#1 Posted : 12/30/2009 8:44:42 PM

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Since Ive gotten into DMT it totally transformed my life from being a completely plastic egocentric slave to the system into a totally organic being at one with the universe and not afraid of death....

with such profound changes like this I'm wondering if its right to try to convince close family members or friends that they need a dose of medicine.

Its my belief at this point that DMT and harmalas in the water supply would save the world from the ignorance and stupidity of humanity and show us what 'one love' really means.

I'm also aware that some people might be allergic to it or the one in a billion might lose their mind, but don't we all take calculated risks everyday ? you could slip on a bar of soap in the bathtub and break you neck, ingest a peanut and die, choke on a sausage roll.... should the very rare odds of something happening keep us from experiencing something as magical as DMT?

all thoughts are appreciated Rolling eyes
‎"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 12/30/2009 8:53:22 PM

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RayOfLight wrote:
Since Ive gotten into DMT it totally transformed my life from being a completely plastic egocentric slave to the system into a totally organic being at one with the universe and not afraid of death....

with such profound changes like this I'm wondering if its right to try to convince close family members or friends that they need a dose of medicine.

Its my belief at this point that DMT and harmalas in the water supply would save the world from the ignorance and stupidity of humanity and show us what 'one love' really means.

I'm also aware that some people might be allergic to it or the one in a billion might loses their mind, but don't we all take calculated risks everyday ? you could slip on a bar of soap in the bathtub and break you neck, ingest a peanut and die, choke on a sausage roll.... should the very rare odds of something happening keep us from experiencing something as magical as DMT?

all thoughts are appreciated Rolling eyes

Ummm Ya...I know plenty of people who would definitely get a lot from the experience...but at the same time,I know quite a few that would fight it, and not enjoy it at all.So IMO, lets keep it out of the water supply for the time being.
On my back and tumbling
Down that hole and back again
Rising up
And wiping the webs and the dew from my withered eye.
#3 Posted : 12/30/2009 9:01:49 PM

Got Naloxone?

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Hi RayOfLight,

I feel the same way. If only everyone could have a meaningful, mystical breakthrough experience, there would be a lot more love, meaning and less existential angst during our short journey of life.Very happy

But, I would respectfully urge extreme caution here. I suspect you feel the passion of the recently converted, thus it is important to prosletyze and convert others. Some factors I would humbly suggest for consideration:

1.) DMT is Schedule 1/A in most parts of the world. You are not suggesting that they sit and meditate with a scented candle here . . .

2.) Not everyone gets transformed by DMT consumption. Some just seem to get more grounded, left-brained and rational. Look at burnt. Nemo Amicus, my husband, is the same way. Point: There is nothing you can do to induce a mystical experience, even though a good stiff dose of spice is much more likely to bring it on than touring a church, meditating or sweeping an ashram.

3.) Be careful what you say to whom. Western culture is set up to abhor psychedelics and consciousness exploration/expansion. Rather than someone who has a great idea, you are more likely to be viewed as "crazy," drug-addled or something else that will completely blind and deafen your audience before you even try to give the real message.

4.) As I have traveled through several decades of life, I have come to very few conclusions and have achieved no wisdom. But, one thing I have really learned can be summed up as, "People can change, . . . but you can't change people!"

5.) The first and foremost tenent of most psychedelic churches is, "Though shall not dose someone against their will." or something similar. People need to find their own path. Also, the idea of spiking public sources with MAOI's does give me pause . . .

6.) Although not in the water supply, DMT is found in countless plants and animals all over the planet and is endogenous (as a neurotransmitter) to your cerebral-spinal fluid environment and possibly your pineal gland. It is nearly ubiquitous. Thus, my strong and unshakeable belief: "People don't come to DMT, DMT comes to people."

My I respectfully suggest that you discuss (in a mild and intellectual, non-ranting manner) your transformative experiences with key people in your life, one person at a time. Begin with someone who is more open to such things (psychedelic exploration) to test the waters . . .

Best of luck & Happy New Year/Life!

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#4 Posted : 12/30/2009 9:09:26 PM

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have you ever taken that ferry from San Francisco to Berkeley and looked back and seen that while in Berkeley, San Francisco doesn't exist?

#5 Posted : 12/31/2009 12:41:45 AM


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Very good post Pandora! I can second all of that, step carefully RayOfLight. You must be a little cold headed even though you feel that you've had an amazing transformation and that you wish this amazing thing to happen to everyone else. I know where you are brother, wanting to share with everyone. But the current state of things does not allow this to happen without potentially giving rise to some very serious consequences, and that is something neither you or any of us wants. My advice to you is to be very very careful. Don't let the state of your mind cloud your judgement in a serious matter like this.

Stay safe and take care!
#6 Posted : 12/31/2009 1:26:09 AM

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Excellent question that will come to the mind of most psychedelic users in the early days of there experiences but the answer is s NO!

It is completely unethical to dose another human without there knowledge with ANY kind of drug or substance. This is completely irresponsible and is a bit of a psychedelic stereotype it should be know that modern users of psychedelics do not condone or allow this behavior that amounts to a assault with a chemical substance. Most average folks would prefer a punch in the face to a 3hour Aya trip to the underworld.


Bruce Lee hell yeahLaughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
#7 Posted : 12/31/2009 2:37:33 AM

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the answer is HELL NAW!!!

some people have a hard time with reality as it is, and they tend to hurt themselves and others without drugs.

it's easy to be naive and idealistic with psychedelics.
I know it seems like the most beautiful, love emanating, blissful experience, but it's not always like that. some
people need help with their lives, and psychedelics probably aren't the answer

"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#8 Posted : 12/31/2009 3:06:21 AM

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IMO DMT - and psychedelics overall - are not to be pushed onto people. You have to choose it by your own free will if you're going to have a chance at enjoying it. As for your parents, I'd offer it at most and not try to persuade them to use it by any means. And even that I'd consider carefully (although it's hard for me to say as I don't know them).
benzyme wrote:

i'm tellin ya, one day i'll interface a mass spec and uv-vis spectrophotometer to a modular synthesizer

#9 Posted : 12/31/2009 3:25:14 AM

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Dosing anyone without they're consent in an unethical and very arrogant thing to do.
Long live the unwoke.
#10 Posted : 12/31/2009 3:36:16 AM

analytical chemist

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yep, up there with lacing weed with pcp.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#11 Posted : 12/31/2009 3:51:44 AM

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benzyme wrote:
yep, up there with lacing weed with pcp.

Yeah but who is going to fall for that not you or me. Only a noob to this big universe of drugs and supernatural forces would fall victum to that old trickLaughing

Greedy people have sold potent fakes for years to fools who know no better. This trend is rising there is more legal poison sold by SCUMBAGS these days than any other time in history. Everybody's doing it yep and what does that indicate? We need to realign this sucker back in the right direction people are being led astray left and right with easy answers and easy teks and easy buzzes.

Its a plastic world of Cheese ridden with disease.
I aint buying it.
Once again sorry for that.

#12 Posted : 12/31/2009 3:52:50 AM

analytical chemist

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i wouldn't fall for it only because I know what it smells like (cyclohexanone)
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#13 Posted : 12/31/2009 3:58:16 AM

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benzyme wrote:
i wouldn't fall for it only because I know what it smells like (cyclohexanone)

That smell sends shivers down my spine!
#14 Posted : 12/31/2009 4:02:48 AM

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benzyme wrote:
i wouldn't fall for it only because I know what it smells like (cyclohexanone)

Exactly if you seen the liquid you know. It a ugly brain toaster that used to come as liquid in 35mm film canisters full dirt cheap.
I still remember being intoxicated at a concert at age 16 this fool told me he had "pure THC" I said oh yeah how so?
He said liquid.
I said let me see..
He handed me a glass vial maybe a couple ozs liquid
I said how much?
He said 10bucks for a drop on your finger..
I said ok let me drip it on my finger...
I took the vial threw it on the ground and stomped it with my boot heal.
Laughed at him and asked what he was gonna do.
He ran away from me Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
#15 Posted : 12/31/2009 4:05:46 AM

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I had someone lace a joint with cocaine once and smoke it with me when I was 19..

I also had some guy ask me if I wanted some water once when I was peaking on mushrooms really hard at some random backyarrd party..I was really thirsty and had met the guy earlier through a friend so I took a huge mouthful and swallowed tasted funny and then he told me there was a bunch of MDMA in if I needed to that kick my trip in..

I think that was the last time I hung out with the people that brought me there.
Long live the unwoke.
#16 Posted : 1/2/2010 5:25:22 PM

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Psychedelics are for everyone, although I am not sure if DMT is. However, I believe that psychedelics should be used by everyone only because it would put everyone on the same plane. Worldwide dosing would give us creative ideas to solve our problems, not actually fix them.
Life is a puzzle. Your parents fill in the edges and give you a starting point. The interesting thing about this puzzle is that one piece could fit in a million different spots and you will never fill it in. Try as you may, it will never be complete.

-Mi padre
#17 Posted : 1/2/2010 7:19:37 PM


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I have to beg to differ Skizm. I honestly and sincerely don't believe that psychedelics are for everyone. I wish it were so, but someone doesn't seem to handle it as good as others. I do however seriously think that if psychedelics were a cultural accepted thing, that these experiences and these activities were accepted, it would be for the better for our society.

We are so alienated, at least this seems to be the case for me when I look around. Entheogens connects people together, entheogens connects us with our environment. But this doesn't mean that everyone would (or should) have to run around and dose themselves.
Bill Cipher
#18 Posted : 1/2/2010 7:23:15 PM

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This is a question that seems to pop up with some frequency around here (usually posed by someone very new to DMT), and I'm always surprised by the number of people who think this is somehow sound thinking.

There is no one path to enlightenment or divinty. The process or search is as highly personal an endeavor as exists for anyone. To blindly assume that the path you have chosen is right for anyone else, is at best an embarrassment to the rest of us, and at worst a dangerously fanatical point of view. It's the mindset that inspires abortion clinic bombings and islamic fundamentalism, and it's the same kind of arrogance that's rousted me out of the shower in the past to answer the door for Jehovah's Witnesses.

It's great that you've found a spiritual path that works for you personally, but tread lightly with the proselytizing. There's nothing wrong with sharing your experience, but imposing it on others is just gross. Have you ever known a born again Christian who can't stop pushing their agenda? It's EXACTLY the same thing, and guess what? It pisses people off.

And as for your spiking the water supply suggestion, all I can say is Come On, Man! I mean, honestly, that makes you sound like an idiot...
#19 Posted : 1/3/2010 4:26:21 PM

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Have you ever known a born again Christian who can't stop pushing their agenda?

I know plenty and it is not only gross, but traumatizing to hear "the good news" over and over again. I always get the feeling that they need to re-affirm themselves of their religion.

Someone who knows doesn't need that, so why should one want to push psychedelics to the masses? People are different, you can't possibly know for sure what's good for them. Let them decide.
#20 Posted : 2/19/2011 7:09:02 AM

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Wow Art, I'm very sorry I embarrassed you and I'm also sorry I sound like an idiot to you for the hypothetical 'dmt in the water ' remark I' just came back here to re read what I wrote when I was still brimming with unbridled enthusiasm for DMT and thank you Pandora for your very respectful and sound advise on how to handle it. Knowing what I know now I would have approached it differently than I did.

Love you all .
‎"I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect." J. Krishnamurti ~ The Dissolution of the Order of the Star. 1929
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