very different experiences with dark dmt goo Options
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#1 Posted : 4/5/2008 3:55:41 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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A litle while ago I extracted a small quantity of dark dmt goo (using Toluene pull after Noman tek extraction), it was dark browny/black in colour and very sticky & gooey - it didn't really dry out or harden even after over a month sitting - I never weighed it as I thought it'd be too much hassle & I might looses too much sticking to the scale, etc.
Anyway 2 days ago I thought I'd try it, I didn't want to mess up my vapouriser so I just put about 1/4th of what I had - 1/4th of the length of a razorblade on which I'd scraped it all - on a piece of parsley, and used the parsley to scrub up everything else left in the evap dish. I just smoked this in my weed pipe and WOW. For the amount smoked, not that much at all, the effects were outstanding. I'm not sure if it was a breakthrough or not - or even if that has any relevance for dark dmt goo - but I was travelling - with no control - through a strange landscape with subdued colours and slightly blurry landscape. I can't remember that much now but I do remember that at the end I (though I didn't hae that concept of 'I'Pleased came to a box or door - brown colour- but couldn't go anyfurther. When I woke up/opened my eyes I was still getting some visual efects - very bright colours, greenest plants ever & my walls were incredibly yellow - though with some distortions, the patterns on my ceiling were moving about, the angles and distances in my room appeared distorted too. This continued for about 5-10 minutes lessening in effect.

So I thought that the dark dmt goo was defintely something to try again. Today I thought that I'd try it with some Harmala extract that I had left over (about 2 months+ old) and it was completely different. I drank about 200-250ml of harmala extract &after about 15 min I was getting some effects from it so took 1/2 of the dmt goo I had left with parsley exactly the same as I had before. Almost no effect. I felt the dmt rush coming on but it stopped just after I felt it and apart from some discoordination there were no visual or psychelogical effects. Not at all what I was expecting, I was still MAO inhibited so I thought I'd try the rest, smoked same way. This time I did notice heightened colours on my wall but nothing like before, & a little while after I'd noticed tham they faded. There was nothing else apart from a bit of lethargy lazieness which I think may've been weed residue carried through my weed pipe.

I have no idea of the reasons for these very different experiences (or in the case of the last 2 lack of experiences) but I'm thinking either tolerance developed from the 1st time with dark dmt goo or some unknown effect of the harmala extract on the goo alkaloids.
Has anyone had any similar experiences with this goo or any idea what happened?

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#2 Posted : 4/6/2008 9:49:48 PM


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Ive no idea whats happened with you, not had much experience with harmala and spice. Though Ive definately had some amazing experiences with goo. We thought it might be the concentration of it or something, on more than one occasion me and friends have had a big shock! With small doses though there probably was residue but it did happena few times.
#3 Posted : 4/14/2008 8:44:01 PM

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I have found that if I do the goo then it doesn't do any good to do it again for about 3 weeks. It seems like a resistance builds very quickly. It may just be me but I also noticed that if I do the goo then I can't even get a breakthrough smoking 150mg of pure white spice either. Ultimately, I have to wait 3 or 4 weeks clean before it goes back to normal. It also seems that I get that quick tolerance build when only doing the pure white, but not nearly as extreme or long lasting as with the goo.

Does anyone else have this problem?
#4 Posted : 4/15/2008 3:05:04 PM

The Great Namah

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I have noticed a mild tolerance form when smoking white spice. If I smoke more than twice a day the thrid time it is harder to break through and the experience is muted. Next day everything is back to normal though.
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