Panic in Breakthrough Options
#1 Posted : 12/29/2009 8:20:43 PM

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Hi Folks,

Seeking advice. Re-editing and flushing everything. Sorry for being so long-winded and egotistical.

50 mg: going in with the intention not to question. I do remember getting stuck in the "breathing trip" for the first time. Nemo Amicus, of course, reported that my breathing was regular and even.

Next night, 50 mg: In hyperspace and concerned about my breathing.

An hour or two later, 60 mg: This was an in-between, gray, low-ceilinged realm where there was no breathing or heartbeat and no discomfort. My awareness of the lack of breath and heartbeat were met with clinical fascination and recognition that these things are not needed in hyperspace, as there is no body.

Next Night, 55 mg: This trip picked up thematically (though not visually) where the last one left off. I became aware of issues with breathing and heartbeat.

Next night, 55 mg: This was three nights ago. I am not sure how to be concise here. I will have to leave out visual details. I was in my favorite type of breakthrough space - shiny, polished, bright, sharp-edged, screeching carrier wave, energetic, spinning, vibrational, friendly, welcoming, mystical feelings and visions setting a new standard for art and beauty in my head. Yet for all that it had to offer in beauty and fascination, this realm was impoverished in terms of information and All-One entangled connectivity. Extreme time dilation effects, lack of connectivity, impoverished content, and concern over breathng led to a panic cascade IN THE BREAKTHROUGH. I ripped myself out from behind the veil through a force of will (Amazing visuals upon opening eyes).

In the past, though fear has been a constant challenge, I have been able to completely "check fear at the breakthrough." Even the breakthrough that apparently started all of this involved no fear, more a feeling of being completely dumbfounded. The fear came later when I thought of returning.

A couple subsequent, lower-dose experiences have all been focused on "(not) breathing lessons." It seems to be slowly getting better. The last experience was very reassuring, calm and relaxed. It was a lesson in breathing slower and shallower and completely letting breathing go.

I'm not sure why my hyperspace experiences are changing/regressing and focusing on breath so much. I do know that questioning and active exploration sometimes gets me into sticky situations but it seems that when I go in not questioning I am hit with significant amnesia. I am not willing to pay that price. I would rather risk a horror show or a panic attack with sharp, precise, burned-in memories than come back with "a grin on your face" and no real memories.

I don't have the nerve at this point to increase my dose to try to completely destroy my self/ego so that there will be no me/I to get concerned or panic . . .

Hoping your winter holidays have been peaceful.

Peace & Love,

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU

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#2 Posted : 12/30/2009 1:05:07 AM

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Pandora..I know what you mean about the fear.. I myself have had to deal with it a few times in these last few weeks..

This fear for me is a lack of manifests on many levels..
and obviousily DMT is one of those things can be quite hard to accpet at times!

I thought I had it all together and could face any trip..but still there is this lack of acceptance that comes up from time to time when I am really starting to blast off..this sort of "oh no..what have I done"..It also always feels so irrational after the fact, since I am always fine and should be just expecting and accepting of it by now..

It comes up I have noticed in other aspects of my normal life as well..places and situations that seem so far removed from the fear that holds me back durring a DMT journey..but lately I have noticed that it is the exact same lack of acceptance that is the driving force behind it...I need to accept my fear and allow myself to feel it, without yielding to it.

We all get caught up in samsara from time to time.

It's about accepting the moment 100% for what it is and loving it for that same past, no future..only the now..

The past binds us and the future distracts us..from what really is..from the full presence of the now..

This is something I hope to adress in my next set of DMT experiencs and in my day to day life as well..becasue I now know this fear..the being behind the mask..I can see it as it sneaks up and attempts to pull me away from the centre of truth and into that place of illusion, and delusion..

To truely know fear I think is a great feat..the first step..many never get to really know it and therefore can never recognize it for what it is until it's already got a firm grasp. Many people live life from a distance..only really peering out momentarily from a confined space of fear..

The fact that you are even writing about this tells me that you are on your path, getting to know fear, learing it's motions..learning to accept it..and work with opposed to it working you.

Thanks for the report was great as always and full of truth..I wish you luck on your journey my friend.
Long live the unwoke.
#3 Posted : 12/30/2009 3:15:05 AM

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I have been getting this lately aswell...

In fact, tonight, I was testing out my bufo infused leaf mix... was kind of expecting a light buzz.. but got a bit more, so I went to my room, smoked the rest of the joint and sat in darkness for a while. Had what seemed to be a therapy session... some painful stuff coming up but it was good ... very grounded, quite similar to ayahuasca.
Anyway - I had the end of a changa joint sitting in the ashtray next to me... so after a while I thought I would have a couple of puffs on that, see where it took me: I was not ready, suddenly I saw the mandala and felt that pre-breakthrough enveloping feeling... but I could not accept it, did not want it, tried to pull myself out of it... heart beating... I tell myself to chill and accept, and that it will be over pretty soon. I was surprised at my fear... but I have been feeling a lot of resistance lately in my daily life as well as when working with aya and dmt.

For me it was a definite reflection of how my spirit is at the moment. Lack of acceptance, fear of change/transformation. Its something I know I need to work on.
balaganist is a fictional character who loves playing the game of infinite existence. he amuses himself by posting stories about his made up life in our plane of physical reality. his origins are in other dimensions... he merely comes here to play.
#4 Posted : 12/30/2009 4:43:52 AM

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you guys are so self-aware!!! this is the work we are doing and this fear you are dealing with is already something you are able to step back and look at. are so far ahead....and so CLOSE to the big "secret"....

"whatever the question is.....YOU are the answer...." . this was actually told to me in a journey recently. it has been echoing in my soul all day, every day since then..... i'm starting to really see that this world is nothing more than a reflection of our self. cliche- i know....but i can actually SEE this fact now....

Pandora- consider for a second that maybe the memories you so strongly want to return with ARE actually HAD that LEARNED what you learned....maybe it's just a matter of doing your work in THIS world that will help you retrieve it down the line. either way, the WISDOM that was downloaded into you IS know it is.

in the words of the curandero who intitated me into the spirt of jurema deep in the brazilian rainforest many years ago, "unlike all the other medicines you have worked with up to now, Juramidam is a spirit...and once she enters you, she will never leave you..."

even if you smoke spice once in your life, you have that wisdom forever in your DNA. the spirit is in you.... the struggles you have with breathing and your heartbeat are a way for you to stay connected to your body in this is just SO challenging to fully let it all go!!

one thing i have been doing lately that has had some tremendous effects has been to meditate on dying. to truly resign to actually dying prior to lighting up.... the surrendering of EVERYTHING....even your very life in this world...

i know this sounds extreme....i'm kind of an extreme guy.. Pleased but i always come back with so much if i have no plan on coming back at all.... it kind of reminds me of an ancient japanese koan....i can't remember it verbatim, but it went something like this:

the warrior who goes into battle with the desire to stay alive will most certainly die. the warrior who goes into battle fully accepting that he will die, shall return victorious...

you guys are so incredibly beautiful.... i wish there was a way i could share what i have seen and learned in the past week in a way that could remove all fear from your work with DMT. but then again...i guess that IS the work at the moment...

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#5 Posted : 12/30/2009 5:11:45 AM

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with so much love around...there must be a balance of fear...feel the fractal says...see how it affects you...notice how it it from the side...become the being that watches the fear work through your will separate from your attachment to the fear...all emotions

leave them all behind...empty yourself completely before hyperspace..and while entering so that it may fill you up...and then when its time to leave...just allow it to flow out of you...your attachment to memories...your attachment of YOU being afraid...just go and aware of whats happening..but leave the thinking for later

thinking too much in hyperspace keeps you from being aware of the experience...instead of SEEING what is being are so consumed with how you feel and think about it..

and also remember...there are OTHER medicines that you can use to help you figure it all out after you come back...sitting with mescalito for a day or two will really help you process the experience...and allow you to be comfortable with yourself...bufotenine allows you to keep your logical mind flowing easily...i find this medicine to be great for getting some good thinking IS like therapy...but it also feels VERY VERY old and wise...even more so than dmt sometimes...dmt seems like a child sometimes compared to bufotenine...all crazy and jumping around...while calm and solid...

you can also eat can also smoke different doses...with different methods...try mixing 50mg in with some weed and roll into a joint...go sit outside and smoke it until its gone over a few wont be hyperspace but its a good place to get familiar with the DOOR to hyperspace...its a good place to speak 'through the window' to hyperspace...its like sitting at gods gate talking to him...explaining yourself...asking questions...or just saying hello...

drink a beer! one beer can give you a surprising amount of courage to get yourself through the initial energy that you can get on with the learning...granted you dont want to ignore certain lessons..but the point is to keep moving...dont allow yourself to get STUCK on one thing...if you are ever afraid or feel alone or in a dark place...just imagine a white candle burning in space..and just focus on the flame and its light...

listen to different music that keeps you moving in hyperspace...some songs are better than others..but the beat will help you keep moving forward..
even having someone play guitar gently for you while in hyperspace is very comforting and can help you find your way back...

use every trick in the book to keep going...but take your time..there really is no rush...smoke it when you feel like it..sometimes you DO need to push..but when those times come...just commit to it..a good way for this is to just always keep your spaceship packed and ready for those special moments when you are gonna smoke some dmt....then you just pick up your pipe...and hit time for negative thoughts...just emptiness...

take harmala alkaloids..they kinda help the work continue after the experience..i feel like they really help you deal with the fear...

make changa that has herbs that are comforting to you...lavender peppermint mullein weed..are very good for changa...the lavender soothes you...the peppermint soothes your does the mullein but the mullein will keep the smoke LIGHT...and weed is just awesome mixed in there..its sorta like a speed control...and is also VERY grounding for after a visit to hyperspace..

there are many ways of using these tools...experiment..find the ways you are comfortable with...there is no reason to get macho about taking huge doses of it your way..

and one last amazing tool that will really help you is mapacho...its absolutely wonderful in so many different ways..i dont even know how to describe how its helped me...
it's a sound
#6 Posted : 12/30/2009 6:02:14 AM

The Root

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awesome thread - thanks jorkest and antrocles for saying what i needed to hear as i needed to hear it - once again.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#7 Posted : 12/30/2009 4:40:25 PM

Got Naloxone?

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antrocles wrote:
so CLOSE to the big "secret"....

"whatever the question is.....YOU are the answer...." . this was actually told to me in a journey recently. it has been echoing in my soul all day, every day since then..... i'm starting to really see that this world is nothing more than a reflection of our self. cliche- i know....but i can actually SEE this fact now....


Thanks man! I am becoming more aware of this in an increasingly conscious manner. There have been hints in my past six trips - shafts of bright light, slices of colorful, higher dimensions. If I can somehow get through this minor self-created mess, I know (now I will be very cliche, "2010" the movie style) that something absolutely wonderful awaits on the other side. I am referring to hyperspace here. I believe this so strongly because my limited number of experiences to date often play out this kind of drama.

antrocles wrote:

Pandora- consider for a second that maybe the memories you so strongly want to return with ARE actually HAD that LEARNED what you learned....maybe it's just a matter of doing your work in THIS world that will help you retrieve it down the line. either way, the WISDOM that was downloaded into you IS know it is.

Other than the part about "wisdom," I KNOW this is true. Twice during psychedelic experiences I have had (borderline Hellish) experiences of true eiditic (aka photographic) memory for my entire timeline. Eerie shit that started scaring the people around me when it happened in public at a Grateful Dead show over 20 years ago. Precise, confirmable details about small purchases made years ago, amounts paid, change etc, sharp memory of extremely detailed conversations/events from years past. Perfect memory for the evening, including complete setlists for everyone who played, without trying or writing anything down.

So, everything gets recorded on some level, I agree that it is there, and of course, affecting me. Not being able to consciously access it in consensual reality or future forays into hyperspace is very disturbing to me. I want the learning to be conscious as well as soak into the deeper sub/unconscious levels.

Also, facing the fear to enable launch seems like a big investment (to me) to come back with a "grin on your face" and when asked what happened, only be able to answer, "I'm working on that."

I will work on these issues, letting go (even of memory) and acceptance but the truth is if things evolve such that amnesia is the name of the game, I will quit punishing my body (& sometimes my mind) with DMT.

Minor confession: Memory is a sore point of me. There has been some Alzheimer's/dementia witnessed in the family via a non-blood relative and my father exhibits clinical symptoms of Korsakoff's Syndrome from close to 60 years of high-functioning (in terms of work and societal expectations) alcholism. I have always had a better memory than everyone around me and am used to (getting an ego-boost) being called upon as a source for accurate memories over time.

antrocles wrote:

one thing i have been doing lately that has had some tremendous effects has been to meditate on dying. to truly resign to actually dying prior to lighting up.... the surrendering of EVERYTHING....even your very life in this world...

Wow! I have done SO much work on death and dying, both in consensual reality and hyperspace, but I hadn't thought of trying this one! I love this idea! It almost sounds like trying to launch when "already dead," so to speak. I will try to do some work on this.

Thanks again antrocles - if you were my therapist in consensual reality (that person has been fired) I would probably owe you thousands of dollars (U.S.) by now!

Peace & Love,

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#8 Posted : 12/30/2009 6:34:09 PM

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your bill for $10,782 hyperspace infinihedrons has been sent to collection. the pan-dimensional elven crickets will be in touch shortly to work out a payment plan that fits into your current budget.... Pleased

hehehe.. Laughing

but seriously....i think that this "phowa" or "death meditation" has been the key to an utter geshtalt in my working with the spirit molecule. i've been able to give up and surrender so much.....but this was the last thing....the hardest, "scariest" thing...

...the last place where fear could set up shop. like finding the last tiny vestage of bacteria in a wound you are trying to heal. it is now completely clean with no chance of infection.

...healing time....


p.s. - i toured with the dead mid-late 80's up until jerry died. never went east-coast, always kept it out near home (berkeley- so shoreline, oakland, fillmore, eugene, irvine, southwest college, etc...)....such a wonderful time in my many profound awakenings and introductions to "community". a great big "hey now" to you my beautiful sister! Very happy
"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#9 Posted : 12/30/2009 8:40:10 PM

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Must have been some beautiful times antrocles..I have dreamed many times of living life for a time as a freesoul on the road..I have sort of done that for a bit traveling around the west coast of the US for a summer, sleeping in parking lots and cheap motels and such..but I lacked the community of like minded people that the deadheads were.

Being is sanfrancisco though and wandering around the height getting stoned and endless days on the beach with a beautiful girl made for a summer I will never ever forget.
Long live the unwoke.
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