Consistent relentless nausea while on oral DMT Options
#1 Posted : 4/7/2008 3:29:08 AM

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SWIM noticed that every time she had ingested the spice with MAOI (half a dozen times) the whole trip was marred by heavy nausea.

5 times those were aya experience. She new it was almost mandatory to purge and was not worried. Still what bothered her was that regardless of how much she puked the nausea would not go. It only gradually eased together with the DMT experience.

This time she made syrian rue extract (Manske) and extracted some relatively clean spice. She put 260 mg of rue extract in one capsule and 70 mg in another. 160 mg of spice were divided into 2 capsules.

This was her first experience with rue. Earlier she drank only strong doses of aya (250g to 600g of dry vine). The vine itself was very psychadelic so she expected the same effect from rue. This did not happen. She spent close to 1 hr waiting for the effects and finally took another 260 mg of extract. This time she dissolved the extract in warm water and drank it. In about 20 min she took 80 mg of gel-capped spice. In another 10 min. she started to feel nausea coming up. After 20 more minutes she started to trip. The jorney was far less visual then with smoked spice but quite deep and introspective.

Her plan was to take another 80 mg. of spice but she decided to wait until she either pukes or nausea goes. Nausea just kept increasing but the purge never came. There were only a few dry heaves.

Early next day there was a slightly hang over (probably from rue overdose) but later she felt absolutely fantastic - calm, concentrated and full of energy.

Now she is worried that her body developed an authomatic response to the spice. Every time nausea intensity was in perfect correlation with the trip intensity.

So she wonders if this is a purely physiological response or a manifestation of some unresolved psychological issue. She asked me to ask more experienced SWIY if anybody experienced something similar.
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#2 Posted : 4/7/2008 6:00:34 AM

Justin Thyme

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Sounds like pretty typical response to such a heavy doses of the MAOI.

I know this tends to cause a lot of nausea in most people...

Try lowering your dose of the Syrian rue extract for a smoother experience.

The equivalent to 2g worth is good enough MAO inhibition without the nausea that accompanies larger doses. If you have fairly clean extracted rue crystals 150-200mg should be plenty to orally activate the DMT.

Try experimenting with lower doses of MAOI. Even as low as 50-80g of Vine.
El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 4/7/2008 6:25:29 AM

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me too - my stomach is sensitive to dmt, but not to the rue-lemon-juice extract alone. Although you do want to get enough absorbed, I say don't fight it, just go worship the porcelain bowl, and get comfortable again !

That is a high dose of MAOIs I think - I thought about 200 mg of harmala-type alkakloids is a high dose - is the extract you have very pure ?

I have found that using acidic juices to swallow the dmt helps avert most nausea - It's easy to reduce the need to puke this way. I figure lemon and orange juice are just like your stomach's contents are - very acid, so it can sneak by the sensitive lining before causing you to rolf, or maybe not at all. The (freebase + acid) chemical reaction happens in the glass of OJ, as you stir in the dmt in, not in your stomach.

How pure is "relatively clean spice"..? Dmt-free base is alkaline, plus any trace lye impurities will react very strongly with that stomach acid, as it becomes a protonated-salt again in your tummy. So swallowing a pill of dmt is like a little alkaline firecracker going off in a stomach full of HCl ! Instant nausea and gas and an instinct to 'get-it-the-f#$k-out-of-me!'

The empty stomach I usually have from not eating for 4 - 6 hours before dosing, makes it even more sensitive to dmt. So I have found some luck in splitting the dose into 2 halves, and dissolving each half in 2 oz of real orange juice (add a little lemon too). It's easy to shoot-back the juice, and then chase it with another bit.

That swill of 4 oz of juice is much easier on the ol' stomach lining than a capsule loaded with dmt I have actually succeeded in not puking that way (85 mg)! On a empty stomach, it comes on really fast, so if you do puke you'll likley have already absorbed enough from the juice - in 40 min it's time to lie down, in 90 min you might puke if you get up too quick.

I have also fought nausea by avoiding to eat, thinking I'd puke it up. But after 6 hours of fasting, maybe it's better to finally eat a banana or an apple to 'pad' the ol' stomach with a morsel - I had planned to do this next time. I try to get through the nausea with allowing a good purge - drink a big glass of water, you huel, and then glide back into a blissful, nausea-free state. So maybe eat only what you don't mind seeing come-up again, in technicolour synesthesia !

#4 Posted : 4/7/2008 7:56:43 AM

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Plasmod3smata wrote:
Sounds like pretty typical response to such a heavy doses of the MAOI.

I know this tends to cause a lot of nausea in most people...

Try lowering your dose of the Syrian rue extract for a smoother experience.

The equivalent to 2g worth is good enough MAO inhibition without the nausea that accompanies larger doses. If you have fairly clean extracted rue crystals 150-200mg should be plenty to orally activate the DMT.

Try experimenting with lower doses of MAOI. Even as low as 50-80g of Vine.

This was SWIM's 1st experience with rue. Knowing her high tolerance to substances she was not sure it will work.

Also she was not sure about efficiency of her NaCl rue extraction. The extract was not clean even after one re-x. There were no crystals, just light-brown grainy powder.

What she is almost 100% sure of that it was not MAOI that caused nausea. First time she took rue extract 1hr 20 min before the spice. All this time there was not a slightest sign of nausea. After swallowing the DMT it started to raise its ugly head in less than 15 min and disappeared exactly at the same time as the DMT effects. A coincidence?
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#5 Posted : 4/7/2008 8:23:00 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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El Ka Bong wrote:
me too - my stomach is sensitive to dmt, but not to the rue-lemon-juice extract alone. Although you do want to get enough absorbed, I say don't fight it, just go worship the porcelain bowl, and get comfortable again !

SWIM did but never was comfortable again until the trip has ended.

El Ka Bong wrote:
That is a high dose of MAOIs I think - I thought about 200 mg of harmala-type alkakloids is a high dose - is the extract you have very pure ?

No. Just brownish lumpy stuff.

El Ka Bong wrote:
I have found that using acidic juices to swallow the dmt helps avert most nausea - It's easy to reduce the need to puke this way. I figure lemon and orange juice are just like your stomach's contents are - very acid, so it can sneak by the sensitive lining before causing you to rolf, or maybe not at all. The (freebase + acid) chemical reaction happens in the glass of OJ, as you stir in the dmt in, not in your stomach.

Good idea. I will tell SWIM to try it next time.

El Ka Bong wrote:
How pure is "relatively clean spice"..?

Very light yellow crystals.

El Ka Bong wrote:
Dmt-free base is alkaline, plus any trace lye impurities ...

SWIM is pretty sure there was no lye left because she did a VERY slow re-x.

El Ka Bong wrote:
Instant nausea and gas and an instinct to 'get-it-the-f#$k-out-of-me!'

Nausea built up very slowly perfectly simultaneously with the DMT visuals and subsided when coming to the baseline.
SWIM never actually puked although it was pretty strong to the point of making the whole trip rather unpleasant.

El Ka Bong wrote:
I have also fought nausea by avoiding to eat, thinking I'd puke it up. But after 6 hours of fasting, maybe it's better to finally eat a banana or an apple to 'pad' the ol' stomach with a morsel - I had planned to do this next time. I try to get through the nausea with allowing a good purge - drink a big glass of water, you huel, and then glide back into a blissful, nausea-free state. So maybe eat only what you don't mind seeing come-up again, in technicolour synesthesia !

Good point. Will tell SWIM to try it next time. Though probably this will be some time later as she plans to smoke the spice after MAOI next time, or so I've heard.
Do not seek the truth, just drop your opinions.
El Ka Bong
#6 Posted : 4/7/2008 5:33:56 PM

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I feel that on a empty stomach, the dmt should follow the rue-extract in no more than 40 minutes. I found the MAOI wore off in 90 minutes, and 85 mg dmt injested at 90 min produced no results. I take the first 1/2 of the dmt in 30 minutes, the rest at 45 min post-rue.
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