Fear. How do you deal with it? Options
#21 Posted : 12/20/2009 12:45:26 AM

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Thank you, intrepid fellow travellers. So many ideas! SWIM will be trying some of them soon.

antrocles wrote:

sister trickster- working with a less intensive, less demanding of complete surrender, gentler-yet-effective-at-low-doses teacher may be the trick...ster... Pleased

a gram of a good cubensis will have you exploring the sub-depths with a sense of love and humor

She is familiar with shrooms. It has also been a strange encounter. 2g - nothing, just very weak CEV. 4g - a bit more intensive CEV, but not much more. 6g - colorful CEV, a sense of flying. Finally, 8g after more than a day of fasting and a bottle of concentrated cranberry juice - extremely terrifying/beautiful trip. It was a complete ego disintegration. The first 30-40 min were completely lost. Total blackout. Later came a feeling that the whole Universe dissolved into a homogeneous primordial soup. She was completely sure that she is dying and dying was not the scariest part of that journey. At some point her only thought was to get in touch with anybody to pass the message to the humanity to close that door forever. Later came the thought that every intelligent being should experience such a journey.

SWIM also has some experience with acid. Those trips, due to their long duration had some difficult and some absolutely beautiful parts. Until now acid was probably the most useful teacher for SWIM.

Strangely, DMT has always been very hostile to her. Once she had an absolutely beautiful journey with b.caapi alone, but as soon as she drank the mhrb tea an hour later things went very wrong. SWIM experienced the most powerful and primitive fear of abandonment. On her knees she begged the sitter to stay with her, or an least leave his dog with her. She completely freaked out. But the guy did not listen to her and just left. Strangely, she calmed down immediately after that.

SWIM's two most difficult trips were with the spice.

The first one was with pure spice. Right after the liftoff she met this undescribably evil alien creature that performed a bizzare sexual act whith what SWIM thought of as her soul.

The second one was with 6g of crude rue extract + smoked DMT. SWIM has read somewhere that after MAOI the onset of DMT is slower. Foolishly she stood up and heated the machine. The first big toke knocked her off of her feet. Luckily she stood close to her bed, so she managed to direct her ragdoll body there. Then came 2 hours of excruciating psychological torture. It felt as if she went through all the pain that every single human being experienced during the existence of humanity. She is still sure that if she could operate her body she would have committed suicide right there and then.

When the pain, fear and despair subsided, UNBELIEVABLE, but she picked up the machine with a lot of spice still there and got another lungful of spice. She plunged into another 1.5 hours of nightmare. Now after 2 years she has no explanation why she did that. A working hypothesis is that SWIM just could not believe that things could be THAT BAD and decided to check.

Every time SWIM launches into hyperspace the last coherent thought of dying ego is "You idiot! Why are you doing this to yourself? You know how painful it was and how painful it will be...".

More or less, that the whole story of her encounters with psychedelics.
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#22 Posted : 12/20/2009 1:17:09 AM


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i have been able to completely let go of fear..
i know simply that theres nothing to fear for it will never hurt me
i will ALWAYS be okay
another thing is we ARE in control of what it shows
like whenever you start getting scared it gets worse because it perpetuates itself
if i ever feel bad thoughts creeping in i think of love and beauty
how wonderful the experience is and how blessed i am to be alive in that moment
its to the point i never get scared anymore on high doses and certainly dont fear dmt it self.. its a very freeing thing because i can go as deep as i want and not worry! i know ill be okay and expect an amazing time and am always rewarded with such!

you are in control dont let fear get a clutch hold!
"once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - hunter s. thompson

~~~~~~~~...You are me and i am you, i will always be with you...~~~~~~~~IAmUsWeYouMe~~~~~~~~
‹maxzar100› YOU are like acid
‹mattimus› dosesdosingdoses
#23 Posted : 12/20/2009 2:15:38 AM


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Rue certainly doesn't help. Caapi is much gentler. Don't give up on spice until you have felt her(Aya's) beauty and love and compassion. At the very least order some THH or Caapi Copy and use 15-25mg sublingually 15 minutes before your flight leaves.

That, or find some jimjam! Orangey/spice smell and smooooooooth liftoff like nothing in this world!


Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung

#24 Posted : 12/20/2009 4:59:49 AM

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Trickster, it sounds like you may also be expanding your consciousness in such a way that it detects the wounds of the greater collective, human, planetary, or whatever. If you are sensitive to these energies, working with Aya may help to guide you through them--often, she envelopes the traveler in an overwhelming blanket of love.

Mimosa has an interesting character. I have had many sessions grossly in tune with all the animal suffering on the planet--hours of slaughter, over, and over, and over. I've been in forests as they were cut down, and felt it, in every corner of my being. Other people I know working with the medicine report similiar things. Another girl I've spoken with says she often sees babies, abandoned and crying children.

Once you get beyond your own personal pain (and there is a lot buried deep, I still get memories from infancy that surface from time to time), there is an even greater pain to embrace, acknowledge. That is part of the work that comes with the medicine, part of the healing we are challenged to embrace. The medicine definitely has a way of bringing voice to all the suffering in the world, and sometimes (IMO, with too little Caapi and too much admixture--Caapi always grounds terrifying experiences) the teachers shove the suffering right in your face.

Have you ever heard of Ho'oponopono? It is basically an ancient Hawaiian healing technique, where the entire universe exists in your mind, and all visible tragedies and catastrophies are outward manifestations of your own cancerous inner thought patterns. The way to release these thought patterns is to acknowledge them, and ask the divine/your higher self for forgiveness, reaffirm that you love yourself and those who are or inflicting suffering, and thank them.

Send everything your love!
Some things will come easy, some will be a test
#25 Posted : 12/20/2009 5:16:39 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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That strange place had E X I T written large upon it. It is no such thing- its a revolving door that spits you back into this world.

Well said.

Have you ever heard of Ho'oponopono? It is basically an ancient Hawaiian healing technique, where the entire universe exists in your mind, and all visible tragedies and catastrophies are outward manifestations of your own cancerous inner thought patterns. The way to release these thought patterns is to acknowledge them, and ask the divine/your higher self for forgiveness, reaffirm that you love yourself and those who are or inflicting suffering, and thank them.

good advice! SWIM has had the horrific experience of killing another and feeling him die (slowly and painfully)on aya, only to find out the imagery was his own unconscious thoughts and feelings of the fear of death and dying. So he turned his thoughts to forgiveness and love. He was born anew and is better then ever.

#26 Posted : 12/20/2009 5:18:38 AM

Cosmic Dragon

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antrocles wrote:
i JUST responded to a similar question here on the experiences page. i would encourage you to visit it as well...

fear is just the ego trying to avoid it's destruction....

unfortunately it would take a HELLUVA lot more than a DMT journey to have done with that bad boy...the DMT experience is fleeting....and the more comfortable and at peace with surrender you get, the more you lament it's brevity.

you will come back. noone ever DOESN'T come back. you will be awed and you will become more and more willing to check that ego at the door.

i have journeyed HUNDREDS of times. taken all kinds of strong tryptamines and psychedelics from every corner of the the end of the day...MY ego is still very much here. i have, however, through extensive experience with having it wrested from my clutches, become more comfortable in surrendering that ego and, in THIS reality, recognizing that i am much more than this construct i have created.

this is the gift that DMT and conscious exploration as a whole offers. but it's scary at first.... you have to be willing to die in a sense. to give up everything you know.....

there's something i tell everyone i've ever introduced to goes like this:

"let go of what you think is everything....and you will be rewarded with what truly IS everything."

fortune favors the bold, my soul sister. if you are going pay the tour guide, you HAVE to be willing to go on the tour.

DMT holds out it's hand to you and says, "if you are brave and come with me, i will show you everything...and if you don't stumble and are able to keep up the pace, i will take you so far that you will see that YOU ARE everything!"

once you give it your hand, DMT makes the assumption that you are committed and it GOES. it has your hand firmly held because it wants you to keep up. you simply CANNOT stop and say, "i'm not sure....". you will be yanked forward, trip, fall, and begin getting dragged....

my attitude towards working with DMT may seem a little hardcore, but it's simple and simple has always smacked of truth to me: if you aren't willing to let it all go and be taught, you arent' ready to work with such a powerful teacher.

that being said, one of the best ways to learn how to let it all go is to use DMT...but perhaps with a good meditation beforehand....or pairing the spice with a calming addmixture (cannibis, kava, kratom)...

in the words of the venerable Pema Chodron:


i personally can't think of a better way to expose yourself to annihilation than to truly break through on DMT....and once you've "discovered" that indestructable part of yourself you have taken a HUGE step in your development as a soul.


Amazing!!! Well said, great advice. A new found respect. Very happy
#27 Posted : 12/21/2009 3:46:04 AM
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Taking something that makes you feel good and then going on a strong DMT trip would probably break you out of the circle, as it would be hard to have a bad trip while on something that makes you feel good. I remember my second time with any psychedelic me and my friend split a very strong extract of hbwr seeds, and it was probably over 15 seeds each, 10 being a very strong dose for people with experience with psychodelics.
Fortanitly me and my friend also snorted some speed, and the whole trip was AMAZING. There wasn't even a comedown from the speed either. I felt amazing the whole time, and the next day I still felt amazing for the whole day.

You could try a feel good drug, wait for the effects, and then go on a strong DMT trip. Then from then on try to do DMT itself.
#28 Posted : 12/21/2009 4:34:03 AM

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I wouldn't recomend snorting speed with a tryptamine psychedelic though unless you like heart attacks.
Long live the unwoke.
#29 Posted : 12/22/2009 1:44:29 AM

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good thread, it has helped swim with a lot of questions and thoughts similar.
Thanks lots

Much respect to all from L_Star

Disclaimer: EVERYTHING posted by L_Star is said from the following persons: SWIM. All are hypothetical posts and are not endorsements of any activities, beliefs, and practices stated, that may be correlated with the person stated, or another person posting, or third party user, in anyway on All that is said is for educational purposes and as said is "hypothetical" and therefore cannot be taken for true accounts. SWIM and L_Star abide by the Law in all practices. SWIM would like reader to note that SWIM is blind, and L_Star is a typing assistant voluntering for SWIM. L_Star is bound by legal legislation for customer privacy by Data Protection Act, therefore SWIM will not be identified.

Regards L_Star
#30 Posted : 12/22/2009 1:47:06 AM


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g13juggalo wrote:
Taking something that makes you feel good and then going on a strong DMT trip would probably break you out of the circle, as it would be hard to have a bad trip while on something that makes you feel good. I remember my second time with any psychedelic me and my friend split a very strong extract of hbwr seeds, and it was probably over 15 seeds each, 10 being a very strong dose for people with experience with psychodelics.
Fortanitly me and my friend also snorted some speed, and the whole trip was AMAZING. There wasn't even a comedown from the speed either. I felt amazing the whole time, and the next day I still felt amazing for the whole day.

You could try a feel good drug, wait for the effects, and then go on a strong DMT trip. Then from then on try to do DMT itself.

Advising somebody to snort speed before dissolving into hyperspace has got to be one of the dumbest and most disgusting things I've ever read on this forum !

Harmalas are a much better option in regards to synergistically smoothing out the explosive nature of the spice Shocked
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