day trip... Options
#1 Posted : 1/6/2010 6:01:53 PM

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Im putting this in DMT experiences because there was some DMT involved..but for the most part it was a few different entheogens...

I have been taking lots of bufotenine and jimjam spice lately..and thouroughly enjoying it! I am starting to feel VERY comfortable laying there having seems like a normal thing for me to do now...just sort of a part of who I have become..

My dreams have been beccoming increasingly more interesting...and I have this tendency to wake up in the middle of the night finding I am experiencing tryptamine style's facinating..

Anyway I woke at around 8 yesterday morning and have my usual green tea, waited about an hour and took a gulp of an aya brew(caapi and chali) that I was planning on drinking at night..just a small dose to sort of clean my body before hand..I spent the next hour or so listening to icaros as I slowly felt it comming on, rising me us tp a great heart opened space of euphoric ecstacy..I felt a million bucks..there was some stomach discomfort and I dry heaved a little bit at the onset but it felt like a good thing so I just went with it..I also abstained from food intil about 2pm..

With the light dose of aya coursing through me I decided that it would be a perfect time to some some full spectrum jimjam out came the glass spaceship and my magical vial of rocket fuel..

My state of mind was perfect..I could feel the chali from the brew a little bit so my mindset was perfect...I loaded my dose and inhaled it all,adahm shaikh's dreamtree project plaing in the background..
I sat eyes closed and braced myself as the rushing energy shot through me up my spine..pushing up through activating my crown area..with amazing energy also cycling in my heart nothing I have felt with jimjam alone..

I watched faint grids and shimmering diamond patterns swirling around me...a spinning vortex but not a breakthrough..but it didnt matter with the aya flowing through me..this brought me to the level of a good solid aya journey..I opened my eyes and watched the crawling lattice works make their way creeping along every surface...colors..oh the colors...everything flowing like an ocean of animation..everything alive..everything spirit..

In goes some more fuel for my rocket ship and I depart once more...everything goes up a notch and the music seems to bend around my heag..wrapping around me like some warm hyperspace blanket..I start rocking back and forth with the sounds of the citar..the space behind my skull becomes vast and I feel absorbed in it, yet also somewhat grounded..

In goes another dose and I just seem to merge with everything...I can barely tell I have abody now I am just in everything..I am the shimmer..the spinning diamond votexes and vibrating grids...I am the music..I am me..god it was sooo wonderful..I love ayahuasca!..I love jimjam spice!

Afterwords I felt like I was peaking on some strong ayahuasca for another hour at least..then slowly comming back over the next hour...I listened to some more icaros and ate some blueberries and drank sme licorice tea..which seemed to bring the feeling back a bit..

I rested for a bit, passed out for a while..made some vegetable soup with broccoli and lentils and ate a bit...

When it began to get dark out I dosed some vilca changa...I lay down in silent darkness and eased into the visions..magestic landcapes of arabesque geometries presented themselves to me..strange shaowy beings surrounded me in my visions...I entered long domed spaces that seemed to be made more of energy than any type of solid matter..I heard strange hyperspace sounds that echoes around me when I took the time to listen and got faint impressions of a female voice..but it was hard to make out..

At some point I got very deep into thought processes..I know that it was something insiteful..but that is all I know..I sort of passed out at that point..but not fully..I kept thinking and the visuals were going strong but I must have been tired..a part of me was not there..I wish I had more to say about this part.

When I snapped out of it, I saw this machine like vault behind my closed was extremely vivid and I was flygin towards it..into it..I went into it and began seeing other smaller components of this thing..I have no idea what it was..only that it appeared to have gears and was a mechanism of sorts..

At that point it was winding I took some more bufotenine and came on to the DMT nuxus chat and put on some icaro music..the bufotenine started comming back on strong again and the visuals were that point my phone rang..I answered was a girl that I met last week. We talked for a while but I was sort of in coherantand out was a weird to say the least!..but well worth itWink

After that I redosed again with some bufotenine and wandered around..looking at the warping hallways and observing the flowing patterns of the wallpaper..the riverlike fluidity if the grain in the stairs..the stroboscopic shimmereing patterens overlaying the heavily stuccoed ceiling..finally I ended up in the ground crawling around on the ground laughing and playing with my dog..I had a moment of primal understanding with that being..I was reminded of castaneda, on his peyote journey where he plays all night long the dog..I too felt like an animal..and I loved it.

Long live the unwoke.

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#2 Posted : 1/6/2010 6:03:33 PM

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Damn it i accidentally hit post! there is more!...

I drank some cocoa and settled down and rested for a few hours...ate some more soup and turned on some music and relaxed..

Later at around 10pm I smoked more jimjam..a good solid subbreakthrough...lots of shimmering patterens and spiralling vortexes..the chrysanthemum..not full ego dissolution though..I went in about 6 times in total, one after the other..with tom petties square one playing in the background on was beautiful..I felt like I had eat a good handful of cubes..the open eye visuals were sparkling on the walls, faces comming out of the carpet smiling at me..everything was perfect now for the ayahuasca..

I sat down with my cup of aya, said some words and drank it all...then over the next 15 minutes I also decided to drink some more..part of a caapi only brew I have for tonight..

I felt the aya comming on overtop of the lingering jimjam spice, A warm interior flowing with some stomach was nice abd seemed to keep the spice inmysystem flowing around for a good long while as the warm blanket of chaliponga set it..I listened to more icaros for a while until it really hit and then I went into my bad and lay down..

At first there was only deep introsepection and body euphoria..then flashes of imagry..not really DMT like at all..more from the caapi I think..faces..people..strange scenes that seemed to come from another life alltogether..inbetween these visions the blackness behind my closed eyelids seemed vast..

Eventaully I seemed to pass into a deeper state..but not really asleap..all kinds of dreamlike sequences were going on inside my head..for hours..until 4am..I dont rememer much from this time..other than the odd visuals when I would fully surface..I got up once for some water though and when I turned onthe lights it was quite evident that the medicine was working..finally I passed out and had some very vivid and interesting dreams..I awoke todat at 9am feeling somewhat tired but well..nothing a bit of green tea didnt clear up..

so that was my day long trip..and I enjoyed it thouroughlyVery happy

I plan on drinking another stronger brew tongiht as well...

Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 1/6/2010 6:31:18 PM
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You're doing a lot of deep journeying lately.

Do you still feel you're getting deeper each time, or does the line flatten at some point?
#4 Posted : 1/6/2010 8:06:31 PM

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I feel like im getting more comfortable in that place..thats for sure..however new aspects of the experience keep comming up as well...these place are vast, thats for sure..theres still tons to explore..I plan on doing alot of work with ayahuasca in the next little while..with higher doses of light.
Long live the unwoke.
#5 Posted : 1/6/2010 10:15:12 PM
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I always feel i need some time before i'm ready for the next journey.
I need to incorporate the outworldly world into my everyday reality.
Everyday-life and the infinite realm of hyperspace seem like extremes sometimes.

One moment i'm feeling surrounded and filled by divine energy, the next moment i'm swearing at my computer when it's slow 'oh god, bill gates is taking a shit again:evil: '.

But anyway, i don't think i could do psychedelics more than once a week for a longer period of time.
Sometimes i do it a few times in one week, but that's very rare and after that i always need at least a month of complete and total normalcy.
#6 Posted : 1/6/2010 10:28:10 PM

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Salvia divinorum expert | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growingSenior Member | Skills: Plant growing, Ayahuasca brewing, Mushroom growing

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ya its weird..a year ago I could not trip like this..butnow the time just feels right.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 1/6/2010 10:57:06 PM

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Do you interpret your dreams and visions?
What did it show you in particular?
Were there any themes?

β€œThe most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#8 Posted : 1/7/2010 12:39:27 AM

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yes there were some..but I dont know really how to interprete them other than to say I experienced other people lives..or something along those lines...after drinking the aya I had these dream sequences while laying there getting pulled into the lives of other was very odd.
Long live the unwoke.
#9 Posted : 1/7/2010 1:17:17 AM

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Nice report Fractal, thanks for sharing.
I find that a lot of spice use is fine with me too, but I can't breakthru very often. I usually have to wait a few days between to get the breaking thru, but then again maybe its just my dosing and method.
I rarely have time and place to do it nearly as much as I would like to...that itself is a gift.


Mad Banshee

Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.
#10 Posted : 1/7/2010 1:50:56 AM

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Fractal, as always, your accounts are SO inspiring! Smile Thank you.

Especially the ability to release and surrender... wow!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#11 Posted : 1/7/2010 1:54:08 AM

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Thanks minxxVery happy
still some reluctance to fully surrender into those really earth shattering breakthrough..the ones that shake youto the core..but im working on thatWink
Long live the unwoke.
#12 Posted : 1/7/2010 7:27:55 AM


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Very interesting fractal. Like the way you pushing boundaries with no fear. After ilpt gave up smoking weed he feel exactly like you tripping every time he has some day off(which is no often) he hasn't got good experience with 5meo (chali) or bufo as these not working well for him. Nevertheless he very enjoying mescaline truffels spice and caapi extracts (or thh) recently. In sober days he still like to have some caapi and he even went back to yohimbine which he abandoned a while ago due abusing of it. His trips mostly start with some mescaline followed by truffels and caapi extract then he smoking spice. Like last night he has mescaline truffels and caapi extract and went to cinema to see avatar then went back home had a little nap and woke up with urge to smoke some spice and he had two sessions. Seems like mescaline making him starving for more psychedelic and visuals and it guide him with no fear trough otherwise rough tryptamine journeys. Thh or caapi extracts are great adds as they turn him fearless too keep his mind clear and bringing more visuals. Its all good. On new year he went very high as after taking 350 mg of mescaline he dosed up another 100 after three hours and then after it all peaked he ate good 12 grams of truffels in two goes with gram of 50 x yellow caapi extract in two subling goes. Tons of visuals with no bad trips yet he still fancied to smoke some spice later on and blamed himself he didn't take any with him. Next aim is taking good 600 mg of mescaline to see what this stuff can bring on. It's all about pushing the boundaries my friend. No fear.
As a kemist I never met ILPT in physical form and never talk to him. He share his wisdom, trough my mind, telepathicly only. Please don`t prosecute me, for his possible illegal activities. He is bonkers about chemistry and doesn`t even exist in this primitive reality !!!
#13 Posted : 1/7/2010 7:12:15 PM


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It's beautiful that your doing such deep work with these medicines fractal. Keep it up and keep posting man!

fractal enchantment wrote:
yes there were some..but I dont know really how to interprete them other than to say I experienced other people lives..or something along those lines...after drinking the aya I had these dream sequences while laying there getting pulled into the lives of other was very odd.

This has been happening to me quite often before falling asleep and i don't know what to make of it.
sometimes its sort of frightening but it can be revealing. Once after snapping out of it i realized how something similar happened a few times many years ago when i was young. I would be just laying in bed thinking after listening to music and i'd start to see vague shadowy faces i didn't know form out of the darkness in front of me and morph into more faces that all expressed different emotions and I felt I could feel them. It was intense and i remember crying a few times..If i got up and moved it would stop but if i laid there and sort of let it happen then it would keep going.. This was during my kind of depressed atheistic why-cant-all-the-monkeys-wakeup stage so maybe it was just an overactive imagination playing off my emotions.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#14 Posted : 1/7/2010 7:18:52 PM

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Ok so last nights ayahuasca ceremony was sooo completely and utterly wonderful!

I had been eating very selectivly for the last 3 days..and the aya form the night before seemed to really get my body ready for last night session..smoothest brew I had ever stomach problems or nausea whatsoever..this was a caapi only brew.

I set up a second alter below myalter of candles and crytals and feather that is always there permanently..on it I placed my bag of caapi vine and some dried salvia leave..more candles..a vial of vilca changa..some shells for burning incents..

I lit all the candles and said some words to my tea and then drank it..

Within 5 minutes I could feel the caapi building up to a strong sense of well being and the most beautiful euphoria, and was yawning like crazy durring the onset as well..the citar music playing in the background became thick and surround...I felt connected to everything and everything seemed very sensual..I felt like I could feel life flowing through blankets and pillows...the was very cosmic feeling..

It also became very introspective..I kept thinking about my whole life and everything seemed to fall into perspective..everything fit together..I felt extremely good and happy to just be alive..I felt full of wonder..I has tears in my eyes for a they just kept comming and comming..without purpose it my tearducts were purging themselves or something..

This was not some crazy visionry journey...thats not where aya was taking me..and I dont think I needed that either..but she was giving me exactly what I needed..I lay there in the candle light with this wonderful music in the background for at least an hour in complete ecstacy..rolling back and forth laughing ocasionally at nothing..

I started to notice a hazy blueish sort of phosphene thing happening when I closed me eyes, and an ambient glow forming around the candle flames..and I felt real I decided to smoke the smallest bit of the bufotenine changa I had placed on my alter..I didnt want to overpower this wonderful caapi spirit I was feeling..nor did I want to get nauseated or deal with constriction..just a hint of the vilca spirit..

So I smoked 3 small hits over about 10 minutes...and it was really nice..there was some mellow visuals and the glow around the candle flames took on some extra shimmering colors...but the best part was durring the second phase of the bufo, where it seems to metabolize into something more similar to psilocin...I could tell when this tage hit..and it was better than I had ever experienmced it to be on other journeys with smoked harmalas..or when i dosed before or after the main aya peak..

For one thing it seemed to cycle through my system for a good 2 hours..with the caapi still going was waayyy more like DMT or psilocin than bufo has evr been for me..and with such a tiny dose as well...I sat there for sooo long feeling soo good...I sat there thinking and thinking for quite some time fully content..dream like sequences would play out quickly when I shut my eyes butnothing overpowering visually or otherwise...

I even ate a pice or organic rye and sunflower seed bread abotu 2 hours after the aya and a few unsalted nuts without any hint of stomach discomfort..

finally I passed out..and I had these dreams where I was in the rainforst..and I was being shown by some people all these different types of caapi, and different admixtures that I have never ever heard of before..I dunno what to make of that but it was facinating..

When I woke at about 6am today I felt very well I slept better than ever..and I felt very relaxed layign there..and the most amazing thing happened..I drifted off to find myself fully lucid on ther other the dreamlands..

I was in the forest..fully aware that i was poof, I was there..usually when I lucid dream it starts with sleep paralysis and I get all the vibrations and its real rough and I cant hold on for longer than like30 seconds..but this time I had skipped all that..

I felt super thrilled and at peace to be there, I thought this was it..I am finally here and fully lucid on the other side!..the setting was beautiful..thick forest surrounding a village area with a grassy clearing leading into the the forest was a winding river..I flew off into the forst..through the canopy..for a good 10-15 muinutes it seemed..i felt like peter pan..

It was amazing flying like that through the trees..I almost want to cry right now thinking about it was sooo amazing...I have never been that lucid with that much controll for that long..eventaully I flew up, up way above the canopy..I kept going up anf up without any effort until I was in space! I turned upside down with my head pointing towards the earth and looked down at the earth from space..this cosmic egg that has birthed each and every one of was soo god damn amazing..

I felt this spiritual energy comming over i was having this huge realization..a full on psycho spritual experience seeign the earth from that perspective...I cant even begin to put this feeling into words..this must be how it feels for the astronaughts to see earth from space for the very first time..except I wasnt in any ship..just me..floating there in complete bliss..the weightlessness was also a very indescribable feeling..

When I finally woke up it was very smooth..I just surfaced back from that experince into by bed as I was floating back down towards earth..I was ecstatic..tears inmy eyes..I lay there a good 2 hours completely blwon away by what had transpired...must have been a gift from aya..

Long live the unwoke.
#15 Posted : 1/12/2010 6:46:09 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
yes there were some..but I dont know really how to interprete them other than to say I experienced other people lives..or something along those lines...after drinking the aya I had these dream sequences while laying there getting pulled into the lives of other was very odd.

Well this is interesting 'being pulled into the lives of other people..'
This sounds very much like a lesson. If i were you i would investigate further.
Maybe ask aya?

you familiar with the work of Jung?

β€œThe most important thing in illness is never to lose heart.” -Nikolai Lenin

I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.
#16 Posted : 1/12/2010 7:04:53 PM

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yes I am familiar with the work of Jung...

I havehad these experiences a few times..I dunno what to make of it all though..I am sort of on the fence between collective memory and individual reincarnation..or more interestingly, both of them.

oh and it sort of happened again last night with 30 grams cielo...

Long live the unwoke.
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