Simple answer, yes, but also no. I've yet to find anything to match the beauty of mescaline. 2C-B as an example, its great, incredible, and has its own beauty. But not the beauty of mescaline. There are many , many many others that also share some aspects and are very beautiful, and powerful, I would say TMA-2 and DOM are very special like mescaline in this way, but, they have their downsides, being much more stimulating. 2C-TFM is another special one and shares aspects comparable to mescaline and 2C-B and 2C-I.
I could go on for a long time about many many others, which have value just like mescaline, and some others have yet to be tested or created
An important question in design is where to look, the 3,4,5 pattern? or the 2,4,5? The first simple compounds derived (such as escaline) were active psychedelics, but lost much of the characteristic beauty. While some of the 2C-X series and the TMA or DOx series have some of these special characteristics.
many 3,4,5 compounds remain unexplored due to their synthetic difficulty, and compared to the greater activity and easier preparation of the 2,4,5 compounds. So most time was spent developing those. In time, with improved synthetic methodology, I believe new and beautiful mescaline like compounds can be created.

Expect nothing, Receive everything.
"Experiment and extrapolation is the only means the organic chemists (humans) currrently have - in contrast to "God" (and possibly R. B. Woodward). "
He alone sees truly who sees the Absolute the same in every creature...seeing the same Absolute everywhere, he does not harm himself or others. - The Bhagavad Gita
"The most beautiful thing we can experience, is the mysterious. The source of all true art and science."