Poorly understood family of AYAHUASCA vines Options
#261 Posted : 5/2/2017 5:32:21 PM

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Im a mod but not sure whats going on, gotta get trav to fix this..

Maybe can you try making a smaller file name without all these "().," symbols and reuploading?


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#262 Posted : 5/2/2017 7:46:56 PM

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endlessness wrote:
Maybe can you try making a smaller file name without all these "().," symbols and reuploading?

Okay, did it. JADHofMPofLA2009p90.jpg and JADHofMPofLA2009p91.jpg

What about them now? TN attached the following image(s):

That's what I got trying to send a PM to trav

New members can only send PM's to a moderator!

Hello. Plz help to work the problem out.
Thank you.

It means I can't send a PM to him.
TN attached the following image(s):
JADHofMPofLA2009p90.jpg (1,862kb) downloaded 295 time(s).
JADHofMPofLA2009p91.jpg (1,390kb) downloaded 294 time(s).
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Cognitive Heart
#263 Posted : 5/2/2017 9:38:37 PM

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There still isn't anything visible to see, here. You'll actually need moar technical assistance, just hold on. New members do have limits, yes.

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#264 Posted : 5/3/2017 4:28:52 PM

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Cognitive Heart wrote:
There still isn't anything visible to see, here. You'll actually need moar technical assistance, just hold on. New members do have limits, yes.

Guess there is no need to wait for something. Look at this:
TN attached the following image(s):
JADHofMPofLA2009p90.jpg (1 862kb) downloaded 29 time(s).
JADHofMPofLA2009p91.jpg (1 390kb) downloaded 27 time(s).

It means folks see them and download them successfully.
You have unknown technical issues on forum and need to solve them as soon as possible.
None of me is written in stone yet.
#265 Posted : 5/4/2017 7:39:38 PM

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Well, see no reaction..... How can I post next pictures from my vines garden if this thread can't make pics visible? Will this problem be solved and when?
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#266 Posted : 5/4/2017 11:31:50 PM

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You can use a website to host your pictures and post the BBCode to link it.

e.g. this BBCode [img ][/img ] gives this image :

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#267 Posted : 5/5/2017 2:38:31 AM

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TN wrote:
Well, see no reaction..... How can I post next pictures from my vines garden if this thread can't make pics visible? Will this problem be solved and when?

"Trav" is the name of a new member who joined in 2011 with no posts, but sometimes people refer to "The Traveler" as Trav. The Traveler is the administrator of this site, so please make sure that he is the one you sent a PM to. Be patient. The Traveler works very hard to keep this site in tip top shape and I'm sure he will address the issue as soon as he can. Just for fun, I'm going to see if I can attach a picture to this post.

TGO attached the following image(s):
b. caapi.jpg (45kb) downloaded 224 time(s).
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#268 Posted : 5/5/2017 4:19:25 PM

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Looking at this topic sparked my interest.

It's been a while since we discovered Alicia being sold as Black caapi, and Alicia anisopetala has now been disseminated throughout the community.

There was a rumor floating around that all the chaliponga on the market is actually this plant.

Has anybody tested the leaves of their Alicia plants?

Also, assuming the chaliponga on the market is not Alicia, I have never seen any seeds or cuttings for Diplopterys cabrerana.
Has anyone outside of South America gotten close to this plant?
#269 Posted : 5/5/2017 7:00:07 PM

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kerelsk wrote:
Has anybody tested the leaves of their Alicia plants?

Also, assuming the chaliponga on the market is not Alicia, I have never seen any seeds or cuttings for Diplopterys cabrerana.
Has anyone outside of South America gotten close to this plant?

We tested the leaves from the live specimens of Alicia being sold and found no alkaloids of note.

D. cab is being grown in a notable collection outside of SA. There has been an ongoing effort to obtain samples for propagation, and hopefully there will be some movement on that towards the end of this year/beginning of next year. I will update if anything comes of it, likely with a post here that re-directs to STS.
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#270 Posted : 5/6/2017 2:17:47 AM

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Some D. cabs have been imported directly from SA in the last year or so. Preliminary indications so far are that these plants contain DMT (TLC tests look encouraging) but they have not been definitively ID'd by a botanist yet, nor have they been subjected to GC/MS or bioassay.

The specimens that Snozz refers to HAVE been ID'd by professional botanists, and have flowered as well according to the director of that facility.

I think Alicia is just some random vine that the original vendor mistook for D. cab based on a superficial resemblance of the seeds and offered it for sale. The fact that the chemical profile remains equivocal and the lack of any consensus regarding psychoactivity leads me to believe Alicia is a red herring. Also, it appears nowhere in the ethnobotanical literature, so as far as I am concerned the book is closed for the species. I do maintain a live specimen in my collection as a curiosity but really have no expectation that anyone will find interesting properties in the plant.

D. cab can apparently be a rambunctious vine given the proper conditions so once we get some reliably ID'd material it will just be a matter of time till it gets shared around.
I already asked Alice.

#271 Posted : 5/6/2017 11:42:21 AM

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kerelsk wrote:
It's been a while since we discovered Alicia being sold as Black caapi, and Alicia anisopetala has now been disseminated throughout the community. Also, assuming the chaliponga on the market is not Alicia, I have never seen any seeds or cuttings for Diplopterys cabrerana.

Back to the future.....

Vendor ayahuasca-journey asked questions, got replies and then proceeded to sell

the chacal or Ayar or ayahuaska-journey or Alfonzo - it's all about one vendorman's names and his screen names

Photo of Chaliponga http://forums.ayahuasca....pic.php?f=13&t=26779

Postby chaliponga dream » Thu Feb 23, 2012 7:57 pm
Hello, diplopterys cabrerana known as chaliponga , chacropanga, chacruna huambisa, grows over the middle lows jungle enviroments of Peru, Brazil and Ecuador, diplopterys cabrerana and banisteriopsis muricata are 2 vines very very similar but different in taxonomy, banisteriopsis muricata contains the same taxonomy of b.ccapi and it also contains a good % of D*T so there is no need to use the viridis or chali admixture on this vine, now diplopterys cabrerana contains the active D*T in the leaves, the confusion is that there are 2 strain of vine used in the amazon by people calling chaliponga or chacropanga etc...there is one that present fat pointed leaves = banisteriopsis muricata, also called chaliponga by some locals and the other long narrow leaves diplopterys cabrerana, both contain the active component, banisteriopsis muricata contains D*T, MAO,Harmala in the vine and leaves and you can brew both vine and leaves, and diplopterys cabrerana contains D*T in the leaves i never saw people use the diplopterys vine to brew, i recall, please do not sank in a glass of water, 2 diiferent vines containing very similar taxonomy, banisteriopsis muricata could be easily confused for diplopterys cabrerana, as the other can be easily confused for b.muricata, you have to be with the right person to get you exactly what you are looking for, but if you are only looking for the same taxonomy of diplopterys cabrerana then you can use banisteriopsis muricata leaves , you can use the the fat pointed leaves or the narrow pointed leaves, the leaves could appear fatter and some narrowed depending on which leaf you take the picture.
what is Alicia sp.???
Chaliponga Dream http://forums.ayahuasca....amp;t=26779&start=45

Diplopterys cabrerana root cutting http://forums.ayahuasca....pic.php?f=13&t=40404
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#272 Posted : 5/2/2019 8:16:45 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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wira wrote:
B. argentea is accepted as a synonym of B. muricata, but NOT native to India. Those high percentages seem to be baseless, but the claim of DMT in B. muricata is not, and is from analysis on a plant growing in India in a Botanical Garden. The concentrations found were very low, though. The Ghosal citations are correct. Here are the details for the original papers -
Ghosal, S. & Mazumder, U.K. 1971. "Alkaloids of the leaves of Banisteriopsis argentea." Phytochemistry 10:2840-2841.
Ghosal, S. et al. 1971. "Chemical and pharmacological investigations of Banisteriopsis argentea Spring ex Juss." J. Pharmaceutical Science 60(Cool:1209-1212.
Leaves yielded only 0.02% alkaloids, including (as % of dry leaf weight) harmine (0.006%), harmaline (0.001%), leptaflorine (0.005%), 5-MeO-tetrahydroharman (0.004%), N-methyltetrahydroharman (0.002%), DMT (0.003%) and DMT N-oxide (0.001%). They didn't look at the stems...

I would like to tell my experiences with banisteriopsis muricata m
  sy native of the city of bucaramanga in colombia
  here the native grows b. muricata, is a vine that grows a lot and is from an area of tropical dry forest.
I have collected seeds, leaves and stems for their use
   I cooked 1 kg in 100 ml to take a fast but nothing happened, I kept fasting
  then cook 100 g of stems with p. dawn and nothing has happened
  I have low sensitivity towards psychedelics and suddenly that was one of my reasons why I could not feel much
  my last experience with muricata and p.alba I had a sensation of somnolence and openness characteristic of the harmalas, when I fell into sleep I had many lucid dreams

  I have collected photos showing the shape of the leaf and the stem of b.muricata
javat attached the following image(s):
muricata2.jpg (201kb) downloaded 125 time(s).
muricata4.jpg (138kb) downloaded 125 time(s).
muricata3.jpg (39kb) downloaded 125 time(s).
muricata1.jpg (130kb) downloaded 125 time(s).
#273 Posted : 10/2/2019 3:51:41 AM
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Ok,.so forgive me for the blatant double post but I'm in the field and would like to revivify this thread.

Im not seeing any analysis of the leaves of Alecia, im here in Peru to make a brew of Chali, Alecia, Chacruna leaf with caapi vine at the instruction if beings in the Astral. They say it (and brews like it I'm sure) are the future of Ayahuasca, the next step in the evolution of this work. So in that light I am interested in tryptamine profiles if these plants. The other aspect of this mission is to collect seeds for plantations in Brasil which I am working to establish under a nonprofit foundation to deliver medicine on a donation basis, to ensure future supply of this now niche spectra of lianas and to work to conserve wild populations.

Anyway, I'm here on the ground so if I can be of any help please let me know. I will put in some research time as I am able but my laptop doesnt charge here 🤣.
I will for sure be taking good photos of leaf, vine, and seed wherever possible to ensure most accurate ID.

Also I'll be very interested in getting some samples tested, especially of leaf material. If there is anything you can tell me about how to prepare it for testing I will do my best with what is available.
Also curious about genetic testing of these samples... what is needed and what is on file, from what regions etc. I'll be in the Pucallpa area this time, later I will collect genetics from Ecuador as well.

Thanks all for the good work, this is all more important than we can currently know.
This is very exciting territory these lianas, a lifetime study and with a lot of depth on the material study side and the Astral realms as well. Grateful to have such magical allies, plant and human alike!
Bless your works and your lives!
#274 Posted : 10/24/2019 4:09:38 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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Found several banisteriopsis muricata plants where I live in bucaramanga Colombia I have also tried to cook several times in the leaves of the plants to be able to have an ayahuasca worth taking with a remarkable pharmacological activity but when taking it and the additive some additives as if I could To the basic another letter Genesis such as those of anadenanthera peregrina There was not enough effect which makes me think that there have been errors in the final reduction of the liquid I also have several lots of banisteriopsis caapi like sky Kuri guasca yellow black thunder stupid and I would like to know if I can combine several different strains to make an extractive water.
#275 Posted : 10/24/2019 4:12:10 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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Crying or very sad Found several banisteriopsis muricata plants where I live in bucaramanga Colombia I have also tried to cook several times in the leaves of the plants to be able to have an ayahuasca worth taking with a remarkable pharmacological activity but when taking it and the additive some additives as if I could To the basic another letter Genesis such as those of anadenanthera peregrina There was not enough effect which makes me think that there have been errors in the final reduction of the liquid I also have several lots of banisteriopsis caapi like sky Kuri guasca yellow black thunder stupid and I would like to know if I can combine several different strains to make an extractive water.
#276 Posted : 10/24/2019 4:13:56 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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some pictures
#277 Posted : 10/24/2019 4:28:31 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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#278 Posted : 12/28/2019 11:07:37 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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javat attached the following image(s):
muricata1.jpg (130kb) downloaded 56 time(s).
chali.jpg (107kb) downloaded 56 time(s).
Azul pesco.jpg (117kb) downloaded 56 time(s).
seedla.jpg (91kb) downloaded 55 time(s).
#279 Posted : 12/28/2019 11:24:00 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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im from colombia (but im not promoting the plants) and try to cook some yage with these plants
my first attemp for makig yage y use 20 gr of red caapi(tigrehuasca) (red caapi is called tigrehuasca) but is b.caapi
and 60 grs of psychotria alba. Nothing happend

seccond try : cook 60 grs of leaves of b. muricata : nothing happend
3th try: cooking with cidify thechniques with vinegar and reducing techniques : nothing happend
4th try :cooking only b.muricata sterms and reducing : nothing happend
5th try cooking b. muricata sterms and leaves reducing and adify : nothing happend

the next attemp i going to extract the alks with HCL technique of adiwa's tek ( venezuelan friend)
#280 Posted : 12/28/2019 11:39:25 PM

ufa yage chiga ña

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Here in the tread have some pyths
the first myth is about the identification of diplopterys cabrerana ( have nectaries in front of the leaves)
the second : caapi and some varieties changed of name and changed of indigenous cultures .. some vines are called "monohuasca" and is called in other culturies like "caupuri"
so red caapi still existing like banisteriopsis caapi
banisteriopsis muricata is "yage of the sorcerers " or "ayahuasca brujo" in other culturies is called "rainbow yage"

some diplopterys cabrerana (and other kind of diplopterys) still having used for indigenous cultures around all colombia
and some culturies like inga , kofan called it "chacruna" or "huambisa"

so i have some photos to help the identification of these vines
javat attached the following image(s):
yagebrujo.jpg (22kb) downloaded 47 time(s).
brujojojo.jpg (42kb) downloaded 45 time(s).
muricatata.jpg (165kb) downloaded 45 time(s).
truenohuasca.jpg (58kb) downloaded 48 time(s).
tigrehuascaca.jpg (37kb) downloaded 46 time(s).
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