Harmalas every day for a while? Options
#1 Posted : 4/7/2020 7:32:47 PM

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Today is my third day of 200mg harmala extract in the morning.

I'm in a deep process of healing trauma and growth since October. It does feel very beneficial right now, perhaps acting like a catalyst.
I'm not certain about the frequency of use though. 200mg is solid for me, but I remain quite functional on it.
Also thinking about ditching all for a while and just drinking water, or maybe fruit juices .. so fasting.
Thoughts on this?

Thanks and Love

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#2 Posted : 4/7/2020 9:56:25 PM

Boundary condition

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Now there we have a coincidence.

Today sees my fourth day of putting rue seeds in my morning tea, followed by re-brewing the seeds throughout the day. The dose started at 1.3 grams and now it has reached 2.8 grams. The plan consists of continuing with this trajectory until reaching a state of minor incapacity with respect to fulfilling day-to-day tasks. (Some have argued that this already happened a long time ago.)

What has come up for you? We may find that the current time of enforced confinement proves itself as a golden opportunity in the field of self-development.

[With apologies for this wretched attempt at writing in e-prime...]

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#3 Posted : 4/8/2020 7:43:44 PM

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Very nice Smile
I'm at day 4 now.

I take long walks in nature and it really is such a process.
It lets me see trauma very clearly, and the projections it had me make onto people .. wow.

Helping me to get more in touch with masculine power, the will.
Teaching me more about how the mind works while being more conscious about the thoughts, emotions and stories coming up.

Yea man, such a weird time, feels like I'm slipping into a Dieta in my own home.
#4 Posted : 4/8/2020 10:10:54 PM

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I'm a few months now daily 1 to 2 grams of powdered capsulated seeds.

With 1 gram I feel on a good point for combining with daily responsibilities, so I wont ingest 2 gr at once but spread. My thinking is: if I do make a mistake I should be unable to blame the rue intake. The higher the dose the more you likely start to wonder if the dose might have something to do with it.
The dose you take, you should never be able to wonder if it might have contributed in making a mistake. And mistakes we make! We're humans. So make sure the dose cannot be responsible.

Whatever issue I have, the rue is like a guiding hand, it orients my tuning, like a compass pointing to a reference point. And then also the plethora of healthy effects.
Thumbs up
#5 Posted : 4/8/2020 11:15:28 PM

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Been wanting to do this for ages but too busy during the days, even in this present situation, so Ive been taking rue tea an hour or so before bed a couple of nights a week. I tried doing it before and ended up falling asleep easily but then waking a few hours later, feeling really wired and unable to go back to sleep for ages.

I experimented with other herbal teas, such as mugwort (caused me to dream so much, I was exhausted by the morning), and lemon balm (mildly relaxing and good natural sleep, woke refreshed)

So, as lemon balm seemed to promote restful sleep, I started combining it with rue and I have to say it's been a revelation. Not only does it seem to counteract the sleep disturbance of harmalas but eliminates nausea too. I brewed 5g rue last night, simmered for an hour or so, then strained it onto a tablespoon of dried lemon balm, plus a sprig of fresh I found growing wild. To be fair, I was expecting a fairly strong effect from this much rue, and I did spend a couple of hours lost in harmala dream sequences before drifting off to sleep. Didnt have the best night's sleep ever, but woke at the usual time feeling super relaxed and a bit stoned, and after a coffee felt full of energy and went on to have a productive day. Im renovating my house while off work 'isolating'

Im trying this again tonight, but only 3.5g rue and some mugwort with the lemon balm. Also some phyllodes my acuminata shed, about 2g dried weight. Just for the 'spirit'
#6 Posted : 4/9/2020 2:56:19 PM
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I'm a very experienced user with Rue, i've taken it very regularly over the years. Here lately, i've been taking it daily for a little over 2 months now, started out with 2 to 2.5 grams, then a few weeks later upped it to like 3 to 3.5 grams, then after a couple weeks i upped it to 4.5 grams, been taking 4.5 grams for the last 3 weeks. I've been building up the Harmala reverse tolerance, i've been using roasted Rue seed powder capsules, there's been absolutely no nausea or vomiting or gut discomfort of any kind since i started this. But i also take some Limonene for heartburn which may also help with nausea/vomiting, i'm pretty sure. I take usually 10 drops of Limonene in a capsule once a day, at night before bed, and it lasts on into the next day, not sure if that's why i haven't had any nausea/vomiting from the Rue, but it's worth investigating imo. It also helps to clean up the Rue in terms of how it feels a good bit. Here lately i've also been adding about 45mgs of Caffeine (using 10ozs of mtn dew) to wash the Rue down with and the Caffeine content helps to counteract the sedation and makes things more functional. I used to include Lemon Balm with the Rue but haven't done that in a bit now. The Rue for me is very functional for the most part, have really no side-effects that i've noticed, and i plan to keep taking it daily for the next few months, maybe longer. I once took Rue extract daily for 8 months straight, and have worked with Rue/Harmalas regularly since 2012. I really recommend adding things with it, using it as a base for a medicinal "stack" of sorts. I've also not needed to avoid anything dietarily, as there are no Tyramine interactions with the Rue/Harmalas, so just keep that in mind. If you get a headache from Rue, it's not Tyramine, chances are it's vasodilation, or it could be inflammation if you have some tooth issues (i have tooth issues, if i don't have an anti-inflammatory i can get quite the headache, though Rue does have some anti-inflammatory properties, but ibuprofen or fish oil seems to work best ime). Do wanna keep in mind drug to drug interactions though, primarily SSRI's, Amphetamines, things metabolized by CYP2D6 or CYP1A2 which Harmalas inhibits. I've also noticed that the more the Harmala dosage increases, the longer the duration of the Harmala effects is stretched out, it goes from 6 hours, to 8 hours, to 10 hours, potentially even up to about 12 hours or longer, depending on the dosage.
#7 Posted : 4/9/2020 5:53:24 PM

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I feel strong effects from the harmalas in my body the day after taking pharma. There is a definite afterglow. I smoke some rue extract daily, just a little 20 mg or so on a cigarette prior to vaping dmt. I am considering trying a week of light pharma each night. I've definitely noticed some positive effects.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#8 Posted : 4/9/2020 6:57:56 PM
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Yeah ime you can feel an afterglow effect from the Rue/Harmalas for about 3 days after taking a dose, but yeah i definitely notice after-effects the day after, especially physically and mentally.
#9 Posted : 4/10/2020 10:52:29 AM


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For those taking rue or harmalas regularly

How does this impact your gut flora ?
illusions !, there are no illusions
there is only that which is the truth
#10 Posted : 4/10/2020 11:20:07 PM

Boundary condition

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My gut flora appears happy enough at the moment; if anything my normally outstanding flatulence has become noticeably attenuated.

My dose went as far as 3.6g before achieving the aforementioned incapacity; after stepping it back to 3.3g this seems like a really nice dose for me - calming and centring, insightful in the way that soul-ex describes. Somehow the experience conveys a sense of purpose.

The rue has helped me break a somewhat excessive coffee habit by eliminating the headaches that normally hit upon cessation of coffee intake. Black tea has substituted as something to counteract the drowsiness that rue often produces but my caffeine intake has reduced greatly by comparison.

A particularly striking quality of rue, especially at the higher doses, is the manner in which the inner eye of the imagination becomes magnified as though one projects right into whatever scenario has come up. Thus rue presents a particular utility in processing past traumas, facilitating acknowledgement, acceptance and moving on.

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#11 Posted : 4/11/2020 10:17:53 AM

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Jin wrote:
For those taking rue or harmalas regularly. How does this impact your gut flora ?
I'm not conclusive yet, not too drastic a difference I suppose.
#12 Posted : 4/13/2020 8:43:35 AM

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Update Day 9:
I started to drift more and more into Dieta mode.

CosmicLion recommended this book to learn about designing your own dieta.
Started reading

I'm doing a lot of walking, 15km+ every day, but spread out into several walks. Going in the morning right after waking up, around midday and in the evening. This really tires out the body and the last few nights i had the best sleep in months.
Today will be my first day without coffee, will discontinue any stims for now. Feels beneficial for stuff to come and up process. No masturbation.

Thinking about simplifying food intake and reducing calories.


PS: Yesterday and today I'm spending a lot of time in the hammock.
Not sure what it is about hammocks and dieta, but it feels very beneficial.
#13 Posted : 4/13/2020 6:26:11 PM

Boundary condition

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Day 11 for me.

I know what you mean about dieta mode! My preferred calorie intake has declined noticeably and I have developed a real aversion towards meat; the latter is a manifestation of a prior intention towards becoming a practical vegetarian.

By way of contrast, today being a holiday seemed like a reasonable excuse to have my first cup of coffee for nearly two weeks. This really highlighted what coffee does to me - flitting between tasks and getting distracted in the course of events. I ended up sorting the grit in my son's shoe tray instead of simply fetching a spray mister for the seedlings! (Actually, this was because I misted my cacti and then, while picking up a cloth to wipe the spray off the woodwork, I accidentally knocked some peyote seeds into said shoe tray. Anyhow, I digress - which of course illustrates the inhibition of caffeine metabolism by harmala alkaloids Laughing)

I could definitely do with emulating your walking habit - and a hammock sounds heavenly too.

All in all, this feels like I'm really getting in touch with myself [also without masturbation Big grin]

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#14 Posted : 6/7/2020 2:49:15 PM

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Over two months of almost daily use now.

Not sure how long or in what form i want to keep it up,
started some new therapy things and I can see how that greatly enhances it.
#15 Posted : 6/8/2020 12:24:27 PM

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Over two months of almost daily use now.

Not sure how long or in what form i want to keep it up,
started some new therapy things and I can see how that greatly enhances it.

In general there is always a certain limit for how long one should take certain herbs. Many times it is said that after 3 weeks or so one must take a brake of a week for example. It does vary from herb t herb and preparation to preparation. I'm not sure what would the recommendation be for different harmala preparations.

I would take a brake at two months of taking this daily - but that's just me. Smile

Have a great day! Smile
#16 Posted : 6/8/2020 3:57:59 PM
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I've taken Rue near daily for 4 years, then took it daily for 8 months straight, currently been taking it daily for 5 months straight, all has been well, no downsides.
#17 Posted : 6/9/2020 12:17:09 AM

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I've also been taking rue + sometimes caapi near daily for the past 3 months or so. Been great, haven't had much problems. When I was dosing too high orally I did notice it brought out quite an aggression and power in me and I put myself in more dangerous scenarios which I quickly had to learn how to pull back. Quite worth it for the antidepressant, anxiolytic, and spiritual benefits I feel I receive from it. I don't feel that same aggression and power in caapi as I do rue. I think it might be the harmaline. Also could be the vasicine stuff and I should be getting some black caapi so might be able to test if that gives me the power feeling too.

Anyone else noticed the big difference in smoking vs. eating rue? I can smoke a huge amount of rue and will get almost no tracers as far as I can tell while a few grams can cause tracers/drunkenness when eaten. I'm wondering if the harmaline might be getting destroyed. Have taken huge doses of yellow caapi extract and got none of the massively long tracers I can get with a substantial rue dose, I suspect because of little or no harmaline content. I've been meaning to get around to toasting the seeds in the oven and then doing a TLC on them to see if perhaps the harmaline gets destroyed. The smoke also tastes pretty sweet when smoking, where even one little seed chewed gives that foul harmaline taste.
#18 Posted : 6/9/2020 2:45:33 AM
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Yeah i too have sometimes noticed an increase in irritability and aggression, but i think that can happen with MAO-A inhibition in general due to the increase in Noradrenaline/Adrenaline content, though Harmaline may cause it a bit more because it not only inhibits MAO-A but also inhibits COMT as well which is also involved in catecholamine metabolism. But i've noticed increased irritability and aggression even from Moclobemide which is purely an MAO-A inhibitor, and at least specific subsets of MAO-A genes have been linked to increased aggression and irritability which is known by the name of the Warrior Gene, which i have at times felt like a kind of warrior while on Rue and Mimosa/Acacia. But the aggression/irritability seems to fade and only comes up a little bit, usually when i first start taking the MAO-A inhibition or as it's getting out of my system after taking it for awhile, so it seems like there's a certain level or timeframe for when that kind of side-effect occurs.
#19 Posted : 6/9/2020 10:05:53 AM

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I did quite some yawning the past days, feel like the harmala is being a catalyst for releasing stuff that the mind is holding on to. Bottled up emotions, feelings and thoughts/stories.
#20 Posted : 6/9/2020 3:01:12 PM

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mooai wrote:
Have taken huge doses of yellow caapi extract and got none of the massively long tracers I can get with a substantial rue dose, I suspect because of little or no harmaline content.

Yes, harmaline causes tracers, harmine doesn't.

My B. muricata resin gives me tracers so, it must have a lot of harmaline in it.
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