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#1 Posted : 1/12/2010 2:03:38 PM

The Root

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14:53:53 ‹Phlux-› sup
12/01/2010 14:54:03 ‹psychosisdoses› chillin
12/01/2010 14:54:14 ‹psychosisdoses› had a rough pharma last night
12/01/2010 14:54:25 ‹psychosisdoses› i took less then half the dose i did the other night
12/01/2010 14:54:46 ‹psychosisdoses› but none the worse for wear
12/01/2010 14:56:35 ‹The Traveler› Ok, how uch did oyu take then?
12/01/2010 14:57:10 ‹psychosisdoses› 99mg fullrange dmt fumarate salted from limo with fasi... with 175mg harmalas (harmine /harmaline at 3:2 ratio)
12/01/2010 14:57:43 ‹psychosisdoses› 11 hours after dosing i still was tripping lightly when i went to sleep
12/01/2010 14:57:51 ‹psychosisdoses› there were multiple peaks
12/01/2010 14:58:10 ‹psychosisdoses› dose was taken in a gel cap with one hole poked in it
12/01/2010 14:58:17 ‹psychosisdoses› 45mins after eating dinner
12/01/2010 14:58:19 * Vularin joins Hyperspace Chat
12/01/2010 14:58:27 ‹Phlux-› psy
12/01/2010 14:58:30 ‹psychosisdoses› yes
12/01/2010 14:58:31 ‹Phlux-› i had a rough spice session too
12/01/2010 14:58:37 ‹Phlux-› was about 3-4am
12/01/2010 14:58:40 ‹Vularin› ello peeps Smile
12/01/2010 14:58:41 ‹Phlux-› im gmt +2
12/01/2010 14:58:45 ‹psychosisdoses› hmm
12/01/2010 14:58:49 ‹Phlux-› what time was ures ?
12/01/2010 14:58:56 ‹psychosisdoses› its 9am here now
12/01/2010 14:59:08 ‹psychosisdoses› this was about 12 hours ago i was losing myself
12/01/2010 14:59:11 ‹psychosisdoses› i felt fear
12/01/2010 14:59:16 ‹psychosisdoses› confusion
12/01/2010 14:59:19 ‹psychosisdoses› so not me
12/01/2010 14:59:40 ‹psychosisdoses› i admit that i had thought dmt couldnt do that to me anymore
12/01/2010 14:59:46 ‹psychosisdoses› so in a way i dont regret it
12/01/2010 14:59:49 ‹psychosisdoses› i had to be shown
12/01/2010 15:00:02 ‹psychosisdoses› just when you think you know... it shows you know nothing
12/01/2010 15:00:08 ‹Phlux-› u are gmt +??
12/01/2010 15:00:22 ‹psychosisdoses› i am eastern
12/01/2010 15:00:23 ‹psychosisdoses› something
12/01/2010 15:00:25 ‹psychosisdoses› or other
12/01/2010 15:00:33 ‹psychosisdoses› what time is it there now
12/01/2010 15:00:42 ‹Phlux-› 4:01pm
12/01/2010 15:00:58 ‹Phlux-› so mine was about 12 hours ago too
12/01/2010 15:00:59 ‹psychosisdoses› dude
12/01/2010 15:01:01 ‹Phlux-› smoked spice
12/01/2010 15:01:02 ‹psychosisdoses› thats the same time
12/01/2010 15:01:06 ‹Phlux-› yeah
12/01/2010 15:01:08 ‹Phlux-› i know
12/01/2010 15:01:10 ‹Phlux-› i had to ask
12/01/2010 15:01:12 ‹psychosisdoses› i was going thru it with you then
12/01/2010 15:01:16 ‹psychosisdoses› crazy thing
12/01/2010 15:01:23 ‹Phlux-› check my report - the place i dont like
12/01/2010 15:01:24 ‹psychosisdoses› it was a rough one
12/01/2010 15:01:29 ‹psychosisdoses› ooo okay man

damn hell - sync.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.


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#2 Posted : 1/12/2010 4:23:55 PM


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hehe interesting reality we dwell in
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#3 Posted : 1/13/2010 1:32:57 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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niice guys....SYNC
it's a sound
#4 Posted : 1/13/2010 2:22:05 PM


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Personally I love synchronicities, Jung was really on to something and while some may call him crazy. I think his willingness to express these views against a current of dogma makes him that much better.

A long time ago in a galaxy far far away I had a job waiting tables. I was a pleasant server and always made eye contact with everyone I served. In a weeks time I saw three different people with abberations in their left eye. The pupil was mishapen. These were not from operations. My GM had it done and this is a different look.

Mind you, I am a detail oriented person and notice peoples eyecolor almost first before anything else.

They are the windows to the soul, after all.

I could list several other 'threes' and notice these things often.

As a pragmatist, I can chalk alot up to coincidence, and graph it out, blah blah blah. But some things are just too weird.

My question I guess, is, what does it mean? Is this a symbolic communication? Is it there simply to remind me that this world is illusory?

Still searching for these answers, hope I don't shift before I get some of them figured out...

Thanks for the thread,


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#5 Posted : 1/14/2010 5:39:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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My question I guess, is, what does it mean? Is this a symbolic communication? Is it there simply to remind me that this world is illusory?

You should read the Celestine Prophecy. Aside from being a generally good read, it does a fantastic job of explaining synchronicity in a practical manner. Instead of discussing it as a "theory" or "strange phenomenon", it portrays it in way that is applicable to the human experience and shows how to integrate it into everyday life.

Safe Travels
"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite"
-Aldous Huxley

"Though it seems that I know that I know, what I would like to see is the I that sees me when I know that I know that I know."
-Alan Watts

Please note that all my posts are 99% fictional. The remaining 1% is a direct manifestation of my overactive imagination and exaggerated accounts of things that may or may not have happened. Therefore, I shall not be held accountable for any statements, beliefs, or ideas expressed here. Furthermore, by choosing to accept what I say as fact, you are subjecting yourself to the viewpoints of an individual who in accordance with societal standards, might just be considered "crazy".
#6 Posted : 1/14/2010 2:58:36 PM


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Thank you!

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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