BLAB precipitate question Options
#1 Posted : 1/1/2010 1:12:20 PM

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I'm really loving the BLAB!Very happy

I have a few questions about the last step though....

I followed the directions carefully using the materials and quantities specified.

I had about 500 ml of D-limo from 8 pulls (didn't leave enough room in the gallon jug).

I added the FASI slowly and beautiful stuff did indeed start "falling out" of the D-limo (this is my favorite part- very cool chemistryCool ). After about 36 hours the solution seperated into layers with the top inch a clear, yellow tinted section, the middle still quite cloudy, and in the bottom a half inch or so of small crystals suspended in cloudy solution.

It seemed like the cloudy layer contained more good stuff (hence the cloudiness), so I added more FASI. More stuff precipitated and fell to the bottom. YAY!Very happy

So here are my questions:
Is there a specific amount of FASI that I shouldn't exceed for this extraction? It seems like I can keep adding, and it makes a cloudy layer and stuff precipitates. I started thinking maybe I'm precipitating the fumaric acid that I'm adding. Is that possible?

When I do get to the end of the precipitation part, do I pour the D limo through a coffee filter? I was imagining the DMT-fumarate being stuck to the jar, but that isn't happening, so I assume that I'll need to pour through a filter to catch the goods.

How do I clean the final product of excess fumaric acid? I read the FASA section and was thinking an acetone wash would do the trick, but I want make sure that's OK to do with this tek.

Thanks for the help!

Pokey the Leisurely


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#2 Posted : 1/1/2010 8:14:59 PM


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Could you pour the solution through a sieve? Would a metal sieve react with the solution?
Id imagine that would be a good thing to use.

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#3 Posted : 1/2/2010 2:12:54 AM

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best thing you can do is stir it...and i also tested adding FASI to clean d-limo and nothing precipped out...just try stirring your should make things crystallize faster...i have noticed that after 2 weeks..there is STILL a LITTLE bit of precipitation dont dump out your d-limo until you are satisfied that you got it all out
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#4 Posted : 1/2/2010 2:45:56 AM

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Thanks Jorkest!Smile

I'll have a yield report soon. Looks like a lot.Very happy

#5 Posted : 1/4/2010 2:22:29 AM

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Well it was alot!Very happy Very happy

After a pretty thorough wash with acetone, there is 9.23 grams of DMT-fumarate from 1 lb of MHRB. YAY!

There is also about 1.3 grams that need to be recovered from the coffee filter (maybe with water?).

And I just looked at the jar of D-limo (this was allowed to precipitate for a week, then filtered into a new jar) and there is about 1 or 1.5 cm of white loveliness on the bottom! This stuff just keeps coming!

I will wash the whole lot of it again when I finish collecting and recovering and give a final tally.

BLAB is the cat's meow!!

Pokey the ExuberantVery happy
#6 Posted : 1/4/2010 2:56:17 AM

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HOORAY POKEY!! i'm stoked the BLAB worked out for you!! Jorkest- this really IS a great tek brother.....thank you SO MUCH!!

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#7 Posted : 1/4/2010 5:36:45 AM

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Pokey wrote:
Well it was alot!Very happy Very happy

There is also about 1.3 grams that need to be recovered from the coffee filter (maybe with water?).

BLAB is the cat's meow!!

water will do that glad things worked out well for you!
it's a sound
#8 Posted : 1/4/2010 8:41:12 AM


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glad to see the blab getting such love
usweyoume is proud
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#9 Posted : 1/5/2010 9:00:01 PM

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Glad the FASI worked for you. SWIM eventually found it easier to get a cleaner product through FASW when he tried it. But anyways here are a few tricks for removing excess fumaric acid. They are from a variety of contributors but were compiled by dimitrius. I paste them here as I'm too lazy to track down the original thread Razz

69ron's Method of removing Excess Fumaric Acid:

Bring the DMT saturated FASW to near freezing and most of the excess fumaric acid will sink to the bottom of the water and can be filtered off; lastly, evaporate to reveal nearly pure DMT fumarate with traces of fumaric acid as the only contaminant.

(note) SWIM has not tried this method. It probably works great.

Bufoman's Method of Removing Excess Fumaric Acid:

To separate the desirables from the fumaric acid one simply adds 12mL H2O per gram of material. (the DMT fumarate is soluble in the water while the fumaric acid is not).

The aqueous (now yellow) solution is carefully decanted into a clean beaker or drying surface.

The water is reduced by 1/2 with a hair drier and then allow to sit open to the air and slowly evaporate.

Within a day (at most) large transparent crystals will begin to precipitate out one can collect these. (If one does not care about ascetics the solution can just be rapidly evaporate with a hair drier or on the oven and the crystals utilized right away. However SWIM recommends the crystallization.)

The remaining solution is then reduced again with a hair drier and allowed to sit as before. Once it has fully evaporated the crystals can be collected.

One now has highly pure DMT fumarate. The crystals are very nice to look at. One can attempt to wash the fumaric acid crystals again with an additional 10mL of H2O to see if any crystals are obtained however due to its solubility most of the DMT fumarate will collect during the first attempt.

(note) SWIM uses this method and finds it satisfactory.
benzyme wrote:

i'm tellin ya, one day i'll interface a mass spec and uv-vis spectrophotometer to a modular synthesizer

#10 Posted : 1/6/2010 2:08:05 AM

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I'll give it a whirl this eveningVery happy

I like the chemistry process as much as the end result... Very coolCool

Thanks alot Wombat

Pokey the Delighted
#11 Posted : 1/6/2010 3:05:47 AM

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FWIW SWIM did a double A/B, that is he made DMT fumarate once and then did an A/B on that. The product of the first A/B (which was made with FASI) was a bit sticky and orange-ish in color... SWIM did the second A/B on that because it didn't seem pure enough... The product of the second A/B was white with an orange tint. SWIM just completed his first bioassay and found it to give a mild to moderate head trip without much in the way of visuals at 50 +/- 10 mg with approx. 90 mg Caapi Copy and 90 mg THH Smile
benzyme wrote:

i'm tellin ya, one day i'll interface a mass spec and uv-vis spectrophotometer to a modular synthesizer

#12 Posted : 1/6/2010 3:21:40 AM

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yea its best to clean up the dmt fumarate the first time..i just put it in water..then evap..this gets rid of most of the d-limo

i got STroNG effects from 48mg of this stuff
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#13 Posted : 1/26/2010 9:07:58 AM

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48mg of this stuff is pretty tiny...personally i wouldnt eye this dose..but maybe the size of a pencil eraser
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Silver Cloud
#14 Posted : 2/13/2011 5:07:59 PM

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W0mbat, Thanks for the info and the two methods on removing excess fumaric acid! Is Bufoman's Method of Removing Excess Fumaric Acid good for FASI solutions as well?
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