What is it that some people get before a wedding, "cold feet," "wet feet"? (I forget which one.

) Anyway, it's about running in terror when that impending moment of commitment seems too terrifying?
The most magnificent, golden, pink-purple-shimmery (Mimosa-spirit-esque) water bong was purchased for the grand event. It was taken care to make sure there was a giant cone, and a chamber tall enough to hold lots of smoke, for those whose toking is not Olympic qualified...
So much love, intention, conversation, and dancing went into the alchemy of the jungle spice. Strong communications were made with the bark under the guidance of Ayahuasca.
There was also a lot of human error, and things that would definitely be improved upon another time around... but, at the end of the day, 400mg of jungle spice was dissolved onto 800mg of Caapi leaf/homegrown Passionflower tops/Peppermint/Lavender flowers.
Technique was another point of nervous contention, for fear of tolerance; the smoke was INCREDIBLY smooth, and no tolerance seemed to build, toking at first with fearful trepidation, pausing, toking again. The virtue of harmalas...
At the first signs of headrush (and absolute shock of success!!), the dreamer pulled away. The dreamer felt--instantly--THIS IS *JUST* LIKE AYA!! Aya... instantly! The headspace, the body load/sensation, the visuals (fractals looming in and out of smoke)... everything. A breath of Aya, with a slight reminiscence of mushrooms.
Question: does pure nn-dmt produce the similar bodily sensations, or is this something unique to the jungle spice/Caapi leaf?
There was definitely an apprehension of being violently devirginized with crackling carrier waves, but upon realization the experience was EXACTLY LIKE AYA and the dreamer was already swimming in familiar territory, the fear was replaced with ECSTATIC JOY.
Due to a very limited amount of supplies (beginner's chemistry-blind test batch!), a sub-breakthrough dose was a satisfying first experience. There were moments when it was felt it could have gone deeper... especially when fractal vortices appeared in swirls of smoke, and currents of energy rushed to the crown chakra... but, again, it was nothing asymptomatic of a typical breakthrough with Ayahuasca. No elves, no Chrysanthemums, but friendly plants, joyful connection to body, amazingly clear mind, refreshment, balance...
Love it, love it, LOVE IT!
So happy... and SO grateful... and so totally blown away... by success!
The real test, now, will be to finish the lovely bowl packed, after a cup of tea.
THANK YOU, NEXUS!!!!!!!!!!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test