the purity phase Options
#1 Posted : 12/21/2009 6:11:23 PM


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I am beginning to see a small commonality in peoples journey's, lately, including my own.

Much of the time my initial 'get my feet wet' hit involves some of the more negative aspects of my psyche.

It seems if it has been awhile since the last journey that a cleansing is in order.

The 'elves' mirror my behaviour and show me my oh-so-human flaws. I accept this now as part of the ritual.

After the 'purification' I am free to journey unhindered. Knowing, for me, humility is the key to freedom.

Can anyone correlate this with their experience? Does this ring true with anyone else?

To be clear, I almost always use a small sublingual dose of some harmala, so I don't have to worry about the tolerance window.



Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung


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#2 Posted : 12/21/2009 7:05:57 PM

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This is what happens across the board with the Ayahuasca drinkers I know...

My first year of journeying with Aya was all about releasing the psychological baggage I've carried my whole life. It was really interesting how, from session to session, lessons built on each other.

I eventually did the work IRL and made peace where it needed to be made...

After about a year of releasing that material, I got to a point where I felt like I plateaued. I continued "showing up for class," so to speak, and eventually a wall broke. The rules completely changed, and my ceremonies shifted from purely healing, to getting my feet wet in the more magical aspects of journeying, spirits, exorcisms, movement of energy, the universe. Shocked

There are still some things DEEPLY rooted in my psyche that need to be removed as we find them, but on a whole, I am so much more functional, clear-headed, and open, in day to day life.

I also had a brief little while where I had WAAAAY too much personal stuff clouding my mind, and she outright told me, I can't learn anything until I get my emotions back under control (and she did lovingly help me process them).

So there is definitely something about being clear facilitating deeper journeys!

It makes sense, if you think about how fear, unconscious reaction patterns, and negative thought-loops can all get in the way of great lessons and experiences (I totally blew an entity contact once, they retreated with sadness because my ego reacted with walls of fear).

Good luck! Smile
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#3 Posted : 12/21/2009 8:15:01 PM

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Yes- me too

The mirror I have definitely found. It's odd really that an experience this overpowering can be influenced in any way by ones own baggage but it is. I recall the actual moment, some time ago, that this phenomenon became clear to me.

It was one of my first breakthroughs and so, naturally, I was terrified. I was confronted with a multi-dimensional translucent green & yellow octopoid whose tentacles were covered with hundreds of eyes. As I looked upon this beast with terror its eyes looked far into me with evil intent.

I somehow found it within myself to relax and accept that it would be OK. As I did so, the eyes began to change character. They became neutral-as though there was in fact no strong emotion at all within the creature.

I became curious and (now realising the vision was temporary and would soon fade) my intent became to learn and wonder at its nature. Its eyes filled with wisdom and mystery but just as I was about to receive something it was gone.

I recall writing in my journal the words "IT'S A MIRROR ISN'T IT?"

At that time I still had the misconception that I would soon enough fathom this spice mystery and know what it was all about. Laughing
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
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#4 Posted : 12/22/2009 12:43:01 AM

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transitory wrote:

Yes- me too

The mirror I have definitely found. It's odd really that an experience this overpowering can be influenced in any way by ones own baggage but it is. I recall the actual moment, some time ago, that this phenomenon became clear to me.

It was one of my first breakthroughs and so, naturally, I was terrified. I was confronted with a multi-dimensional translucent green & yellow octopoid whose tentacles were covered with hundreds of eyes. As I looked upon this beast with terror its eyes looked far into me with evil intent.

I somehow found it within myself to relax and accept that it would be OK. As I did so, the eyes began to change character. They became neutral-as though there was in fact no strong emotion at all within the creature.

I became curious and (now realising the vision was temporary and would soon fade) my intent became to learn and wonder at its nature. Its eyes filled with wisdom and mystery but just as I was about to receive something it was gone.

I recall writing in my journal the words "IT'S A MIRROR ISN'T IT?"

At that time I still had the misconception that I would soon enough fathom this spice mystery and know what it was all about. Laughing

Fantastic advice there Smile

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
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#5 Posted : 12/22/2009 6:18:08 AM

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transitory wrote:

Yes- me too

The mirror I have definitely found. It's odd really that an experience this overpowering can be influenced in any way by ones own baggage but it is. I recall the actual moment, some time ago, that this phenomenon became clear to me.

It was one of my first breakthroughs and so, naturally, I was terrified. I was confronted with a multi-dimensional translucent green & yellow octopoid whose tentacles were covered with hundreds of eyes. As I looked upon this beast with terror its eyes looked far into me with evil intent.

I somehow found it within myself to relax and accept that it would be OK. As I did so, the eyes began to change character. They became neutral-as though there was in fact no strong emotion at all within the creature.

I became curious and (now realising the vision was temporary and would soon fade) my intent became to learn and wonder at its nature. Its eyes filled with wisdom and mystery but just as I was about to receive something it was gone.

I recall writing in my journal the words "IT'S A MIRROR ISN'T IT?"

At that time I still had the misconception that I would soon enough fathom this spice mystery and know what it was all about. Laughing

I have now heard of four people bring up this octopoid/tentacles entity; covered in eyes, i also met it, wrote down everything as soon as i came back into my ego frameset:

'my first complete breakthrough was on about 100mg of spice (wayyyy overdid it) and i was greeted with this entity godlike creature which was constructed entirely out of perhaps a dozen razor sharp 'tenticles.' There was no body but just these impossibly sharp limbs (even a razor blade has its flat non sharp sides, this was 100% sharp all round somehow) and had dozens of eye's that would be grafted into these 'limbs.' I remember this entity staring into my eyes, although my vision felt like 360, with all of its eyes and it used its razors to stab, slice, and dissect my consciousness. Afterwards the eyes became non threatning, as i zoomed into one of the eyes and went 'into' it. I disappeared into another short trip with a brief encounter with elves or jesters.'
#6 Posted : 12/24/2009 7:55:06 PM

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Don't want to hijack this thread with octopus-talk but those interested in multi-eyed tentacles may wish to check out the link at the begining of this thread. Shocked
"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

(Tony Parsons)
#7 Posted : 12/25/2009 3:40:42 AM

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I am the Opticus wrangler. I have been personal with whatever Opticus is for over half a decade. Contact is reliable and regular in my case. It is difficult to not conceive of it as some sort of interconnected multidimensional organism. I still wonder what is going on.

I wrote this a year or so after our communion. I do not necessarily think I have anything figured out, but it reflects what the experience of the hyperdaemion is like, i think.

Opti and I
#8 Posted : 12/25/2009 3:47:56 AM


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opticuswrangler wrote:
I am the Opticus wrangler. I have been personal with whatever Opticus is for over half a decade. Contact is reliable and regular in my case. It is difficult to not conceive of it as some sort of interconnected multidimensional organism. I still wonder what is going on.

I wrote this a year or so after our communion. I do not necessarily think I have anything figured out, but it reflects what the experience of the hyperdaemion is like, i think.

Opti and I

Thank you for posting this, Opticus wrangler. I still cherish this piece of writing. To this date I don't think there is a better description of what we are dealing with when working with the neurotransmission. Just wanted to reply and recommend members to read through this...
#9 Posted : 12/25/2009 7:13:57 AM


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opticuswrangler wrote:
I am the Opticus wrangler. I have been personal with whatever Opticus is for over half a decade. Contact is reliable and regular in my case. It is difficult to not conceive of it as some sort of interconnected multidimensional organism. I still wonder what is going on.

i agree with you whole heatedly opti!
and to date despite as much as i know i know i dont have a fucking clue what IS? but i am okay with that, and so anxious to learn Smile
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#10 Posted : 12/25/2009 5:26:04 PM

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I am reminded of a link cellux once provided which would seem to address both a possible origin for Opti and also jasons741's original question with this thread (cleansing of the negative aspects of the psyche as revealed through the elves' mirror)

'The Doppelgänger' is an excerpt from An Outline of Occult Science Chapter 5: Cognition of the Higher Worlds. Initiation. by Rudolf Steiner (Anthroposophic Press 1972) linked to here.

I offer a brutal cut and paste hack below...


The Doppelgänger

Let us imagine that a certain picture appears before man in the world of imagination ... it then shows itself in a certain form. ..when pleasure or displeasure is felt in regard to the picture, it changes its form. The pictures therefore... reflect what man is himself. Although real beings confront him, he does not see them, but instead, his own creation.

Thus he may have something true before him and, nevertheless, see something false. He may have, for example, hidden inclinations that do not come into evidence in life... the ego must appear as the first image before the human soul when the latter ascends into the world of soul and spirit. This Doppelgänger (double or twin likeness) of man must, according to a law of the spiritual world, emerge prior to everything else as his first impression of that world. would be quite impossible for him to distinguish between what he carries over as projections of himself into things and what they are in reality. This distinction is only possible if one perceives one's own being as an image in itself

Like a "guardian" he stands there before that world, in order to deny entrance to those who are not truly capable of entering. He may therefore be called the "guardian of the threshold that lies before the world of soul and spirit."

If, without encountering the "guardian of the threshold," man were to enter the world of soul and spirit, he might fall prey to deception after deception...This source of deception is removed by the student's having learned to recognize, through his encounter with the "guardian of the threshold," his own inner nature, which he might thus carry into the world of soul and spirit.

in true spiritual training, through the very manner of its occurrence, the sources of delusion are stopped up. In the first place, in preparing himself the true spiritual science student will acquire sufficient knowledge about what may cause delusion and autosuggestion, and thus be in a position to protect himself from them.

the student of spiritual science removes this content from his consciousness... Here he contemplates his own soul activity only, which has formed the symbol...the student of spiritual science has thus a criterion enabling him to recognize how a clear reality of the world of soul and spirit is constituted. If he now applies the signs of soul and spirit-reality thus recognized to everything that comes under his observation, he is able to distinguish between illusion and reality.

After the student of the spiritual has encountered the "guardian of the threshold." further experiences await him as he ascends into supersensible worlds.

He has to direct and lead with his own new-born self what he is in his ordinary self and which appears to him in an image.

A sort of battle against the Doppelgänger will result. The latter will constantly strive for supremacy... Whereas in the physical-sensory world self-knowledge appears only as an inner experience, the new-born self presents itself at once as an outer soul phenomenon.

We must observe what appears in the Doppelgänger, the "guardian of the threshold," and place it before the "higher self" in order to note the contrast between what we are and what we are to become. Through this observation the "guardian of the threshold" begins to take on quite a different form. He presents himself as an image of all the hindrances that the development of the higher self must encounter.

The form that the "guardian of the threshold" calls forth can be of such a nature that it causes the impression in the soul of the observer of having before him, in the pictures that appear at this evolutionary stage, the entire compass of all imaginable worlds, of having attained the pinnacle of knowledge, with no need of striving further.

very soon thereafter another form will appear that we may call the "greater guardian of the threshold". .. This greater guardian tells the student of the spiritual that he must not remain stationary at this stage but must energetically work on. - If, because of incorrect spiritual training, a person were to enter upon this experience unprepared, then, in the encounter with the "greater guardian of the threshold," something would pour into his soul that only can be compared to the "feeling of immeasurable horror," of "boundless fear."

The "guardian of the threshold" will assume, to a certain degree, an individual shape for each human being. The encounter with him corresponds indeed to the experience by which the personal character of the supersensible observations is overcome and through which the possibility is given of entering a region of experience that is free from personal coloring and applies to every human being.

"Give enough that it feels good but not so much it hurts"
Life is not a task. There is absolutely nothing to attain except the realisation that there is absolutely nothing to attain.
What is sought remains hidden from the seeker by already being everything.

(Tony Parsons)
#11 Posted : 12/25/2009 10:11:03 PM


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The subject is getting some meat on it's bones.

Reading Opti and I and this tidbit above(momentarily I will be reading it in it's entirety), I see in retrospect that so many experiences reflect this explanation.

How many times have I read someones account of being told that they need not further travel in hyperspace, that their training had come to an end? More than once, which is enough for me.

How many historical references to this multi-tentacled google-eyed 'level-boss' were referred to in Sgt.Wow's paper?

My personal feeling has always been that when one goes into Spiceland, whether it be sub- or trans-veil, one is subjecting themselves to 'thought' or 'soul' theft by pesky pick pocket types buzzing about behind (my) shoulders. I recall the reactions of the 'elf-mirrors' faces when I would vascillate between relinquishing my will and taking it back. Give the will and they show me beauty, take my will and they show me ugliness. They were conditioning my behaviour, showing me how to act, to respect what they were showing me. These are early travels before I decided the trade was worth whatever they were taking from me.

Two things. I have been told that DMT was created in order to 'milk' spirit or soul from humans. That we are much like cattle. I was offered a simple trade of 'hypersex' for some of mine, there were two entity-thugs and a hyperspace prostitute. I can't believe I am writing this. When I looked at the prostitute, she um..shook her body and it made me off the charts...excited. I declined the offer, though, feeling my soul might come to some use to me in the future.

Secong thing. Either the third or forth journey I took with spice landed me in a beautiful region where pixel-garland was strewn about in all dimensions. An invisible being showed me one of the hyperdimensional gifts like a hexa-hexa-hexagon and spun it for me. I began to experience such bliss! The entity asked if I would trade my soul for it. I said sure. Did I get to bring it back with me? No. Is some of my soul missing? I don't have a device sensitive enough to measure so I can say with no certainty.(Very happy )

It's easy to tell oneself that these things are symbolic of the psyche. One must in order to move on. And in most cases I believe this to be true, however, I think if I were a multi-dimensional entity with an agenda, this would be the perfect place to hide. The place that is lost in translation. Semantics and symbolism.

I started using harmalas to soften the experience and this has changed things considerably. I now feel as though the Aya vine spirit moves through me and shares my consciousness. I don't rationally believe this but it is how I feel when there.

As much as I want to know and comprehend these higher truths, I sometimes feel perhaps I could not handle it. While in journey's I sometimes feel that there is a certain agenda that negative entities have and that sometimes we are the prey. That we are given a free ticket to the circus and all we have to do is sign on the dotted line. Or that mere entry into the bigtop waives any rights I may have had. It's not like I can read the disclaimers, they are in tryptoglyph.

These run-ins don't occur much anymore. I just take the grimacing faces as my comeuppance. The puppet show that is my life. I am pretty much a good-boy these days and live my life according to a higher spiritual ideal. This makes, for me, the purity phase a simple 'wiping-off of the shoes' before entry.

I think it is a long road ahead to know the truth's behind the tests. 33 degrees at least....

Congratulations. If you've read this far then you have won a lifetime supply of rice-a-roni. The San Francisco treat.


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#12 Posted : 12/25/2009 10:27:41 PM


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jason I love your post...I know how you feel.
#13 Posted : 12/26/2009 2:39:37 AM

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Some very perceptive posts in this thread. It would appear that this is as close to something objective as we are likely to get for a while. We may not know the nature of what we are describing, but the commonality of the descriptions is definitely interesting. Besides Zoz and Azreal, Megatron [the angel directly below the demi-urge, not the robot] in classic Zoroastrianism and Hebrew mysticism was described as having a thousand eyeballs and tongues. There are plenty of other candidates lurking in popular imagination as well. Probably, the phenomenon has been obscurely noted for a long time.

I would hesitate to pronounce any definite pronouncement, or to assume any doctrine to have any given validity until we have somewhat objective means of actually knowing what we are talking about.
#14 Posted : 12/26/2009 3:12:54 AM


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The Vatican caved on extra terrestrials, so anything is possible!Very happy

Wrangler, I read your official unofficial report. I sense your creative spirit and mood in different days of writing. From playful to trepidatious, you teeter just on the edge. How did you put it? Between understatement and melodrama?


But as far as an official announcement as to the validity of hyperspatial sentience, did you not see the picture I posted above? What more proof do you need...


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#15 Posted : 12/26/2009 3:18:19 AM


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This picture I mean. From a different thread...
Espiridion attached the following image(s):
beholdergreen.jpg (28kb) downloaded 175 time(s).
Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#16 Posted : 12/26/2009 4:41:13 AM

The Root

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iv seen the octopus thingie on mushies
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#17 Posted : 12/26/2009 4:45:57 AM


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Phlux- wrote:
iv seen the octopus thingie on mushies

Opti and octopi are two different things... (or are they?)
#18 Posted : 12/26/2009 4:49:02 AM

The Root

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no idea - but there was this thing with tenticles in front of me - dancing around, changing color, mesmerizing me - it felt as if it was trying to keep me amazed and still so it could tap some of my energy - my viewpoint on everthing has changed recently so idk what actually happened there.
antrocles wrote:
...purity of intent....purity of execution....purity of experience...

...unlike the "blind leading the blind". we are more akin to a group of blind-from-birth people who have all simultaneously been given the gift of sight but have no words or mental processing capabilites to work with this new "gift".


‹Jorkest› the wall is impenetrable as far as i can tell

‹xtechre› cheese is great

He who packs ur capsules - controls your destiny.

#19 Posted : 12/26/2009 4:59:01 AM

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Do you care to elaborate upon your viewpoint before--after--how and why it changed--and how that affects your interpretation of Opti/octopi?

I saw octopi once, but they were helper spirits there to clean me, much like spiders, ants, and all the other crawlies Aya brings along sometimes.

I have never met THE octopus, proper. Razz Yet...
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#20 Posted : 12/26/2009 5:43:40 AM

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So weird how lots of people see this octopus..I once saw it with psilocybin and it sort of was comming out of hyperspace and grabbed onto my head and I started vibrating heavily and head the carrier wave for about 5 seconds..

This guy has seen it too apparently..

Weird stuff..
BTW..check out his LSD entity report..if LSD can do THAT than I want some!
Long live the unwoke.
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