My gift to me ;) Options
#1 Posted : 12/25/2009 6:17:39 AM

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Before you read on, I should probably with my best manners mention to you that even the words which I am typing, will probably want to have sex with you Smile

For those that aren't aware I am a male type human being. I however have just come as close to a full on female orgasm as I will probably ever experience. You girls are soooo lucky.

To start with I had some nice spicey thai food and a couple of drinks. It was christmas eve after all, so there's no more appropriate time to indulge in the traditional western manner of good food and good drink. There's just two things that are missing... yeah jesus it's your party and your followers sure as shit will cry if they want to or not, but THH and DMT say this is MY fucking birthday. Piss RIGHT off... oh but how I do love you. How could I not? Even if just a mere flint of fiction then that will still be a part of existence and THAT is beautiful.

So with respect to the sacrement I let the booze fade out just enough to let the light shine in. 20mg's DMT just to start with. Oh how good the inside of my mouth feels. My tongue could not have felt better inspecting the mouth of a goddess. Though it turns out there's a little godess in all of us... no matter how well endowed we may be with a large segment of god within. I felt so holy.. just another 20mg's.

I was then so in the mood that upon a glass of orange juice should fall 167mg THH + 47mg DMT. This was my first time with THH as my inhibitor so I went easy on it. An hour in and I was seeing mere invisible shapes in the darkness. Some of you may be farmiliar with the threshold effect of a shape you cannot see rearranging right in front of you. That was pretty cool... But still I wanted more. So into old trusty went a magic 30.

This is the good bit, which in the eyes of this report is the least detailed in comparison to what it actually was. But make no mistake that upon drinking my holy white cloud I revealed myself to be pure energy and no physical body. I've heard this spoken of before but have never been as lucky to experience this event, until now. I was looking into the eyes of someone else. Someone else so farmiliar but so unusual. Looking with my eyes because that was all I had. The awareness of what was in front of me. But also behind me. In that moment also within me, which is a puzzling concept at its most basic because there was no me to be within. But how virtuous in their visual music it was. It/They maybe even me, I can't recall. All I remember in the greatest detail was those eyes. 1 main pair, but the whole landscape was possibly made of nothing more but those eyes. At first I thought they were inspecting me, but after a few... seconds (time unit.. ha!) I realised that this being was connecting with me. No information was passed one way or the other, but it was as if we were both just acknowledging eachother intensley on a highly profound level that has no place or sense in our everyday reality, but in that space it was the highest of gestures as if each of us were both gods and peasants passing admiration and pride both ways.

At this point I should add a detail I missed. My lighter broke earlier today so I was lighting these breaths with matches Smile But as soon as I was aware of my physical arm, a match I did strike and went right back in... twice. The rest is just masturbation really Smile. I kept licking my shoulder... perverse stuff to the casual observer but inside it just felt so right. Then it was right to the nexus to shout from the towers about a plce where mortals can defy their own being and merge with the infinite like never merged before.

It's so strange how I've experienced so much from this molecule. All of that now stands so far below what I experienced this christmas eve

Thank you doctor, I'm cured Smile

Seriosuly though, get on this!

Merry existence everyone.

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#2 Posted : 12/25/2009 6:39:19 AM


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wow! amazing post and trip man haha!
we are all one! and its hot as shit Smile
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#3 Posted : 12/25/2009 6:44:50 AM

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#4 Posted : 12/25/2009 3:01:08 PM


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Very happy the rest is rated-x...

Did your shoulder put up a fight?
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#5 Posted : 12/25/2009 4:56:34 PM

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jasons741 wrote:
Very happy the rest is rated-x...

Did your shoulder put up a fight?

To be honest my shoulder may as well have been asleep. DMT gives me a fascination with the inside of my mouth and that there exercise was all for the tongue Smile I've spent many a time feeling around between my cheek and gums while on this substance... I don't know why really. It's just really soothing.

Good times.
#6 Posted : 12/25/2009 5:33:03 PM

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great report soulfood! I enjoyed reading it it was written well!

I know what you mean about feeling around different things..I sort of get that as well..yesterday I smoked and ended up rollingback and forth on my bed laughing on the verge of crying and rubbing the texture of these pillows over and over..there was just something about the way it felt i couldnt stop..something about the way touch feels when in that state is an explosion of sensation.
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:17:05 AM

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I have a pair of pants that are "the mushroom pants." There is nothing quite like the texture...

I'm also glad to hear that there were so many indulging in the magical SPIRIT of the holidays!!

Soulfood, is there any way you could possibly try to put language to the experience of perceiving a female orgasm? I am very curious. In my most recent journey, I experienced very strong sexual currents, but there was both a presence of male/female (a lot of ancient yoni-lingam statue type stuff), and it wasn't localized to my body.

Interesting!! And thanks for sharing. Smile
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#8 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:35:42 AM

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ms_manic_minxx wrote:

Soulfood, is there any way you could possibly try to put language to the experience of perceiving a female orgasm?

No Smile I've never had one.

I guess I meant it more in the sense of sustained bliss which is more common in a womans orgasmic state than that of a man and also in the sense of commercial understanding. Few and far between, but very greatfully received. It should also be noted that I was not at all aware of my sex drive, so the link to an orgasmic state was mainly metaphorical, but not at the same time because my brain is definately my favourite tickle zone Smile At the risk of sounding a little less human, the emotional bliss I got from this experience was better than any sex I've ever had... that said though I haven't had much in recent times... which probably shows reading the above Smile

ms_manic_minxx wrote:
I have a pair of pants that are "the mushroom pants." There is nothing quite like the texture...

I had a mushroom coat for being out and about. Had a nice fluffy hood and all fluffy lining on the inside.
#9 Posted : 12/26/2009 11:28:24 PM

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This was a great post to read Soulfood. Thanks for sharing!


Mad Banshee

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#10 Posted : 12/27/2009 12:47:37 AM


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Yes. spicerapture. Heals my tired soul.Very happy

Thanks for sharing!

Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

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