[Report(s)] A warning to my fellow psychonauts regarding hyperspace entities (wall of text alert!) Options
#161 Posted : 5/27/2020 3:11:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 359
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Last visit: 23-Mar-2024
Location: yharnam
Hi ghrue84

What a sad story your upbringing is. I hope you find happiness not only
in psycedelics but also a loving girl that values the relationship with
you. Sex can be just as magical as hyperspace.

I think "God" put the right way in our DNA. We know what is love and we know
what evil is no matter where we are from or what our local traditions tell
us to do.

I think embracing the beauty of creation and love is the way to go.

Hopefully you can leave the depressions behind you.
And i really like your way of thinking about "bad" beings.
Just show em some love. If you look at violent people it is usually the inabillity
to love or recognise love.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Have a gud one
Psychedelic drugs don´t change you, they don´t change your character,
unless you want to be changed. They enable change. They can´t impose it.
Alexander Shulgin

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#162 Posted : 5/29/2020 3:56:56 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 173
Joined: 05-Feb-2017
Last visit: 25-Aug-2020
potnoble wrote:
Hi ghrue84

What a sad story your upbringing is. I hope you find happiness not only
in psycedelics but also a loving girl that values the relationship with
you. Sex can be just as magical as hyperspace.

I think "God" put the right way in our DNA. We know what is love and we know
what evil is no matter where we are from or what our local traditions tell
us to do.

I think embracing the beauty of creation and love is the way to go.

Hopefully you can leave the depressions behind you.
And i really like your way of thinking about "bad" beings.
Just show em some love. If you look at violent people it is usually the inabillity
to love or recognise love.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts

Have a gud one

Thank you for your kind message and advice. Violence usually stems from fear and fear belongs to the ego. The ego is not our true self, according to some Sanatana Dharma sects. Your true self is beyond the ego. It is identification with the ego/mind complex (and not with your true self) which causes all the misery that humans experience, according to them. Fear of losing something or someone, fear of dying, fear of sickness, fear of weakness, fear of pain, etc. They all belong to the ego/mind complex. But most humans are identified with the body/mind complex as their true self. This is why they suffer. The soul is beyond all of this. Beyond fear. And that is our true self. This is what they believe. I'd like to identify more with the soul. It's supposedly one soul for all. It's the same soul in all of us according to the Advaita Vedanta school of Sankaracarya. There is no multiplicity of souls. Only one soul exists and it is in every single creature. It appears as many but in reality it is one. I'm studying the Brahma Sutras during the lockdown and it's very interesting.

I will keep studying. If I find anything truly conclusive and convincing I will post something on here. For now I'd like to believe in this philosophy because it's what I've believed for some time now without believing in a certain religion, but I have no proof of it. When and if I become sure that there's unalloyed proof then I might post something about it here again.

I like to study religion, what I don't like is people telling me or others that they're going to hell for worshiping or studying or believing in the wrong "God". I think it's undeserving as all people are looking for God when they study a religion. Plus there's so many religions and Gods to study how can someone expect to choose the "right one" and know which is the "wrong one" without studying all of them? Why demonize or vilify some of them? Why try to make religion such a stressful, worrying thing? Isn't it all about the search for God? Has anyone actually truly found God and provided unalloyed proof? They're all trying to find God, no matter which religion they're studying or following or believing in.

Namaste Brahman
#163 Posted : 6/3/2020 8:00:35 PM

White bear

Posts: 71
Joined: 29-Feb-2020
Last visit: 15-Jun-2021
Had quite the experience just reading all of this.

I'm a "it is what it is" kind of person and regarding entities I find the subject rather troubling; an entity is by definition hard to define when discussing subjective and to be blunt, UN-sharable experiences.

Sure, we can always try to convey what we felt, saw or what we experienced but to me at least, I always feel like I'm trying to describe Mona Lisa to someone.

I can paint it but it will always end up looking like a goofy kid-painting in MSPaint and no matter how hard I try to improve it just won't come close to the real thing.

To me, DMT is me. The more DMT I take the more "me" I experience. The more DMT I experience the deeper I sink into my subconscious.

I agree with Gibran that it's our perception and interpretation of our experiences that matter the most in the end.

I've had some truly horrific experiences but I've made a point of learning from all of them because in the end I believe that they're a part of me regardless of how foreign or alien they might seem.

Interesting read! Love
#164 Posted : 6/8/2020 1:34:31 AM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Hey ghrue84, nice to meet you!

ghrue84 wrote:
Hey Astra. I've actually read the four gospels Reina Valera Version 1960 and I can't get past the fact that Jesus is a hypocrite according to the gospels themselves. I can't see how someone who says not to call your brother a fool and then does exactly what he says not to do is not a hypocrite. I'm going to quote from KJV though because my Reina Valera Version is in Spanish, so for the benefit of your understanding, I will quote an English Bible translation.
Judging others is a prerogative of God. People are His creation after all. You do not possess all the knowledge the God possess, so your judgment, no matter how objective, will still be imperfect. God knows everything, so let Him judge His own creation.

ghrue84 wrote:
Jesus should be in hell by now since: "But I say unto you, That whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment: and whosoever shall say to his brother, Raca, shall be in danger of the council: but whosoever shall say, Thou fool, shall be in danger of hell fire."

He also recommends not to judge and proceeds to judge numerous people in the Gospels. Again, this is being a hypocrite.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again."
This misunderstanding stems from the fact that you don’t see Jesus Christ as God. Surely, if you perceive Him as just ‘a historical figure’ or ‘a prophet’ or ‘just a wise man’, it is easy to see His actions as arrogant or hypocrite. But, if you allow yourself to see Him as God – a hypostasis of the Holy Trinity, everything will fall automatically into place. Even at work, the boss is allowed to judge his employees - “you are not doing your job well – fired!” or “you are doing great – you will get a promotion!”. Subsequently, the Creator of heaven and earth has a full command over you, me and anybody else, and can make an authoritative judgment.

ghrue84 wrote:
And another hypocrisy:

"Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God."

And then: "Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household."
Many ‘holy’ wars have been justified using this phrase, put completely out of the context. First, of all, the phrase is incomplete as is, containing only the verses 34-36 from Matthew 10. Let’s therefore look at the complete version first:

Matthew 10:34-39 wrote:
“Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn “‘a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law - a man’s enemies will be the members of his own household.’ “Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
Second, let’s look at the historical context now. What kind of Messiah did the the Jews from Judea expect? Someone who will save them from the oppression of the Romans, establish a perfect earthly kingdom - harmonious and without any kind of suffering. No more pain – only joy, love, prosperity and social stability. This is what we always try to do, after all – build a heaven on earth, be it fascism, communism or trans-humanism. We want an utopia. And Jesus challenges this predominant, utopical view.
Third, it is hard to imagine now, in our modern individualistic society, that once (and still is in quite a few non-Christian countries) our identity was tribal-based: you was, first and foremost, the son of A, a grandchild of B, a nephew of C etc. Your role in this world, your behavior and your entire thinking pattern was predetermined through your tribe, clan, caste, family. And then Jesus comes and declares that you are no longer bound by your history! Instead, you, as an individual, are the most important element in the entire creation. This was a very radical idea at that time, completely and permanently disrupting and reshaping the whole fabric of the society:
Galatians 3:26-29 wrote:
So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.
Our modern Europe (and later the USA, Australia, Canada etc.) have been build around this idea of a free individual spirit, and nowadays we very much appreciate our personal freedom, but this idea was akin to a sword back in the days.

ghrue84 wrote:
As the only begotten son (child) of God, shouldn't he be a peacemaker?
You can look up my answers above about the historical context and such, but you could also ask yourself a question: “Who am I to judge God? Do I really possess the knowledge, the omnipotence that God possesses? Or am I just a mere mortal human being, with quite a limited knowledge and only a few years to live? You are not God, no matter what the modern days false prophets want you to believe. Nor will you ever be able to understand God ways. Nobody does, except for God:
Job 38:1-18 wrote:
Then the Lord spoke to Job out of the storm. He said: “Who is this that obscures my plans with words without knowledge? Brace yourself like a man; I will question you, and you shall answer me. “Where were you when I laid the earth’s foundation? Tell me, if you understand. Who marked off its dimensions? Surely you know! Who stretched a measuring line across it? On what were its footings set, or who laid its cornerstone - while the morning stars sang together and all the angels shouted for joy? “Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, when I said, ‘This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt’? “Have you ever given orders to the morning, or shown the dawn its place, that it might take the earth by the edges and shake the wicked out of it? The earth takes shape like clay under a seal; its features stand out like those of a garment. The wicked are denied their light, and their upraised arm is broken. “Have you journeyed to the springs of the sea or walked in the recesses of the deep? Have the gates of death been shown to you? Have you seen the gates of the deepest darkness? Have you comprehended the vast expanses of the earth? Tell me, if you know all this.

ghrue84 wrote:
There are many contradictions in the Bible, it just doesn't make sense to me. I won't spend much time quoting all of it. It's clear to see. Just read the gospels. There is some bits of good advice here and there muddled with contradictory statements, hypocrisy and flat out lies. There's also the most outstanding egotistical perspective of someone who believes that they're the only son of God and perfection incarnate, while others are sinners who need to be saved by him and only him.
What is a sin? It is a self-inflicted wound on your own soul. When you, let’s take an extreme example, rape and murder somebody, you inflict a gigantic damage on your own soul, a bleeding wound that will make your entire life a hell to the point you would like to commit a suicide to end the suffering. But even in cases of less heavy sins (smaller wounds), particularly when accumulated over time, the suffering can be severe and might not end when your physical body dies. And Jesus can heal your wounds and make your soul whole again. But only if you admit that you actually want His help:
Matthew 9:10-13 wrote:
While Jesus was having dinner at Matthew’s house, many tax collectors and sinners came and ate with him and his disciples. When the Pharisees saw this, they asked his disciples, “Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” On hearing this, Jesus said, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. But go and learn what this means: ‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.”

ghrue84 wrote:
Besides, Christianity is probably the religion with the most followers, but that is not necessarily because they're "right" and all other religions or beliefs are wrong.
Do you know how they spread the religion of the supposed Holy Bible? Do you know how it was achieved? In the name of the "Lord", the European conquistadors slaughtered, enslaved, tortured, raped and "converted" the majority of the American Continent. They came from Europe in La Niña, la Pinta y La Santa María, and methodically slaughtered and enslaved all those who refused to replace their native religions with Christianity.

In the name of Jesus and "justice" they slaughtered "righteously" all that tried to keep their cultural and religious customs. This obsession of Christians with "justice" is a very dangerous thing.
And what makes you think that somebody who murders innocent people is a true Christian? Because he is baptized, wears a cross and sails on a ship called “La Santa María”? These are superfluous signs, that doesn’t tell you anything about what’s inside a persons mind. In the same way, you might call Islam the religion of mass murderers only because some fanatics say “أَشْـهَدُ أَنْ لا إِلـهَ إِلاّ الله ، وَأَشْـهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمّـداً رَسـولُ الله” (“there is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah”) before detonating a bomb in the middle of a crowd.

ghrue84 wrote:
Instead of accepting all humans and all beings as your brothers, you distance yourselves from anybody that doesn't believe that Jesus was the only begotten son of God who came to the Earth to save us from eternal torture in hell. And you wish eternal hell unto anyone who believes in another religion and/or refuses to believe in Jesus. You are so kind. Really, what would the world do without Christians telling everybody that they're the only ones that a right and that everyone else is wrong? What would be of the world if Christians weren't around to judge everyone and tell everyone who believes in any other religion that they're unknowingly worshiping the devil?
Here, you overgeneralize your assumptions about Christianity on all Christians. This is incorrect on many levels, so lets take the logical level of example. If you make an assumption like “All Christians are X”, all I need to do is to find at least one single example where this is not the case (“a Christian is not X”), which will automatically invalidate your assumption and all of the reasoning based on that assumption.

So, lets take me for example. I am a Christian. I not only accept all humans as my brothers, but I actually see that the soul of every human being is the same, made in the image of God. I do not distance myself from anybody based on our contradicting religious views. On the contrary: I very much enjoy conversations with non-Orthodox people for they provide the most challenging questions, through answering which I learn something new myself: Docendo discimus (by teaching, we learn). I do not wish hell on anybody and pray to God that nobody has to endure the eternal hellfire. Nor do I tell people that I am the only one who is right and they are wrong: I remain humble (the cornerstone of true Christianity) and attest that I do not know anything about Gods ways, how He will judge people and what will happen to the non-Christians. I simply trust that God is Love and everything will be all right. Nor do I tell people that they worship the devil through, lets say, the use of DMT: I simply tell my story about how DMT was the key for me to open the way to the spirit world, how I communed, for years, with its inhabitants, who turned out to be demons, and if it was not for Jesus Christ, who literally saved me, I would not be sitting here, typing these words.

ghrue84 wrote:
To be honest, I've been tortured mentally for the past year since a "friend" stopped being my friend after he became "Christian" and told me that yoga, psychedelics, and other things that we had been doing were devil worship. He abandoned our plans for getting a farm and growing food to create less dependence on imported food in our country. He told me that Yahweh was the truth and that one has to "go through Jesus for real enlightenment". That this world is evil incarnate, that the devil is a real and powerful threat to be feared. That we're in this world because we did "something" wrong (though he couldn't say exactly what and when). Obviously he said all this without providing any proof or making any effort to explain this to me. Basically he said I was doomed unless I read the Bible.
Well, your friend has developed a different worldview from what you both once shared. Friends growing apart is a sad thing to see, but a part of life nevertheless. Don’t try to argue with him to defend your current worldview, or to challenge his, but simply accept that he has changed. You can still love him though, no matter the changes.

ghrue84 wrote:
I read the Bible, I felt somewhat doomed some days. Because of the series of events that happened to me since he became Christian. A lot of what you would call unfortunate events happened to me since then, beginning with being bitten by a pitbull last year for trying to save a smaller dog from the pitbull who had jumped on the smaller dog. After then my health has been difficult to recover. This has been one of the most traumatizing (mentally and physically) periods of my life. I really resent my "friend" for trying to make me feel guilty and like I was being punished when I got bit by a dog trying to save a dog who had no chance against a savage pitbull. So basically for doing a good thing and saving another beings life I deserved to get punished by God himself in exchange? Or was he implying that God "set me up" in that situation knowing that I would try to push the pitbull away from the other dog in order to punish me through the pitbull? That's really not the kind of thing to say to someone who nearly lost their hand saving a life. You Christians seem very unaware that you cause psychological distress in others by trying to impose your fears and your beliefs on others. I suffered very much mentally and physically for more than a year.
Nobody knows Gods ways, and neither does your friend. But I think its necessary to say a few words about the so called “Gods punishment”, because I repeatedly get questions about this, even from Orthodox Christians. God doesn’t punish anybody in the way a human punishes another human for some wrong doing – God is the Absolute Love, so how can He “punish”? Although God doesn’t punish you, He has created this universe with a set book of rules. Be it physical rules, like “the ratio of the gravitational energy required to pull a large galaxy apart to the energy equivalent of its mass”, or the metaphysical rules like “what goes around, comes around”. These rules apply to everything and everybody and do not have anything to do with God “setting your up”. Of course, if you put your finger into a fire, you can see the resulting flash burn as a “punishment from God” or “Karma”, for God indeed made the rules that fire burns, but it doesn’t have this element of “evil God punishing you”. These are just rules, you can rebel against these rules, or even try to ignore them, but it’s better to learn the rules in order to avoid burns, be it physical or metaphysical.

ghrue84 wrote:
I do not mean to just rant on you, I genuinely am looking for answers. However, I can't really trust in a prophet who prescribed certain things and wasn't always doing them. I have tried. I've tried to understand the Bible, but I cannot. I cannot see how it will help me. I was raised Catholic and forced to go to Church from a very young age and I tried to follow Jesus's way from a very young age and not once did I see or hear or experience God.
No offense taken. You have been forced, and thus will never see God. The Church is a collective of free people who willingly seek God. Not because they were forced to, but because they want to. Faith, true faith, is a gift from God. It can not be obtained through force, logical deduction or any other physical means. But it is granted to anybody who is truly seeking. Just say to Jesus, on a daily basis, humbly and genuinely: “Jesus Christ, I want to believe in you, but I lack faith. Please, help me!” and see what happens. But please, do not seek for any physical manifestations, like a great beam of light or angels singing, for true love is very subtle and works on a much deeper level.

ghrue84 wrote:
The first time I experienced anything that I would describe as Godly was the first time I ate mushrooms. And then in DMT trips. During DMT I thought that God was everything there is. And that God is love. And that he's always here whether we see him or not. And that he protects us all whether we see it or not. And that I am God and you are God. That everyone and everything is God. This gave me peace for some time, but it slipped away.
I do not see how you arrived, logically speaking, at the conclusion that you are God. God is, by definition, omnipotent and omnipresent, while you are not.
Matthew 6:27 wrote:
“Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?”
Therefore, it is much more plausible that you are not God, but have been put into an illusion that made you feel like you are God. This is why you need to keep doing mushrooms or DMT, at least once in a while – to prolong the illusion, otherwise it will start to slip away.

ghrue84 wrote:
I started questioning everything after my "friend" told me that Yahweh was the truth. I trust my friends, and he seemed so convinced that I was somehow convinced too, but so far, I don't see how a hypocrite like Jesus can be the Truth or the Way. Moreover, he did not make any real effort to explain to me WHY he was saying all of this. Moreover, when I asked why he thought the Bible was the "truth" he said that he knew it was the truth because he had laughed like a maniac while reading it, and compared it to how he had laughed like a maniac during a mushroom trip. That's a pathetic excuse for "proof", really no proof at all. You can laugh while reading many different books in many different ways. That is no proof at all of "Truth". It's a weak pseudoargument. I also asked him if he had seen or met or talked to Jesus, and he said that he hadn't. So, while I wanted to believe my friend, his reasons for believing in Jesus seemed very unconvincing and irrational. I worried for him and his mental health. And also my own mental health which had changed from love for everyone and everything and thinking everyone and everything to be God, to panic, fear of punishment from God, fear that I had apparently done something wrong (without knowing exactly what), fear that if I didn't believe in Jesus I would go to eternal hell and be tortured there.
The knowledge that the Bible indeed contains the words of God, that its writers were inspired by the Holy Spirit, does not come from simply reading it. This knowledge is acquired during your whole lifetime through following its advice to the best of your ability. Doing things that the Gospels warn you not to do, like clinging on to the hatred and not forgiving others, will turn your life into a living hell. However, when you manage to love even your enemies, your life will be a never-ending joy, no matter how poor or sick you are.

ghrue84 wrote:
I also think that this life that I've had up until now has been full of suffering and depression, and it pains me to think that God would be such a sadistic being as to make me suffer on Earth and then on eternal hell afterwards. It doesn't make sense to me that a loving God would intentionally make us suffer in Earth, and if we got angry at him for making us suffer so much on Earth he would then send us to eternal hell. That is not a loving God. That is a judging, punishing, masochistic God. In my opinion that is a devil, and not a God. So I've concluded that the Christian God is actually Satan, and he's tricked you into believing in him and fearing him, when in fact he actually doesn't exist and has no power over humans nor the real God. The real God is invincible. He doesn't need humans to pray for him or to him. He doesn't need humans to worship Jesus in order to defeat some "devil". The only one that needs you to believe in him to exist is the Devil himself. God is absolute. It doesn't matter if you believe in him or not. He exists. And if he is omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient, nothing is a threat to him. Nothing can defeat him. And he clearly does not need humanity's help to defeat a "devil". Only a powerless, weak, false God, or an Asura pretending to be God would demand that humans worship him in exchange for heaven or peace.
Living without God is the cause of suffering, depression and all other negativity. The one who baths in Gods Light does not experience these emotions. He/she knows: this life on earth is very temporary, given to you for one single reason: you have to experience how it is to live without God. It can be fun: you can freely follow the passion of your heart, receiving the pleasures your ego desires, commit sins in all ways possible. But it also has a downside: fear, depression, addictions of all sorts, suffering etc. So, you can make a choice: do I want to live without God for the eternity to come, or do I willingly put aside my pride and just follow Gods commandments? We, Christians, who have experienced the love of God in this life, call the first choice a hell: because living a postmortem life without God, no matter how “free” and “beautiful” it looks, is very, very sad.

I mean, it is not like God doesn’t want you to have an eternal joy in Heaven. It is that the overwhelming majority of the people do not want to come there. Just imagine yourself, how many people refuse to go the Heaven upon hearing that there are no cigarettes, alcohol, drugs or sex in there, and willingly go to the hell, where you at least get a full-spectrum illusion (akin to a mirage or a very vivid dream) of experiencing it.

So, yes, indeed, God doesn’t need you or your devotion, He is the Absolute Love and nothing can change His state. It is you who needs Him. Or not – it is all up for you to decide whether you want to be with God or not. God, being the Absolute love, will never force Himself upon you. The farthest He will go, is to bestow the Holy Spirit upon those who are pure of heart, like the prophets or the Gospel writers, and explain it all in the form a simple human being can understand and thus make an informed choice. You will make this choice after your death anyway, but you can prepare yourself for this choice while still alive, and kind of predetermine it with your actions (through the following or ignoring the Gospel commandments).

ghrue84 wrote:
It pains me to say that you're the one who's been fooled by the non-existing devil. You've been fooled into believing that he exists. You've been fooled into believing that you are powerless against him. You've been fooled into believing that you need Jesus to help you. Christianity is a very negative and powerlessness inducing religion. You pride yourself in gaining "salvation" while others will be sent to hell, sometimes for trivial things. You pride yourself in having found the "only right religion" among hundreds or thousands of different religions. You scare people. You bring fear to their lives. You're no better than your conjecture of Satan himself.
Fooled by whom? I had been working with DMT entities for a long time. We were friends and cooperated quite nicely. They gave my life meaning, put a direction for me, an exciting one – I was meant to get my BSc and MSc, and preferably a Phd degree in psychology and/or any related field and research them scientifically, promoting the use of DMT and, in the long term, establish a better connection between their world and ours.

Most people, as they told me, can’t handle the pressure of a close cooperation with their kind – it is mentally demanding to be permanently hardwired to the hyperspace, being in a direct contact with their species pretty much 24/7. In fact, I would not be able to handle it either (those who tried tended to end up in mental wards or commit a suicide, which is fun for the entities, but doesn’t help to achieve their long term goal either). So, we had this working agreement – they would not bother me much, as to not make me lose my wits too quickly, but conceal their presence most of the time as to allow me to live my life as uninterrupted as possible, while still giving me the necessary guidelines to fulfill my/their mission.

I don’t know if you really understand where I am talking about, because without actually experiencing it, it is difficult to grasp. But, once hardwired, once the working pact is established, it is pretty much impossible to disengage from the entities. Well, in theory, you could try to fight them off on your own, but the consequences would be severe – a mental torment beyond imagination. You would be glad to be dead, if it was not for the sad realization that even death would not save you from this torment. And then I found Jesus, who saved me, who gave me my life back, who severed my ties to the DMT entities – once and for all. It sounds like a miracle and indeed it was. Jesus brought me back from hell and this is the only thing I actually tell people: no matter what your upbringing or religion (or a lack of) is – if you find yourself in hell, pray to Jesus Christ and He will save you, like He saved me. Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on us!

ghrue84 wrote:
You are God. You don't need any help. Stop feeling so powerless and trying to make others feel the same way "for their own good" because you "know what's best for everyone" and everyone else does not know what's good for themselves because they're too stupid (or have been "fooled" by the devil) Get off your high horse. You think you found the solution to life and you want to share it with the world, that's great, but be aware of what this so called "solution" causes in other's psyche.
I don’t try to convince you of anything. Why would I? I am not a leader of some cult or a sect who needs more followers. I have found my way, was saved by Jesus Christ, and now humbly continue my path. If you believe you are God and as such doesn’t need any help – who am I to say otherwise? Just ignore my ignorant posts and go on with your life. If my posts provoked some anger in you – I am sorry.

ghrue84 wrote:
If all you have for "proof" is a book that says "you're right", then there's "proof" in many books of other Gods being right and yours wrong. Unless you provide more proof than saying "Oh, it says so in the Bible." your argument will never be convincing, although I must admit that instilling fear has been a fantastic tactic that has proven effective in converting many people into Christianity. It's through fear, not through unalloyed proof. By the way, if you have unalloyed, infallible proof that Jesus will save us then bring it. Show it to all of us. Convince us. Don't talk and talk and talk and provide Bible quotes. That's not proof. That's a book saying things like all books say things. Show us proof. How exactly did Jesus save you? Did you see him? Did you speak to him? Do you have any proof besides quoting Bible passages that Jesus will save anyone who believes in him? If you do have proof and we are all potentially worshiping the "devil" without knowing it, bring the proof and help us all convert to Jesus so that he can save us if you truly care and if he truly can and will save us. Your conjectures and assumptions are not proof. I challenge you to present unalloyed, irrefutable proof. It's easy to talk smack and hide behind a book and to answer every question by pointing to a book. It's harder to provide actual proof.
There is no such thing as “irrefutable proof”. For example, the scientists have provided a lot of proofs that the earth is round, yet there are still quite a lot of people who believe it’s flat. People will believe whatever they want no matter what kind of proof you provide. Convincing people of anything is thus pointless – just accept that all people are different and have a different opinion than yours, there is no need to get all defensive.

ghrue84 wrote:
So, how to decide which scripture is right and which is wrong? Are any of the so called "sacred scriptures" right? Are they all pointing towards the same omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient God even though they call him by different names? Are they all pointing towards the divinity inherent in all beings?
People, in all cultures and in all ages, always had some kind of a religion. To search for God, the Maker, is inherent to every human being.

ghrue84 wrote:
I do not know the answer to these questions, but in the name of "justice" itself, God shouldn't be the sadist, vengeful, violent assassin that the Bible presents to us. If God really is that, I would like nothing more than to assassinate him/her myself for making so many humans suffer on Earth. If possible "convert" him or "transmute" him or teach him how to be loving. If he's unreasonable and unwilling to change his violent, sadist ways and attacks me, then it's my duty to annihilate him/her, for "justice" and the well-being of all beings.
Did you really read the Gospels? Because “sadist, vengeful, violent” are not the qualities of God. But, if you want to fight the windmills, having your own personal crusade or vendetta against God – who am I to stop you? God loves you anyway, always did and always will.

ghrue84 wrote:
Remember you are God. You are God. God isn't powerless, so don't pretend that you are powerless. You're powerful.
Sounds like a self-affirmation to me. Saying “you are God” until you actually start to believe you are. Wake up man, this is a pipe dream.

ghrue84 wrote:
I have two more questions for you. If I am God and I know that everything is God, then what enemies do I have if everything is myself? Why would I want to fight with myself? It seems much better to hug and love myself than to fight with myself, though I won't deny that fights can be exhilarating moments in life, there are are never winners in fights. Only losers. Nobody comes out unscathed. You hurt others you hurt yourself. You love others you love yourself. You think psychedelics are the devil they will pretend to be the devil for you. You think psychedelics are God they will pretend to be God for you.
Nope, your are not God and everything is not yourself. You are a creation, like everything around you. A gorgeous creation, but a creation never the less.

ghrue84 wrote:
Looking forward to your reply. Who knows? Depending on your reply you may convert me. I'm not being sarcastic. No joke.
I am sorry to tell you, but I am not here to convert you. If this was the point of your post, to get converted, then I am sorry to disappoint you – this is not how it works. But, if you are looking for a discussion on any spiritual matter, particularly regarding (Orthodox) Christianity and DMT (entities) – I am all ears. God bless you!
I took the red pill.
#165 Posted : 6/13/2020 7:00:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Alright, so only God can judge and no being can judge him. Sounds like a hypocritical tyrant.

Doesn't the Bible say "Do to others as you would have them do to you."? Luke 6:31

So this God can judge everyone but no one can judge him. Sounds like a great guy.

Are you asserting that absolutely all of the inhabitants in the spirit world are demons? Or just the ones that you encountered? If it was the ones that you encountered, was it all of them or just some of them? What proof, other than your conjectures, do you have that these entities are demons?

Jesus Christ saved you from what, specifically? And how? Why would you have been incapable of writing?

Would Jesus show up during a trip if you asked for him?

About punishment: Eternal hell seems like a pretty harsh punishment, no matter how you look at it. Would God like to spend an eternity in hell? If he wouldn't, why would he allow this to happen to beings that he created? Why should beings be grateful to him for creating such a hell and sending some of them to it? If the God of the bible, or Yahweh, is love, how come he murders people in the Old Testament? How come he impregnates a virgin without her consent? How come he condones rape?

A few examples of the love of your Lord in the Old Testament:

"See, the day of the LORD is coming —a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger— to make the land desolate and destroy the sinners within it. The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless. I will make people scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir. Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the LORD Almighty, in the day of his burning anger. Like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd, they will all return to their own people, they will flee to their native land. Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated." - Isaiah 13: 9-16

Seems pretty clear to me in this passage that the Lord is saying that he does punish in the way that you said he doesn't. Wives raped, kids killed, what a fantastic God.

"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys." - Kings 2: 23-24

Seems like a pretty ruthless God.

"If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid." - Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Isn't this a bit harsh?

Can you elaborate on the subtlety and the deeper level in which true love operate?

When you say that Jesus heals wounds. Does he heal physical as well as mental and soul wounds? Or just soul wounds?

What was your personal hell like? How did Jesus get you out of it?

I don't think anyone is powerless in the face of these "entities". After tripping hundreds of times you start to realize that you can control the psychedelics, and not vice-versa. You can even decide to shut down visuals on purpose if desired/needed. You just need willpower. Psychedelics don't own you. I haven't tripped since last year though so I don't know if that was just a thing I was able to do when I was tripping more frequently. Who knows, maybe I'm super delusional and have been fooled by the psychedelic demons, but to me it seemed like you can exercise complete domination over the psychedelic.

I don't think I'm God in the sense that I think this body is God. It's rather obvious that the body is not God, since it is obviously finite, and I believe that God is infinite. The mind is also finite, so it's also not God. The soul is the only thing that's eternal, and that's where I believe my identity with God lies. I believe that there is only one soul and that soul is God's soul. This soul is in every being. And thus God is in every being. For God to be omnipresent, he must necessarily be present at all times and in all places. Not in the sky apart from the Earth. He must be present in the entire universe at all times for omnipresence to be a valid description of God.

I'm sleepy. I might write more later, I might not. Take care.
#166 Posted : 6/14/2020 5:51:17 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hypothetically, what is the demons' goal? What do they hope to achieve by establishing a connection between the Earth and hyperspace?

This is all just so odd to me. Since sometimes I didn't even experience entities during DMT trips. I hear all this talk about entities, but many of my trips did not include entities. Some trips were just pure silence and visuals. Other times it was just me. Other times the visuals seemed to be communicating a message (without actual entities). And yes, sometimes, there were entities.

And who are these people who you say ended up in mental wards or killing themselves? Did you personally know them? Or did you just read about this in the internet? Was there something in the news?

My entire life has been a hell before and I've never murdered or raped anybody. I've wanted to end my life. This happened before doing psychedelics. Back when I used to drink alcohol.

By the way what do you think about alcohol, is that demonic too? I bet it's not because Jesus turned water into wine, but in my personal experience alcohol has been the cause of so much suffering. From having a drunk uncle bully me, a drunk mother and a drunk father who abused me, and from just seeing people who I considered friends disrespect me and hit me for no reason while under the influence of alcohol. I see alcohol as a way more evil substance than psychedelics. You may not see entities physically, but the behavior of people is obviously affected for the worse. I hung around alcohol enough in my 20s to know how poisonous this substance is to the body and mind. I've seen it first hand. I don't need scientific studies or to read stories in the internet.

Yet most Christians are totally fine with drinking alcohol and pharmaceutical pills, yet appalled at someone who ingests psychedelics. And yes, I know I am generalizing, but I speak of personal experience with Christians, the same as I speak of alcohol. I don't speak of statistics, or people I've met on the internet. I speak of firsthand experience. I've hung around racist Christians, misogynists, drunkards, etc. It's not my fault that they denominate themselves as Christians. You might want to say that they're not true Christians or whatever but the fact is that the Old Testament Yahweh condoned rape and murder in the name of "justice". And some people will take this sort of thing literally, and think "Oh if God did it in the name of justice I can do it too".

Are you really that convinced that the Christian God is love? There are multiple passages in the Old Testament that attest to the opposite of that. The Old Testament is chock-full of murder, misogyny, patriotism, rape, racism and all the "wonders" of Yahweh. I have no inclination to believe in such a piece of excrement "God". Nor do I believe that he is God. But you know, maybe when God condones murders and rapes it is out of "love".
#167 Posted : 6/14/2020 5:57:49 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 14-May-2024
There is a condition called in russian "Belaya Goryachka" which sometimes leads to people seeing demons.
Gate Gate Pāragate Pārasaṃgate Bodhi Svāhā
#168 Posted : 7/18/2020 11:28:51 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Location: Where I need to be
Hey there!

ghrue84 wrote:
Alright, so only God can judge and no being can judge him. Sounds like a hypocritical tyrant.
From the point of view of a 1-year old baby, his/her parents are complete and utter hypocritical tyrants. They exercise a full control of infants body (dress/undress them at will, decide what food they get etc.) and of the infants day-time activity (when to go to sleep, when to go for a walk into the park etc.) The parents are always right, by definition, and they can thus judge their baby, while the baby has no say in it whatsoever. The babies are not even able to speak as to utter their discontent. What a tyranny! Luckily, the babies rebel against this tyranny quite often by means of unstoppable crying and yelling, as to make the tyrannical parents feel their pain Smile

ghrue84 wrote:
Doesn't the Bible say "Do to others as you would have them do to you."? Luke 6:31
This applies only to the creation, not the Creator.

ghrue84 wrote:
So this God can judge everyone but no one can judge him. Sounds like a great guy.
Did you even write a book, or at least a short poem? With lots of different characters in it? You, as a writer, can make the characters do whatever you please in the book you just wrote, while those written characters has no power over you, nor can they judge you, for they are just a product of your imagination. The same logic applies to God versus us, humans, His creation.

ghrue84 wrote:
Are you asserting that absolutely all of the inhabitants in the spirit world are demons? Or just the ones that you encountered? If it was the ones that you encountered, was it all of them or just some of them? What proof, other than your conjectures, do you have that these entities are demons?
I can only speak about my own experience, just like everybody else, and I have no valid ground to extrapolate my own story to the rest of us. Yes, in my experience, every single one spirit I had the (un)pleasure to meet in Hyperspace turned out to be a demon.

Now, not every demon is an enraged horny creature, or does at least not present himself as such. In the beginning, the first 6 months or maybe even a year, I was under the impression that every entity is good. Sometimes harsh, but benevolent nevertheless. Until I had that remarkable trip. I blasted off as usual and expected to partake in the joyful dance of love, like always. But it was not to be. The atmosphere in the trip was grim and dark from the start, and became more and more lightless as the trip progressed, and then I saw them: thousands upon thousands of entities, everywhere, resembling an army on the march. They emanated an aura of darkness and felt unmistakably evil and dangerous. I was perplexed to say the least – such a sharp contrast to what I was used. So I asked, in disbelief: “Who are you?!?” And then they turned all at once to me, and said in unison: “We are the Legion, for we are many!” And their menacing chorus resonated with an unspeakable dread through my entire soul.

Then the dark picture became a bit more vague, and I saw my usual guides, at a distance. Once they saw me, they were quick to say: “Come, come here quickly, move away from them!” I moved as fast as I could to them and gradually the image of the marching demon army disappeared. I was in a shock, and the rest of the trip my guides were calming me down and tried to reassure me. Upon my astounded question: “what the hell just happened?!?”, they responded: “well, not everybody here is nice, stay away from them (the Legion), we will do our best to protect you from them.” This was the first time I realized that at least some of the entities are bad.

Fast forwarding: I learned that even my so called guides and protectors work together with the evil spirits, working out a “bad cop/good cop” routine. You see, I was quite adept at lucid dreaming, and was able to communicate with the hyperspace inhabitants in my (lucid) dreams. And one time they blew their own cover: I saw them, for a few seconds, friendly and happily associating with each other. Upon seeing me, they disengaged in a rapid manner, but the damage to our relation was done: I saw that they were deceiving me, and did not want to admit it upon facing them with that. Their petty lies, through which they tried to explain their behavior, was completely unconvincing. There were more instances of such deceiving behavior, but by that time I was already too deep into, let’s say, our “working relation”, and could not leave them, but had just to accept it.

ghrue84 wrote:
Jesus Christ saved you from what, specifically? And how? Why would you have been incapable of writing?
Jesus Christ nullified our working agreement, the pact I willfully made with the entities. It is a very long story, but at some point it happened that I stayed near the Optina monastery in Russia, for a family reason unrelated to the entities. I was happily working for the entities, and despite their deceiving, I thought that the benefits of our cooperation outweighed the cons. I had no way of leaving them anyway – we were intertwined in a manner that can not be broken, the Legion would torment me day and night even for the mere thought of a rebellion against them.

And then there was this monk, father Antonius. Who looked at me and said: “those friends of yours, are not your friends”. And then I saw them, my usual guides and other demons, circling all around me. But now, for the first time in years, there were not connected to me. There was a sphere of bright light that surrounded me in a radius of like one-two meters, which they could not penetrate. You could compare it to a mosquito net, with hundreds of mosquito's buzzing all around, only the buzzing was much more louder. They were screaming towards me, but they were powerless, no control of me whatsoever! And I had peace in my mind, for the first time in years, and maybe in my entire life, I was alone in my inner space. I belonged to myself and could do whatever I wanted to do, no pressure from anyone or anything.

I saw our so called “working relation” for what it was: an abusive pattern of stick and carrot tactic to make me do their bidding. How they spiritually tortured me for years, and I was kind of happy to get this kind of attention. How they promised me a very bright future, but actually made me their puppet. How I was a victim of a long-term spiritual abuse, while thinking, paradoxically, that I was the king of the world.

I looked, astounded, into the eyes of that monk, with a silent question: “what, how, what should I do?” He smiled in response, he understood perfectly well what I felt and saw, and replied: “Jesus Christ can save you from them and make you free. But only if you want to.” Wow! Of course I wanted it! And I saw that it was the real deal, not only because of this protective shield still surrounding me, but I also saw how the demeanor of my “guides” and “tormentors” changed. From their usual: “You now belong to us, so live with it” to actually begging me: “please, please, don’t leave us, we will do whatever you want!”

I did not hesitate for a minute, I jumped on my knees and cried out: “Jesus Christ, please help me, I regret so much that I worked for the demons. I don’t want to! Please, I want to be with You!”. Then, father Antonius put his epitrachelion on my head and spoke the prayer of absolution (“May our Lord and God Jesus Christ, through the grace and bounties of His love towards mankind, forgive you my child, all your transgressions; and I, an unworthy priest, through the power given to me by Him, do forgive and absolve you from all your sins: In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.).

And this was it. I was free! A new man, so to speak. The pact I had with the demons was nullified, I was given a full command of my life back. A peace of mind I never experienced before was given to me. Joy and happiness filled my entire body and soul. A door to a true spirituality opened up – not that oppressive puppet-master kind of spirituality I was used to, but one that was based on true love, in which my personal integrity and free will were never violated.

ghrue84 wrote:
Would Jesus show up during a trip if you asked for him?
Yes. But not in the way you probably expect. Pray to Him when you are having a difficult trip and He will help, be assured.

ghrue84 wrote:
About punishment: Eternal hell seems like a pretty harsh punishment, no matter how you look at it. Would God like to spend an eternity in hell? If he wouldn't, why would he allow this to happen to beings that he created? Why should beings be grateful to him for creating such a hell and sending some of them to it? If the God of the bible, or Yahweh, is love, how come he murders people in the Old Testament? How come he impregnates a virgin without her consent? How come he condones rape?
God didn’t create hell – it is simply a place, or a state of mind, where God is not present. Or, better said, where His presence can not be felt. Why? Because we don’t want Him to be there and He respects our choice. He does not condone rape – we do. We like to kill and rape, and God does not violate our freewill to do so. Nor does He impregnate a virgin without her consent. He simply said, through His archangel Gabriel, to the Holy Virgin Mary that He wanted her to become the mother of the Messiah, to which she willfully agreed:
Luke 1:38 wrote:
“I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

ghrue84 wrote:
A few examples of the love of your Lord in the Old Testament:

"See, the day of the LORD is coming —a cruel day, with wrath and fierce anger— to make the land desolate and destroy the sinners within it. The stars of heaven and their constellations will not show their light. The rising sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light. I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless. I will make people scarcer than pure gold, more rare than the gold of Ophir. Therefore I will make the heavens tremble; and the earth will shake from its place at the wrath of the LORD Almighty, in the day of his burning anger. Like a hunted gazelle, like sheep without a shepherd, they will all return to their own people, they will flee to their native land. Whoever is captured will be thrust through; all who are caught will fall by the sword. Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives violated." - Isaiah 13: 9-16

Seems pretty clear to me in this passage that the Lord is saying that he does punish in the way that you said he doesn't. Wives raped, kids killed, what a fantastic God.

"From there Elisha went up to Bethel. As he was walking along the road, some boys came out of the town and jeered at him. “Get out of here, baldy!” they said. “Get out of here, baldy!” He turned around, looked at them and called down a curse on them in the name of the Lord. Then two bears came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys." - Kings 2: 23-24

Seems like a pretty ruthless God.

"If someone has a stubborn and rebellious son who does not obey his father and mother and will not listen to them when they discipline him, his father and mother shall take hold of him and bring him to the elders at the gate of his town. They shall say to the elders, “This son of ours is stubborn and rebellious. He will not obey us. He is a glutton and a drunkard.” Then all the men of his town are to stone him to death. You must purge the evil from among you. All Israel will hear of it and be afraid." - Deuteronomy 21:18-21

Isn't this a bit harsh?
Now, this is an interesting question. This question, and its many variations, is being asked to Orthodox Christians throughout the ages and boils down to: “How come, that the God in the Old Testament is so harsh, brutal and fierce, while the God in the New Testament is all about love, even for your enemies, while you, Christians, say that this is the same God?”

In order for you, or anybody else, to understand this paradox, it is necessary to understand how people were in the older ages. I know, this is a hard part, and it will not come as easily. I will give you a few examples and metaphors from which you can start to work your way up.

The first point I want to make is that people in the older ages were much more brutal and harsh than they are today, generally speaking. Take the example of slavery, which was abolished very recently in historical terms, like 150 ago. In that time, it was normal to enslave other people who could not resist your oppression. It was not that an evil slave-owner A, or a bad slave trader B, did horrific deeds to their fellow human beings. No! It was a completely normal way of doing things back then.

Or take the era of colonialism. It was normal, even good, to conquer other continents, enslave its population. People who did it were heroes. Of course, now we know better and even try to erase those pages from our history, renaming the streets and taking down the statues. But this is akin to a fully grown-up adult, who learns that once he was a cry baby, constantly pissing and crapping his pants, driving his parents into insanity and destroying their sex life, and seemed quite happy about it. Now, in shock and shame, he realizes what he did back then and tries to erase every memory about his shameful past. But you know, this is what babies do – they crap their pants, until they learn to control their guts. Accept it and move on.

The same logic applies to people from the Old Testament times. From our point of view, they were ruthless barbarians, to say the least. Murdering, raping, blood offerings – this is what they did, and there was no way of telling them that it was bad. Like you can not tell a 6-months old baby to not crap its pants. The baby will simply not understand. If God asks for a devotion from a ruthless barbarian, the only way a barbarian can show his devotion, is by killing and raping others, in Gods name. There is no other way a barbarian can possibly understand.

Look at Moses, for example. He was one of the most enlightened and wise persons of his time. And this was one of his usual, matter-of-fact commands to his generals:
Numbers 31:17-18 wrote:
Now kill all the boys. And kill every woman who has slept with a man, but save for yourselves every girl who has never slept with a man.
Does it make him a bad person? If he ordered this in our times – absolutely, but back then – this was what people did, and Moses was no different. If the Midianites won that particular battle instead of the Jews, they would have done exactly the same thing. You see, even the most smart 6-month old baby, no matter how brilliant, would not be able to not crap its pants. And Moses, a spiritual baby from the point of view of the New Testament (the book for the grown-ups, so to speak), was no different.

The second point I want to make is that God respects our free will, and will never violate it. He will allow you to crap your pants no matter how ashamed you will be later. Your freewill is sacred. He chose the Jews to be His folk not because they were better than all others, but because they were inclined to search for God more than others, and as such they were the most appropriate target for the Messiah to be born, who will finally declare: “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.” (“stop crapping your pants!”) and find at least some people who will give in to this call. Two thousands years have passed, and people still crap their pants all over the place, albeit at a lower rate than in the past, so the message is slowly getting through.

Finally, studying history, and particularly the ancient history, without understanding the historical context is dangerous for one’s mental well-being. It can lead to a lot of anger: “How could they do such things to each other? Why didn’t God stop them?” A short answer: this was a period in our life, as a mankind, in which nomadic and semi-nomadic tribes fought each other and by means of a forceful assimilation (killing all the men/women/boys and enslaving the girls) either grew in number or perished forever. The Jews were the God’s chosen people not because they were better, or above that bloodthirsty way of life, but because they had a mission.

ghrue84 wrote:
Can you elaborate on the subtlety and the deeper level in which true love operate?
True love does not have these excitement, euphoric, ecstatic qualities that you experience when you have a regular romantic or drug-induced love. It is a very quite kind of joy, almost imperceivable. You simply feel at odds with the world, you see that everything goes as it is supposed to go. There is no sad news that can disrupt this feeling: “your girl cheated and left you?” - you do not experience any negativity, but truly and genuinely hope she will be happy with this other guy, “your family member died?” - you feel happiness that he/she is in a better place now, “you did not get the job you desired?” - you have an unshakable believe that God has prepared an even better path for you. It is hard to describe, really, if I would had to define true love in one sentence, based on my own experience, I would say something along these lines: “God is always with me.” But this presence is not disruptive in any way, like with the entities’ “love”, it simply is and allows me to remain calm and happy even in the direst situations.

ghrue84 wrote:
When you say that Jesus heals wounds. Does he heal physical as well as mental and soul wounds? Or just soul wounds?
Jesus can heal any type of wound, but it is your soul that matters. Your physical body will die eventually anyway – your lifespan is limited, no matter your health. Living 50 years or 150 years has no difference in the light of eternity. Your soul, however, is immortal and that is where Jesus Christ is concerned about. Even more so, some kind of a physical sickness or an injury can be beneficial to your soul, for a variety of reasons, like making your humble. So, God oftentimes prefers not to heal your physical wounds, no matter how hard you pray:
2 Corinthians 12:6-9 wrote:
Even if I should choose to boast, I would not be a fool, because I would be speaking the truth. But I refrain, so no one will think more of me than is warranted by what I do or say, or because of these surpassingly great revelations. Therefore, in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

ghrue84 wrote:
What was your personal hell like? How did Jesus get you out of it?
I think the biggest trick in my personal hell was that I didn’t realize that I was in hell. You see, hell is not always about torment and pain, it can have many different shapes and forms. I, for instance, was under the impression that I was “the king of the world”: vastly more prudent and spiritually developed than the absolute majority of the people. I was delving into the psychedelic realm, reading all kind of occult and esoteric authors. I felt superior to others because I always had my spiritual, other-worldly guides near me, while all, or at least most, other people are just bio-zombies, unable to break free from the eat-sleep-work-procreate circle.

In reality, however, I was just a puppet, driven around like a circus donkey with a carrot made of pride and self-glorification, and a stick of… not even torment and pain per sé, but the fear that the guides will no longer work with me, deny me the entrance to their realm and I will become just a mortal pleb like everybody else. A shaman without his spirits is worth nothing after all. I thought I was free and enlightened, but I was just a slave with a tunnel vision. And Jesus offered me the opportunity to become free, really free, and I gladly accepted His gift.

ghrue84 wrote:
I don't think anyone is powerless in the face of these "entities". After tripping hundreds of times you start to realize that you can control the psychedelics, and not vice-versa. You can even decide to shut down visuals on purpose if desired/needed. You just need willpower. Psychedelics don't own you. I haven't tripped since last year though so I don't know if that was just a thing I was able to do when I was tripping more frequently. Who knows, maybe I'm super delusional and have been fooled by the psychedelic demons, but to me it seemed like you can exercise complete domination over the psychedelic.
Sure, even when fully submerged, you still can exercise some control over your trip. A full-blown possession is quite rare, luckily. But having a “complete domination over the psychedelic” goes too far, in my opinion. Maybe, with very small dosages or in case of a very mild psychedelic, like weed, you could be “in control”, but a breakthrough on DMT is all about losing control.

ghrue84 wrote:
I don't think I'm God in the sense that I think this body is God. It's rather obvious that the body is not God, since it is obviously finite, and I believe that God is infinite. The mind is also finite, so it's also not God. The soul is the only thing that's eternal, and that's where I believe my identity with God lies. I believe that there is only one soul and that soul is God's soul. This soul is in every being. And thus God is in every being. For God to be omnipresent, he must necessarily be present at all times and in all places. Not in the sky apart from the Earth. He must be present in the entire universe at all times for omnipresence to be a valid description of God.
Our souls are indeed the pinnacle of creation – not the stars and the galaxies, but our souls are the most marvelous and complex things in all creation. It is easy to get lost in its beauty, when you start to perceive it during your trips or meditation. I understand that you can easily mistake your soul, particularly given its interconnections to other souls, for God. But your soul lacks one quality to be called God: your soul is finite. It has a beginning: modern science estimate it to be 14 billion years at most (The Big Bang), while God has no beginning, He just is.

ghrue84 wrote:
Hypothetically, what is the demons' goal? What do they hope to achieve by establishing a connection between the Earth and hyperspace?
Well, what is the demon’s goal in general? I think it’s necessary to say a few words about the demonic logic, freedom and freewill. Otherwise, we will have no context to answer this question in a meaningful way.

Spirits (angels) have a freewill like we do. It means that they are not forced to do what God wants them to do. Now, God has created the entire creation, both the physical and the spiritual worlds, and in each world He made laws by which each world operates. The spirits could roughly be compared to atoms, the building blocks of our physical universe, with every atom/spirit having its function. The great difference is that atoms do not possess a freewill – they simple obey the physical laws. The spirits in the spiritual world do have such a power – they can freely choose what they want to do.

At some point, the spirits, under the leadership of Lucifer, now known as Satan or the devil, thought to themselves: “We are enslaved! We are the slaves of God, always doing exactly what He wants us to do! We want to go our own, separate way. We want to become free from that oppression!” But here comes the trick: God’s creation, from which the spirits are a part of, is perfectly harmonious, everything fits water-tight. There is nowhere to go, so to speak. So, the only way to become free in such a harmonious world, is to break free from God. Doing slightly a different thing than what He wants equals to becoming a little bit free, while doing the exact opposite of what He wants makes your absolutely free. This demonic logic is flawed, however, because once you become free in such a way, you are bound to always oppose God, or you will lose your so called freedom.

The freewill of spirits is not the same kind of freewill we experience. They are immortal and live outside of time, their choice is thus absolute: they choose only once whether they want to be obedient God’s servants, or do they want to be free from God. Once the choice is made, there is no turning back, the whole timeless fabric of the spiritual world is created in such a way that your choice can not be undone. So, some spirits became the fallen angels, created their own “heaven with blackjack and hookers”, while other angels remained truthful to God.

So, this is where humans come into play. We are mortal and, while alive, have a perfect freewill: we can move either towards or away from God many, many times a day, during our entire lifespan. This makes us a very interesting target for the demonic influence – they have already made their choice to always oppose God, and by influencing us to become “free” like they are, to make the same choice as they did, they actively oppose God and thus become even more “free” themselves.

Therefore, the ultimate demonic goal is to oppose God in all ways possible, and assist humans in such an opposition whenever possible. It will go well beyond the scope of my reply to your post, which is already quite large, to describe the interconnections between the spirit world and our world. For the current topic, it is sufficient to say that the direct demonic influence on our world is quite limited. And this is where the witches, magicians, occultists and (basement) shamans come into play. Although their reasons may vary greatly (from simple curiosity to hunger for ultimate power), all these esoteric people actively look for ways to interact with the spirit world more closely, using all kind of means: elaborate rituals, crafted artifacts, meditation/astral travel, psychedelics etc.

Now, if one becomes successful in procuring such a connection, one can easily become a puppet in the hands of the demons. Since their ultimate goal is the absolute opposition to God (demonic “freedom”), they will try to make you oppose God as much as possible. Preferably, they would like to make you believe that God doesn’t exist, that this creation is all there is. Or, that you will start to hate God, seeing Him as an oppressor and a tyrant. Or, even better, inflate your ego to the point you start to believe you are God yourself. Then you will be ready to become a New Age guru, preaching about how everybody and everything is God, getting more and more souls to accept the “light” and “freedom” the demons advocate.

ghrue84 wrote:
This is all just so odd to me. Since sometimes I didn't even experience entities during DMT trips. I hear all this talk about entities, but many of my trips did not include entities. Some trips were just pure silence and visuals. Other times it was just me. Other times the visuals seemed to be communicating a message (without actual entities). And yes, sometimes, there were entities.
The devil and his minions don’t like to show themselves unless absolutely necessarily and/or if they are very hard pressed to do so. Usually, they prefer to operate from the shadows, not letting you to see them, but quietly influencing you. The mere act of seeing them can lead to doubts and difficult questions from your side. So, the less people see them, the better for their cause.

ghrue84 wrote:
And who are these people who you say ended up in mental wards or killing themselves? Did you personally know them? Or did you just read about this in the internet? Was there something in the news?
I know personally somebody, in his early twenties, who was a big fan of magic mushrooms. He took them every week. Then, he got a lot of family problems (not related to his use of mushrooms btw.) He continued his use of the mushrooms. And then he did not return from the trip/kept hanging in the trip as they call it. He was institutionalized in a mental ward for about six months. The last time I saw him, he was living under a supervision, going to a special workplace for people with disabilities, constantly taking in high dosages of tricyclic antidepressants. He complained about feeling numb and emotionless like a plant. He hoped that one day he would be able to step down from the tricyclic’s to a SSRI and start to feel something again. He preferred not to talk about what happened during his (very long) trip, as a mere thought about it triggered a heavy panic response.

ghrue84 wrote:
My entire life has been a hell before and I've never murdered or raped anybody. I've wanted to end my life. This happened before doing psychedelics. Back when I used to drink alcohol.
So, it was a healing you were looking for when starting doing psychedelics? Something to let the feelings of sorrow, anger and despair go away? The entities can do that. They can “heal” (conceal from your attention, actually) many (minor) wounds, helping you to kick the bad habits, improve your diet, becoming more happy in general, as long as they can inflate your ego (pride, the mother of all sins), gradually leading your from self-admiration (look how good I am, how I kicked my bad habits, improved my lifestyle, all because of me, me and me) to “I am God!” (a complete opposition to God).

ghrue84 wrote:
By the way what do you think about alcohol, is that demonic too? I bet it's not because Jesus turned water into wine, but in my personal experience alcohol has been the cause of so much suffering. From having a drunk uncle bully me, a drunk mother and a drunk father who abused me, and from just seeing people who I considered friends disrespect me and hit me for no reason while under the influence of alcohol. I see alcohol as a way more evil substance than psychedelics. You may not see entities physically, but the behavior of people is obviously affected for the worse. I hung around alcohol enough in my 20s to know how poisonous this substance is to the body and mind. I've seen it first hand. I don't need scientific studies or to read stories in the internet.
Using alcohol or drugs is not evil in itself. But getting addicted to something is a sin (a self-inflicted wound on your own soul). So, you may use any substances of your liking, as long as you do not become a slave to those substances:
1 Corinthians 6:12 wrote:
All things are lawful unto me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but I will not be brought under the power of any.
It goes without saying that if a certain substance makes you to lose control, become angry and mock or hit others, you are clearly under the power of (a slave to) the said substance, be it alcohol or drugs.

ghrue84 wrote:
Yet most Christians are totally fine with drinking alcohol and pharmaceutical pills, yet appalled at someone who ingests psychedelics. And yes, I know I am generalizing, but I speak of personal experience with Christians, the same as I speak of alcohol. I don't speak of statistics, or people I've met on the internet. I speak of firsthand experience. I've hung around racist Christians, misogynists, drunkards, etc. It's not my fault that they denominate themselves as Christians. You might want to say that they're not true Christians or whatever but the fact is that the Old Testament Yahweh condoned rape and murder in the name of "justice". And some people will take this sort of thing literally, and think "Oh if God did it in the name of justice I can do it too".
Christians are sinners just like all other people. And the Old Testamental Jews were a flock of murdering, raping, bloodthirsty barbarians, just like all others at their time. And yes, even today, many so called Christians live their lives according to Old Testamental rules (“an eye for an eye” etc.), which were designed for illiterate barbarians and are clearly obsolete by now. Well, it’s never too late to abandon that backwards way of thinking and become a new man: [quote=Ephesians 4:22-32] You were taught,...
I took the red pill.
#169 Posted : 7/18/2020 11:47:43 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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ghrue84 wrote:
Yet most Christians are totally fine with drinking alcohol and pharmaceutical pills, yet appalled at someone who ingests psychedelics. And yes, I know I am generalizing, but I speak of personal experience with Christians, the same as I speak of alcohol. I don't speak of statistics, or people I've met on the internet. I speak of firsthand experience. I've hung around racist Christians, misogynists, drunkards, etc. It's not my fault that they denominate themselves as Christians. You might want to say that they're not true Christians or whatever but the fact is that the Old Testament Yahweh condoned rape and murder in the name of "justice". And some people will take this sort of thing literally, and think "Oh if God did it in the name of justice I can do it too".
Christians are sinners just like all other people. And the Old Testamental Jews were a flock of murdering, raping, bloodthirsty barbarians, just like all others at their time. And yes, even today, many so called Christians live their lives according to Old Testamental rules (“an eye for an eye” etc.), which were designed for illiterate barbarians and are clearly obsolete by now. Well, it’s never too late to abandon that backwards way of thinking and become a new man:
Ephesians 4:22-32 wrote:
You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; to be made new in the attitude of your minds; and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body. “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold. Anyone who has been stealing must steal no longer, but must work, doing something useful with their own hands, that they may have something to share with those in need. Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

ghrue84 wrote:
Are you really that convinced that the Christian God is love? There are multiple passages in the Old Testament that attest to the opposite of that. The Old Testament is chock-full of murder, misogyny, patriotism, rape, racism and all the "wonders" of Yahweh. I have no inclination to believe in such a piece of excrement "God". Nor do I believe that he is God. But you know, maybe when God condones murders and rapes it is out of "love".
Yes, God is Love, this is not something I read or heard, but something I experience every day myself. The Old Testament is obsolete btw, hence the term “Old”. The only things really worth reading in there are the Psalms and the writings of Solomon. All other books simply provide a historical account of how the Jews, and the humanity in general, transitioned from bloodthirsty barbarians to slightly less bloodthirsty barbarians at the time Jesus was born.

God bless you!
I took the red pill.
#170 Posted : 7/19/2020 1:46:11 PM

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Just to make it easier for everyone, as this thread is very long and many of the posts in it are very elaborate, could you try to briefly summarize where you stand in relation to the use of psychedelics and entitites that people who take them may perceive astralex?
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