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Cactus Man
#301 Posted : 5/25/2019 8:49:06 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 554
Joined: 22-Apr-2018
Last visit: 09-Feb-2020
Pipeninja!!! My d00d! Got some new poems for you friend! Big grin Big grin Big grin


can you
those hands

that depends
on your definition
of efficient

do you

good in
good out
bad in
bad out
mama musta
to tell ya

my body
for 8 long years
but truly
i am stronger
for it still
how bizarre

never encourage
only reduction
via correction
not interruption
just intercession
(the difference)?

lets take
a global breather
i really need her

all this fuss
bubbling subconscious
ascending into forethought
elevating its influence to conscious choice
then pillaging its way to behavioral patterns

planes are going apeshit
outside my window
this is why people believe
they hate God
only wish
i knew better
but trial is what men are made for


i bring you repentance
you bring me redemption
i give you putrefaction
you give me purification
i ask you “show me the way”
you ask me “only if you lead it"

Ill find for you a bed to sleep
For your rest is long and spirit is meek
Ill watch you there through the window
Seeing the groom beside the widow
A blessed sight to behold
A privilege rare and joy of old
Only time makes diamond of coal
*Take that, atheists*

the soul is volatile
but the body is fixed
consciousness distills into me
by drop

im a retort
and thats all I’ve ever wanted to be
thank you dear God all mighty
for letting me be simultaneously
the experiment and the experimentee
what a gift
what a treasure
to see and be free

why do you run your car
on dinosaurs and Sumerians
i dont do that
and people look at me
like I’m crazy
i respect dinosaurs and Sumerians
i don’t want them rolling around
in my gas tank
floating abound
in my shaft crank
how would that
make you feel


What defines your yearning?
Is it productive?
Or are you churning?
Is it conductive?
Or are you burning?
Your desire?
Is it constructive?
Or are you lost in its mire?
Your solace?
Simply a lack there of?
Are you thirsty from transgressions?
Seeking drink from above?
What gives purpose?
To build upon what you see?
Or destroy it possibly?
Merely a coincidence?
Can you circumspect the times?
Seeing its all happenstance?
Maybe you should interject some rhymes?

Casually cautious castrations
Make a mockery of men
While drying rivets of lactations
Reduce the same to women

The ramparts crack slowly and silently tonight
Continually cascading
What a magnificent sight
I no longer pity accelerationists
Maybe they aren’t wronger than right

A sideline observer I’ve been and remain
For playing this way I see nothing to gain
But desecration of majesty and accentuation of pain
Two of a variety of subsects I dare not entertain
My preference is projection
Quintessence borne intention
Resurrected to perfection

Oh fuss
Oh drear
Oh what a big stinky mess
Clean none of it up
Ill do the rest
And thank you truly
The challenge is a privilege
To me
For ears to hear and eyes to see
Every challenge chastens
As metal to the fire
Hold strong
And perspire

Now please allow me to say a few words
For my beloved passed away friends who lie in worms
Blessed are you my friends, may your spirits rest tight
I love you dearest, with all of my might
Roll not over in your graves tonight, everything is quite alright
For your resurrection approaches, I have held it in sight

A man may steer a ship
Indeed, indeed
But he can not fill its sails
Indeed, indeed
Once man was grateful and acknowledged
The silent companion walking along beside him
But now the men go with oil trailing behind them
Believing they have truly mastered whats inside then
Yet evermore chasing the immaculate diadem
I can not help but laugh
For without, I can’t even make beer tap
Let alone refine oil from the marrow of earths fat
Who do you think turns the pages of time?
What is it would you say this "thing" has in mind?
We resent and we curse the day of our birth
We fill up our applause, and drain all our mirth
Indeed, indeed
What a chore to constantly self impede
To play a whore who’s consciously lost all need
For whats implored is pure disease


Just because you met a unicorn
That doesn’t make one of a horse

Today it seems none of the men smoke pipes and cigars
Truly I see a virgorlessness among them
Not that a man is given vigor by smoke, but vigorous men are more apt to smoke them

The noblest of things are metaphysical in nature
This is why metals were once regarded as such
In some cases they still are

Lapsing judgments are ever bound in some way
The key is to identify and rectify them
Not to belabor them

Don’t forget to be kind to yourself
Its easier than one would think
To wash off your troubles than ink

Lets dispose of the past and build anew
Envision a seed being planted with joy and excitement
A quiet moment
Seemingly mild
Nothing seems to happen
Full of energy
A rushing of earth
Pouring over the seed
A trickle of water
Sinking through
Down slowly
Time again
And time again
Glory be to God

euphemisms have become the bane of politics and have evolved into their own memetics
fuck my life


A man cleans up after he’s done a job
A woman makes a job of cleaning up

A man takes what he can get in life
A woman gets what she takes from life

If it were so true
Would you still see it the same
But your so blue
So it must seem insane

Make way
Make way
For another chance
At a better game

Folly isn’t always as bad as it seems
Sometimes relaxation and folly is all but a mans dreams

Gratitude for folly
Has the fool on the hill
Not knowing he soon to be falling
But all the more glad for it still

He’s a special eye for things
And a heart to match it so
Hidden from the crowd it seems
With a mind thats soon in toe

What a bore they say
What a sight

What a chore they say
What a fright

In play
Within sight

Heaven lay
Under Gods might


a corpse is a vessel to be animated
the soul volatility to be fixed
mind, a malleable mass
thoughts form betwixt

for indeed a corpse to be animated
with volatility of an artists great craft
builds a home for mind to be promulgated
when the formation is chiefly demonstrated
transformations all briefly remonstrated
incantations briefly enunciated
are surely to court thee incapacitated
and leave thee indeed be emancipated

oh but a corpse is a vessel to be animated
volatility surpassing the illuminated
mind a mass to be inundated
thoughts treasures to be excavated

having seen the limits of listlessness
steadfast to the borders of hopelessness
encroaching on the shorelines emotionlessness
overbearing indeed but where it will lead
but to drawn and quartered in whoreishness

choose wisely, for great as a maiden voyage
even a gust of wind may capsize thee


The humility of horror
Reciprocity in honor
Omnipotence to magnificence
As Despondency a misnomer
Proliferation is perfection
Procrastination with misdirection
Incarceration mere perception
Calcination not invention
Reincarnation's reinvention
Salvation’s apprehension
Borne of intention
Despondent imperfections
Correspondent intersections
Impoverished interjections
Formless connections
Lordless projections
Worldless pretensions


Incredulity is given to the world as a punishment
If that be the case then lets have some fun with it


Sell all you have
To inherit the world
Oh how I wish that I could
Give up on this box of wood
For mysteries unfurled


Look upon thy sorrow with responsible eyes
Do not cast it for them to swallow
A man who bites off more than he can chew
Is apt to choke
And tears to fill the eyes


The body is born
But what borne of the body?


You know
Once upon a time a man was in prison for many years
And one day the warden came and said
“So tomorrow is the big day, whats your plan?”
The prisoner said
“What plan?”
The warden said
“Your gonna be free tomorrow”
The prisoner said
“Free from what?”


A lot means a little to some
While a little means a lot to others


Change your body
Change your mind
Change your reality
Metaphysical alchemy
Of course naturally
Subjective to reality


One off
Two for the other
Three to go
And four for a brother


Whats it all to you?
Well thats the question innate?
Maybe its time we really had some answers.

Gambling ages a man.
It wears on his nerves, erodes them, breaks them.
He starts to drink, naturally, impulsively.
He wonders what will become of his life.
Maybes its time he got some answers.

Who are we really?
Who do we want to be?
Are we who we choose to be?


This place offers everything under the sun
At the price of knowing how many suffer in the background
How can you enjoy what you have
Knowing this
But you shall pay no price
For parables and axioms
Don’t ask where has all the magic gone
Just learn how to see it




Keep me alive while I die


im not who i thought i was
its not what i bought for us
this is not when we ought to fuss


powerful energy heading this way, our way
can you feel it?
it comes on like the summers eve
with brush strokes of clothing lines and scent of scrub
oh but wash womans dreams
aren’t they yours too?
i know you can feel it, feel them, down in there
heavy, like a broad sided wave among white caps
looming out, urchins in its wake
and what of it all?
turn the tides as the moon, cosmic star child
youl get that old white whale someday

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
Cactus Man
#302 Posted : 5/25/2019 10:14:09 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 554
Joined: 22-Apr-2018
Last visit: 09-Feb-2020
Just wrote this one now Big grin

fuck the floaters
its all about the deeper resonance
the under the floor board undertone
thats what counts
or should
we can dis-tract all we please
debase ourselves appeased
but never to be released

what fallacy
what show
what wonder
indeed it does appease
only half of the 5 senses

forgotten floorboards
holding it all up
with pride
and dignity
this truly
is a thankless job
so it is to be stepped on
day and night
propping up a playhouse
with one too many dolls upright


Its a time for discovery
A time for new beginnings
But oh Lord
I am indeed so deeply afraid
Knowing what is soon to come
I am terrified
But there is always fear
Do not let it be a shame
Its often hard to find its expression
The ego reassures
But underneath lies uncertainty
I call out to my God
Asking for peace
Offering servitude
Finding gratitude


im so glad
just to be
just a fraction
a reaction
just a part of thee
im so glad
so glad
just to be
a contraction
jump in action
just a part of thee
im so glad
to be just a part
of the sea
oh yes
im so glad
just to be
just a beam of light
on a beach
just a cream
up rising to the beat
just a stream
capsizing the fleet
just a dream
appetizing your disease
just a scream
notarizing your decease
just a bean
cauterizing your decrees
just a mean
advertising masterpiece


My father
Ive come to speak to you tonight
Ive been away all my life
And now I’m home, seeking your insight
Dear God
I know you are the one
Who’s put me here, with cheer
In all my fear
Your present wrapped
Slowly undone
Dear Lord all mighty
Father of Heaven and Earth
It is you
And you alone
Who knows
What is to be done
For I: the asker
You: the knower
And seems now
My turn has come
So my dear Father
God of all
Lord and maker of life
Take my faith from me tonight
See my place, hold my sight
Catch my trace and tend my light
So see to that you oh Father
May tell me what is wrong
And what is right

In the days of my youth
And my plight
In the ways of our fools
And our mights
To the gayest of sooths
And of sights
Where the frays of the roots
Cant invite
Outweighing the truths
With our appetites


I know you have given me the strength
To face what is soon to come
I just need to find it
Its not you
Its me
You have done
And will do
Your part
Truth is
It is I
Who has not held tight
To what you have offered
So I offer repentance
Knowing that Our God is a righteous God
Who invites all Sin to be corrected
Who casts all blemishes to the ashes
Who makes what He wills of Our World
For He alone tended it
In its youth
Girding it with an invisible band of truth
But now His Children must tend the fruit
If they wish to understand the root
Do they?

For much too long I’ve been concerned
With questions asked and answers learned
Now its all apparent
Yet still no place to share it
Seems burdensome at times
But inside it one finds
Transparency in the polarity
Like magnetism binds

God gives us mirrors
All around us
All of Our Life
Hoping that we will look at ourselves
To repent is to admit that you don’t like what you see
And act on it accordingly


i need to learn
to communicate better
with myself
to process these emotions
objectively on a shelf
to circumcise my impotence
but nothing else

i feel I’m not responding
as one should
to whats inside
seems quite the quandry
but it could
be a disguise
please the mind is wandering
from understanding
the surprise


when in doubt
piss that fire out
ill say it again
(what do you do?)
when in doubt
when in doubt
you piss that fire
piss that fire


When you see it
Expect to be nervous
A touch of nausea
Simmering sensations
And intense euphoria
Because when you see it
You can’t turn back
There is no escape
Nothing to derail the track
I hope when you see it
You can smile at it back
And accept what your told
Without having to overreact
Yet knowing in your soul
Just right where you stand
So when you eventually see it
You’ll be granted a hug
An embrace from outer-space
A caress made of love


When a child is born
Into the world
A soul is opened
A life unfurled
When a child is born
Into the world

When a sprouting seed
Makes its way
Persevering through
Putrefaction and decay
A spirit is unveiled
An energy entailed
When a seed is sprouted
Unto the world

Be calm
Be still
Be strong
Have will
Allow clarity
To be received
It truly is
A masterpiece
When a child is born
When a seed is drawn
When the reeds
And leaves
And doe
And fauns
Are brought forth
And eyes to rest upon
For all the world


im glad though, and fortunate that i have learned how to stop hitting myself to a degree
its a stale and unbecoming way to be
its a frail and uncunning sight to see
its a whale stuck upon the beach
all the decent hearted folks cant help but frown
to see such self suffering, watching those chains youve wrapped around
proudly displaying the crown of the folly you unsound
the crowd insists in carelessness yet tensions not unwound
fingering their burdens, despairingly unbound
the fallacy of suffering is the reality of life
the masterpiece interlocking me with magesty is rife
when interloping opticals concerned my every sight
and interplay's with obstacles prepared my every rite
for fallacy is obstacle to clarity in might
rhythm is a gift from above, the beat of beatitude encased in every drum
ill say some things here which have no place to be, in front of my face or behind of my knee
ive been chased out of every room, the upper and the lower
ive been a bride, ive been a groom, but yet i lie without a lover
and in my time is basking soon a silent sentience hovers
Cactus Man
#303 Posted : 5/30/2019 6:04:04 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 22-Apr-2018
Last visit: 09-Feb-2020
They are charging up to the ensure their strength for the war to come
They can’t risk losing, because that would ensure permanent defeat
So they have to be absolutely certain they can win before launching the attack
The only way they can be absolutely certain to win is to ensure that they have a minimum of a 10:1 ratio man per man against the enemy
And until they know that the ratio is of that caliber or greater they will not attack
Because even to be at a ratio of 5:1 only leaves a 99% chance of victory
But the chance of victory at 10:1 is unquestionable
This is the thinking of those who are cautious and certain
Those who do not leave any margin for error
Those who know to succeed you need to use unwavering logic and nothing less
Those who do not take risks
Those who understand mathematics and apply them to daily life
Those who have goals in mind for long after they are dead
Those who prepare for future generations
Those who are unwavering in their intentions
Those who seek a resolution for themselves and a desolation for all else
Those who are watchful of times before they were born, and after they are dead
Those who will not be defeated by any man, but dissolved by time
Those who can not be unto themselves any way other than that they are
Those who are seeking revenge for things done to their ancestors
Those who are seeking to control all that they touch and see
Those who are in denial of anything but their own desires
Those who are patient enough to have anything they wish
Even if they get it long after they have died


An atheist must insist
He who steers a ship also fills its sails
To place a hermetic seal upon his own ignorance
Otherwise it will smell stale and unappealing
And will soon evaporate

An agnostic must assume
He who claims to know has quite an ego plume
To place a hermetic seal upon his own incredulity
To appear as humbling himself to his own ignorance
Actually insisting upon its immalleability
Even if unknowingly

Believing man is not entrusted with knowledge of himself intuitively
Because so many speak of such things presenting them inaccurately on a shelf although congruently
Seeing the shadow of this they find relief and conclude that no one has seen the light
For they believe: "It is always better to extend a small bit of doubt, than to assume a bit of clarity in life”
Which is merely a less grandiose modification to an atheist doctrine which states
“Doubt is the only thing we can hold with certainty and haste"


identity misplaced
by an
enemy in space
with an
entity encased
to an
energy interfaced

its the
category chased
integrity inlaced
intangibly in placed
with a
destiny innate
yet a
revery in fate
is an
unsettling estate
so to speak

what your
mezzanine erased
propensity mistakes
ought to see

is an
extensibly contained
offensively retained
ostensibly profaned
#304 Posted : 5/31/2019 12:13:54 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 113
Joined: 24-Jun-2017
Last visit: 11-Nov-2024
I wish I could show you how much she means to me.
Liquid crystal droplets of my breath
alight themselves,
at dawn,
on leaves, petals, and my face.
Though she may call to you
in whispers
through windows
on wind
to you,
she is my muse
and flows electric and swelling leaking hot needles of steam from my
and fingers
and toes.
With fists buried deep in the earth
I prepare to ignore for hours
what is as much me as her.

Cactus Man
#305 Posted : 6/8/2019 8:13:32 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 554
Joined: 22-Apr-2018
Last visit: 09-Feb-2020
Let us partition chaos
A gradient of subtle to gross
Let us bring ablation
For the preservation of subtleties most
Contortions, conniptions, confusions
Expounding energy freed
Abortions, contusions, amusements
All compounding with relative ease
This great cosmic radiation
Its components, computations and corporeality
Who’s parsed in precise portions
Of quantum mechanics and living vitalities

Let it settle now
Let the chips fall
Let the dust float down
Let the winds breath them all
Let the darkness envelope
Let the spirit rest tight
Let the phoenix inside you
Breath easy and take flight

For corporeal I was
And corporeal I am
But my vitality because
Of a maker of man
Makes a maker of me
And the man that I am
"Finish the job my son, lest ye fail and be damned"

I love matter
Metaphysically speaking
I attune to vibration
Quantumly breaching
A flight of fancy
A wisp on the wind
Know not where you come
But travel within
For inside I can see now
That I’ve opened the door
And if I so do feel like it
Ill open it some more

Pandoras box is right in my heart
It was terrifying to open
And thats just the start
But inside was a potion
Labeled “Thou do as thou art”
*(take that Crowley)*
So I drank and I wondered
Whom I to be
Pillaged and plundered
The land and the sea
Demanding of you
To tell it of me

But I pissed you all off
And made you a test
I asked you too much
And I failed all the rest
But to the ends of the Earth,
I had only begun this quest

So I went home for a while
I sat and I thought
Perused through the things
That my thinking had bought
And I found no satisfaction
In all that I held
Because in trying to find me
I had forgotten myself

And in turn my mind went
To the thinking of which
I had neglected to observe
Whilst taking my fix
And the speculation of which
Had been considered quite mixed
But I was of a mind to determine whats nix

That pondering thought
Which then came to mind
“If I look within, then what shall I find?”
And that quivering notion
Brought about a commotion
In the pit of my soul
For my eternal devotion
Was to belittle the promotion
Of what Ive been told
And to question the spokesmen
Of the new and the old
So now that this potion
Had brought about this new notion
That lying inside
Was spiritual gold

Its hard for me to accept
I won’t lie to you
And make myself out to be unwavered
By the prospects of being what we were made to be
We invite and reject as we please
Its quite silly really
You gotta wonder why people hate themselves so
Im one of them so I guess I do know
For some its merely incredulity
For others a sense of discontinuity
But what ever the case may be
If you look within you will see
A treasure map indeed


Be ready my son to do the work of the world
Hold steady my son before truth is unfurled
Can get ye my son the diamond of pearls
Best bet thee my son who’s deciphered my word

1 Can it be?
2 Oh yes. Yes. It can. It can be. Indeed.
1 Have you seen it?
2 Yes.
1 Have you felt it?
2 Yes.
1 Have you known it?
2 Yes.
1 Oh, but can you show it?
2 Well…not quite just yet.
1 Well then it doesn’t exist, so shut the fuck up.
1 Stop playing this game and beam me right up.
1 Prove to me, Dad, that you really do know.
1 Stop fucking around, I’m ready to go.
2 Who would want to invite someone with an attitude like that?
2 You sound like a bitch, so stop where your at.
2 I only bring my friends, whom I love, to this treasure of mine.
2 And your crass jack ass presentation of self, is an abhorrence of mine.
1 Thats what they all say, when they don’t have shit to show.
1 Ill gladly stay behind, in fact you just go.
1 I can see I’m not respected by you and the proof that you lack.
1 Honestly, I think your lying, about having any of THAT.
2 Oh, so you do? Do you really? Thats cute.
2 I could belt out a laugh, but that’d be rude.
2 Ill just pack up my bag and put on my boots.
2 Sure you won’t miss me, all alone, over THERE?
2 Surely your question isn’t answered quite fair?
1 I don’t need wisdom, from a piece of shit like you.
1 Ill do just fine on my own, and I’m sure you will too!
2 Well if you change your mind, you’ll know where to find me.
2 Ill be waiting inside you, if you learn to unhide me.
Cactus Man
#306 Posted : 6/15/2019 3:20:33 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 554
Joined: 22-Apr-2018
Last visit: 09-Feb-2020
The man who locked himself out

Once there was a man
Who lived in a wonderful home
He lived a happy fulfilling life
And was never ever alone
But one day he got locked out
Because he left the key inside
His heart dropped and his head rocked
Sweat dripped from side unto side
For he had never been locked out before
Not once that he could recall
And now he stood there facing the door
Without a way to open it at all
He started to fear and horrors came
Filling his every sight
What had he done?
What shall he do?
Its looking now soon to be night!

Well he went to the side
For there did he hide
A reserve for the moments as this
But low and behold
What did you know
For this problem had he a fix

He put it away
And there it did stay
Till the time when its necessity came
And he relished with joy
For when he was a boy
In pleasure he sought it in vain
But now as a man
He reached out his hand
And to it a treasure now came
Grateful was he
Praising with glee
His forefathers did just the same
With strength now in hand
The lock came to man
Through the door of his home he remained
Use any name
#307 Posted : 6/29/2019 12:36:45 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 184
Joined: 01-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
The trickery of Simia Dei
The ape of God
Carnivalesque delight
Simply mercurial
Plays alone in the lap of Eris
Bosom of discordia
As she takes off her dress
Sweet couple caress
Sufferers taking away suffering
Transform meaninglessness
Into motion
Hatred to devotion
Young medicine man
Walked through the abyss backward
Now his feet are in heaven
And his head?
Libertas decembrica
Use any name
#308 Posted : 7/15/2019 12:09:22 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
I've been trying to design a crown
It's for my Mother but it's mainly for peace of mind
I've been trying to design a crown
But I forget my place in skipping records
Rinse repeats
Old wounds
Wake up
The crown is silver
Star sapphire
The old krone time ticker
In belladonna filigree
A crown for ♄er
Use any name
#309 Posted : 9/16/2019 12:53:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 01-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
Trail grows cold
Heart grows dark
What love is left in me?
Use any name
#310 Posted : 9/24/2019 1:40:18 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 01-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
If the center can not hold

Will it affix anew?

What is it to come again

After heartbreak?

What is beyond the gyre?

Where will the falcon land?

And what is roused best from cradle

Cast out, from tree to be torn?
Use any name
#311 Posted : 9/28/2019 1:50:56 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 01-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
The man on the moon

The foolish patriarch

Tampering with the will

Of the magician

Rising Demiurge

Would you believe

I heard it was a hoax

Jim wouldn't know

And Andy wouldn't tell you

You could ask Sophia

But in her confusion

She's vegetating with Persephone
Use any name
#312 Posted : 10/3/2019 1:03:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 01-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
The sun is still warm
But the air now grows cold
And I begin to turn inwards.
What of me will wither
And frail
Be taken upon the wind
With the dead leaves?
Use any name
#313 Posted : 10/13/2019 12:26:49 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 01-Dec-2012
Last visit: 16-Oct-2019
Location: lost in transformation
Something signified this way comes

Is it a bird?
A falcon?
Is it a plane on a cross?
Has it failed?
Are you left wanting
For that which remains
In it's wake?
It must be fin again
The discourse of the master
A subject in chains
Of signification
With enough room for fantasy
I am here
And then war and peace
Difference is not just between things
But between thing
And the lack of difference
Between it's self
Cactus Man
#314 Posted : 10/17/2019 5:22:07 PM
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Folded up in the bundle

Its tight this rope they’ve given me
Lord knows its been a struggle
Its a light up toke, forbidden tree
Folded up in the bundle

Its a blighting stroke for feelin free
Invited close, distilled indeed
In this nickel and dime jungle
Folded up in the bundle

All the time
Its always got to be
One last find
Then Ill be free
Still caught up inside
Whats left of me
Folded up in the bundle

Its a horrific thought
An unsettling reality
Unsightly taught
Ripe in insanity
Time crawls by
Lifes roller coaster ride
When falling from your greatest height
All the truths untold tonight
Because you’ve still not told it right
Folded up in the bundle


it had a life
it has a life
it is a life
it will be a life again

once was alive
now is a life
for there is never not a life
only waiting for resurrection

that is where i live
and this is my true home
this is where i do my living
it is the place that my living is done



Forgotten to the World
Ripe in mind, but skin gnarled
Please be kind, for I show marvels
Left to rot in back of the cosmos
Kept in cleft of crack without sign post

Master awaits
He beckons to my call
His wisdom great as chinas wall
Casting my faits
Catching my falls
He reckons to my haul
His chrism opaque as a Chinese doll
For he made all that will be killed to crawl
Charmed them with ordainment of the master of all


He who is strong sets boundaries
For strength is merely what is retained that is ever pervading
To bind strength is to nurture it, to retract it from the cold caustic world
Gestating towards an ultimate end, even from its very beginning
Make haste and hold fast, or it shall flee from thee
Have patience and hold mass, for it shall be for thee
Hold strength like a child, wish well for it and let it grow
In the ray of the sun and the dew of the moon

If you saw him standing there
How would you react
Would you embrace him with a hug
Or enter in after him, if you know there is no turning back
We love to pride ourselves as embracing God
Yet in Sin we still reside
As Our Lord hath said
“Thy spirit is willing, if only thine flesh would abide”
“Pray unto Him who’s will is constant and in his likeness thou shalt turn the tide”
He is perceived as a burden, yet is bearing of a gift
He is dismissed as a curtain, as if covering whats been left

We need to concoct ourselves, retain control of our course
The mind left idle is a devils plaything
Never allow the arrogance of confidence and wisdom allow you to feel you are impenetrable, because in believing you are so you make yourself defenseless by being not on guard, thus arrogance breeds ignorance and in ignorance you only do self detriment
If wisdom is the greatest elevation of intellect and thought than ignorance is truly the lowest and most detestable of things which one should retain
To discard ignorance is to be in wisdom and wisdom is simply the ability to differentiate between what is real and what is not, thus ignorance is the inability to judge this same thing
To pursue ignorance is to drag oneself further into the unreal

I’m like a fish in a stream
Swimming and hungry
Im yearning innately
It is my nature
I will persevere
For perseverance is what is demanded of me
A challenge is my price
And I intend to pay in full
Its not meant to be easy
But don’t let that worry you still
Cactus Man
#315 Posted : 10/17/2019 5:30:02 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Praise of the One True Ablation

To be drawn up
Up and out
And away
Is to live
And to live
Is to fall
Far down
And to die



Is ablation

All that goes up
Must come down
Even if
You forget
To notice
When it comes

But to he who sees
Lie the spoils
The solace
And the redemption

For the one
Who speaks
Is also
The one
Who hears
The one
Is sound

The One
Who seeks
Is also
The One
Who reveals
The One
Is found

So it is
The One
Who appears
To appease
The one
Who appeals
To decrees
And as for
The one whom
Is bound
To disease
As it shall be
For the one
Whom reaps
What he sees
So it shall be
For the one
Whom reveres
Is ground
To the dust
Of its lease

For the one
The ears
Shall be he
Who brightens
The earth
With shimmering sheers
In all its years
All its drears

Forever crucifying
Our members
And rectifying
Our tears
Quantum specifically
Our fears
Endeavor petrifying
Never exceptionalising
While reconceptualizing
Our cheers

Instead of postulating
And queers
It be taken
To objects
And gears

For inside us
This token
You open
Our mirrors
The smoking
Old spokesman
Of years
Now awoken
In tears

It is
We are
The cup
Is always
Through this ocean
But what of promotion
Is inherent in devotion
Have you made up
Your mind?

Someone did
Made it all up
A long
Meditative pondering
As a masturbatory squandering


How slyly shortsighted
Is a mind
Gone wandering
And how far
Far away
Can the same mind
Go wondering


How we prioritize
Our expectations
To our folly
Our damnations

Got em again
Dont hug
Your chains
So tight
My friend

It seems
Not enough
Thank God
For science
How pedantically ironic


I needed


But truly
If God
Didnt give
Us science
Who could ever
See fit
To trust Him
Based on
Pure assumption


No one can teach you the value of being alone.


I look upon the river
And with my eyes I see
A gift, a brook, a giver
A dance of life, indeed
I look upon a river
And with my mind in me
A nook confined in mirrors
Reflecting all, indeed
When I look upon that river
And inside I can see
That old congratulating gifter
Hand a prize to me
That organ grinding jester
Juggling minds with ease
That stove pipe diamond presser
Coveting every piece
That wine stomp time professor
Ringing out for peace
That phantom mime investor
Who coagulated life, indeed
So look upon thy river
Who runs out to the sea
It took some time to get her
To sing of thine reprieve
Come near, come far, come hither
Wont you all go with her
To a spring of life, indeed
And unto those who drink thereof
A priceless medicine
Sink now child
Into the river
Baptize the fresh laid seed
Water birth
Unto the Earth
Where Wind and Fire meet
Count your blessings
Not your fingers
But everyone you meet


Based in Nature
Is the root
Of all Gnosis
And all hypotheses
Prior to deduction
Prerequisite to conclusion
Is a proposal of Faith
Which is then put to the test


8 long years

So now it’s been 8 years
My how time flies
Frozen in time
Frozen to time
It just keeps on
Passing you by
Nothing to do
Nothing to try
Long as you keep getting by

8 long years
Seems no end in sight
My body keeps moving
My soul as its light
Keep me up now
For if I fall again I might
Not be able to get back
To my mission tonight

But it hinders
Hinders me so
And changed in its core
Brought forth of dross and gore
Leaving gingerly undertones
Years beating to the bones
Reaching the marrow it calls home


The One
The Only
Maker of All
Creator of All
Container of All

The Great
The Omnipotent
The Colossal

My God
My Father
As you are
As you be
As you shall

Who may stand against you
Who may measure your eclipse
Who may ask a thing of you
Who may learn to hear of it
Who may incline their favor unto you
Who may have ever seen it fit

The Lord
Is My God
And He is steadily at the hilt
His wrath is a shrieking cadaver
His vengeance lies in the pit of Our guilt
He is the only thing that made you
And He made you just as you are
The One who molded and inlayed you
From your tip to the end of the start
And He the only One who can imbibe you
Be it in Earth or somewhere apart
Don’t be surprised when He invites you
From the temptation of fleshy remarks

He’s a wizard
A warlock
A jester
He’s a symphony
A jackass
Yet even gentler
He’s a producer
A product
Not a pretender
He’s a maker
He’s a taker
Yet not an ender
He’s a force
He’s a facet
Not a contender
He’s wisdom
He’s knowledge
How funny
That we don’t remember

He’s the One and Only
Big Daddy O Dandy
And you better fuckin like it
If you don’t try living in squander
And see how that pie hits
You’ll find yourself a bit sounder
When you see how big the sky gets
Yet to find out what’s inside is
Another chapter ride past
You can try to sub divide this
But you’ll end up back inside nets
It’s the end all be all prize fits
For a be all end all guy that’s
Gone from here to back in time skits
From the mouth of what’s behind his
To sprouts that float beside this
The creeping growths
And the entrance of moats
Coming out of this Kingdoms eye lids
The everlasting time rips
In conscious crashing sublime bits
With always gnashing
Formidably fashioned
Sterilized alkaline drips


They talk of filth
Of cleanliness
Of defilement
The Lord laughed
He laughed so much
It was so funny
He actually peed
Just a lil though
Right there in front of everyone
In front of the Pharisees
In front of the Sadducees
In front of the Disciples
In front of the Apostles
In front of Judas Iscariot
In front of everyone who ever lived and wasn’t yet so
Everyone was shocked
No one knew the Lord could pee
They didn’t know if they should pretend like it didn’t happen
Or maybe just laugh back
No one could decide what to do
So no one did anything


For before David was, I am

Verily verily
I tell you
I am the Foundation of the Earth
Of Life
Of Light
And poetry
There is not one who shall lack
Within all is One
For before David was, I am

My axe is lain
For the root of the World
And my sickle too shall reap
For the fruit of the World
Indeed, indeed my Son
For before David was, I am

Verily verily
What is division
Without reunion
Of all that is hidden
Shall once be uncovered
When ye unto yourselves see
So shall I say unto thee
For before David was
I am me

Microcosmic memories
Lingering heights
Lasting revelries
Decanted pleasantries
Sickening sights
Iron casted centuries
All stem from I
And I stem from All
For before David was, I am

Behold your joy before Me
Present it as is so
Don’t hack it or pack it
But unravel it slow
Unroll your toys
And chores leave behind
Contented as flow
Uphold your vigor
With your might
Then your honor shall soon grow
With stories untold
Now getting old
By candle light
Soon shall they know
For before David was
I am
As before Gods throne
The Lamb
Preparing the Groom
For the Bridal chamber
Upon sand
Where the fires roar
As the Lions dance
On the land

Ye are told
If a Man shall keep my Word in Him, He shall not see Death
And Ye are also told
If a Man repent of His Sin, The Living God shall grant him to Life
But Ye are as dead men
Looking not to see
Talking not to speak
Hearing not to listen
For Ye are in darkness
For darkness without, is darkness within
And darkness within shall keep ye from the Kingdom


Don’t see what I don’t wanna see
Soon to become quite afraid
Can’t be what I ought want to be
Not soon enough to make it anyway
Set free what you want not in thee
Take rest and be made awake

From tea to triviality our conscious makes its way
Though in me I do have want to see
The ending of Our cake
Flee thee from idolatry
Or from death ye shall not awake
Be what tis you want to be
Lest you suffer for Soul is whats at stake
For only you stronger shall it make
Baptism in water left spirit in its wake
Calling for the bridal chamber
Whom only gives what it shall take

Look upon the mountainside
The sea upon the sand
Took a corpse from Lancashire
Was in quite high demand
Dreadful heat to fill the eyes
Made ashes of the hands
Sold it to the countryside
A grand inheritance
And when I cast it from inside
Think not it happenstance
Pissing all away the tide
Leaving nothing up to chance
Quartering the quantum vibes
Tuning up to dance
Folding in the darkest ride
Bring Him up to stand


The one on the left must repent
The one on the right shall never
The one in the middle must ascend
His coming too from forever
Let His hands be pierced
And His feet be bound
In iron and chastening leather
Let His side be torn
And His head be crowned
With spear and thorns bound together


In the Lord my God I shall never be ashamed
All the days of my life
For the Lord is my God and righteous is his reign
Even though He hath laid me in a place vulnerable to iniquity and strife
In the Lord who is my God there shall never be any falter
For in He who hath made the All
In All shall be His proctor

There is a Lord whom is my God
In Glory be thy name
And unto thee He can indeed
Yet cannot be
Unto nothing but the same
There is a Lord whom I call my God
His frame is unbreakable iron
His throne is made of Jasper
In calypso ever growing skyward
He stands upon mount Zion
And surely He doth know
Whom resides within His diadem
Forth from which He hath made them grow

There is a Lord whom is my God
His name is all but uttered
Here is a master craftsman’s log
Who’s flame is all but fluttered
In recognition of my God I shall be joyous and bright
For his prophylactic system of weeding the wrong from been right
Is such to be the subject of my study for insight
I long to see the certainty of its containment in my sight
For long have I awaited patient for this doctor come in night

When the merry wisps of wisdom come gliding on the winds
Then there shall be great oil and chrisms
For by which name we call Christian is
Baptism from the clouds
Made flourish of the land
As unto darkness light was born
As unto seas are made the sand
Resurrecting as it were
Adam from dust upon His hands
Fear not serpent laid to dirt
Resent not the Fall of Man
For in the end God shall Bless the Curse
And bring all to reprimand


The hip beatnick authors like jack kerouac with his crown
Compact in time offers the mysteriously precise yet profound
The side town walkers with shipped pontiac’s frown
The shore line time gawkers tip top takes that they’ve found
As the raw shack sky talkers till stakes until they come unbound
Fought back these tight borders who’s enclosure is progressively unsound
Sought tact in high waters till the breaks could be ground
Long pat did time offer till the snakes laid waste to the bleeding mound
So sat did the marauders, his chase long done over with now


One salt to open the pores
One salt to separate the doors
One salt to bring after wrought
One salt to string about whats caught
One salt to sing aloud in pearls
One salt to drink abound in whirls
One salt to sink the greatest ship
One salt to find my greatest wish
One salt to see my inner sides
One salt to bind my inner confines
One salt to bring my darkest hour
One salt to cling upon my tower
One salt to drive me home again
And one salt shall be the end of all my friend
For one salt shall twinkle into the night
And one salt shall bring you an inner light
Only one salt shall sing you of much insight

Search your fields and sow them well
For heaven within the earth shall dwell
Curse the feels that ground to hell
Pursing leads with fashioned bells
Tickle softly the significant squires
Peering lofty from amalgamous attires
Kill the weasels and cure the lepers
Croon the crows and catch the dressers


We just couldn’t let you figure out
Just who you were meant to be
We only just had to hold you back
In all earnest sincerity
We couldn’t let you get on down
Or you’d walk right out the door
Following the freights and hounds
For all their glory and lore
Right out into the sound to sink for ever more
We had to keep you in the house
Test you for a while
Admittedly our church choir mouse
But things got too ripe and wild
So we put you out into the world
Took you for a whirl
Let you high who’d been so low
And shaken up from swirl
We just couldn’t let you find right out
Till your coals 'came diamonds and oil
#316 Posted : 12/23/2019 7:25:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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A raver, a madman, a kind rooted heart,
a tree, to see, the sky's mirrored essence,
reborn, the impulse swims by the center...
like a flower
spiraling in time

This used to be my signature, but I am planting it in this thread, and am moving on. Smile
Find the wisdom to practice loving-kindness.
Cactus Man
#317 Posted : 12/29/2019 5:25:29 PM
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Sometimes they are just as poor to communicate
Weren’t you?

Oh, but whom among could illuminate?
The many few

Sometimes things abhor to ponder grace
Isn’t true?

When end of chore shall paupers race
Unto thy stew

Kindling more than land forsakes
Pull up thy root

Dregs of gore when count makes haste
Into thine dew

Forever sore upon his mantle plate
Above thy flue

Rolling easy at a brambles pace
Within thine flume

Sweat, grease and ground placates
From in thy tomb
#318 Posted : 2/6/2021 2:36:30 PM

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When shadows lie long and rivers run still
A weathered, aged man waits up on a hill
Too stiff to meander, patient for respite
Received of a gander 'cross an ever frosty night
Of dots that will frolic filled with life without fright

If stalwart against the chill be his will
That borders his every bone up on the hill
Surrounded by remnants, twigs and hips, of the lush
Commotion arrised and spent within his slumber's hush
Disturbed by not even the foremost vocal thrush

With each new awakening, what remains is less the same
The furry nuzzling noses become more hungry and less tame
His dwindling domain grows more difficult to be seen
The spots sought present e'er fewer and farther between
He wonders, when they've all gone, will any other come to me?

What place could be this, this stasis coming to be
With each passing phase less to offer to those who live free?

Is it everlasting quiet and solitude to be my destiny?

When dusk turns to dawn in a fledgling's song
A caterpillar changed flitters along
Oft wondering what for the newly winged
This world might hold in store beyond what it seems
An endless expanse of bounty that always teems

Consuming enough to just self-sustain
Uneases her, thinking it to be vain
Discarding one path for another much the same
Yet static remain, transform no more, and endlessly mill
With others of her kind and ringed neighbors up on the hill

Beyond grazers taking leaves under the thorned red and white blooms
An odd sight that dissipates once caught once within a blue moon
Will fascinate the fluttering youngster in life seeking more
A towering bell descending toward the hill's grassy floor
That shares her nectary bloom's hues, surely this must be her door

Or so it is she begins to believe some day she'll see
An appearance that from her eyesight will not leave

Her mind's deadset, waiting to know where it may lead

When rain will cascade through flakes as a spear
Still close to his doe a child will hold near
More sure of footing with each passing day
With patience he trails after those who know the way
Yet eager always for the rare chances to play

The hips all been spent, the herd will move on
Assured of plenty for adult and fawn
Until green expanses fade and time comes along
To mark paths between what will become their intermittent fill
The frosty oases alike the richest up on the hill

The little one watches, ever keen to be aware of more
Like how to know where to lay tracks 'tween the fields and forest floor
He spies a pattern in erratic black and yellow stripes' flight
Wherever they linger is marked for relief from future blight
When he must strike a trail his own, surely this is how he might

And so he wonders while he wanders from where the others roam
Will there be a pair of winged stripes to dance toward a new home

And could it be that only he might see and call it his own?

When leaves become spent within winds of change
A woman oft rests underneath the range
Of her favorite shelter from the sun
The towering tulip tree she once climbed for fun
Before the battle that age had begun to won

She tends to it now, taking care daily
With hope some other can climb and live free
For waste it would be, for it to grow just for she
But soon the day comes, once per year, she must take leave
To bushes and thrushes surrounding who she grieves

This sole occasion she warrants to wear his favorite white dress
He'd say "There's my angel belle" her face quick a blushing mess
"You see, the daisies match your cheeks." and take her hand
To lead her in dance under the tree or in a hotel grand
Humming softly the melody called their own, "The Promised Land"

She climbs the grade now, humming to herself the tune
Wondering how much, this time, there might be to prune

Beside her beloved below the hill, she waits to be soon -11/27/2019
#319 Posted : 2/28/2021 6:35:27 AM

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in the unmarked grave. beyond the poison prison fields and fallen
beneath a leaden hand, loveless as loveless death
due a toiling land, white bone and blue
windy war bonnets those
yellow jackets w errant knives
of slender scented
tenderness and rosen
torrents dawned
in red arterial

lays moon gilded tides, lapping legerdemain
of meadow and mangrove in the lemonbalm star trove.
lays lore and ardor, insane amplitudes of time
theatric in their splendor and burdened complete.

like beasts like death hilarious. like thieves
of unseen, unremembered names.
lay compass arrows swift as finches or crows
sublimely circling, clothed in mourning at a feast.

isn’t eden brief...
and when they're done,
vulture belly's gorged and smoldering suns,
tell them they've come late. that what I found I've
married the ground I'd lain my cheek in the emptied night.

tell them the same way that you would speak
green daisies into the teeth of the moonlight wreath.
pen anemones, plucked daffodils, dahlias, daturas
into the maw of the sunset law, sinking amphoras.

the same way maybe that you wished to bleach
the words themselves like stains from the breath of them.
carefully those, from the long time that you spoke
into my chest that you spoke there in the rain.

same as the long time that we could ever think
again to pardon winter with spring, or when
autumn parted promise summer, one after another
carefully into the trees as they went to sleep.
#320 Posted : 2/28/2021 6:40:07 AM

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passing through the mountains
from out the far sable canyons
along the main and lonesome houses
by the burrows of campfire
alms and cool cattail marshes

I wrote you a note on a milepost
signed 1/2 where the x was
and my old mark on the back
faded as the fading in the
figments of hemlock and larch

behind smoky plumes of timbermen
or playground bonfires
of dusty plains parched dreams
and rain drenched letters
I wrote you a note in late october

and one day you might see it
some miles down the river beaches
in our time or in your autumn
with great grandchildren or only
an unborn friend beneath the bosom

or even never or just wandered by
while it was there all the time and I
saw you the next day miles away
and 7 years, alone in the pouring rain
at the flooded brook by the lane

like there must be a shade beneath
every leaf, every lineament of age
like there was the shadow of grace
in your face when you saw me too
when you thought you knew my name

and there will always be your friend
the one in the shade of that far tree
like there will always be the note
I wrote for you
on the post there by the east main
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