This won't bee too detailed, because the day warped into a couple phases that all seemed the same.
~20" worth-- I have had it in a box in the dark for a couple of months.
Sliced off only green flesh, no core, thin sliced that, and boiled w/vinegar added for about 8 hours on slow simmer (added water only through the day, did not drain and re-water)
Pressed plant matter out within a cloth bag to get all liquid out.
Resulted in about 2/3 of a quart mason jar of light tan liquid.
I let this sit for a few days in the fridge to settle out particulates and slime, then poured the clarified juice into a pot and slow-simmered until it was down to about 300ml or so.
Put in a narrow jar to again settle out solids for several days in fridge.
Day of:
--Brewed concentrated coffee and added to clarified juice (this is now in a different container).
--Brewed concentrated Mexican Tarragon tea and added to clarified juice.
--Added a pinch of piperine powder.
--Added a small amount of leftover caapi wood brew left over from my mind-melting Aya experience this summer.
Resulting mix was about 1/2 of a quart mason jar.
This combo makes the drink shockingly palatable-- you won't believe it until you try it-- all ingredients are symbiotic with cactus. Drink warm/hot.
--Drank at 0430 over about 15 minutes.
--0515 heavy sedation experienced and mild nausea- I should mention that I was only able to get a few hours sleep the night prior because of reasons, and had not eaten since lunch the day prior. I chewed a small amount of calamus root and it did wonders on the nausea for awhile
I'm going to guess from here on with times
--0700 I am definitely tripping now. Nausea returning more prominently again-- I drink a little water but it's not comfortable. Texture swirling is appearing on surfaces-- like small recursive dark swirls appearing in blank spaces everywhere. CEV are angular and fractal. Body load is significant but I can walk with care. My skin is translucent and alive.
--0800 Time to purge after all-- it was more foam than anything, and looked like a cloud in the basin. little volume-- I kept all the drink in plenty long enough--this was residue. The wood floors were fucking unbelievable by the way-- alive and constantly morphing.
I decide to take a shower before going any deeper-- it was challenging, and everything seemed extremely dirty-- all stains or textures seemed soiled and gross, but it didn't spook me, just odd. I enter the peak zone around here
The sound... this was unique on the audio front for me-- there was a constant grinding/throbbing/rumbling/warbling sound with or without my noise-cancelling headphones on (I was in music almost the entire time) as though there was construction equipment nearby.
Since there were landscapers nearby with their mowers that was probably it, but it was really bizarre that I could "feel" the noise as though I was rooted to the ground-- music or no--almost constantly. It was not negative but did make things seem dirty/grungy.
Music was good, but definitely not as good as oral rue harmalas w/DMT vaped. There was a alteration to it that made it different somehow. Noisier somehow, with a trailing echo and almost polluted with that diesel grinding sound nearby. Still enjoyable though.
--1000 I go to the porch and sit on my chair-- nature and the neighborhood are breathtaking but overwhelming. I feel exposed and worry that I am too far gone to risk attention which wasn't a great feeling. The sky/clouds are all living oil painting vortexes, and the trees are twisting and breathing. Holy shit. I wish it were a more private space that I could have enjoyed more outdoors.
This general peak continues for several hours-- all music and trying to keep it together.
I had a lot of unexpected memories of my childhood too-- things from when I was a little boy. I would get sidetracked by them, and felt like I was 7 again re-living things I had completely forgotten.
I never felt any real loss of control even though it was very intense--though it wasn't that far away--I'm glad I didn't take 24" instead of 20". There was moderate confusion when navigating my place and making decisions-- I can't imagine having to talk to anyone under that effect.
I spent a little time in front of a mirror too, listening to music. (thanks to a thread here on the Nexus that reminded me to do it

I saw myself de-age by decades, and it felt like I remembered that I am still the me inside that I have been since youth, which was nice.
I also went back outside a couple times to sit-- at different points the sky was so magnificent-- so many sunlit wisps were moving-- just magical.
I wanted it to get dark so I could go back outside and feel less observed.
--1700 The peak has passed, but I am still visually altered-- my head hurts and I know I'm dehydrated and haven't eaten in 24 hours. I take some Aleve and drink a lot of water. Make some tea, and wait for evening.
--1900 I am still feeling different, but regaining a sense of normal-- visuals are over, I eat some chips and settle in for the night.
Overall I would say it was a positive experience-- my strongest cactus trip yet.
Definitely want to try in a less urban area, ad that cast a tone over the experience that could be improved, but overall it went well.