San Pedro Pressure Cooker Tek,. quick potent tea method. Options
Dirt e Deeds
#1 Posted : 8/23/2019 1:14:44 AM
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This was originally a post with a few questions and my method but I've modified it into a Tek as I've perfected my method. This is very fast and makes very strong tea. I completed my last batch in 6 hours and it's two doses reduced to 2 cups each. Most that time is sitting and waiting. Edit: with proper supplies and setup I've reduced my time to making a batch to about 2 1/2 to 3 hours after cutting up and freezing.

New member and your information has been extremely helpful in my Mescaline experiments. I had an amazing experience with said tea last week and would love to simply and speed up the process of producing it. Tea is definitely for me as I'm not into extraction etc and the feel of the tea was pretty amazing.

Here's the method I've compiled from many different people's teks.

Despine, Core, Slice Cactus. I use 900 cut up fresh grams a cook.

Freeze and thaw 1 to 3 times (more times the slimier it gets) to rupture cells. I've started putting a small amount of lemon juice with the cactus in a Ziploc baggie and swirling it around before the freeze and thaw cycles now to aid in the break down of the plant cells.

Mix equal water to cactus 100ml water to 100gram cactus. Reduce this each pull to reduce later evaporation time. Just cover the cactus with water.

Place in Electric Pressure cooker and add a small bit of lemon juice. Cook for 3 to 4 cycles for 25 minutes on high. (After mashing the liquid from the pulp taste it and see if it's still bitter. If it is run it through another cycle.)

(Edit) For safety reasons please ffs use fresh cut up cactus. Not dry or blended foamy cactus. I use my cookers saute function with the lid off to make sure it's not gonna foam and blow up my cooker before setting it to cook pressurized with the lid on.

Strain thru metal strainer into a bowl.

Take pulp and place in another bowl and mash with a plastic cup bottom or potato masher to get all liquids out of cactus. Then pour thru strainer with rest of liquids. After straining the pulp you can run the liquid through an old t shirt to remove sediments quickly.

I use white bowl with pour spout to strain into. Let this sit a bit then pour into pot for reduction leaving behind fine sediments while you pour carefully.

Place material back in pressure cooker and repeat as needed. The more you do this the more you gotta reduce later so it's a trade off. I use less water each time as the cactus shrinks.

Reduce to drinkable amount on stove at a high simmer just before boiling in a pot initially. When you have a small enough amount of liquid use a frying type pan with large surface area to speed up evaporation rate.

Skim any waxy bubbles with a large spoon and rinse and repeat and stir the liquid frequently. I reduce 900 grams to a quart of liquid.

You can put the finished tea in a jar and let it sit in the fridge a couple days if you want and a lot of wax and plant material will settle on the bottom of your reduced tea. I use a little syringe with a metal suction tip to pull off the good tea from the junk. Don't have too but it looks and tastes more gross with the slimy wax gunk in it.

I then place this material in a jar to freeze until day before use. Day before use I transfer from freezer to fridge to allow it to thaw.

This made for some hella good tea that blew me away with no naseau. 900 grams of fresh cut up material for me thru the pressure cooker makes 2 doses of medium potency. It can vary widely but I use the same source and it seems to be pretty much the same for each batch for me so far. Just start slow until you know the potency of your cactus tea. You can adjust how much material you use once you learn how much it takes to get a trip. If half doesn't get you there you have more to take.
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#2 Posted : 8/23/2019 1:59:42 AM

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When I make tea I don't reduce it too much. More to drink, but the taste isn't as bad that way imo. I immediately chase it with Club Soda to clear the taste out of my mouth and help settle it in my stomach.

I generally try to freeze/thaw my cactus strips three times or so to break down the cell walls, but the last time I made tea with Bridgesii I fileted, peeled, blendered it, simmered for about 20 til the foam turned to liquid, strained through a shirt and chugged it and it worked just fine. Fresh Cactus to Tea in under an hour. Not sure I'll ever go to a lot of trouble again for just tea.

You also might reconsider an extraction. Extracted mescaline, even full spectrum is much less likely to make you purge, and when you don't spewey you don't wonder how much mescaline you lost that way. Smile It also enables you to take some of the guesswork out of dosing.
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Dirt e Deeds
#3 Posted : 8/23/2019 3:49:23 AM
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I've ran the d limonene extraction and didn't really like it vs the tea. Yes dosing with tea can be guesswork but just go slow and start low.

The effects from tea were way stronger than acetate and quicker and easier. Plus it's extremely cheap vs buying solvents etc.

I'm not into drinking 2 or 3 quarts of this shit. Reduction is key to not being sick for me. I didn't get sick at all last time minus some gas at the end of the trip. I mean zero. Making a clean tea with no plant material and wax and fat with less material to consume is key I think.

I don't think I'd like pure Mescaline vs the tea either. I absolutely loved the body buzz and mix of the alkaloids and different feelings thru the trip.
#4 Posted : 8/23/2019 5:50:40 PM
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you can boil it hard to speed up the reduction mescaline is very stable heat wont destroy it!

Also for me man I hate that taste!!! its hard for me to do it..if you want to do a simple extraction without the complications of a a/b or stb its very easy! take your cactus slice and dry to cracker dry..powder it up in a blender....take mason jars fill up a lil less than half way with the powder (mine never makes a fine powder just real small chunks wich I think is better than powder for filtering) then add a equall amount of 90% iso alcohol let it sit for about 12 hours but also shake the jar up then take a t shirt and drain filter out the cactus add the liquid to a pyrex plate and fan to evap. put the cactus material back in jar and repeat the second time I only do it for maybe 4 hours filter add liquid to plate and repete each time I let it soak for less time. most people say this takes 3 days to get it all out but really I think with say 4 pulls in 24 hours you got most of it....just keep pouring the liquid into the dish and letting it evap....when it gets to a black tar I scrape it up and put it on parchment paper and into my vac chamber to speed things up but a fan will get the job done by itself just takes a lil will get pritty hard what I do is take a hair dryer to soften it and form lil pill shape balls...swallow and trip...youll end up with a lot of this tar to swallow but it works great!
Dirt e Deeds
#5 Posted : 8/23/2019 10:49:52 PM
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I'm currently testing my first full pressure cooker batch. It tastes really salty which I hear is a good sign. Like i shook salt shaker on my tongue.

Also thanks for letting me know I can boil. I had fear of killing all my work by doing so.

As for the taste I don't mind too bad. I've dosed green Asia Kratom daily 3 times a day for 2 years now. It's like the most bitter terrible taste mixed with deisel taste known to man. I just mix with water and swallow. Doesn't bother me anymore. Plus my gut is tough don't get sick very easy.
#6 Posted : 8/23/2019 11:10:23 PM
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Never messed with kratom I stay away from everything even like that as I was a heroin addict in my younger days (10 years away...but just now getting off methadone wich should be done in a month YAY) but man that cactus tea is BAD I only did it twice then very quickly went to the iso wash I described before because I couldnt deal with the taste. I am kinda sensitive to that I think more than most. and well I have stomach problems to begin with so the tea is hard on me. But yeh you can boil it I was afraid to do it the first time too but after talking with some people the 2nd time I did it I boiled it pritty hard and didn't notice and loss of potency.
#7 Posted : 8/24/2019 7:37:13 AM

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You might want to check this thread out regarding mescaline heat stability:

In theory I like your idea of the rice cooker, reminds me of the crock pot reduction tek (I'll post a link if I can find that thread). Although teflon and/or aluminum is generally not advised, I have no facts to back that up.

As the tea reduces it may become harder to maintain said temperature, especially later on as you lose more water. Perhaps running the rice cooker with a powerful fan blowing on top would help circulate the liquid as well as speeding up the evaporation?

I usually make my tea with an ethanol/water mix. I place the tea in a shallow dish covered by only a screen and let it sit in the refrigerator for a few weeks. Like you said it allows you to remove more crap. The added ethanol should prevent any mold while slowly evaporating, a fan can always be added later. I stop evaporating when I have about 4-6oz of maple syrup like tea. I get much less nausea/stomach discomfort this way as opposed to the tar. Maybe easier to disgest/absorb?

Sorry I cant really answer your question but please let us know how it worked if you do go through with it.

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Grey Fox
#8 Posted : 8/24/2019 5:23:15 PM

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Its a "Catch-22" with concentrating the tea. The more concentrated it is the harsher it becomes in terms of taste and effect on your stomach, but the less there is to consume. The less concentrated it is the easier it is to drink and the less harsh it is on your stomach, but you have more to drink.

Another thing I've observed is that more concentrated tea seems to hit harder and faster. Its also more likely to make you puke. Less concentrated tea takes longer to kick in, and the onset feels smoother. Its also less likely to make you puke.

I like finding a middle ground between being too concentrated and too diluted. The cuttings I use are pretty thick, and I use the entire cutting, core and all. 1 inch of cutting reduced down to 1 ounce of tea seems just about right. So a 12 inch cutting reduced down to 12 ounces, an 18 inch cutting reduced to 18 ounces, etc... That seems to be a pretty ideal concentration for me, especially for bridgesii.
Dirt e Deeds
#9 Posted : 8/25/2019 1:52:38 AM
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Grey Fox wrote:
Its a "Catch-22" with concentrating the tea. The more concentrated it is the harsher it becomes in terms of taste and effect on your stomach, but the less there is to consume. The less concentrated it is the easier it is to drink and the less harsh it is on your stomach, but you have more to drink.

Another thing I've observed is that more concentrated tea seems to hit harder and faster. Its also more likely to make you puke. Less concentrated tea takes longer to kick in, and the onset feels smoother. Its also less likely to make you puke.

I like finding a middle ground between being too concentrated and too diluted. The cuttings I use are pretty thick, and I use the entire cutting, core and all. 1 inch of cutting reduced down to 1 ounce of tea seems just about right. So a 12 inch cutting reduced down to 12 ounces, an 18 inch cutting reduced to 18 ounces, etc... That seems to be a pretty ideal concentration for me, especially for bridgesii.

Awesome tips thanks. I tested this dose and it was probably a mid level dose from the 700 grams of cut up material.

I've slowly been increasing my dose because I don't want a bad trip like I had on a shit load of shrooms once.

This trip was fairly potent. About four hours in staring at my blinds the started to wave like a flag in the wind if I looked at them for a brief time. Then colors mainly green and a magenta color would shoot thru them.

My patterns on my wall would swirl around and melt together.

Mostly spent the time listening to music. Beatles 1 album on Spotify and lots of pink Floyd. The upbeat Beatles music just shot pleasant waves of euphoria thru my body. Music on Mescaline is fucking amazing. It just sounds so much better and intense.

Did vomit this time but I dosed more halfway thru the trip to come back up. Taking concentrate tea when tripping is harsh. It felt like pins and needles all over my whole body as I drank it and waves of naseau shot thru me due to the taste.
Grey Fox
#10 Posted : 8/25/2019 3:13:12 AM

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I've never tried to re-dose during a trip before. How long did your trip last for? Did you like the effects of re-dosing?

With these cacti it seems like the bigger the dose, the longer the trip lasts for. At least thats how it has been for me. A mild trip might last 8 or 10 hours. A moderate trip can be 12 to 16 hours. And really strong trips can go for 18+ hours.

My first strong trip with Trichos was with a buddy. We ate the bridgesii around 6am and it was much stronger than we expected. We tripped real hard that day: auditory and visual hallucinations. Time was distorted as we stumbled around in the desert all day like madmen. The drive home that evening was crazy, and very dangerous. About a year later I was hanging out with him and his wife and she told me that he was still tripping the next morning!
Dirt e Deeds
#11 Posted : 8/25/2019 8:42:01 AM
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Grey Fox wrote:
I've never tried to re-dose during a trip before. How long did your trip last for? Did you like the effects of re-dosing?

With these cacti it seems like the bigger the dose, the longer the trip lasts for. At least thats how it has been for me. A mild trip might last 8 or 10 hours. A moderate trip can be 12 to 16 hours. And really strong trips can go for 18+ hours.

My first strong trip with Trichos was with a buddy. We ate the bridgesii around 6am and it was much stronger than we expected. We tripped real hard that day: auditory and visual hallucinations. Time was distorted as we stumbled around in the desert all day like madmen. The drive home that evening was crazy, and very dangerous. About a year later I was hanging out with him and his wife and she told me that he was still tripping the next morning!

I hadn't eaten since noon that day so redosing actually kicked in pretty fast vs the come up. It just made the trip longer.

I had started to lose visuals like shit warping and moving and music became less interesting. So did the rest and it put me back where I had been earlier. This was probably just past peak when I took it. I did I initial dose at 6 pm. Stop really tripping good at 5 am. So 11 hours. I could still feel it in my body but everything else calmed down.

The bottom half of the jar had a lot of actives in it because it was just extremely bitter and salty. The pressure cooker seems to get everything out vs a simmer. It's a little more harsh body buzz vs the simmer but I got more visual stuff.

I've done a lot of shrooms and never seen shit wave and warp and patterns melt and spin together. I could just stare at the wall for 30 mins at a time and just watch it move.

Grey Fox
#12 Posted : 8/25/2019 3:00:09 PM

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Thanks for sharing how it turned out for you. I'd like to think that the more we share about what we did and how it turned out, the more realistic info is put out there for others to understand what these cacti are all about. And I too have found cactus to be more visual than shrooms. I hope that over the next days and weeks that your trip continues to have benefits in your life, as you reflect back on it and gain more and more insight. Peace.
#13 Posted : 8/26/2019 8:27:35 AM

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My best experience was simply slicing into stars (spines and all) and simmering in a covered crockpot for two seperate roughly four hour stews, then squeezing the slices through high thread-count cotton and reducing to taste. No slime, minimal nausea, and plenty potent. All this pressure cooking and blending seems overkill for such a simple tea and, IMO, adds a great deal of otherwise unwanted waxes and trapped air (O2).
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Dirt e Deeds
#14 Posted : 8/26/2019 8:28:21 PM
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twitchy wrote:
My best experience was simply slicing into stars (spines and all) and simmering in a covered crockpot for two seperate roughly four hour stews, then squeezing the slices through high thread-count cotton and reducing to taste. No slime, minimal nausea, and plenty potent. All this pressure cooking and blending seems overkill for such a simple tea and, IMO, adds a great deal of otherwise unwanted waxes and trapped air (O2).

Pressure cooking made a very clean tea fast. That's my end goal is to speed up the process. I don't want to spend two days over the stove or messing with it.

The pressure cooker takes 25 minutes or less a pull. Also filtering isn't needed if you don't blend it. I only cut mine up pretty small so the material is in more contact with the water for extraction. Id never blend and make all that ooze and foam.

Basically get a fine mesh strainer that fits in a bowl and you get most everything out filter wise. The rest of the smalls sediments can be left in the bowl when pouring out as they stick to the side.

The pressure cooker gets all the actives out quick. Simmering 12 hours didn't even touch 3 20 minute pressure cooker pulls. It was strong. Freezing and thawing 3 times ruptures the cells to release the Mescaline. Also the pressure in the pressure cooker does the same.

I want the absolute most bank for my buck with the least effort.

Dirt e Deeds
#15 Posted : 8/27/2019 2:01:17 AM
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Grey Fox wrote:
Thanks for sharing how it turned out for you. I'd like to think that the more we share about what we did and how it turned out, the more realistic info is put out there for others to understand what these cacti are all about. And I too have found cactus to be more visual than shrooms. I hope that over the next days and weeks that your trip continues to have benefits in your life, as you reflect back on it and gain more and more insight. Peace.

I appreciate your reducing tip. I'd say my strong effects were due to the concentrated tea on a very empty stomach.

I did a long simmer before and it was a less harsh come up and I thought that was the reason. But the effects weren't as strong as the pressure cooker tea I concentrated heavily.

So now I know to get a less harsh come up to not reduce my tea so far. That way I get good strong effects without the hard come up that made me vomit this time.

I really enjoyed the visuals but also enjoyed the mild effects. So probably pressure cook from now on and reduce the liquid to 3 cups so I get a strong effect with a slightly less harsh come up.

Thank you.
#16 Posted : 8/27/2019 8:08:04 PM

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One potential issue with heating cactus tea too strongly for too long (both of those being relatively undefined) is that mescaline can, in principle at least, react with sugars during a caramelisation process which would lead to some loss of yield. But then it has been said for decades that one should avoid caramelising one's cactus tea; once it turns pale brown, at least turn down the heat.

And if (as some may claim) flavonoids contribute to enhanced potency of a cactus tea (through interactions with enzymes in the body) then prolonged boiling is likely eventually to degrade these flavonoids, again leading to loss of potency - assuming any degradation products are inactive or less active than the initial flavonoids.

In the interrests of brevity, I won't even begin to spew half-formed thoughts about the possible interactions with other alkaloids or whatever other bioactive (including metabolically active) compounds may be present at various stages of the process of preparing a cactus tea or any other form of crude extract.

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Dirt e Deeds
#17 Posted : 8/29/2019 5:23:43 AM
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downwardsfromzero wrote:
One potential issue with heating cactus tea too strongly for too long (both of those being relatively undefined) is that mescaline can, in principle at least, react with sugars during a caramelisation process which would lead to some loss of yield. But then it has been said for decades that one should avoid caramelising one's cactus tea; once it turns pale brown, at least turn down the heat.

And if (as some may claim) flavonoids contribute to enhanced potency of a cactus tea (through interactions with enzymes in the body) then prolonged boiling is likely eventually to degrade these flavonoids, again leading to loss of potency - assuming any degradation products are inactive or less active than the initial flavonoids.

In the interrests of brevity, I won't even begin to spew half-formed thoughts about the possible interactions with other alkaloids or whatever other bioactive (including metabolically active) compounds may be present at various stages of the process of preparing a cactus tea or any other form of crude extract.

I finished another batch with this method.

1 hour to despine and cut up 900 grams of cactus, bag and freeze etc.

3 pressure cooks at 25 mins each for 1 hour 15 mins.

Maybe 30 mins straining etc.

Used just enough water to cover the cactus each pull to reduce reduction time. Also did a medium simmer with bubbles just before a low boil. Spent maybe 3 hours reducing this down to a quart jar of material which is 4 cups.

My cactus source is the same as my last so I'm assuming 2 cups of this will be a medium dose allowing visuals etc.

So all total I spent perhaps 6 hours on two trips worth of Mescaline tea with this process.
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#18 Posted : 9/3/2019 12:46:34 AM
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Why the complication...

Get the powder it is 1.5% mescaline (13.3g for 200mcg mescaline). I take it with tea & honey.
Dirt e Deeds
#19 Posted : 9/3/2019 2:36:37 PM
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faoble wrote:
Why the complication...

Get the powder it is 1.5% mescaline (13.3g for 200mcg mescaline). I take it with tea & honey.

The powder has to come thru customs in the US and could be consider possession where the cactus itself can be purchased domestic and is legal to own as long as it's for planting.
#20 Posted : 9/3/2019 4:05:28 PM

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A Great method one can do with cacti is:
the first boil regulary on stove, after that all the foam should gone and one can do the rest of the boils in PC, then concentrete how you wish and then the most important part is let it sit in the fridge for a day or 2 and then it seperete for 2 parts, the upper part is what you drink and the lower part is just cacti particules that give neusia, that way one can drink much more tea without the stomach issues.
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