It’s all vibration! But why? Options
#1 Posted : 3/25/2020 5:19:46 PM
The more you know

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Do you agree we should celebrate that after thousands of years, science and spirituality have met?

From now, at least for the open-minded, well-educated people, they go hand in hand. Spirituality has been telling since ages that all the Universe is a vibration of energy. And here we are. We went down to the subatomic particles and bozons, and we found the quantum field too.

Everything vibrates. Let’s vibrate all together. Party time!

Oh, wait. Slow down.

First of all, give food to your quantum fishes swimming in the quantum field. It’s difficult to focus when you know your pets are starving.

What is the vibration?

Vibration is an alternating movement between two points.

Why would someone or something (except for a vibrator) move like that?

Vibration is driven by opposing forces and the momentum of the subject. The subject is moving around the equilibrium of the forces. Should it have no momentum, it stopped at the equilibrium. Its momentum, however, keeps it moving in the same direction. The more it moves in one direction, the opposing force becomes stronger, and the supporting force weakens. The subject changes direction moves to the equilibrium with increasing speed, and the process starts over.

When the vibration is spreading, we call it a wave.

It’s all around us. When you throw a stone to the water, the stone pushes down the water at the point of the impact. Since fluids are told to be incompressible (which is not true just like the 99% of the things they told you), the rest of the water elevates. That’s the initial point of the vibration. The so-called positional energy of the “rest of the water” increased. The water that’s pushed down lost some of its positional energy.

Nature likes it balanced. It also likes it messy, but let’s not switch to adult topics. So, balance happens.

Balance is achieved by eliminating the differences. That’s why the rest of the water starts to “fall” down, and the pushed down water starts to elevate. When they reach the same hight, that’s the point of the equilibrium. However, water has a mass, and mass has a momentum. The water keeps moving. At the same time, the opposing forces become stronger and stronger. At (almost) the same height as it was in the other endpoint, it turns back and then turns back again, and it would go forever if energy weren’t lost.

(No, it doesn’t get lost. The water gets warmer. And the energy that made the water warmer is lost by the stone. Its positional energy decreased.)

In a fluid, the forces won’t be vertical only. The moving water affects the water around it. Hence the vibration will spread, and you see waves spreading in circles around the point of the impact.

Sound waves spread in gases (for example, air) similarly. The opposing forces are not caused by the difference between the positional energy levels but the gas pressure levels. As the gas has a mass too, you can find where the momentum might come from. Or it may come from the fact that the gas molecules have to hit each other many times to balance out the pressure in between and around them.

If fluids were incompressible, the poor dolphins would hit their head into everything, considering they navigate with ultrasonic waves, and sound could not travel in incompressible liquid, because the pressure could not change.

There is one way sound could spread in incompressible fluids. It could do it with infinite speed. But Einstein didn’t like that, as I heard, and sound itself doesn’t seem to have infinite speed in the water. Let’s agree; fluids are compressible. We just saved the dolphins!

Vibration doesn’t have to be mechanical.

One year, more carrots grow than usual. The rabbits are happy. They eat, and they fuck. There are a lot of baby rabbits — many more than they were the last year.

More rabbits mean two things. They mean fewer carrots and more foxes. Thus the population of the rabbits starts collapsing, followed by the collapse of the fox population and the next golden age of the carrots.

See? The carrots, the rabbits, and the foxes vibrate together. Please note that the two ends of the food chain are orange while the middle is white. One day, we might figure out what it means.

People have mood swings. The reasons vary. A trivial example is the dopamine level. It goes up, and the person gets happy, motivated, and active. It goes down, and the person doesn’t want to get out of the bed to visit the therapy, and all the series seem crap.

The mood swings around the equilibrium. But why? Why can’t it just stay in permanent joy?

It can. It’s another story. But let’s say, if you were rewarded for everything the same way, you might want to keep your hands in the fire and feel the pleasure as long as you can. Correct?

That’s not the whole explanation, though, since the flame is an outside force. Vibration is caused by forces in the system, such as the positional energy levels of different parts of the water.

The mood swing of most people doesn’t have its origin in people putting their hands into the fire and removing them again and again.

However, if we accept the mood is affected by the dopamine, and its level changes with a delay and the recovery of the receptors also has a delay, then we might find a momentum behind some of the mood swings. Think about it like if the mood swings were a side effect of the lifesaver reward system that has a delay for chemical reasons (momentum).

The oscillators in the electronics generate vibration in the electric current. The opposing forces are the electrical charge difference between the electrodes of the capacitor. We don’t know why electrons don’t like to be together. Let’s skip that part now.

(Yes, they are made of subatomic particles with quantum charges, I heard that. We still don’t know why the same charges don’t like each other, so, please, skip that for now).

Where is the momentum in the oscillator coming from?

It cannot be resistance. The resistance slows down the discharge, but it won’t push it behind the equilibrium.

Electrons have little mass. It’s not their kinetic momentum either.

Then, it must be the inductor because, let’s say, it takes time to build up the electromagnetic field, and it takes it time to collapse.

I see.

And why is that? Don’t get me wrong. I never built an electromagnetic field with my bare hands. Neither I made one collapse with my hands, ever. I don’t want to understate the hard work it is. That would be rude.

I’m only wondering why it takes time because I want to understand how much time it takes and why. I swear the speed of light didn’t cross my mind at all.

Anyway, we have oscillators. The radios and computers function. The changing magnetic field generates electric flow for sure. That’s how your electric bills get generated in the power plants. You pay people for burning what you received from the Sun, and what poisons you after it’s burnt. Although you don’t want to build a power plant for yourself, and those people don’t want to do your job either, and the Sun doesn’t care. So, it’s okay.

The point is, you can build an inductor from copper wire, and move a magnet next to it, and generate electricity. I did it when I was a child. It works. So, let’s say, the buildup of the electromagnetic field is like when the river is flooding, and its collapse is like when the water flows back to the river. We have the opposing forces in the capacitor. We have the momentum in the buildup and collapse of the electromagnetic field around the inductor. We see why they vibrate.

So far, so good.

And now, tell me, where the hell the opposing forces come from when light travels in space?

Light is said to have waves. The length of the wave defines its color. Waves are vibration in motion.

On the surface of the water, the forces that make the vibration come from the positional energy difference. Positional energy is related to gravity. In the air, the forces that make sound vibrate come from the air pressure difference between regions.

When a steel spring is vibrating, you can explain it by the opposing forces that want to restore its original form (equilibrium). You can even explain why it wants to regain its shape by the structure of the atoms and the, ..., wait, I forgot to tell you that atoms can count their electrons.

In the periodic table, everyone is dreaming about becoming a noble gas one day, except for those lucky enough to be noble gases already. It’s because atoms can count their electrons, and they have the ideal concept of having 2, 8, 8, 18 electrons. Peer pressure, I suppose. All the atoms share one big dream.

Or maybe the periodic table is a hotel where the atoms live, and the rooms on the right side have a decent view of the ocean. Why not?

Can you see that we are running out of sane reasons?

Let’s go back to light. What are the points between light is vibrating?

What is vibrating?

What are the forces that cause the thing we don’t know what it is to vibrate?

In the water, the vibration spreads because the forces caused by the positional energy difference are not only vertical. The water pushes the water around it. That’s clear.

You should see it now; the wave doesn’t exist. It’s the water that’s moving.

So, tell me what the fuck is vibrating in space?

And where is the photon coming from? It’s said to have no rest mass. Hence, it has no energy, or Einstein was wrong.

Since everything is told to be energy and the photon at rest has no energy, what does it have? What is it made of?

Again. The rest photon has no energy. Everything is energy. What is the photon?

Subatomic particles are told to be energy enclosed. The enclosed energy makes up the mass. So good.

Tell me, if everything is energy, what is the thing that encloses the energy?

I repeat.

If the mass is enclosed energy, and everything is energy, then what encloses the energy?

Other energy?

If not, then what? The government? The aliens?

And why the hell would energy vibrate?

What are the opposing forces that make the energy vibrate, and where does it momentum come from?

Somewhere here, if not earlier, should be the point where you realize it’s a joke. The joke isn’t what you are reading. Science is.

It’s not that the Universe is difficult to understand.

It’s not that science doesn’t yet know everything, and it takes more time to discover.

The wave nature of light can be measured.

I never measured it, so I should not take it granted, but I built two or three radios, and they worked. That was in the age of AM stations (amplitude modulation) hence the radios were simple compared to what you would need to build today. One of them consisted only of an inductor and a tunable capacitor. It’s didn’t even have a battery or any other electric source than the antenna. Yes, it worked with super-sensitive headphones. I could switch between the stations. Thus, I believe that electromagnetic waves are waves, and they have a specific frequency because the size of the capacitor should define the frequency if we believe it takes time to build up a magnetic field.

Then, the light also can have a frequency. Why not?

It leads to paradoxes, though.

The wave doesn’t exist. It’s the medium that’s moving.

Space has no medium.

Ah, maybe it’s the quantum field!

If light travels in the quantum field, and it doesn’t travel with infinite speed, then the quantum field must be compressible.

And now, we are talking about the pressure of the quantum field. Does it make any sense?

What is compressed in the quantum field, and what is in between the things that are compressed?

Is it that difficult to understand that the Universe is intelligent, and it does it on purpose?

Why would it do it?

I mean, it could be a joke, but what’s the point? Why would the Universe torture science, or at least make fun of it?

What’s wrong with science?

Science limits imagination. Science is about nothing but telling you what you cannot do.

The Universe is imagination itself.

Don’t you think science is limiting?

If you look around, you see your computer, cell phone, headphones. Do you like them?

Science didn’t create them. The only things science ever created were the A-bomb and the H-bomb.

People like Edison created the things around you. He wasn’t a scientist. Edison didn’t sit above a sheet of paper to calculate the light bulb.

He put some material into the bulb, turn it on. It burned out in a moment again and again.

And again.

Almost everyone would have stopped doing it. He didn’t. He did it as long as he found a material and a configuration when it didn’t burn in one second but two. Then, in ten. Then, it lasted for an hour.

He knew science on a level. What he knew, even more, was what he wanted to create.

His opposite was Stephen Hawking. He spent his life on calculations that concluded in “God didn’t exist”.

Oh yeah.

I’m not sure how and why it didn’t cross his mind that if all his theories were correct in 100%, and everything happened the way he thought, then God still could have been sitting in a corner, and laughing.

You don’t need advanced skills in mathematics and physics to realize that.

The intention behind science is wonderful. It is to explore and to understand. Any intelligence would love that.

You might have these desires if you are still reading what I wrote.

But science doesn’t have to courage to understand that laws are good only as long as they serve a purpose, and when they don’t, they can be changed, and when they aren’t needed, they don’t exist.

To measure is okay.

You can understand the reality by measurement. Yes, you can.

You only have to realize the conclusion of the measurement isn’t a number or a collection of laws. The measurements conclude that the Universe is intelligent, and most of the supposed laws would only limit you.

It doesn’t mean you should stop measuring. You should always measure how much DMT you take. And if you already have the scale at hand, why not put the mushrooms on it before you eat them?

You can also measure whether the furniture of your dreams fits in your apartment or not. And if it doesn’t, you can always get another apartment.

That’s what the Universe does.

Others tell you deductive logic is wrong, and thinking or “overthinking” is wrong too.

The problem isn’t with deductive logic or thinking. The problem is with the thing that some people, for a reason I don’t know, call deductive logic and thinking.

If the Universe is intelligent, then thinking and reasoning must be great.

Your brain is a gift. Accept it.

They say the change of view is when you stop thinking about why isn’t it possible to do something, and you start thinking about why it is possible to do it.

As always, don’t believe such statements.

The change is when you stop caring, whether it is possible or not.

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 3/25/2020 9:11:47 PM

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Dopamine goes up, dopamine goes up, dopamine goes up
#3 Posted : 3/25/2020 10:23:48 PM

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That's the tragic comedy that is our existence... As much as one may try to quantify or objectify their beliefs, their experiences, and what they hold most dearly, you can't hold onto anything at all forever. You can simply live, observe, and have your subjective experience until the time that you die. DMT may show you the most amazing things you could ever wish to imagine, but it will leave you with more questions then answers...
One thinks that trying to truly quantify or objectify anything while inhabiting this earth-planet is nothing more then bastardizing the grand adventure that is conscious existence. From a personal subjective experience, one can barely being to understand the underlying reality that is consciousness, it just becomes infinitely more amazing and strange each time one decides to go and explore...

P.S. Put an emphasis on the human English word "love" one think this feeling will prove to transgress language for those of you that have been bathed in something that one could only describe as such.. Pure ecstasy..

Hope this message receives you well.

Kind regards, -D
If you created me, who created you? ∞
#4 Posted : 3/25/2020 11:54:57 PM

Long live the world in peace, prosperity, and freedom from suffering

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thinking is not wrong, its just not the true substrate of insight

Love the posts Smile

Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#5 Posted : 3/26/2020 1:09:16 AM

Boundary condition

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A thought-provoking post (as is often the case), Anonymous2. It made me laugh as well.
But science doesn’t have to courage to understand that laws are good only as long as they serve a purpose, and when they don’t, they can be changed, and when they aren’t needed, they don’t exist.
Science is entirely based on improving the interpretation when evidences arises to support a new view of the facts. It's just that sometimes - often, even - the final acceptance of the new paradigm is predicated on the death of the proponents of the preceding paradigm. Thus, science mirrors life to a degree.

How often, though, do you ask yourself: "To what extent are my thoughts an effective simulation of what is truly the case?"
Does this in any way influence the manner in which your ongoing experience manifests itself from moment to moment? How does the actual manifestation of your wishes most typically occur?

Back with the realms of science, it often appears to me that science, especially physics, particularly quantum and subatomic physics, is a set of rituals that bring about a certain response (if you've performed the ritual correctly) from what is deemed to be physical reality. It's a kind of priesthood.

CERN is a special kind of temple. I do like how at CERN there's a group of scientists who've been busy making antimatter so they can drop it and see if it falls up.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#6 Posted : 3/26/2020 3:17:16 AM

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The internet is so fast

But text is so slow.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#7 Posted : 3/26/2020 9:45:04 AM
The more you know

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FranLover wrote:
thinking is not wrong, its just not the true substrate of insight

Love the posts Smile

So beautiful. Thank you.

Here is the remix.

#8 Posted : 3/26/2020 10:15:17 AM
The more you know

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Daturas wrote:
That's the tragic comedy that is our existence... As much as one may try to quantify or objectify their beliefs, their experiences, and what they hold most dearly, you can't hold onto anything at all forever. You can simply live, observe, and have your subjective experience until the time that you die. DMT may show you the most amazing things you could ever wish to imagine, but it will leave you with more questions then answers...
One thinks that trying to truly quantify or objectify anything while inhabiting this earth-planet is nothing more then bastardizing the grand adventure that is conscious existence. From a personal subjective experience, one can barely being to understand the underlying reality that is consciousness, it just becomes infinitely more amazing and strange each time one decides to go and explore...

P.S. Put an emphasis on the human English word "love" one think this feeling will prove to transgress language for those of you that have been bathed in something that one could only describe as such.. Pure ecstasy..

Hope this message receives you well.

Kind regards, -D

Love is wonderful and exists on many levels. Love is one of the reasons why Maya exists. (Sex is why the physical world exists.)

In the Ultimate Reality, there is only self-love.

The only chance to understand it is to keep trying.

Twenty years ago, I heard about a theory called the "Imaginary Middle Age" in my native language. In English, it’s Phantom Time.

For twenty years, I forgot about it, just like about a thousand other things.

A few months ago, some magical spores flew or teleported into my apartment. I have no idea, how it happened. They found food, shelter, and love. They grew to mushrooms. What could I have done? It’s rude to refuse a magical gift. I ate a few.

Now I think it was not only the middle age that didn’t happen, but the history. This reality is much younger than most people believe.

#9 Posted : 3/26/2020 10:32:12 AM
The more you know

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downwardsfromzero wrote:
How often, though, do you ask yourself: "To what extent are my thoughts an effective simulation of what is truly the case?"

I never asked that question.

Most of my life, my answer to the question, "Are you sure?" was "I’m never sure". My answer to "Is the sky blue?" was "Most likely" or "It seems so".

Now there is a significant difference between what I "know" on my mushrooms and pharma trips, and my baseline state of mind that’s still as questioning as it gets. For example, tonight, at 1:am, I was still thinking about the light, and I built a dual-slit experiment with laser and without a single slit. Now I believe the phenomenon exists but both the interference and the quantum wave function explanations are wrong. (Although, I know too little about the latter to tell now).

When I take mushrooms, I don’t need experiments. I know how it is. But then I am back again. It’s a lot of time to bring it back piece by piece.

You’re right. It’s indeed a church. People on the Internet asked it a few times already, "How can light as a wave travel without a medium". The answers are the same: "Because photons don’t need a medium". It’s shocking that one considers this an answer. Even "Just because" is more intelligent.

In the end, my point wasn’t to bash science. What I wanted to say, don’t believe anything people tell you without questioning it, and the Universe is doing this as a joke since it’s intelligent. It’s its way of teaching.

Trevor James
#10 Posted : 3/28/2020 1:03:28 PM

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Such intricate philosophical posting.
#11 Posted : 4/7/2020 5:48:38 PM
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Vibrations, why?
Well, that's my theory

And about light and stuff, once I wondered what really happens in the double-slit experiment, and if my senses can be tuned to be both the wave and the particle... it seemed to work, then I thought... is it possible to tune myself into the wave structure of the light and how... and it happened this: https://www.consciousnes...her-visual-explorations/


#12 Posted : 4/7/2020 7:35:00 PM
The more you know

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Ovidiu wrote:

Vibrations, why?
Well, that's my theory

And about light and stuff... once i wondered what really happens in the double-slit experiment, and if my senses can be tuned to be both the wave and the particle... it seemed to work... then i thought... is it posssible to tune myself into the wave structure of the light and how... and it happened this https://www.entheogenic-...her-visual-explorations/


Thank you. I also did the double-slit experiment at home, and it worked.

Even more, I modified it, and it worked without a single slit. I’m not kidding.

As for the link, the word "wave" appears in it 63 times. The only part I miss is a sane explanation, why they are there.

It says, "Waves are not undulations such as those produced by the shaking of a rope up and down. They are actions and reactions beginning at and growing from harmonic points of impact upon the inertial plane of the wave. Nor are waves continuations of motion beginning at one source and transferred in sequence. Waves are simultaneously generated from inertia at intervals which are sequential, and in dimensions which are opposed and sequential. Sequential intervals of the expression of force in motion are simultaneously recorded on the inertial planes of equilibrium of each consecutive octave of motion."

I have two questions about the above.

1. What?
2. Why?
#13 Posted : 4/7/2020 10:34:38 PM
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Please be more specific about what? Why? For me, the theory is a result of a visual so I don't know what to pick from it until you ask the full question.
It depends on the reference frame :-)

Why the wave exists in the first place? Is this what you mean?

#14 Posted : 4/8/2020 9:40:41 AM
The more you know

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Okay. Let’s see.

Waves are not undulations such as those produced by the shaking of a rope up and down.

Why not? The undulations of a rope are waves.

They are actions and reactions beginning at and growing

Why do they grow?

from harmonic points

What are the harmonic points?

(I know what harmonics are in music, but they can’t explain the waves as they are already waves.)

of impact

What caused the impact? What was the subject of it?

Especially in the case of the light.

upon the inertial plane

What’s an inertial plane?

(I googled for it. If I put it into quotes (for exact results), I find a few pages but don’t get any answer. Without quotes, the results are all inertial frames.)

of the wave. Nor are waves continuations of motion beginning at one source and transferred in sequence.

Well, the waves I’ve run into in my life were something like that.

Waves are simultaneously generated from inertia at intervals which are sequential, and in dimensions which are opposed and sequential. Sequential intervals of the expression of force in motion are simultaneously recorded on the inertial planes of equilibrium of each consecutive octave of motion.

Who records the expressions of the force on the inertial planes?

How does it explain why light would be a wave?
#15 Posted : 4/8/2020 11:15:35 AM
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Ok. Well, the quote is from Walter Russell. He has many books, here is one, where he explains inertial planes and other stuff:

The inert gases do the recording, he says, which maintain the coherence of the octave (see also his periodical table of elements)
Why is light a wave? Because it is electromagnetic radiation.

In my experiential model of reality (the first part may also answer some other questions you ask -, there are some fundamental blocks):

The basic features of reality, necessary and sufficient to describe subjective vibrational-hypersync-experience (DMT or DMT-like) are space, information, energy, matter & organic-cell systems. Energy and information are fundamental forms of bookkeeping

From a global perspective, waves are movements of energy. The entire reality, seen as a universal static wave, is pulsating, on all scales. Rhythmic pulsation. The largest wave-length is our "bubble universe". It started with a bang, and it will reach the equilibrium point, then... my speculation is the polarity will flip and a new cycle begins. I also speculate that the black holes are generators of space, and they help the bubble maintain its equilibrium. Everything grows now because we are in the expansion part of the cycle.

This one is nice
TIMELAPSE OF THE FUTURE: A Journey to the End of Time (4K)

#16 Posted : 4/9/2020 5:26:00 PM

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While I appreciate your openness to imagination, trust in your own intuition, and attempts at embracing this "vibration" framework of the universe... I think you are trusting yourself too much.

No offense, but you don't seem to understand the science or physics which you criticize. Your intuitive deductions therefore really don't make sense, because reality is weirder and more complex than you are giving it credit for. The beauty of science is that if it can be shown to wrong, it is accepted as wrong and a new model is called for. This never results in Truth, but it is designed by nature to claw its way towards that goal, with the present understanding always representing our collective best attempt at explaining all observations.

There are obviously things science struggles with. DMT phenomena can't be studied (yet) in a scientific way because it is impossible to run controlled reproducible experiments when the experience cannot be shared or measured or even observed precisely. Within these realms there is still room for wonder or speculation, because the experiences ARE real, and I share that wonder with many of you.

I love that you question everything, but don't allow that to make you lazy. Dismissing things as a "joke" is an excuse to not have to struggle with understanding it. Our universe may well not be real; perhaps a simulation or projection or grand cosmic joke... but nevertheless the "science" which we use to understand it is still valid within the context of whatever the universe "is."

Let go of the arrogance that you are more enlightened than all the other brilliant minds of the world. Go learn math and physics if it fascinates you. When you understand it at a high level, maybe then you can form valid criticisms. Don't waste your wonder and imagination on ideas that ultimately are about ego (ie. being more enlightened than everyone else) or laziness (ie. you don't understand and therefore assume it must be a lie). Thanks again for sharing your ideas and I hope you continue to explore.
#17 Posted : 4/12/2020 9:20:18 PM
The more you know

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EphemeralTruth wrote:

While I appreciate your openness to imagination, trust in your own intuition, and attempts at embracing this "vibration" framework of the universe...

I’m not sure you read what I wrote. I was explaining why the vibration doesn’t make sense in certain cases. That’s far from embracing it.

EphemeralTruth wrote:
I think you are trusting yourself too much.

Based on what? Do you think so because I was willing to explain it in detail to allow anyone to discuss it or argue with it?

EphemeralTruth wrote:
No offense,

"No offense, but..." means offense. The simpler, the better.

EphemeralTruth wrote:
but you don't seem to understand the science or physics which you criticize. Your intuitive deductions therefore really don't make sense, because reality is weirder and more complex than you are giving it credit for.

Your only argument translates to "You are wrong".

If you know the science better than me, or if you have a different view of it, why don’t you share the details?
#18 Posted : 4/12/2020 9:22:47 PM
The more you know

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Ovidiu wrote:

Ok. Well, the quote is from Walter Russell. He has many books, here is one, wehre he explains inertial planes and other stuff:

Thank you. I will read it and watch it when I have time. Until that, I can’t comment on it.
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