but need I point out, we have here a community of experienced psychonauts?
If there is one thing we know how to do, it's how to get through a challenging experience!
It's time to bring those tripper skills to bear folks! The only way out is through, and it's our charge to hold the space of compassionate allowing for this collective nightmare trip to play itself out that we may begin the delicate and tender process of integration.
Paz y Luz