happy (re)birthday to me.... Options
#1 Posted : 12/27/2009 11:21:08 AM

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....or: antrocles' perfect day....

i'm going to apologize in advance if there's a little T.M.I. in the recanting of's purely for the sake of painting a "complete" picture of awesomeness.

about 3 days ago- i KNEW today's breakthrough was coming....the feeling then was a little bit jittery with excitement. today....i've never been so calm....

so- to lay it all out for you....

yesterday (the 26th) was my birthday. i awoke to a pancake breakfast and sweet lovemaking with my love, ms. munki. off i then go to do a 2 hour workout, a coaching session with a promising client and a lovely lunch at the restaurant where ms. munki hostesses....

straight back home and my dear friend neuronaut comes over to do some "work". his breakthrough is beautiful to watch as i sit patiently in service of my fellow explorer. after his return and subsequent debrief he goes on his way and i head into my bedroom for a visit to church i've been looking forward to all morning... Smile

now- to be fair- i have to first say the day before my birthday i had taken a HUGE breakthrough dose (.05....i EASILY breakthrough on .025). i went so incredibly deep...was reconstructed and in the process a piece was left out.....

....the fear.... Pleased

i have absolutely no fear. i wasn't aware that i had any before to be honest....i've never had anything but positive journeys from day one....but is different. there is a calm within me and a desire to go as deep as i can go without the slightest hint of trepidation. that super deep breakthrough was so profound...

i load up .06 and lay in meditation...

it's time. i go.

in two deep breaths i have twice the amount of spice i need to breakthrough.....i am dead. i couldn't be more ecstatic. the worlds i visit, the creatures i meet..the people.

yes..people. straight up angels. people i have seen father....i am in a place of creation. it looks like a world made of clouds and they are pregnant with a blinding light i can look directly at. actually....i can't NOT look at this light. elves, creatures, friends, beings....all are coming to me wishing me a happy birthday!! one angel HUGS ME!!! and points to the sky to show me the entire cosmos as a blueprint of how it looked at the moment of my birth into the density. i am crying in this my soul is being wrung the deepest stretch...orgasmic....of my very soul.

as i am leaving i am told, outright, to return at night. i will be shown my true name. Shocked

i have the most insane level of tranquility all day after this experience.... i get taken out to frozen yogurt, have dinner bought for me, make love's now 8pm. it's dark outside. i've never been so clear....

i go into the kitchen and heat up a giant mug of STRONG caapi tea (this has been cooked down and is ayahuasca-strength cappi brew). the minute it's all in me, i jump into the car and ms. munki and i head for the coast. north of malibu to a remote private beach that is completely empty....what better place to be reborn than the womb of gaia herself?

it takes 40 minutes from my home to get here and the minute we pull up i am trembling from the caapi's power. i'm so inhibited....the very word DMT makes me start to go...and if that's the case...

...then what is this .07 dose of spice in this pipe gonna do? Shocked

the entire drive out i am so calm....i've actually never been so calm without being about to fall asleep ever. this is a combination of the caapi spirit guiding my "graduation" and the fact that my very soul has come to a point of recognizing that it can NEVER be destroyed..


the way soul saw it- i've been taking breakthrough doses of DMT almost daily for the past year. i have gone as deep as i wanted to go....and a few times even deeper than that.....and every time i just learned how to surrender that much more and be shown that much more. always positive. always deeply enriching. my year of study was done... was time to graduate. they told me as much.

i didn't even take a moment to meditate. i was walking like a robot under the control of something greater than myself. an intent and clarity that instilled peace beyond peace within my very soul. ms. munki waited in the car for me....this was my journey to take alone. she watched me as i walked into the darkness of the coastline and out of this plane of consciousness.

bundled from the cold....towel laid against the sand...LOADED vg in hand....i looked up at the stars and moon with the peace of a man who has already accepted his fate...whatever it might turn out to be. the tide a forceful explosion of life and cosmic connection. i looked at the moon one last time.

"it's my birthday", i said without attachment. the moon smiled at me as i lit the torch.

i was being shot from a canon as i forced the final hit to get every drop of transformation into my lungs. i left everything. the ultimate "travel light" scenario...

the web began....all living creatures...ALL of them. people, animals, plants....GAIA..the great web of all that is. i saw my place in this. so incalculably small and yet so irreplaceable. as much a part of it all as the unknowing nothingness that connected it all... i was shown great mysteries and kept in hyperspace for almost 45 minutes. the caapi squeezing me like a lover on a cold night. i've never felt a connectedness like this....this is something more. i'm ready to know my true name.

there is a part of me....the god part....the "observer eternal" that "remembered" my name and at the moment of rememberence, all things happened at once. the carrier wave that was SO strong and the crashing of the ocean that had no apparent rhythm with one another....synced. at the same time, the fabric of everything that i floated within formed a perfect sphere that was infinite in it's volume....which, too, created a sound...and this sound syned with the other two to create the name (or should i say, sound) of the oneness of all things.

my name.

my true name.

and in that moment i was told that i was the answer to any question i may have...i was reborn with the awareness of a newborn child. the bliss i felt then (and still do....i IS 3:15 in the morning over here!!) is immeasureable.

i drove home with my love listening to me going into great detail of my journey. she took me out to frozen yogurt AGAIN just to let me keep rambling! i have no fear now. none. it is utterly gone. something profound has shifted for me.....i've never felt so alive!

....came home and told my brother about my journey....about 10:30pm a this point. he decides that we should celebrate by going to the 11:20pm showing of AVATAR 3D...which we do (yes, that's round 3 for me and it was more beautiful than ever!)...

bowl of cereal....type this report with a smile on the face the entire time....and THAT'S what i would call a "perfect day".

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."

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#2 Posted : 12/27/2009 5:26:13 PM


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Strangely synchronous, I too have found my spirit name. It is Espiridion. It means little spirit I believe.

Happy Birthmas too you, brother. Glad you are stateside. Be safe.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#3 Posted : 12/27/2009 5:58:38 PM

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Amazing and beautiful report, Antrocles!! Happy birthday, INDEED.

I have recently been wondering if I have a name to earn on the other side.

Your wisdom about the art of surrender is profound, and definitely inspires me to go even deeper.

It also sounds like you have an *amazing* woman in your midst. Smile

I've also noticed that I seem to "graduate classes" with Aya, too. There was the first year of purely emotional baggage. The second year, I went into some deeply magical stuff, found a white monkey living in my ear and learned about exorcisms... and now after three years, like poetry, I find myself here.

I think I've earned a BS in Life's Mysteries, but I'd like to stay for the doctorate.

Thank you so much for sharing!! Smile
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#4 Posted : 12/27/2009 6:47:54 PM

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Wow!! Happy Birthday!! I celebrated on your Birthday night also. I only took my usual .025 or so but all I could say to my self the whole trip was "Beyond comprehension!". You are so lucky to seem to have totally transcended fear. It's something that I always have to deal with. I'm successful in dealing with it but it's not something that I can just totally forget about. I think that part of it may be that I have only been tripping once a month or so if that.
Thanks for the report!!
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#5 Posted : 12/27/2009 9:32:55 PM

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antrocles wrote:
he decides that we should celebrate by going to the 11:20pm showing of AVATAR 3D...which we do (yes, that's round 3 for me and it was more beautiful than ever!)...

by the way:
i wonder if this film is "somehow" inspired direct from "hyperspace" and/or personal "dmt" - experiences of james cameron....
some totally crazy freaks believe this....

for example that guys:

jasons741 wrote:
Strangely synchronous, I too have found my spirit name. It is Espiridion. It means little spirit I believe.

so if i lift off for a ride and meet someone in hyperspace who calls himself "espiridion" i will know it is you!


by the way:
once upon the time they called me by my true name as well.
they called me



(spoken with human larynx "somehow like" the red letters and syllables in:
anyone doing gay is drifting to hell like a witch)

i wonder if it means something like
"hoooooooray: silly little fool with big fears losing his insane mind in the end"


#6 Posted : 12/27/2009 10:55:26 PM

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Nothing I could say would do that report was too great..

So I will just say happy birthday antrocles!Very happy
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 12/27/2009 11:33:29 PM

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Thanks antrocles and HAPPY (re)BIRTHDAY!

We are all of us the richer for your experience. You're obviously in a very good place at the moment and I'm so happy for you. Reports like this are marvellous for those of us still struggling with fear. You point the way and show that it can be done. Everything which you report resonates with me in a way that says 'this is an endeavour worthy of our efforts.'

i left everything. the ultimate "travel light" scenario...

That's my 'work in progress' that is Wink
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

(Tony Parsons)
#8 Posted : 12/27/2009 11:39:45 PM

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Wow. What an amazing experience. I have all ways loved the way you describe your journeys. Happy b-day, antrocles.
#9 Posted : 12/28/2009 4:25:18 AM

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Wow Ant......
Hope my birthday (tomorrow) is as great.

Congrats & Happy B-day.
Any experiences I or SWIM mention have happened only in my nightly dreams.
#10 Posted : 12/28/2009 4:56:15 AM

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Antrocles I want to thank you for all of your wonderful reports over this last year..your dedication to the spice and genuine love for all that is life is evident in every single one of your posts..they have all been a huge inspiration to me.
Long live the unwoke.
#11 Posted : 12/28/2009 5:13:05 AM


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fractal enchantment wrote:
Antrocles I want to thank you for all of your wonderful reports over this last year..your dedication to the spice and genuine love for all that is life is evident in every single one of your posts..they have all been a huge inspiration to me.


my love and I have been meditating on the beach for some sunset spice lately...the crashing of the waves as it tunes out and becomes quieter offers the perfect rhythm for neurotransmission. wide open sky...and third eye...howling in bliss on the way home...
#12 Posted : 12/28/2009 3:21:18 PM

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ant, you are one truly amazing individual, my heart just MELTED reading this post.
Happy birthday dude, Love you always...

The above is quoted from

Take responsibility for making your own life beautiful.
#13 Posted : 12/28/2009 6:18:19 PM

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happy birthday man

if i ever find that combination of Khamala & licorice, I will PM to share it with youWink

peace & love to you in this new decade of life and history


p.s.: don't mean to ruin your "Avatar" buzz but have you seen "Avatar: The Making of a Bootleg?" hilarious.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#14 Posted : 12/28/2009 7:11:20 PM

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Ant..beautiful report as always, really blew my mind- your an inspiration for everyone here with your open and loving philosophy of life thank you my friend

Pandora that video is hilarious!

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#15 Posted : 12/28/2009 9:50:07 PM

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oh my god pandora....that video.....that was HILARIOUS! genius....just pure genius....

thanks for all the love you guys....i'm touched beyond really are special souls. i know this in a way that could NOT be more tangible. i will be writing a report after i send this out that will explain....

all i can say is: first day in the "new school" after graduating was beyond anything i could have imagined.... i actually have things that i KNOW as much as anything i know here....i'm still coming back as i type this...but it's the best news possible. Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#16 Posted : 12/28/2009 11:20:25 PM

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cant wait for that report!
Long live the unwoke.
#17 Posted : 12/30/2009 7:16:55 AM

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i am so glad that i get to work with you.
"wherever you go...there you are"
#18 Posted : 12/30/2009 4:58:26 PM

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Beautiful report; sorry to bring you back down to Earth but the sensation of fearlessness is only fleeting, you are running on an emotional high which has the power to dominate all other emotions one can experience. My mother could die while I was in the state you are in and I still would not feel that until I was down from my pedestal of love.

Having experienced things like this myself, my goal now is to cultivate that "floating through life on a pedestal of love" sensation in reality sans spicey goods; the only way to do so is love. You give out love, you get it back. When you think about it, spice is simply a massive surge of love through one's consciousness and that surge creates aftershocks that continue into daily life. No matter how many "basking in the light of eternity" moments you experience, you will always come down to the present moment. Although that shouldn't be much of an issue if you work towards filling every moment of your life with the light of eternity Pleased
#19 Posted : 12/30/2009 9:25:42 PM

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That was beautiful Antrocles, I must say this quote rang so true for me:

Antrocles wrote:

Happy birthday and happy journeying
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In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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#20 Posted : 1/9/2011 8:33:40 PM
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Did I miss something? What is your "real" name then? Is it antrocles or something else? And what does it mean in English?
I remember on one of my journeys, well actually about half an hour or so after, while still semi-there, I found the name for this dog we had taken in. The name was "Loving Smoochies/Smoothies." The slash was silent, but it was important to remember that it was there. None of my housemates agreed that that should be her name, unfortunately!
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