i have searched high and low here and across duckduckgo but for some reason i cant find any information on this.
i have just bought a cheap digital pocket pH meter (for other purposes) and i was wondering how safe it is to use for things like DMT extractions.
the type i have bought is similar to the following picture. it is not that exact one, but one of those cheap types:
it has not arrived yet but i can clearly see the tip is mostly made of plastic. i know that most plastics are not safe to use during extractions with lye so i am guessing this is not safe to use to test my lye solutions?
i will, of course, default to it being unsafe until i can prove otherwise, but i feel like people are probably using these meters without problems, or maybe with minimal problems that they are unaware of.
are these meters safe to be putting into our solutions without problems? or are they dissolving slowly every time we use them in the wrong liquids?
some insight would be great because it seems nobody else wants to talk about it.
thanks guys <3