I had been watching movies about deforestation all morning, and even watched fergully

..and I was feeling sort of depressed after seeing all that stuff..
I got out my glass space ship and loaded up a huge ammount of jungly jim jam and caapi infused magic changa...just dumped in a pile of the stuff..more than I am used to smoking..
I put on some somg by entheogenic and asked the jurmea spirit to wash me clean and show me my soul..
Lit the sacred fire and slowly heated up the changa and inhaled..all of it in one HUGE lungful..
I felt this buzzing and numbing before I eve put the pipe down..my god I thought, what the hell have I done? I saw the crysanthemum..briefly.
I must have gone right through it without realizing it becasue the next thing I realize that is happening is there are lazer beam lines everywhere, I am in some place of rainbow colors..and there is a robot in front of me staring into my face..
I looked at it and thought it was strange but I was loosing more and more of my mind with evey second..I couldnt tell if I was breathig or not and my heart rate felt all weird..there was this humming noise and the music, the buzz of my computer and this hyperspace humming were all one sound, and it felt like it was spinning around me sort of..the music was starting to change into weird beeping noises and such and served only to confuse me more..
Then I was like gone...I dont know what the hell was going on..I just sort of died. Somewhere along the way I heard the voice of terrence mckenna speaking in the middle of the song briefly and it startled me and I opened my eyes.
I saw my computer screen in the dark room and within 1 second it was emminating pure white light..that was pouring out of the computer screen into 3d space..everything was lit up with this white light..there was a period of a few seconds where I had some ego back as I marveled at this light, my body was vibrating like crazy and I was very very confused...and then I felt myslef slipping back into death again..I thought that was it..
I wanted to fight it..I felt out of sync and I fell sideways out of the chair I was in onto the ground, and with eyes closed I was just back in this weird fractal place and I thought I was dead...eventaully I started to come back a bit again and when I looked around my entire room was a different place...there was a woman forming out the sea of ooz that was my carpet surrounded by a few other smiling faces..bright bright light was pouring in through the window from the cloudy day outside..
I started to calm down once I realized I was comming back now and enjoyed the rest of the trip..it was very peaceful and blissful but not euphoric in the afterglow..I couldnt build up to euphoria after an experiene like that!
I didnt want to leave in fear of the spice so I loaded up another smaller hit and took it and saw the chrysanthemum and a woman spirit that I see alot with jurema..sat there peacefully for about 10 minutes and then had a nice afterglow that lasted 30 minutes at least.
Long live the unwoke.