Acacia and Mimosa Identification Thread Options
#1301 Posted : 7/12/2019 12:43:36 AM

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Chimp Z wrote:
Hey KB181 it sure does look a lot like Melanoxylon with the white flowers.
The phyllodes seem too long and spread apart to be Melanoxylon, though.
Do you know its growing conditions?(rural inland, coastal, forest, etc)
I'm just wondering what all the white stuff on the bark is doing...
Never seen a melanoxylon tree with that on it.
From the blackwood's I've seen they have rough rigid
bark when mature and is smoother when young.
Are you able to heat up the shellite upon extracting?
I use naphtha with all mine and warm solvent usually works best if you're
putting it in the freezer afterwards. Save these extracts, send them to be analyzed. Smile

Also a good indicator of it being Melanoxylon is if there are seedlings growing about
they should have pinnate foliage. After they've passed the juvenile stage
they'll start putting out regular big phyllodes.
I know these plants have phenotypes and phyllodes
may grow longer under certain conditions....
Look up what white-flowering Acacias grow in your vicinity.

Dan_J, hmmm may not be a Mimosa Hostilis. Looks like Acacia Decurrens/Dealbata to me.
Could have been somebody who misidentified the tree and killed it Sad

Hey Chimp Z , thank you kindly for your information.

I will have to go back and check both trees , luckily they live down the road Smile

You could say all 3 climates as the beach and river are few minute drive , with the trees backing onto rainforest/bush and river on the other side of the road, Very beautiful area I am granted to live in (NNSW).

I have come to the conclusion (also from all the negative reports of diggers shellite changing ) diggers shellite in Australia is absolutely crap for extraction even after warming to 40 degrees c , so I will be buying some zippo lighter fluid and clean up with shellite ? The reason I know this is i have obtained powder that I know holds , you can even smelll it in powder form and have done extraction to only got maybe 6-8 small hits from the goo from a 50g Cybs tek said powder it to be acacia confusa .
Maybe I should try xylene crap and clean and precipitation with shellite.

Thanks heaps for your reply ! I appreciate it .

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#1302 Posted : 7/12/2019 3:45:45 AM

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Chimp Z wrote:

Dan_J, hmmm may not be a Mimosa Hostilis. Looks like Acacia Decurrens/Dealbata to me.
Could have been somebody who misidentified the tree and killed it Sad

hey Chimp Z, thanks for the info, will try and get more pictures in spring for more confirmation Smile

if anyone has any more leads post away Very happy
Chimp Z
#1303 Posted : 7/13/2019 6:16:52 PM

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@ KB181
Could the supposed Melanoxylon actually be Acacia Falcata? the flowers look identical and phyllodes very similar...
A prime species to inspect
#1304 Posted : 7/26/2019 6:40:44 AM
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Hi everyone,

Just wondering if I could get some confirmation on this one please? I think this is Acacia Hostilis that I'm looking at.

#1305 Posted : 7/26/2019 6:55:01 AM

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Chimp Z wrote:
Thanks nen,
yes everyone be safe things can change quickly.

I need help identifying this plant that I saw the other day in Zone 10A

Aweesome looking seed pods. It reminds me of one of those industrial brooms janitors use. Reckon it could be a Mimosa pigra?
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Chimp Z
#1306 Posted : 7/27/2019 5:20:08 PM

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Wow Twitchy I think you're right! Thank you ! I've been wondering for a while Smile
I just found that nurseries sell this plant in my region.

The first time I encountered this plant was on a super hot day when i was walking around
and the presence of this plant cooled my thoughts down.
Just stood there for maybe 5 minutes examining the plant and admiring its lovely energy..

Might have some DMT in there. Will have to check up on this plant again.

#1307 Posted : 7/27/2019 7:44:40 PM

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Chimp Z
#1308 Posted : 7/27/2019 8:14:06 PM

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Endlessness you think Mimosa Pigra worth a shot?
I can collect some twigs/leaves to analyze
#1309 Posted : 7/27/2019 9:41:55 PM

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Chimp Z wrote:
Wow Twitchy I think you're right! Thank you ! I've been wondering for a while Smile
I just found that nurseries sell this plant in my region.

The first time I encountered this plant was on a super hot day when i was walking around
and the presence of this plant cooled my thoughts down.
Just stood there for maybe 5 minutes examining the plant and admiring its lovely energy..

Might have some DMT in there. Will have to check up on this plant again.


It was just a shot in the dark really so don't take my word for it, but it does resemble pigra and they're common enough to be considered 'noxious'. Cool looking thing though.
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#1310 Posted : 8/19/2019 6:48:51 PM

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nen888 wrote:
^^ looks to be A. farnesiana (Vachellia farnesiana), which has a range of morphotypes in different areas ..thanks for keeping plant knowledge strong ChimpZ...i haven't had a lot of time to do IDs in here anymore, so appreciate it

and Allo84 - very interesting.. i do caution against the oral ingestion of uncertain or untested acacias, there can be a lot of other things in there.. based on ethnomedicinal data and recent experiments by BundleflowerPower this species has interesting and so far not harmful activity, but extraction and vaporisation is a much safer way to test an unknown plant.. we really need to get more tests done on A. farnesiana, and i encourage Nexians to take advantage of GCMS testing being offered by the nexus..there have been instances of 5meo-dmt in some specimens of A. farnesiana, but not in's also been found to contain simple tryptamine.. i will be looking a little at this species in future writing..
Allo84 i commend your enquiring spirit but also point out this is very unknown territory.. A. farnesiana has some variation, and how this plays out in chemical variation is not clear.. 5meo is not inherently safe with MAOIs in all but trace amounts..
A. farnesiana has as i said some traditional usage, but not in conjunction with MAOIs..proceed with extreme caution, and try to get the material tested.. A. farnesiana also based on BundleFlowerPower's experiments has some oral activity on its own, which is true of a number of acacias.. this may not be due to alkaloids..
anyway, this is interesting info..try to ascertain what exactly you are ingesting, to be able to make more calculated decisiond.. and if you can get these things tested please contribute the results to the nexus knowledge base..
and stay safe all

Sorry for not responding earlier, I had food poisoning next day after drinking Ayahuasca from this tree. It was the third time trying it withing a week, the first two times I was fine though. This time I used it and the affect of DMT is their, next day I woke up in the morning fine and healthy, I ate left over pancake that was sit in the table from yesterday then I got sick. Not sure if I was sick because of the tree or the pancake or maybe both. Also I have to say that I also took Harmala 45 minutes before drinking the Ayahwasca. I know I should never ate the leftover pancake especially while taking MAOIs, I forgot about that. As you can see their is so many factors and we ares till not sure if the tree is the reason why I got food poisoning. I went to emergency room because my temperature was little high and I got skin allergy, plus the diarhea and throwing up for more than 3 times.

*Exeuse my bad English with grammar and spelling mistakes.
#1311 Posted : 8/20/2019 8:07:37 AM
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Hi, just wondering if anyone knows what type of acacia this is? From a distance I though it might have been Acacia longifolia with few leaves, but when I got closer I saw that it had really small leaves...
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#1312 Posted : 8/31/2019 8:10:53 AM
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Location, brisbane, found these close by my home and wanting to see if i could get an id on them?
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#1313 Posted : 8/31/2019 8:39:58 AM
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Not sure if my pics are showing
#1314 Posted : 8/31/2019 10:44:49 AM
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Also found thisn one but cant id it either
#1315 Posted : 9/1/2019 2:20:58 PM
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Hey everyone,

I was wondering if someone more knowledgable than myself could categorically identity this plant. I believe that it is an acacia pycnantha but am not 100% sure.

Thanks in advance!
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#1316 Posted : 9/3/2019 10:56:07 AM
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Hey guys wanted to get an id on this searched for while before finding somewhere that these plants were know to be of two species. A. Longfolia. And a. concurrens.
I am still new and searching so I hope that I can get an id on this tree found in searching Queensland.
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#1317 Posted : 9/3/2019 7:53:07 PM

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Aussieguy30 wrote:
Hey guys wanted to get an id on this searched for while before finding somewhere that these plants were know to be of two species. A. Longfolia. And a. concurrens.
I am still new and searching so I hope that I can get an id on this tree found in searching Queensland.

To me it looks like Acacia colei but I am not an expert.
#1318 Posted : 9/6/2019 8:36:59 AM
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Hi all would love to get an id on these
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#1319 Posted : 9/6/2019 8:43:10 AM
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And this one
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#1320 Posted : 9/7/2019 2:10:12 AM
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