Nice loveall, there's definitely parallels b/t the two fields.
I know quantum computers have had some issues in terms of accuracy and keeping coherence.
I saw this article awhile back, and it seems we're slowly but surely starting to fix many of these computational issues/err. In line with the discussion:
PHYS.ORG: Extremely accurate measurements of atom states for quantum computingEDIT
Also I was going to add - reducing the data in QM down to bits themselves (in terms of a model) - what does this have to say for living systems like ourselves? What does this idea have to say about consciousness and the experience of living and/or experiencing (i.e emotion, anger, thoughts, memories, love, internal dialogue, etc)? Lets not forget that tied in with everyday reality is the entire gamut of subjective experience of being as a living, conscious entity moving through reality.
How could a computer bit-model of QM account for the above?
I think these are tricky questions.
Simulation? Could be most certainly.
Simulation being ran from a computer? Imo that seems unlikely. Couldn't a simulation be ran within another style framework aside from the computer-model?