Hi All,
Before I pose my questions, just wanted to say while not a long time active user,
I have been an avid visitor to this forum for years, and it has been so insightful
And helpful. So thank you everyone.
Once I find my feet I will get involved more and post some experiences,
But for now...I just needed to get this out there and get some insight, as I have been pretty blown away.
Wonder if anyone has any take on this.
As I'm just getting back into this I'm starting small, so I loaded up 15mg (emesh method)
Hit it all one toke, pretty intense come up, no CEVs, slight OEVs but nothing too strong.
Anyway, after fading out of this thought I would load up another 15mg, maybe 15-20 mins after the first. Again, hit it all in one and Holy Crap. Like nothing I have experienced before. I will write up an experience on it as it was pretty intense and still trying to comprehend it all. My question is though, would the original dose still be kicking around and add onto the second dose 15-20 mins later?? The second round was soooo strong and nothing like the first, or a couple 10mg samples I have had past couple days. The mesh definitely wasn't holding from the previous either as I always check with a press to see if any remains after with the hood off.
Anyone have any experience with this?