Jeshua Channeling: Fearful Thoughts Options
#1 Posted : 10/24/2019 6:35:15 AM

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To whom it may apply:

Pamela Kribbe channels Jeshua

Dear people, I am Jeshua, and I am happy being with you.

You are building a new path for the Earth, which is an inner path, a path of consciousness. Along the paths and tracks you create in your mind, others will follow, because it is easier to walk along beaten paths. You are the ones who conquer unexplored territory, create new paths, and so make tracks for others to follow. This is your work, your so-called mission; something you took on at the level of the soul before you started this life on Earth.

Through doing this, you become truly happy, and you are not satisfied with anything less than that. Only when you feel you have that new path beneath your feet, and that you are creating what you wanted from your soul, only then do you feel really fulfilled from within and deeply connected with the Earth. For you, there is no easy-fit existence possible, no middle way, and no conformity. You have chosen to be different, which is something that has also been mentioned here today. Being different has caused you to experience the pain of rejection by others. But remember, also, the joys and triumphs of the experience of breakthroughs in your consciousness , and the experience of love which rises above fear. Those are moments of deep joy for the soul, when you remember who you are from your soul, while you live here on Earth amidst thought forms that are often fed by fear. Those moments of triumph are times when your soul touches the Earth, and when you fulfill your destiny.

What happens at those moments when you are filled with the essence of your soul, and with the mission here on Earth you intended to do? What really happens in those moments of the coming together of your soul with your humanity? There is no fear, there is openness. The voice of fear is replaced by a deep trust and a knowing inside you of what is good. And how you desire to experience that feeling at all times, for you suffer when you live in fear! Fear feels bad, uncomfortable, and your body and soul are not nourished by fearful thoughts and feelings. It is like a poison that sneaks up on you, or a kind of quicksand in which you get mired, and once you are halfway in it, it becomes even more difficult for you to get out of its grip.

You have to realize that the energy of fear, and the kind of thinking that results, has lingered on the Earth for centuries upon centuries. It has permeated human societies as a cloud or a fog around people, and this has made it difficult for them to break free from this fearful energy. People sought community and safety by being together, but without knowing they did so, they also fed on each other's patterns of fear. It requires a courageous decision by an individual to disconnect and free oneself from this addiction, and to say “no” to this collective pattern that has been passed from generation to generation. Even now you can be overcome by the fog of fear, that poison of fear-filled thoughts. You have all made positive choices in your life, where you have followed the voice of your heart, the voice of your soul. But even so, the way forward on that path is not obvious or clear, because there is always the voice of the past, the voice of fear that can overtake you at times. The fear tries to convince you that you are being irresponsible, that what you would like to do cannot be done, that you can not be different, and that you will be punished for it. And punishments have often come from parents, teachers, employers, and others in your lives, and in earlier times these punishments were often quite brutal. Look how dissenters were persecuted in the past as heretics or gentiles. You carry this pain-filled past with you.

How do you get rid of the influence of that cloud, that fog of fear-based thinking? You need first to learn to recognize when you are thinking and acting from fear. Only then can you let go, and only then is there created some distance or space between you and the anxiety. You now are actually very much accustomed to being caught up in fear. From your birth, you inherit ideas from your social environment that are laden with fear and mistrust, so in the beginning you do not realize you are in that cloud or fog – it is your ordinary reality. And when those moments of self-remembrance and waking up do occur, you can also experience an initial reaction from fear. You feel you are going against everything you have been taught to believe in if you follow the voice of your soul and differ from the norm.

Let us now see what can be done about the way you make choices between fear and love, fear and the soul. Imagine for a moment that fog which is loaded with the voices of fear, worry, fretting, and all kinds of negative beliefs about yourself and what is possible in life. Let it happen spontaneously, and look to where you might still be engaged with the fog. Simply look into your body to see if there are places where the fog still manifests itself. This is where you put labels on yourself that are not consistent with your soul; those ideas you think are correct to believe in.

Realize that fear can sometimes wear a mask and appear as very wise, virtuous, and responsible, while actually it is still fear-based. In this way, you have been taught all kinds of things under the guise of “virtue” – you must control yourself; you must love others; you must do your duty; you must be obedient. Also, you must not deviate too much from the normal and not be different or act wild, because doing those things would be selfish, strange, and weird – and certainly not nice! There is a taboo in society about being different, and this taboo is assumed by people who continually live with emotions that feel anxious and whose thinking reflects that fear.

You can also imagine the fog of fear as an actual living entity; an energy that has begun to lead its own existence. Imagine that such an entity appears and that you see it before you as a dark and gloomy fog, a fog that wants to continue to exist and refuses to dissolve. So when someone gets up and says: "I don't believe in this un-reality any more; there is a blue sky above the fog, and there is another way of thinking", at that moment that person experiences a dark reaction from the fog. The light that radiates from such a person calls up a kind of dark response from that entity, an intensification of the fog. That person immediately feels alone, an outsider. Other people hide away, cling to the fog, and do not want to hear about it, because leaving the fog is the most frightening thing they can do. That is what the fog tells you. In a sense, the fog is a kind of hypnotist that holds people under its spell, and breaking free from that spell calls for courage. I wish you would praise yourself every day for your bravery when you dare to break free! A lot happens when you do.

Look again in and around you, to where there are patches of this fog. It can manifest itself in certain parts of your aura or body. Ask those parts what is bothering you there, or what is the message of the fog, and let that fear speak. What does the voice of fear say to you? Give this fog a form, an outline, yet realize how strange a phenomenon it is! Fog is actually nothing; you can pass your hand through it, and so it is not substantial, yet this fog has such an influence on you: your consciousness and your vision of the world. Now allow the Sun to shine gently on those places where fog is still holding on to your energy. A warm, soft sunshine spreads around your energy field, causing the fog to dissolve gradually. Imagine a Sun hanging above your head: an intense, warm, radiant Sun that reflects the Light of your soul. Let that Sun Light fall on you: on to your head, your shoulders, your aura, and through your entire being. If there are still places that offer some resistance, that is okay, let it be. Doing so is acceptable as long as you are aware of it.

There are now more and more people who want to break away from that old field of consciousness of fear and oppression. There is change going on in the collective consciousness on Earth. Yet it is that each of you goes through this process in his or her own way. It is always so; that getting free from the field of fear, the fog of the past, is a personal journey you travel alone. There are times in your life when you come eye to eye with that oppressive energy of fear, and the negative judgments about yourself and about your strengths and abilities. The challenge of that confrontation with the anxiety in yourself is one that you face, one on one; you and that darkness which has become a part of you.

It is liberating and joyful when you meet like-minded people in your life, those who travel the same path as you, and in the future there will be forms of cooperation possible between you pioneers of consciousness. But realize that this confrontation you have with fear in your life – with the old and with the fog – is something you have to face alone. It is by your own “solar power” – the contact with your own soul, and the leap you dare make into the new – that causes you to arrive inside a new world, a new level of consciousness. It is when all those individuals do this for themselves that a new field of consciousness arises, which is increasingly free from fear, and increasingly filled with joy and possibilities and respect for each other. The result is that more and more Sun Light is created on Earth. Do not seek it from another; you travel through your own narrow, dark tunnel toward your own personal liberation.

I would here like to give you a bit of a helping hand. How do you recognize the voice of fear inside yourself, and how do you distinguish what is fear, from what is the voice of the soul and of love? The voice of fear is noisy and jerky and restless, and often also works through thinking, by way of the mind. You can perceive fear in your body as a tension, a lack of relaxation and surrender. Your muscles are tense, your breath is not deep and quiet, and many panicky thoughts, which pose as very clever and responsible, occur in your head: "should I not do it like this or like that, because otherwise accidents might happen?"; "watch out, because this or that can go wrong"; "be careful, keep yourself back, control yourself”. All sorts of opinions are given under the guise of virtue, but this is actually the voice of fear. Fear paralyzes you, and if you are caught in fear, you are continually bombarded by something that seems to come from outside. Fearful impulses act on your body, and begin to master your thinking.

Thinking is a valuable tool, but when it becomes governed by fear, it creates a kind of electric current that starts in your head and then courses down through your entire body, pulling you off balance and bringing tension and unrest; a sense of nervousness that is continuous, and that you begin to find normal. In many people, there is unremitting stress. People search for release from this stress in alcohol, or drugs, or anything else that gives a feeling of relief from this pressure, such as sleep, or infatuation, or being a workaholic. You want to get away from those troubled, tense feelings and you search for release or distraction in exterior things. You search for something to give you a sense of ease or peace, even though it is an illusion and only temporary, so strongly do you suffer under that current of fear.

You can recognize in yourself when you get to the point that your life is lived through fear. Your body indicates fear by the electrical current in your head that continually fires rapid thoughts, and by the wanting to take control of life with thoughts, worry, and fretting. At the moment you realize this is happening, you can awaken yourself. Remember, even when you are inside the fog, that it wants to maintain itself. Otherwise, before you know it, you can spend days and days inside the current of fear and you do not even realize that you are caught up in anxiety. The moment you realize this is a very important moment. It is about going against that fearful flow and not believing in it, and not allowing it to hypnotize you. It is about maintaining focus on the Light of the Sun within yourself – that quiet, still knowing that belongs to your soul.

Realize that the energy of your soul, of your heart, feels very different from the energy of fear. As I said, you can recognize fear by its particular noisiness and unrest. Love, the voice of your soul, comes through silence, and is quiet and not busy. You can feel that voice emerge from deep within your essence, from a quiet place in your belly: a deeply felt knowing that comes to you free of pressure; a soft whisper that is never panicky, or demanding, or nagging. It is more like an invitation for you to feel and see things differently, and to have confidence to let go. You might see the voice of your soul before you as an image: for example, as a butterfly that flits through your body, through your energy field, your aura, with its very refined colors and delicate wings. Or you might see it as a fairy, or simply as very soft colors. You can also hear it as angels singing, or just feel it as a sense of trust, hope, and optimism, even though the voice of fear itself, or the voices of persons around you, tell you something quite different. And the rule of thumb is: follow your feeling for peace to where you feel the most peace.

You sometimes think it is easier to cling to fear and the ego, and doing that can give you a temporary feeling of security. But actually, you are still very cramped and stifled. True rest and peace creates much openness around you. You simply trust and stay in the Now, even though you know you have no certainties and can predict nothing. You do not run ahead into the future; you live your life step by step. I ask you to hold that feeling for awhile. Do not even think of what you have to do in the future; be totally present in the Now. Feel the energy of your soul, and feel you are good and beautiful and brave, just as you are. Invite your soul to come to you, and know your soul never has a judgment about you and the choices you have made. Everything is always acceptable for your soul. She always wants to help and encourage you.

Thank you so much and I will gladly answer your questions.


© Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken

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#2 Posted : 11/13/2019 8:51:23 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is a cult, dude. A shallow, new-agey, cult.

If you're into stuff like this, try out Neoplatonism. If you're specifically into Jesus-flavored stuff like this, try out the Christian Neoplatonists. Dionysius the Areopagite is pretty great. So is Saint Augustine, if you can read him properly. Or you can read the originals who inspired the later Christian Neoplatonic tradition, the original Neoplatonists: Plotinus, Iamblichus, Proclus...
Or, going back even further, Plato and Aristotle themselves.

From there, all the way up to Saint Bonaventure, Thomas Aquinas, etc.

Why try those dudes? Because they are people whom the very greatest intellects in the world have grappled with for centuries. Time-tested, intelligence-tested.

This is just a shallow couple peddling vacuous unintelligent drivel, which they happen to be the massively underwhelming stars (and beneficiaries) of.

A Terence McKenna observation is pertinent here:
Many people in the psychedelic/new age community seem to believe philosophy began with Madame Blavatsky. Lmao. The shittiness of the New Agers is evident in how they need to borrow the big names (Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, etc.) in order to establish credibility --- while being completely unfamiliar with the actual intellectual traditions associated with these figures.
#3 Posted : 11/25/2019 5:09:31 AM

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It's not a cult, it's more of just supportive messages for people who are interested in it. They don't make you do anything weird. Read below:

On this website, we present spiritual messages about inner growth, the christ energy, lightworkers, the new earth, and the transition from ego based to heart based consciousness. These messages have been received from an inner connection with Jeshua. “Jeshua ben Joseph” is the original Aramaic name for Jesus, the personification of the christ energy on earth. In these channelings, he presents himself as Jeshua, a brother and friend to us rather than the deified authority that tradition made out of him. His energy is still available to us, not so much as a fixed set of ideas or rules but as a pointer, showing us the way to the Christ within.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#4 Posted : 11/27/2019 10:18:33 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Yes, this is a typical new-age cult, like OneIsEros mentioned. I will read between the lines and comment on this “teaching” for you.

Pamela Kribbe wrote:
...building a new path...others will follow... to walk along... You...create new paths...for others to follow.
This is how you start a cult or a sect: by creating a new teaching and appointing the enlightened leaders to lead the lay people.

Pamela Kribbe wrote:
This is your work, your so-called mission; something you took on at the level of the soul before you started this life on Earth.
This is engaging you in the cult, there is no choice given to you: you must, you should, you have already agreed etc.

Pamela Kribbe wrote:
Through doing this, you become truly happy, and you are not satisfied with anything less than that… Only when you...have that new you feel really fulfilled...
This is the keeping you in the cult: you accept it as a given, without a second thought, that only this new teaching will make you happy. Not you friends, family, work, hobby’s – only this “new path”.

Pamela Kribbe wrote:
You have chosen to be different.
This is a nice one: you have never chose anything, the cult leader (Pamela Kribbe) chose it for you instead and present it now as your own choice. From this fallacy, a false premise, she can build up the rest of the brainwashing.

Pamela Kribbe wrote:
you live here on Earth amidst thought forms that are often fed by fear.
Also a typical cult thing: degenerate other people to mere “thought forms led by fear” whom are inferior to the cult members.

This is only the extract from the first two paragraphs of this Jeshua ben Joseph teaching. Read between the lines, apply logical deductive reasoning and plain common sense, and the meaning of this so called teaching will become quite clear: brainwashing, cultist propaganda.
I took the red pill.
#5 Posted : 11/28/2019 12:02:17 AM

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You say "read between the lines," I say, "misconstrue."

AstraLex wrote:
Pamela Kribbe wrote:
you live here on Earth amidst thought forms that are often fed by fear.
Also a typical cult thing: degenerate other people to mere “thought forms led by fear” whom are inferior to the cult members.

This is a prime example of what I meant by "misconstrue." Who has demoted non-"cult" members to be inferior? Certainly not Pamela, nor her muse. If you read more of what she says, you'll realize that she never puts down anyone else, and certainly strays far away from calling anyone "degenerate." What's ironic is that in your line of thinking, I could read between the lines of what you're saying and say that you're saying that these "cult" members are degenerate. The whole line of thinking that there are superior and inferior people lies wholly in your mind, and not at all in what she's speaking, but you have projected this way of thinking onto the text.

AstraLex wrote:
This is only the extract from the first two paragraphs of this Jeshua ben Joseph teaching. Read between the lines, apply logical deductive reasoning and plain common sense, and the meaning of this so called teaching will become quite clear: brainwashing, cultist propaganda.

Finally, no one is being coerced into doing anything. People visit that site on their own free will. There is no destructive behavior encouraged by Pamela. There is no money-grabbing. I truly don't understand where your anger comes from, as you have demonstrated no actual damage done by these teachings.

It's weird. So be it. This seems like a classic case of being afraid of something you don't understand.
From the unspoken
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#6 Posted : 11/28/2019 2:03:23 AM

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Personally when someone with a history of psychosis begins 'channeling Jesus' my first thought is not 'this is something I need to listen to!'

Be your own messiah. Isn't that one of the main themes DMT imparts.
#7 Posted : 11/28/2019 2:22:14 AM

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Yeah, you guys aren't getting it.

This isn't some messiah BS. Jeshua isn't here to save you. You save yourself. That's one of the main messages of all this channeling stuff. I guess that wasn't clear.

You guys are so hard-wired to hate everything related to Jesus because of Christianity. Understandably so. But still. If you disable your knee-jerk reactions based on the negative impacts of the institution of Christianity, you might see what the original Jeshua was actually trying to say.

Jeshua wasn't more "special" than any one of us. But his message was a unique one compared to what was going on around him at the time.

Either it resonates with you or not. I'm not going to stay here forever to defend this post.

From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#8 Posted : 11/29/2019 12:33:18 AM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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RhythmSpring, I understand that I hurt your feelings by criticizing this “Jeshua ben Joseph” you adhere to and I am sorry. However, I can’t remain silent when some new prophet arises, trying to get new followers. It is a sad thing that those false prophets aim at the most vulnerable people, who truly have a lot of difficulties in life.

Reading between the lines doesn’t have anything to do with constucting something new, instead, it is about removing the unnecessary words (called “water”), so the essence of the message becomes more clear. No words are being inserted here, no words are being interchanged, only the water is removed. In my point of view, in order to indoctrinate somebody, the New Age prophets use a lot of complex sentences which are difficult to digest. Let’s take another example from Pamela’s teaching.

Pamela Kribbe wrote:
I would here like to give you a bit of a helping hand. How do you recognize the voice of fear inside yourself, and how do you distinguish what is fear, from what is the voice of the soul and of love? The voice of fear is noisy and jerky and restless, and often also works through thinking, by way of the mind. You can perceive fear in your body as a tension, a lack of relaxation and surrender. Your muscles are tense, your breath is not deep and quiet, and many panicky thoughts, which pose as very clever and responsible, occur in your head: "should I not do it like this or like that, because otherwise accidents might happen?"; "watch out, because this or that can go wrong"; "be careful, keep yourself back, control yourself”. All sorts of opinions are given under the guise of virtue, but this is actually the voice of fear. Fear paralyzes you, and if you are caught in fear, you are continually bombarded by something that seems to come from outside. Fearful impulses act on your body, and begin to master your thinking.

Let’s now mark the actual message red to remove the water:
Pamela Kribbe wrote:
I would here like to give you a bit of a helping hand. How do you recognize the voice of fear inside yourself, and how do you distinguish what is fear, from what is the voice of the soul and of love? The voice of fear is noisy and jerky and restless, and often also works through thinking, by way of the mind. You can perceive fear in your body as a tension, a lack of relaxation and surrender. Your muscles are tense, your breath is not deep and quiet, and many panicky thoughts, which pose as very clever and responsible, occur in your head: "should I not do it like this or like that, because otherwise accidents might happen?"; "watch out, because this or that can go wrong"; "be careful, keep yourself back, control yourself”. All sorts of opinions are given under the guise of virtue, but this is actually the voice of fear. Fear paralyzes you, and if you are caught in fear, you are continually bombarded by something that seems to come from outside. Fearful impulsesFearful impulses act on your body, and begin to master your thinking.

So, we are left with: “I give you a helping hand. How do you distinguish fear from love? The fear is restless thinking. You perceive fear as a tension. Panicky thoughts occur in your head. Fear paralyzes you. Fearful impulses master your thinking.”

Now, there is nothing wrong with the description of fear per se, the problem is the way how “Jeshua ben Joseph” wants you to get away from it. He/she says: “You have to face it alone”, while being guided by this “Sun Light” energy which manifests itself as “a fairy” and “angels singing”. Based on my own experience, the help of other caring people, who listen to and support you, is the best way to confront and conquer fear. And I would definitely not let some visual and auditory hallucinations guide me.
I took the red pill.
#9 Posted : 11/29/2019 1:05:08 AM

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Yes, perhaps you disagree with this particular style of being in the world. That's fine. It's not for everyone. That doesn't mean you have to try to de-legitimize the whole thing as false or "cult"-ish which invokes heavy taboo and imagery that does not quite fit what this is.

Also, I don't know what you mean by "a lot of complex sentences which are difficult to digest." I find the writing very clear, logical, and easy to digest, at least grammatically speaking. Spiritually speaking it may be hard for many to digest! Case in point.

I just don't think your argument holds water. You're trying to convince me that imagining angels singing is somehow a shameful thing and I'm not buying it. Very happy

PS- I get what you're saying about facing things alone as opposed to being with caring ones. I agree with the sentiment, but I think she is saying that certain fears, very deep existential fears, are your own responsibility to overcome. I'm reminded of some higher-dose shroom trips. When it's just you and the void, you know?

With processing sadness and grief, I would say being with people is best. But some fears are social and some fears are not. And all of them must be faced.
From the unspoken
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#10 Posted : 11/29/2019 2:52:54 AM

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RhythmSpring wrote:
Yeah, you guys aren't getting it.

This isn't some messiah BS. Jeshua isn't here to save you. You save yourself. That's one of the main messages of all this channeling stuff. I guess that wasn't clear.

You guys are so hard-wired to hate everything related to Jesus because of Christianity. Understandably so. But still. If you disable your knee-jerk reactions based on the negative impacts of the institution of Christianity, you might see what the original Jeshua was actually trying to say.

Jeshua wasn't more "special" than any one of us. But his message was a unique one compared to what was going on around him at the time.

Actually I spent a semester at divinity school prior to deciding to pursue environmental law instead.

While I could go into doctrinal theology with you, I am going to choose not to, for the simple reason that it would involve discussing two thousand years of Graeco-Roman Judaeo-Christian philosophy (and about 400-800 years of Jewish/Greek thought prior to that).

What I will say is: this does not seem comparable to the luminaries of Christian thought, or even within the tradition of Christian thought at all - and it definitely does not seem to match up to the considerable genius that the Gospels themselves contain. It’s basically trivial. At best, it is delusional and shallow, with perhaps a monetary incentive from book sales. At worst, if some investigation was done, some shady shit would be discovered (as authors of this mode so often are found culpable of).

If you want to understand Christian theology, start by buying the complete works of Plato, and move forward from there to Aristotle, then Philo Judaeus (Philo was possibly a direct influence on the author of John’s Gospel), then Plotinus, then Saint Augustine, then Proclus, then Saint Dionysius. From there you will have the basics.

Plato/Aristotle/Plotinus/Proclus = The pagan formulators of Platonic theological science

Philo = The Egyptian Jew who inaugurated Platonic pagan theology into the Jewish tradition (which may have been taken up by his living peers, the Jewish authors of the Christian Gospels).

*Just to make this bit with Philo clear - the guy who wrote John’s Gospel would have been alive at the same time as Philo and in close physical proximity to him, and there are signs he may have been a Platonic philosopher inspired by Philo’s Jewish interpretation of Platonism, which would mean that the Gospels were not only interpreted throughout history via Platonic philosophy, but actually written by (at least one) Jewish Platonic philosopher who was taking his cue from Philo.

Augustine/Dionysius = the two most foundational theologians in Christian history, who installed Platonic theology into Christian self-understanding for the entirety of its history. Augustine was a student of Plotinus’ writings, and Dionysius was probably a direct personal student under Proclus.
#11 Posted : 11/29/2019 4:54:49 AM

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Who said it was comparable to the "luminaries of Christian thought"? Why would it have to be? Is wisdom a matter of adhering to the antecedents? Congratulations on having some background knowledge of Christian theology. That isn't what this is about. The channeler obtained her doctorate in the philosophy of science in 1997, after having studied philosophy at the universities of Leiden, Nijmegen and Harvard (U.S.). She is familiar with the history of Christianity, too.

Rather than say it's wrong, or "delusional," why don't you recognize it for what it is: an interpretation? Can there be no new luminaries? Must we shush all contemporary paradigm-shifting thinkers because the previous ones said it all? I think not.

Delusional seems like an immature way of saying you disagree with something--something beyond right and wrong--a spiritual interpretation.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#12 Posted : 11/29/2019 5:19:22 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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RhythmSpring wrote:
Who said it was comparable to the "luminaries of Christian thought"? Why would it have to be? Is wisdom a matter of adhering to the antecedents? Congratulations on having some background knowledge of Christian theology. That isn't what this is about. The channeler obtained her doctorate in the philosophy of science in 1997, after having studied philosophy at the universities of Leiden, Nijmegen and Harvard (U.S.). She is familiar with the history of Christianity, too.

Rather than say it's wrong, or "delusional," why don't you recognize it for what it is: an interpretation? Can there be no new luminaries? Must we shush all contemporary paradigm-shifting thinkers because the previous ones said it all? I think not.

Delusional seems like an immature way of saying you disagree with something--something beyond right and wrong--a spiritual interpretation.

It would have to be comparable, because she claims she is reporting what Jesus is saying. If you think that is a claim worth taking seriously, I simply advise that you investigate Christian theology, so you will have the ability to make an evaluation. If you yourself are not familiar with the fundamentals, you may want to ask yourself on what grounds you decided this person was credible. It’s a pretty big claim, to be able to say you speak for history’s most famous religious leader. Some skepticism and familiarity with the topic may be warranted if you wanted to properly evaluate an enormous claim of that nature.

Thank-you for the congratulations. Just thought I’d mention it, since you seemed to believe people coming down on you were all anti-Jesus, or something. But I must ask: if you really are interested in Christ, would it not make more sense to begin with the traditional sources before branching out into sources such as this? It sort of reminds me of people who are obsessed with conspiracy theories but who can’t be bothered with investigating verified history. It’s a bit more effort, sure, but it’s more likely to yield something substantive. You do you, but, as a great man once said, something about building houses on sand.... who the heck was it who said that anyway...
#13 Posted : 11/29/2019 6:15:06 AM

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Love jesus💓 deeply dislike Osho, and all the other cult youtubers who have it aaaall figured out. Blind leading the blind.

AstraLex thanks for the red markings, it helps show the text in its true light.
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#14 Posted : 11/30/2019 2:59:58 AM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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RhythmSpring wrote:
Also, I don't know what you mean by "a lot of complex sentences which are difficult to digest." I find the writing very clear, logical, and easy to digest, at least grammatically speaking. Spiritually speaking it may be hard for many to digest! Case in point.
This is the essence of indoctrination: to overflow the information processing capacity of an individual, by making the language as complex and floaty as possible, so people would no longer be able to think critically and just swallow the message. The message of any cult is plain, actually: you have a problem (being poor, unhappy, lacking a relationship, being bullied etc.), the cause of your problem is… (could be anything, it is not verifiable anyway: your fear, the Jews, the government, your parents/family, the society as a whole, an institutionalized religion, your upbringing, your sexuality etc.) and the solution is… (could be anything depending on the cult).

RhythmSpring wrote:
I just don't think your argument holds water. You're trying to convince me that imagining angels singing is somehow a shameful thing and I'm not buying it.
It is not shameful, but downright dangerous to follow the guidance of auditory hallucinations, no matter how they present themselves: as dominant commanding voices or seemingly benevolent angels singing.

RhythmSpring wrote:
I get what you're saying about facing things alone as opposed to being with caring ones. I agree with the sentiment, but I think she is saying that certain fears, very deep existential fears, are your own responsibility to overcome. I'm reminded of some higher-dose shroom trips. When it's just you and the void, you know?
She talks about very mundain, generalized anxiety issues here e.g. “watch out, because this or that can go wrong”, there is nothing existential about it. Talking to people whom you trust and getting their “don’t worry, everything will be all right, we will support you anyway” affirmation is the best way to deal with it.

And about the void: I know where you are talking about. Being there, and trying to invoke some channeled entities there doesn’t help a thing. I myself was heavy into Bashar channeling at that time: listening to him while sober was quite relaxing and convincing, but when I got to the other side… Bashar didn’t help and his “be present in the Now, you ARE mantra, fairy tales about aliens etc.” teaching didn’t hold value in the face of the void, it was completely meaningless, as is the whole New Age nonsense.

FranLover wrote:
AstraLex thanks for the red markings, it helps show the text in its true light.
Interesting isn’t it? This “prophet” pretends to be helping you, just telling you about the fear, while actually bringing you in the state of fear, letting you to (re-)experience the emotion (“Panicky thoughts occur in your head. Fear paralyzes you. Fearful impulses master your thinking”), and then offering “a solution” to the state of fear he just induced! When you remove all the water, the message composition is: 33% is “you are so special and different” ego flattery, 33% are fear inducing commands and 33% is a seduction to let this “Sun Light energy” become one with you and guide you from now on. Cunning.
I took the red pill.
#15 Posted : 11/30/2019 4:07:22 AM

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Exactly AstralLex, you understand this.

Language is the heart and soul of persuasion and seduction, and in this text it is used to emphasis fear. Its like hypnosis, weaving key words so that they subconsciously sink in.

The devil is a fast talker and a seducer in all mythology it appears
Todo lo que quiero es que me recuerdes siempre así...amándote. Mantay kuna kayadidididi~~Ayahuasca shamudididi. Silence ○ Shiva ◇ eternal Purusha.
What we have done is establish the rule of authority in silence. Silence is the administrator of the universe. In silence is the script of Natural Law, eternally guiding the destiny of everyone. The Joy of Giving See the job. Do the job. Stay out of the misery.
May this world be established with a sense of well-being and happiness. May all beings in all worlds be blessed with peace, contentment, and freedom.
This mass of stress visible in the here & now has sensuality for its reason, sensuality for its source, sensuality for its cause, the reason being simply sensuality.
#16 Posted : 11/30/2019 4:59:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Was tripping on some cactus last night and read this. It lead to me googling Bashar which took me to Darryl Ankers website. I haven't laughed like that for a long time. (I do not mean to laugh at anyone's beliefs in a mean spirited way btw). Her and I laughed out asses off till our sides hurt. Read an old thread here on the Nexus about Bashar, Burnt was defending science and ended his run in the thread with a hilarious snippet about crack producing entities. Astra Lex, perhaps you remember this you took part in aforementioned thread. Anyways thanks Nexus for all the good times you bring my way. Love.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#17 Posted : 12/2/2019 11:49:34 PM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Yes, Tony6Strings, I remember that old tread about Bashar. It was back in the days when the spirituality and philosophy shared the same sub-forum and it lead to some heated debates between the spiritually and scientifically inclined people. If I remember correctly, that Bashar discussion caused Traveler to give the Spirituality & Mysticism it’s own sub-forum on dmt-nexus.

My views back then were quite naive – I believed Bashar unquestionably, gladly accepting him as my guide and guru. Many years have passed, I developed the critical thinking capability, and I am ready to debunk any New Age cult now. Not basing my opinion on emotions, but on logical reasoning. Maybe this is why I lashed out on this so called “Jeshua ben Joseph” prophet/guru/channeled entity – it has so many striking similarities with Bashar in the way he tries to indoctrinate people. Indeed, there is:
Ecclesiastes 3: 5-7 wrote:
a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together; a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing; a time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away; a time to rend, and a time to sew; a time to keep silence, and a time to speak
And I will no longer remain silent when I see a Bashar-like cult popping up Pleased
I took the red pill.
#18 Posted : 12/3/2019 12:26:54 AM

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@AstraLex, it was very cool to read that thread and this one, and see the evolution of your thoughts and beliefs.
olympus mon wrote:
You need to hit it with intention to get where you want to be!

"Good and evil lay side by side as electric love penetrates the sky..." -Hendrix

"We have arrived at truth, and now we find truth is a mystery- a play of joy, creation, and energy. This is source. This is the mystic touchstone that heals and renews. This is the beginning again. This is entheogenic." -Nicholas Sand
#19 Posted : 12/3/2019 1:23:06 AM

Russian-Orthodox Christian

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Indeed, a development from a naive undergraduate psychology student and a loony New Ager into a graduated neuroscientist and an Orthodox Christian. Quite a profound transformation. And now, armed with the scientific critical thinking and an unshakable faith in Jesus Christ, ready to battle the false prophets, helping those who seek, but got lost in pseudo-science and cultist beliefs.
I took the red pill.
#20 Posted : 12/3/2019 1:28:18 AM

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I like how it went from, "You guys just hate this person because you're hung up on how bad the Christian institution is, man", to people being like, "Nah, we love that shit, WE ARE THE INSTITUTION, MAN!" Laughing

Seriously though, I do wish there were more psychedelic Christian people. One, because the only organized religions that have religious exemption statuses for peyote and ayahuasca are Native American and Brazilian Christian churches, and two, because Christianity is the largest inheritor of Neoplatonism (followed by Islam and Judaism), and Neoplatonism is a wonderful system through which to analyze the psychedelic experience. The NAC and the UDV and Santo Daime are all great, but it would be nice if they had some serious orthodox philosophical bolstering to supplement them.
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