Acacia Confused ME! My First successful extract(s) Options
#1 Posted : 9/20/2019 4:12:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey guys, long time no post !

I have been busy with life and doing the odd 50g extraction on acacia confusa purchased powder when I had gained the motivation to attempt at not failing again Rolling eyes

I will not be going the confusa again ! It has been such a journey for a successful extraction , here is my story.

I started out trying to extract from found Acacia’s in Australia with no success I ended up buying some , as soon as i got my hands on it I was straight into it , I was using Cybs tek gently warming base and solvent (shellite) after evaporation I was left with maybe 5 pleasant / mild trips ( feeling like it was mainly nmt ) I was stoked I had done it , but why so little ? I wondered .... so I continued to try another 50g batch (after failed pulls from the first extraction ) I put more care and time into it , this time I’m left with none ;( I was devastated ! What did I do wrong ? Is the shellite not pulling enough ? Is the myth of shellite not working and that the ingredients have been changed true ? I was left wondering and wondering , luckily enough a fellow psychonaut shed some light for me ! “Bro I use shellite all the time with no hassle”.

Number 3 extraction of acacia confusa powder out of many failed extraction of other acacias 😤
I go at it again doing everything 100% And completely failed again not even a spek of goop to try Sad

I have now wasted 150g of precious beautiful smelling acacia confusa powder and started to really doubt my self of being worthy of being apart of this experience , dmt is pretty much impossible to find we’re I live ! And I just wanted to try the experience again so bad , I had some great experiences with dmt helping me stop drinking and partying and really wanted to see what else I can explore in my mind and obviously just enjoying tripping and not feeling like crap after it , anyways back to the chase.

Number 4 extraction , my partner is out of town and I am able to use the stove , she doesn’t mind what I am doing but I have been very hesitant to bring my self to ask for the Stove, please don’t tell her haha) , and I stumble across T5001 , Boil and Bass V1.2 tek (that should be on the wiki of extraction tek) The boil is what made all the difference ! I do my boil for an hour and get straight into it following everything (literally sitting for 20 mins a time mixing the pulls) my arms got pretty bored and tired haha ! I start pulling warming base and solvent and placing onto glass dish , the solvent literally turned milky instantly and you could see small bubbles on the bottom forming as soon as the solvent would hit the dish! It was amazing watching the solvent go so cloudy ! Previous extraction it would cloud but not like this , this time you could see like clouds forming in the solvent it looked really cool ! I allow for it to sit at room temp , then to Fridge then to freezer , you could see this thin layer on the bottom before freezer ( I will get to more of this later in post ) I freeze for about 18 hours , omg amazing you could see floatys everywhere but was finding they were having troubles dropping , so I put a small spoon in front to try and catch anything while moving over solvent , I then let dry out and was left with mainly a goo and small bits of powder I was stoked ! Woo hoo I have done it !! But wait after taking a few trips I notice ahhh I’ve pulled (I believe ) mainly nmt as the visuals very pleasant but not very strong , still I’m stoked! I finish the dish of oil over a week ( I also done a Rex on this and still got goo), here comes the weirdness!

Extraction number 4 pulls 5,6 and 7
I decide to do some more pulls as the little amount of shellite left in the mix was still very yellowish but this time I decide to only heat the shellite (solvent ) maybe a factor added into the craziness ? After reading acacia extraction thread , Anyways I get to my 3rd pull and realise my stainless syringe has pulled some base and I have Transferred over into my dish collecting the shellite , FML for anyone that has worked with this mysterious confusa the layer of goo that forms on the bottom of the dish and the clear bubbles forming becomes extremely sticky so simply chasing the base with some paper towel is useless as the base is pretty much cemented in the goo FML FML ! Before this I already had in mind to decant shellite into another dish to separate it from the clear goo and bubbles , so what I do is transfer shellite back into its heating dish clean the collection dish with the base and clear goo cemented and transfer back the shellite into it and continue straight onto freeze precip as I am pissed at my self for the fuck up , I freeze for 2 days hoping for just the tinniest specs to come out , some was forming, nothing to get excited about but maybe enough to smoke anyways as I am transferring shellite into another dish it goes from cloudy to precipitation this powder starts swirling around the dish and the shellite goes clear so I evaporate it and bam I am left with slightly yellow tinge of white powder all through the bottom of the dish ! HELl FUCKING YES!

EDIT: is actually goo like substance after scraping a little , I have now cross hatched and put back in front of fan to dry some more , this pull is still different compared to the first pull though as it is completely different in appearance compared to the normal yellow oil/goo, I have read that confusa or acacia can take time to full crystallise , my first goo did not crystallise as all and only become a bit more sticky /gooey.

EDIT: in before everyone sais nothing is wrong with goo , this is for ease of use and wondering about if only nmt not dmt was extracted for me wanting crystals so bad if you read it like that.

EDIT; after bio essay definitely feels like mainly nmt , very placid visuals

I have done it ! But was it the shellite being warm and the base cold, or me wiping the layer out ? I have read that transferring solvent 3 hours into freeze will help with this so I am thinking it was me wiping the oil out thinking I have fucked up but ended up winning .

Hope this helps some fellow psyconaughts and I get some clarification . Thanks 🙏

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#2 Posted : 9/21/2019 2:42:41 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi KB,

Congrats on your success!
I've also found first extractions confusing.
The best result I ever had was on AARB and involved pulling with boiling shellite (base was hot too) but also involved evaporating half of the solvent before freeze precipitation.

I think that the timing is important too, the solution shouldn't be left basified too long before pulling as the spice starts degrading and being converted into nn-.

Also try not to mix the crystals with the goo or they will never re-crystalize. You can do a re-X with warm heptane (look for Un-do, which you can usually find at B******* down under on same stall as the shellite).

I hope it helps!

#3 Posted : 9/26/2019 8:03:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey Acuminata ,

Thanks heaps for your info !

So heat is okay for acacias by the sounds of it . I think I will go with a different Acacia or go with mimosa as they have less NMT, don’t get me wrong NMT is fun but I am looking for something deeper and stronger than NMT.

Again thanks for your info !
#4 Posted : 9/29/2019 12:27:13 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I <3 the acacia.

LMAO. picked my user name after the acacia confusa. I thought it was a fun play-on-words.

IMO - trust the acacia. The acacia is the rainbow tree

Mimosa hostilis. The connotation of "hostile" might be in there. but the acacia - i cannot describe my relation ship with it.

When i finally croak, i want part of my ashes to be used as fertilizer for an acacia confusa. Smile

Maybe, one day, my kin will smoalk me. Razz Very happy Very happy Very happy Cool

Take Care,
Sometimes it's good for a change. Other times it isn't.
#5 Posted : 10/21/2019 4:48:05 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 99
Joined: 04-Apr-2019
Last visit: 05-May-2024
Hey dude ,

I’m not going to lie , I have seen your name before and could not help add it to the forum name as it bloody does confuse ya haha !

I am going to do a defat step next time hopefully works better !!
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